Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 51


The dormitory was dark and stuffy, and Du Ruo leaned on the chair in a daze.

Tired, ashamed, angry, wronged, sad, all emotions faded away.

My mind was empty.

This seems to be a love that got together rashly without consideration.

Resenting him and feeling distressed at the same time, tears flowed silently, she sobbed alone for a while, her body was wet with sweat, she wiped away her tears with her hand, turned on the computer, and searched: Boyfriend——

When she typed the word "boyfriend", she felt a "boom" in her heart.

Boyfriend, Jingming is her boyfriend.

It feels really subtle.

It always felt unreal, but this is clearly true. He is her boyfriend.

She regained her senses and continued typing: What gift should I give my boyfriend for his birthday.

Watches, ties, Zippos, wallets, swiss army knives, razors, shirts, shoes…

She couldn't afford a watch, she couldn't grasp the fashion sense of clothing, and he didn't smoke. Swiss army knife? I don't think it's good enough. After searching for a long time, I decided to search a few shopping malls first and go shopping in person.

After turning off the computer, I calmed down a little.

She lay on the edge of the table, lowered her head and picked the table for a while, looked at the phone, picked the table again, picked up the phone and dialed him in a puff.


No one answered.

She was silent, and sent a text message: "Happy birthday."

After sending it out, I went out to take a shower.

When I returned to the dormitory, I saw my phone was on. She immediately wiped her wet hands on her body and rushed to the table, but it was news from the dormitory group.

Jingming ignored her.

My heart is empty. She stayed there for a while, then unconsciously walked to the mirror and took a look. I don't know if it's because I just took a shower, but I look better than during the day. Slender eyebrows, black eyes, high nose, small mouth, still kind of cute.

She climbed onto the bed and lay down, and clicked on the dormitory group. It turned out that Qiu Yuchen was showing her affection and drying the roses Li Wei gave her.

Xia Nan: "What date?"

Qiu Yuchen sighed: "It's not such a day, he saw roses and thought of me, so he bought them and gave them away."

He Huanhuan: "Damn it, my tooth hurts!"

Du Ruo couldn't figure out that when Li Wei fell in love, the contrast was quite big, which was a bit strange.

The group was in a mess, and He Huanhuan kept asking about the details of their relationship.

Du Ruo took the opportunity to ask, "Are you guys arguing?"

Qiu Yuchen: "We've only been together for less than a month, why are you arguing. Besides, he has such a good temper, we can't quarrel."


Du Ruo bit her lip, and asked after a while: "Who do you usually contact first?"

Yuchen: "Contact them all, most of them I take the initiative. There is no way, he is too busy, and I am a homeless person."

Du Ruo: "If you take the initiative, won't he stop caring about you after a while?"

Yuchen: "I'll go! You, a person who has never been in a relationship, where do you have so many strange thoughts. Did you read it online?"

Du Ruo didn't answer, but made an emoji.

"When it comes to love, don't ask others, and don't listen to other people's experience. It's useless. Every couple is different, just enjoy it."

He Huanhuan complained: "She doesn't understand what you said."

Du Ruo: "..."

Xia Nan: "Using the analogy of studying, think about your intense study state when you first entered school, and then think about your current study state."

"... Oh." Du Ruo pondered for a moment, half understanding.

The topic returned to Qiu Yuchen, and she didn't ask any more questions. The four girls chatted until late at night, and each fell asleep on the other end of the phone.

Du Ruo glanced at his phone before going to bed, but Jing Ming still didn't reply.

The next day, August 1st. All the Prime members returned to school to assemble and continue their journey.

The first thing after gathering is to have a meeting.

Du Ruo went to the laboratory early in the morning and ran into Jing Ming at the door.

She hesitated to say something to calm down, not wanting him to give her a cold look, and walked in.

"..." Du Ruo let out a breath of stale air in his chest, and followed inside.

After a while, everyone arrived for the meeting.

