Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 53


At the end of August, the heat subsides slightly.

The students returned to school one after another, and the campus became lively again, with people coming and going, full of fireworks.

During the few days when freshmen reported, banners were pulled up everywhere, and welcome points were set up to welcome new students.

At noon that day, Du Ruo and three other people in the dormitory were eating popsicles on the railing of the outdoor stairs, overlooking the bustling event square.

The crowd below is bustling, and one can tell which ones are new students at a glance. Their faces are young and immature, their eyes are full of curiosity and longing, but also nervous and apprehensive, very fresh.

He Huanhuan took a bite of the popsicle and sighed sadly: "It's really sad. We were originally junior sisters who were taken care of by senior brothers and sisters. Now we not only have to hand over our privileges, but also have to be senior sisters to others."

Qiu Yuchen also sighed: "Walking on the road today, a freshman asked me: Sister, how to get to the School of Physics. I reacted for a long time. Hey, I became a senior sister. I am no longer a freshman. How time flies so fast, big One year passed without doing anything.”

"Look at their faces, that's fresh," Xia Nan looked at the freshmen walking below, "Unlike us, they are no longer young, they have become old fritters."

Du Ruo bit the ice cream and said, "You have been fried dough sticks since you first entered school."

Xia Nan gave her a nod, and said: "You have changed the most. Have you seen these stupid juniors and younger sisters down there? You were just as stupid as you were back then... you need to be a little more stupid."

Du Ruo laughed.

He Huanhuan turned his head and slapped Du Ruo: "I envy you the most. Compared with you, my freshman year was wasted."

Qiu Yuchen was annoyed: "Me too. I must cheer up in my sophomore year!"

He Huanhuan complained: "Yuchen, you at least had a relationship, and I didn't get anything."

Du Ruo bumped her shoulder: "You got three good girlfriends."

The three of them rubbed their arms at the same time: "Huh—" Goosebumps fell all over the floor.

Du Ruo giggled and continued to bite the ice cream.

She looked at the freshmen coming and going, and felt infinitely emotional for a while.

The past year was probably the hardest year in her life, and it was also a year of transformation for her.

Ups and downs, ups and downs, laughter and tears, bitterness and sweetness.

Fortunately, God pays off. Although he has paid a lot, he has gained a lot.

Now, a sophomore.

In English, sophomores are said to be sophomore, and some people joke that it is pronounced like suffer more—enduring more pain.

It doesn't matter, she's ready to hit her stride. Even if the ground is full of thorns, she will step forward with a knife.

The three of them ate the popsicles and went to the cafeteria.

When going down the stairs, Xia Nan said lightly: "It's my sophomore year, I need to cheer up."

Everyone didn't answer, and made up their minds secretly.

Walking to the lobby on the first floor, I happened to meet Jing Ming and the others walking towards me.

Du Ruo and him looked at each other, then quietly looked away.

Qiu Yuchen generously asked Li Wei: "Have you had lunch yet?"

Li Wei: "I just sent you a text message and you didn't see it."

"I'm in class, and the phone is muted." She walked towards him, unconsciously took his hand, and said, "Go to the lab now?"


"Bye bye, I'm going to eat."

"Okay. See you tonight."

They all passed by, and the two of them were still holding hands. Li Wei turned around: "Let's have dinner together tonight."

"I'll send you a message then."


Du Ruo unconsciously glanced at Jing Ming again, hurriedly moved away, and walked past him with lowered eyes. As he passed by, he lightly scratched her little arm with his fingers.

She was slightly startled, pursed her lips, but didn't look back.

On the other side, Li Wei and Qiu Yuchen also loosened their hands.

The two groups went in opposite directions.

In the next two months, time flies like water.

During the first two weeks of September, first-year students in camouflage uniforms spread across the playground for military training. Slogans resounded through the sky. As soon as they disbanded, the camouflage uniforms of this group of children were scattered to every corner of the campus, libraries, cafeterias, water rooms, and avenues.

At the end of September, the camouflage gradually and completely disappeared, and the summer heat also completely faded away unconsciously.

Midsummer is gone, and the leaves are dark green. The days are getting shorter and the nights are getting cooler.

Day by day, there are fewer and fewer boys wearing short sleeves and fewer girls wearing skirts.

When the leaves start to turn yellow and the first autumn leaves fall, the students have already put on long-sleeved trousers, and are busy walking through the autumn light with their books in their arms. The freshmen also integrated quickly, and it was no longer difficult to tell them apart by their faces.

Day by day, the research and development of Prime No.2 is proceeding steadily, and as time goes by, it is gradually coming to an end. The twelfth draft drawing has been perfected, all parts are in place, and several major functional systems have been improved to the best state. Then assemble the vehicle and another week of isolation.

Wheels, parts, frames... It's like building a building bit by bit, and it's built and installed in the workshop...

At the end of September and the beginning of October, under the eyes of the whole team, the white Prime No.2, the icon was spray-painted, and came to the world.

