Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 61


The weather forecast says there will be heavy rain today.

In the morning, the temperature was still 39 degrees, and the heat wave was surging. Looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, the sunlight on the glass of the nearby office building was as dazzling as a blade. In the afternoon, suddenly black clouds came in, the wind blew, and the world was in chaos.

After a while, big raindrops hit the glass, crackling. In an instant, the lights in the office building not far away were like phantoms soaked in water, hazy.

Du Ruo was busy with work and didn't care about the weather changes. He only looked out of the window during the thunderstorm, and continued to look at the computer a second later.

This Friday, she worked overtime until after ten o'clock at night as usual. When work was over, there was no one in the company.

She hailed a car, closed the door and left.

It was still raining heavily outside.

Sure enough, after getting in the car for a while, there was a traffic jam.

The torrential rain has worsened the road conditions. Drivers are in a hurry to go home or to their destination, occupying the road, changing lanes, rushing to the road... the traffic jams.

No matter the red light or the green light, nothing can get through. It seems that in people's eyes, traffic lights are just decorations.

Who said that humans are far less disciplined than machines.

Outside the window, it was pouring rain, and the sound of horns came and went, venting irritability and impatience.

Du Ruo leaned on the back seat of the taxi and yawned.

She has to go to the industrial park and the laboratory on weekends, and she hasn't slept in for a long time.

The taxi moved step by step, and when it got near her house, it was blocked again.

Du Ruo rented a residential area in the 1980s. The roads near the block are narrow, and it is difficult to walk in normal times, let alone rainy days. It's only at the intersection, and it will be fatal when you get to the alley, and you will definitely not be able to get in.

She called He Huanhuan: "Erhuan, I didn't bring an umbrella."

The car moved to the alley, the rain was cloudy, and the scene outside could not be seen clearly. She couldn't stay in the car, so she pushed the door open and rushed out of the car. The rain poured down overwhelmingly, and she stepped into the calf-deep water.

Wow, she's wearing CL's high heels!

It is too late to rescue now.

Her eyes were blinded by the rain, and she couldn't tell the direction.

"Xiaocao! Here!" He Huanhuan screamed, holding an umbrella and rushing towards her in a raincoat, and handed her the raincoat in his hand: "Put it on quickly, it's useless to open an umbrella!"

Du Ruo put on the raincoat and was already half wet: "Oh my god, it's raining too much."

"Come here quickly." He Huanhuan hugged her, "Xia Nan said that Beijing has to come to this event every July. Damn, it's comparable to the torrential rain in our summer."

"The water is too dirty, I have to wash my feet with laundry detergent when I go back." Du Ruo wailed, "My shoes are useless!"

He Huanhuan gloated and laughed wildly: "Buy it again, little rich woman."

They walked in the alley in the rainstorm late at night, with old red-walled brick and tile houses on both sides, and a row of simple restaurants outside the community, Shaxian snacks, Guilin rice noodles, and Chongqing Malatang. Inside are dark red and faded six-story residential buildings in the community.

When Du Ruo returned to China two years ago, he was not in a good financial situation. It happened that He Huanhuan's roommate moved out, so she stayed there. Later, the economic situation improved, and I never changed houses.

The two finally walked into the building, put away their umbrellas and raincoats, and let out a long sigh.

They rented on the top floor, and when they went upstairs, He Huanhuan complained: "Some people are really unqualified, they always throw garbage in the corridor, it's dirty to death."

There is no property in the community, and no one cleans and manages it.

Du Ruo opened the door and entered the house. There are two bedrooms and one living room. They said so, but it was less than 50 square meters. The "one living room" was only small enough to turn around.

After He Huanhuan washed his legs and feet soaked in rainwater, he gave up the small bathroom to Du Ruo.

When Du Ruo washed her hair and took a shower, she found that the toilet and the corners of the wall were still stained. After washing, she went to the kitchen to have a look, touched the stove, it was dusty.

Du Ruo raised his voice and asked, "Er Huan, did Auntie come to clean up today?"

"Here we come."

She went into her room: "I think this aunt is always not serious in her work. I told her about it last time, and it turned out to be the same. The house hasn't been cleaned yet."

"Really?" He Huanhuan sat up from the sofa, put down the fruit plate and ipad in his arms, walked out of the house with his slippers on, and went to the toilet and kitchen to check, "Really. I want to complain and change her."

The two called the housekeeping company and the matter was successfully resolved.

Du Ruo boiled the water, placed a handful of noodles, and cracked two eggs. Rinse two bowls again, add soy sauce, chili sauce, chicken essence, salt to the bowls, and scoop up the soup. Put the noodles into a bowl and cover with eggs.

Two bowls of noodles come out of the pot.