Du Ruo sat opposite him as usual.

He was also very powerful, he didn't look at her the whole time, as if he was sitting in the air in her position. But it did not substitute other emotions, and clearly proposed new standards and assigned new tasks to each group of people.

After more than a year of hard work by the whole team, the sub-assembly systems of the Prime driverless car project are roughly ready, and it is only waiting for further performance testing, function improvement and deployment and adaptation among various systems.

Compared with unmanned racing cars, the various systems and functions of unmanned vehicles are more sophisticated and complex. Because a car usually only needs to "see" the track, its opponents and known obstacles. However, driverless cars need to drive on urban roads, and the road conditions are tens of thousands of times more complicated-lanes, traffic lights, signs, pedestrians, other vehicles, small animals... In addition, countless seemingly inconspicuous things in real life Things will become distracting items in front of driverless cars, such as plastic bags flying in the wind, leaves, rainwater...

The robot of an unmanned car has to accurately distinguish various obstacles. It needs to stop when encountering pedestrians, but it does not need to encounter flying waste paper and leaves.

Fortunately, the previous data collection has been completed, and what needs to be done now is the final stage of debugging and improvement.

In general, the tasks of the sensing group and the control group are heavier than those of the execution group.

"The sensing team continued to check for leaks and make up for gaps, collecting data, the control team perfected the program plan, and the execution team considered burden reduction and speed-up issues. Half a month later, the Yan Laohui will come to visit, and they are all well prepared." Jing Ming roughly summed up the progress of each team. After a new task, tap on the table and say, "The meeting is over."

He got up and left, and everyone dispersed to get busy.

Du Ruo glanced at Jing Ming, but the latter ignored him.

He ignored her, and she stopped showing favor.

He is also wrong, why as long as she gives in.

The two did their own things, and there was no communication throughout the day.

In the evening, Du Ruo left early.

Jingming noticed something, but didn't move. It wasn't until she got up and walked away that he raised his eyes. When he saw her open the door and leave, he withdrew his eyes coldly.

Du Ruo went to the mall and looked around, but there was nothing that caught her eye. She took the subway and changed several business districts. When it was about to close, a small item in the glass case of a men's clothing store caught her attention.

She bent down to look at the delicate little guy in the cabinet, and asked, "What is this?"

The clerk answered her.

Du Ruo didn't understand: "How to use it?"

The clerk showed her a demonstration, and she looked at it, and immediately remembered how she looked when she saw Jingming countless times.

"I want this." She said happily, "How much?"

"Three or four hundred here, and five or six hundred here."

So expensive... for such a small thing...

Du Ruo tugged at her fingers: "What about the one over there? It seems to be more delicate."

"Those are made in England, and each one has a name. The pattern is different, and the price is different, from eight hundred to one thousand."

She looked from one side to the other, moved over, carefully selected a pattern, and asked in a low voice, "How much is this?"

"You have a good eye. This is the most expensive one, one thousand."

Du Ruo stared at the little thing, was silent for ten seconds, and asked, "Does it have a name?"

"King's Cross."

"King's Cross." She whispered.

The clerk had already seen that she was a student, and introduced: "This Victoria is also very good-looking, eight hundred and one. Or... In fact, you don't need to buy such an expensive one, and the three or four hundred ones have similar patterns. Look."

Stand upright.

She took a look and shook her head: "I still want King's Cross." She bit her lip, "Can I pay half cash and half credit card?"

"Okay." The clerk took out the things and put them in beautiful boxes, "Is it a gift, wrap it up?"

"Hmm. Thanks."

"It's so thoughtful, is it for your boyfriend?"

Du Ruo blushed: "No."

"I'm so happy."

In the middle of the night, Du Ruo was sitting on the bus holding the small box in both hands, looking around, feeling a little bit of joy in her heart. But when he thought of Jing Ming's cold face, his excitement diminished a lot.