The next ten or twenty days were a long period of road adaptation, test drive and debugging.

In a blink of an eye, it was mid-to-late October.

On October 20th, Du Ruo got up very early.

In autumn, the dawn is later than before.

She turned on the desk lamp, went out to wash and came back lightly, packed up and was ready to go out.

Above his head, He Huanhuan turned over and asked, "Is it today? Prime No.2 public test run?"

Du Ruo: "Yes."

Qiu Yuchen's eyes were sleepy: "Come on."

Xia Nan: "I wish you success and everything goes well."

Du Ruo smiled: "Got it." Walking to the door,

He Huanhuan yelled: "Come back triumphantly, please eat!"


At 6:50 in the morning, Du Ruo went to gather in front of the laboratory building ten minutes earlier, unexpectedly, everyone was already waiting there.

Du Ruo ran quickly: "Why are you so early?"

Jing Ming rubbed his eyes: "Lewitt was so excited, he was tossing around in the dormitory before six o'clock. It woke me up."

He Wang shrugged: "I live at the opposite door, if they make any noise, I'll wake up."

Wan Ziang raised his hand: "Next door."

"It's so easy to wake up, it means everyone is too excited." Li Wei laughed and gave everyone bread, milk and mineral water.

Everyone ate and chatted, and after waiting for a few minutes, the reserved business car arrived.

Eleven people set off for the depot.

When they arrived, several professors and teachers from the college also arrived. There are also a few groups of reporters waiting there, from the Ministry of Science and Technology, from the school, and from well-known scientific and technological journals.

Previously, Prime No.2 had been tested for nearly 10,000 kilometers on simulated roads for 20 consecutive days, and the performance was perfect. It will be unveiled publicly today and will be broadcast live on the Internet platform.

After a short handover, the two sides entered the parking lot.

In the empty underground parking lot, a car parked quietly in the parking space marked Prime No. 2, covered with a red car cover, and the outline of the model was faintly revealed on the cloth.

Reporters and photographers take pictures with their cameras.

Jing Ming walked over, pulled up the cover cloth and opened it vigorously, and a white four-door sedan appeared in front of him. The body has a pearly luster, a dynamic and smooth appearance, and a streamlined design in one go. The waistline on the side door undulates, giving a three-dimensional sense of relief. The interior of the car is smoky gray, with a contrasting design with white, low-key and elegant, restrained and grand, like a lady from a famous family.

It is said that men love cars as much as they love women.

As for a beauty like Prime No.2, even a girl like Du Ruo couldn't put it down after seeing her.

The reporters were even more amazed, saying that it is rare to see such a beautiful driverless car. Most of the designs I have seen before are clumsy, only considering functionality and ignoring appearance.

Li Wei smiled and said, "The eye-opening moment is coming later."

At nine o'clock in the morning, the public test drive began.

Eleven people in the team gathered together and stretched out their hands, and the eleven hands overlapped one by one, cheering one, two, three,


Li Wei, the deputy captain, sat in the passenger seat of Prime No.2 under the gaze of everyone. Jing Ming stood by the car, shook hands with him, and closed the car door.

Except for He Wang and Zhu Tao who followed the car, the rest entered the observation room together with the teachers. The large monitoring screen in the room was divided into multiple video windows, which can be viewed simultaneously from inside the car, outside the car, from the driver's seat, from overhead, from the side, etc. Convey picture signal.

In the corner of the screen, there is even a picture of the webcast room. At this moment, most of the bullet screens are the compliments of the appearance of Prime No.2 by the men of science and technology.

Jing Ming glanced at the entire big screen, picked up the contact device, and ordered: "Let's go."

The next second, Prime No.2's gentle voice came: "Prime No.2, the self-driving car is activated, please fasten your seat belt."

After Li Wei fastened his seat belt, the car started, driving in the underground garage, looking for the exit.

On the screen, No.2 was driving slowly in compliance with the 5km/h speed limit in the garage. She followed the signs to find the exit and exited the parking lot.

At that time, the sun had risen. The sun shines on the white body, emitting fluorescence.

She drove in the factory area for a while, and Li Wei reported: "Leave the factory immediately."

Jing Ming: "Got it."

After driving a few kilometers on the road, Prime No.2 said gently: "The highway ahead, please keep your seat belt fastened. For your comfort, the windows are about to be closed."

The window glass rose slowly, No.2 got on the expressway and started to accelerate, and the speed reached 110km/h in a few seconds. The road was winding and winding, and she navigated the lane with uncommon ease, turning left and right, never stepping on the lines, as if someone were in the driver's seat.

Jing Ming observed the side and rear screen, and recorded in words: "From the rear, the car body is very stable."

Li Wei laughed loudly in the car: "The driving experience is so fucking good, hahaha."

He Wang, who was following the car, yelled, "Take a good record of your experience, and stop talking around there!"

Just as he was talking, a slow-moving car appeared in front of him, blocking the way of Prime No.2.