Take another bag of mustard greens and unpack them, divide them into half in a bowl, and the two of them sit by the stove and eat.

He Huanhuan swallowed the noodles and said vaguely, "Did you not eat at night?"

Du Ruo: "I ate a piece of bread."

Huanhuan knocked her on the head: "Do you want more of your stomach!"

"Forget about it." Du Ruo rubbed her head and looked at her, "You eat so much, are you not full tonight?"

"I can't eat supper!" Huanhuan snorted, and said, "Xia Nan explained that we will have a dinner together tomorrow night."

"Yeah. I saw it in the group. I was too busy at the time, so I forgot to reply." Du Ruo said, "Where is it?"

"Over there at Jiuxian Bridge. It is said that there is a Japanese restaurant that is delicious."

"Hmm. I'm going to the industrial park tomorrow, and I'll see you later."

Huanhuan sighed: "It's okay to work from morning to night, and you don't rest on weekends. Has Yi Kun raised your salary again? If this continues, I'm really afraid that you will die suddenly one day."

Du Ruobai said to her, "You just died suddenly."

The two babbled and chatted while eating, and then washed the dishes, clothes and shoes.

He Huanhuan asked Du Ruo to go to her room to watch variety shows together, until Zeng Kefan called.

Huanhuan, who wanted to be in love most at the beginning, finally fell in love. She and Zeng Kefan from Du Ruo's class were together. She is also the only one among the four in the dormitory who has a current boyfriend.

The two were chatting on the phone, and Du Ruo automatically went back to the room.

Her room was much smaller than He Huanhuan's. A bed took up half of the room, and the rest of the room was occupied by desks, bookcases and wardrobes. There is only a palm-sized open space left.

But the room was tidy and tidy, with a small white carpet on the floor, wallpaper with small pink flowers on the wall, pink bed sheets and quilt covers, light blue curtains, and the desk and wardrobe were painted pure white by her.

There are creative lamps and fragrances on the table, plus a few bunny dolls. An aquatic copper money plant was raised in the small glass ball, and a small fish in the water was swimming beside the root of the grass.

A few small pots of succulents were planted on the window sill, and a branch and a flower were inserted in a few small glasses, which was interesting and lively.

A small white cylinder-like robot stood at the foot of the carpet, and Du Ruo called out, "Wali."

The dormant little robot woke up, smiled at her with curved eyes, and slowly slid to her feet, rubbing against her legs.

She stroked his head.

It's raining today, so I don't need to turn on the air conditioner.

Du Ruo turned on the computer on the table, and Wali ran around on the carpet to clean it. Accompanied by the little robot, she finished processing a few emails, and it was past twelve o'clock.

She yawned so sleepy that she crawled into bed and fell asleep.

When I was sleeping, there was still heavy rain outside the window, as if it was going to destroy the world.

She nestled in the small bed in the corner, listening to the sound of wind and rain, and slept very peacefully.

This small room that doesn't belong to me feels like home after living in it for a long time.

The next day, it rained and the sky cleared. The weather is getting hot again.

Du Ruo went to the industrial park early in the morning to work on the machine vision system she independently developed in the laboratory. In the afternoon, He Huanhuan called to remind: "There is a dinner party tonight, don't forget it."

Du Ruo saw that it was almost time, so he packed up and left.

Arriving at Jiuxianqiao, the other three people in the dormitory were already sitting in a private tatami room, drinking brown rice tea.

Du Ruo took off his shoes and went in, and sat down cross-legged: "Xia Nan, have you lost weight?"

Qiu Yuchen said: "I just found out too, and I haven't seen you for a month."

"Oh, I got face-lifting injections." Xia Nan said, seeing Du Ruo staring at her left and right, she blinked again, "Yes, I also got eyelashes."

He Huanhuan: "No wonder the eyes have become better. Give me a recommendation, and I'll think about whether I want to grow it."

Du Ruo: "But I heard that planting eyelashes will make my eyelashes thinner."

Xia Nan glanced at her: "Shut up for a person like you who is born to grow and look better? Believe it or not, I will send your ugly photos in college to Moments."

Qiu Yuchen: "Just add the words: 20% off plastic surgery, my roommate has personally experienced it. It's not nice to get a refund."

Du Ruo chuckled.

Qiu Yuchen reached out and pinched her face: "What does this guy eat every day, pearl powder?"

"She eats a ghost." He Huanhuan flipped through the menu and complained, "I don't eat on time.... What kind of sushi do you want?"

Du Ruo: "I want to eat the one with avocado."

"I want yuziyao. But the eyelashes will be less if you plant them." Qiu Yuchen said, "I planted them once, and I won't plant them again."