She stuffed the box into her schoolbag and turned to look at the colorful night scene outside the window.

After a period of time, the two still did not speak.

The lab got busy, and Jing Ming didn't provoke her anymore. He was very serious when he was doing things, and he was rarely distracted. She is also like this, busy with sensor debugging, building models and expanding data, and will not bring personal matters to work.

Once when she encountered a problem, she took the initiative to ask him, which was also a bit of an icebreaker. Unexpectedly, he didn't even look at her, and swished the drawing over to look at it in the air-conditioning, and returned it to her after writing the solution on it, and continued with his own business. Don't look at her and ignore her from beginning to end.

Du Ruo was going to be stunned to death by him.

From then on, whenever she needed to coordinate with him, she pushed it all to Li Wei and Wan Ziang. If you really want to communicate, just talk to He Wang, and resolutely don't speak to Jingming.

She also couldn't stand Jing Ming's ancestor.

Even if that guy didn't say a word, he could raise his brows and curl his mouth, his arrogance, indifference and contempt could explode his anger.

She can't be provoked, she can hide.

For a whole week, the two of them hardly spoke a word.

One evening, Du Ruo went to have dinner and ran into Yi Kun in the elevator.

He was still the same, with an iceberg face, very unenthusiastic, and just nodded when Du Ruo greeted him.

Du Ruo didn't say much, and waited awkwardly for the elevator.

He suddenly asked: "I heard from Li Qinghe that you are doing well in Prime."

"..." Du Ruo pecked his head, "Well, I'm very happy."

"Well, do it well." Yi Kun said.

"... Well." She looked up at the sky.

When the elevator arrived, Jing Ming just entered the elevator room, and the three entered the elevator one after another.

The door closes.

Du Ruo's scalp tingled for a while.

The three of them just stood in an equilateral triangle, if Yi Kun and Jing Ming didn't deal with each other, and if Jing Ming and Du Ruo didn't deal with each other, they were like Shura field.

In the continuously descending elevator, the three of them did not speak.

Du Ruo looked at the void with a look of lovelessness.

When they reached the first floor, the two boys walked out of the elevator at the same time, neither letting the other in.

Du Ruo bit the bullet and fell behind.

After leaving the laboratory building, Yi Kun looked back at Du Ruo: "Let's go first."

"Oh, goodbye, brother!" She waved her hand.

Looking back, Jing Ming had already left.

She looked at his back and held her breath even more for a while. Thinking about tossing and turning every day, but he didn't care about himself, a cloud of depression stagnated in his chest and couldn't go away.

And Jingming didn't have a good time.

On the first day, he ignored her out of anger; in the end, she didn't come to explain again, and he was even angrier. Later, when the two of them competed secretly, he couldn't hold back anymore.

He felt ashamed to death, sometimes he regretted that he should go back to her that night, and occasionally wanted to say a word to her, but he was going crazy, but she dangled in front of him like nothing happened every day , Work and life are not delayed, he is even more frustrated, and he can't hold back his face.

He just felt that if he continued to be tortured by her like this, his life would be short.

He walked fast and walked all the way back to the dormitory with a dark face, but when he reached the door, he encountered an accident—Li Qinghe was talking and laughing at the door of the dormitory holding hands with a girl.

He walked into the dormitory building and looked back, the two even kissed.

Jingming: "..."

Back at the dormitory, I couldn't figure it out, Li Qing and foot on two boats

No, Du Ruo was originally his boat, his own.

He remembered that Li Wei had Li Qinghe's circle of friends, and couldn't help but grab his phone to check it, and saw that Li Qinghe had sent a photo with his girlfriend more than two months ago.

Below is Du Ruo's sprinkle of flowers: "Oh my God! You two are finally together, please eat please eat!"

Jing Ming was stunned, and the haze swept away, but the next second he remembered that night, and remembered those stupid things he said when he deliberately angered her, and fell silent again. Suddenly, she felt that Du Ruo might never talk to him in this life.