Everyone was a little quiet, waiting.

When she was 200 meters away from the vehicle in front, she changed lanes, accelerated, and her speed soared to 120, quickly overtook the vehicle in front, returned to the original lane, and slowed down to 110. All in one go.

The barrage in the webcast room was all amazed.

Jing Ming and the others were quite calm, not surprised. In the test drive of nearly 10,000 kilometers in the past, No.2 performed better than professional drivers.

Going back and forth like this, after a total of 7 times of overtaking, No. 2 got off the expressway and entered the city road.

This is the moment of real testing.

When the body was close to the off-highway ramp, she recognized the speed limit warning sign on the side of the road and slowed down to 60km/h. After getting off the ramp, when merging into the main lane, the straight-going vehicle whizzed by at high speed.

Everyone watched with bated breath, and saw,

She saw it too, slowed down and stopped, and waited patiently on the side of the road with the turn signal on. When there was a gap, the next car was a hundred meters away, so she safely drove into the main driveway.

Du Ruo lightly clenched his fists.

Wan Ziang couldn't help admiring: "You are smart, girl."

Jing Ming snorted: "Nonsense. For her, it's a piece of cake."

For the next part of the road, she drove extremely smoothly and followed the rules. When encountering a turning intersection, change to the left turn lane ahead of time, and avoid going straight when turning. When someone overtakes and occupies the road, she slows down to let people pass first, which is very elegant.

But there was a small episode in the middle, and once I encountered an intersection with a lot of traffic.

She followed the convoy step by step and slowly reached the intersection. The street lights turned yellow, and she stopped, becoming the first vehicle in line.

The green light is on.

She speeded up, but at this moment, Jing Ming and others saw a woman running across the sidewalk running a red light from the overhead camera. The car next to him blocked it, making it a blind spot for No.2 driver's seat.

Those who watched the video were sweating at that moment, but Prime No. 2 accurately "saw" the accelerating human running in front of him, and stopped. She waited for the man to run past before she started on the road again.

That is the blind spot of human vision, but not hers.

Li Wei's voice came from the communicator: "I'm going! I didn't even see that woman rushing out. If she didn't stop the car, I wouldn't know it!"

Jing Ming: "Of course, she is smarter than you."

Li Wei: "You boy!!" Just about to explode, his tone changed, and he said dotingly, "That is. She is much smarter than me."

He Wang: "Shit! It feels like Li Wei is dating my girlfriend."

Du Ruo couldn't help but chuckle.

In the eyes of these boys, isn't Prime No.2 the perfect girlfriend in their hearts

This episode refreshed the screen of the live broadcast room in an instant, full of praise. One comment, however, hits the nail on the head: "To some extent, machines are indeed more sensitive and sensitive than humans."

After a short frolic, everyone returned to seriousness and continued to observe the schedule of Prime No.2.

After driving No.2 for a period of time, it passed a deciduous road, which was specially designed.

It was windy that day, and the leaves were blown by the wind, and leaves kept drifting past her "eyes". But she was not affected or disturbed, and she walked her own way with peace of mind, speeding across the fallen leaves road.

He Wang clenched his fist and shouted in a low voice: "YES!"

Several artificial points were set up on the next road, flying plastic bags, water spray obstacles, and small animals running past. She was able to deal with all of them freely. She was not blocked by foreign objects, but she would also slow down for the dogs running past.

They ran all the way like this, and finally, queued up to get on the highway again, accelerated, galloped, and rushed back to the factory area along the winding and undulating highway.

From the aerial photography, we can see the golden autumn in Beijing, and the touch of white on the gray road is extraordinarily bright. Like a beautiful girl in white, after many trials, she can't wait to return to her relatives.

The barrage in the live broadcast room was maxed out.

Everyone is looking forward to her perfect ending moment.

In front of the big screen, Jing Ming and the others stared at her without blinking for a moment, and held their breath in silence.

She ran at high speed, ran, got off the expressway, drove smoothly along the winding road on the country road of bicycles, motorcycles and tricycles into the factory area, found the entrance of the parking lot, walked around along the signs, and returned to the parking space . A fast and accurate reverse, textbook general, returning to the parking space correctly.

When all is quiet,

She said softly: "The journey is over, please close the door after getting out of the car. I wish you a happy mood!"

After speaking, turn off the fire.

There was a burst of cheers in the observation room.

The teachers shook hands and patted each other's shoulders, while the students huddled together in excitement.

The moment Du Ruo saw her stop and turn off the car, her eyes were a little wet, and she muttered to herself, "That's great! She's great!"

Jing Ming stood with his hands on the table for a while, lowered his head, and experienced the happiness of this moment alone.

Two seconds later, he straightened up, turned around, found her direction through the chaotic figures, and smiled at her.

The teachers and students went out happily to meet their beloved girl in the underground parking lot.

As the figures shuttled, he just looked at her.

Finally, he strode forward, walked towards her, held her face in his hands, bowed his head and gave her a deep kiss.