Du Ruo didn't go to the laboratory at night, but went to the library to find materials. She was busy until half past ten in the evening before leaving, walking back along the boulevard in the middle of the night.

In August, Beijing is still hot.

As she walked, she fanned herself by the collar, and when her mind was free, she would think of Jingming, and she couldn't help feeling bored and bored.

do not know what to do with it,

Will this... break up

She was taken aback, startled, and her nose was sore.

She took a deep breath and looked up at the sky.

Walking halfway, I suddenly saw a small thing in the middle of the road ahead, the outline was somewhat familiar, and when I was distinguishing it, the little thing approached her.


Eva ran towards her, waving her short hands.

Du Ruo was extremely surprised, looked left and right, but didn't see its owner. She walked quickly to Eva's side, knelt down and touched its head, and looked around: "Why are you here?"

"I'll pick you up." Eva rolled her big eyes, tilted her head, and said softly, "You girl has a bad personality, you have such a big temper."

"..." Du Ruo's hair was black, "Who has a bad temper!"

Eva didn't answer her words, tilted her head again, and said softly: "Oh, don't be angry. I was wrong, okay?"

Du Ruo was startled, unexpectedly, she blushed. She couldn't bear it, she stood up abruptly, looked down at the little guy on the bottom of her feet, and said, "Scheming!"


Eva raised her head slowly, and looked at her obediently with big eyes. She couldn't handle the meaning of the phrase "scheming", so she tilted her head again, acting cute.

"This sentence is too difficult." She fluttered her arms, "I don't understand!"

Foul! Du Ruo was so cute that her heart softened. She looked left and right, but there was still no sign of Jing Ming.

She looked at Eva: "I'm leaving."

"Send me home, okay?" Eva approached slowly, grabbed her shoelaces with her little paws, and shook her coquettishly.

Du Ruo: "Let him pick you up."

As soon as the voice fell, I didn't expect Eva to withdraw her hand, and slowly lowered her head, looking very depressed.

Du Ruo's heart was so soft that she immediately knelt down to look at her and stroked her head.

She tilted her head again, and said delicately, "Oh, I'm out of battery."

In the next second, the light in her big eyes went out, and with a sizzle sound, her head and arms returned to their original positions—dormant.

Du Ruo: "..."

This... touch porcelain.

She was stunned for a full minute, then remained silent for half a minute, and finally, sighed in the summer night breeze, took out her mobile phone and sent Jingming a message: "Where are you?"

Seconds back: "The playground."

Du Ruo put away the phone, carefully picked up Eva, touched her head, and patted the dust on the bottom of her feet, and walked towards the playground.

It was summer vacation, and it was late at night, and there was no one else on the playground.

Jing Ming was dressed in a white T-shirt, which was very conspicuous in the stands.

When she walked up to the stands, he stood up, looked at her plainly, but looked carefully at something.

She pursed her mouth and didn't look at him, and handed Eva in her arms to him. She handed over with extreme caution, for fear of falling.

The corners of his lips curled into an imperceptible arc, but it was for Eva.

As soon as he took it, she turned around and said, "It's back, I'm leaving."

He immediately pulled her back, put Eva on the chair in the stands, blushed a little: "She, told you all?"

"Scheming!" She raised her head, "You think sending Eva to apologize is just..."

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed her lips softly. After kissing, he looked at her quietly.

She blushed and frowned: "Don't think that sending Eva..."

He lowered his head and kissed her lips again, his eyes were deep.

"How close do you think you are..."

He kissed again.

"Don't kiss!"

He held her face in both hands, and took her soft lips deeply, licking, sucking and tossing. With a "huh", she grabbed his hand, her whole body was so numb that she unconsciously stood on tiptoe.

He sucked her lips slowly and repeatedly, finally kissed enough, and held her tightly in his arms.

She was still angry, and kicked him hard; not relieved, she kicked him again.

Jing Ming felt it, rubbed his chin against her temples, and called out in a low voice: "Chun, I miss you so much these days."

Chun ah... with a Beijinger's Erhua sound.

She was stunned, and then she softened all at once, and lost all anger. Slowly reach out and hug his waist.

"I was wrong," he said, "I am worthy of you, and I am worthy of you."

She pursed her mouth, her eyes were a little wet, and she muttered in his arms: "I'm not careless. I searched for Leo, I thought you were talking about personality, so I carefully read the personality analysis of Leo boys, and I didn't see any months. Hey. If you said it directly, how could I forget it." Speaking of this, he said aggrievedly, "I have never liked others, never have. You wronged me!"

"My fault, don't cry!" When he heard her choke, he became anxious again, and turned her face to take a closer look.

"I didn't cry." She had already wiped away her tears on his chest.

He held her face in his hands and looked down: "Don't be angry anymore, huh?"

She's not a person who can't be unreasonable, so don't turn your face away. After a while, she changed the subject: "How long have you been waiting for me?"

"Not long, I stayed in the library for a while."

"Thank you for thinking of sending Eva." She patted Eva's head, "Is she really out of battery?"

"It's really gone."

He picked up Eva and took her by the hand as he walked down the stands.

After leaving the playground, he let go of his hand. The two walked slowly towards the dormitory.

"Is the lab closed?" she asked.

"Well." He knew what she was thinking, "the progress can be caught up, there is no rush."

"Yan Lao will be here in a few days."

"The day after tomorrow."

The two were chatting about the laboratory, and they were about to arrive at her dormitory. She slowed down, took off her schoolbag, unzipped it, and took out a small box for him.

Jing Ming hugged Eva, who was resting, with one hand, and took the box with the other: "What is this?"

"Birthday present. . . have been carrying it, the wrapping paper is a little wrinkled."

Jing Ming opened his mouth in surprise, but made no sound.

"It's just a little thing. I'll look at it when I go back. Don't drop Eva." She whispered, embarrassed, and ran into the dormitory quickly.

He froze.

As soon as she left, he flew back.

He rushed back to the dormitory like the wind and settled Eva. The first thing I did was quickly open the small box, and I saw a pair of spar cufflinks safely placed on the exquisite black velvet. The natural light blue and milky white patterns on the stone were intertwined, emitting a soft light under the light.

He held the pair of cufflinks and couldn't put it down, looked left and right, looked at it, the smile on his face widened, and he almost couldn't laugh out loud.

When Li Wei entered the door, he saw him sitting at the table, carefully clenched a fist with one hand, and pressed the other hand to the tip of his nose, lowering his head and laughing, his shoulders trembling slightly.

"Convulsions?" Levi asked.

Jing Ming stopped laughing, cleared his throat twice: "It's okay."

Saying that, put the cufflinks in the palm back into the box.

Li Wei saw it, and complained: "Buying cufflinks again? You have too many cufflinks to replace, right? Shit, such a gadget costs tens of thousands of dollars. I don't understand the world of rich people like you. .”

Jing Ming smiled and closed it a little, without making a sound, carefully put the box away and put it in the cabinet.

After Du Ruo finished washing, she climbed into bed and went to sleep. Just as she lay down, the phone beeped, and there was a message.

Jingming: "Sleeping?"


"what are you doing?"

"Getting ready for bed. How about you?"

"Me too." He said, "Good night." With a kiss.

"Good night." He also added a kiss.

She curled up on the bed, looking at the conversation on the phone, hot and dry.

Hey, summer vacation.

She put away her phone, turned over, and took a deep breath.

That cufflink spent almost all of her savings, so it shouldn't be shabby, so she can wear it.

The electric fan blew the wind in bursts, puffing up her pajamas, and deflated them again.

She lay in the dark for a while, pursing her lips and smiling.