"Continue to plant if there is less." Xia Nan said, "Have a grilled eel."

After the four of them finished ordering in a hurry, Xia Nan asked, "Mr. Du, how is your work?"

"Busy." Du Ruo said with emotion, "After the company expanded, there were more and more people, and it was too difficult to manage. Dealing with people... hey, it's still comfortable to deal with machines."

While talking, the phone rang, it was a call from an important customer of the company. Du Ruo got up immediately, put on his shoes and walked out to the corridor: "Hello, Mr. Hou?"

"Vice President Du, what happened to the new kids in your company. There is a small problem with the equipment we bought, and they can't fix it."

Du Ruo hurriedly said: "Then I'll come over right now..."

"No need. I just happened to be there. I understand these things and solved the problem. We are all acquaintances. It doesn't matter if something small happens, but Vice President Du, you have to pay attention to the management of your employees."

Du Ruo blushed and nodded again and again: "Thank you, President Hou, for reminding me, thank you. I'm so sorry this time. I will definitely pay attention. Thank you."

Putting down the phone, she frowned. She was about to call to ask questions, but it was the weekend after all. The kids in Technical Services are all college graduates. Forget it, wait until Monday.

She went back to the private room and heard He Huanhuan say: "I went out with Zeng Kefan last week and met Min Enzhu. Her current boyfriend's back looks like Jing Ming, which scared me to death. I thought Jing Ming returned to China and was with her again. .”

Du Ruo's hand was hanging in the air, frozen for a moment.

Xia Nan said: "Women are the same as men, it is difficult to change the type they really like."

Qiu Yuchen said sadly: "That's true. The two boyfriends I dated after were both smart and sunny, with good personalities." Then he asked, "What about you, how is the person you have a crush on?"

Du Ruo opened the door, took off her shoes, and sat down with a smile: "What are you talking about?"

He Huan smiled happily: "By the way, you don't know yet. The year she graduated from university, Xia Nan drank too much wine during the breakup meal and said that she had a crush on a boy since middle school. Hahaha."

Du Ruo was curious: "Who is it?"

Qiu Yuchen shrugged: "The mouth is very strict, and I didn't get any words out."

Xia Nan drank brown rice tea: "You don't know each other, so it doesn't make sense to talk about it."

Du Ruo: "It's unimaginable. Xia Nan actually has a crush on her. I think you are the kind of person who will go after her directly."

Xia Nan: "He is too good."

Everyone was more curious and wanted to gossip, but Xia Nan didn't want to talk too much, so she changed the subject in a second: "Hey Xiaocao, you bought a new clavicle chain? It's pretty good."

Qiu Yuchen: "I've also taken a fancy to this one before, more than 10,000, almost 20,000?"

He Huanhuan frowned: "I see that after you become the vice president, you have to buy all kinds of clothes, and you are not afraid of making ends meet! Aren't you going to save money to buy a house?"

Du Ruo: "That can't be for the house, stop living."

Qiu Yuchen gave her a thumbs up.

Du Ruo didn't finish her sentence: "Anyway, I can't afford it for a while. Haha."

Although the house price in Beijing has dropped a bit compared to when she went abroad six years ago, it is still sky-high for her.

The four girls present here looked the same when they were students, but it was only when they entered the society that they realized that they were very different.

Needless to say, Xia Nan and Qiu Yuchen, Beijingers, have cars and houses.

Xia Nan's family wasn't rich at first, but they had seven or eight houses in the event of demolition and house purchase in the early years. Qiu Yuchen's house is ordinary, but there are two sets in the Fourth Ring Road.

As for He Huanhuan, when she just graduated, her family bought her a house with a down payment of 3 million. She rents the house to others at a high price, and collects rent to supplement the monthly mortgage without any pressure.

Only Du Ruo, the one who was the best when he was studying, is working the hardest now.

But she didn't take it to heart, life is still long, and she believes that her future will develop exponentially.

The only thing that makes her sad at night is,

Over the years, she has changed a lot and become very good, but that boy is no longer there.

After eating, the four of them walked out of the commercial building and went shopping in the opposite commercial district.

After passing a busy road, Xia Nan and the others walked onto the overpass. Du Ruo went up and saw the lights of thousands of houses outside the bridge, and the traffic flow under the bridge.

For a moment, the boy in the white shirt seemed to appear in front of him suddenly, and turned his head to talk to her, his eyes were as bright as stars.

She was suddenly a little dazed, her steps slowed down, she looked up, but she didn't know what she was looking at.

"Xiaocao, let's go!" the girlfriends called from the front.

When she recovered, the boy was no longer there.

"Oh, here we come."

she ran over.

Six years later, she is 24 years old and will soon be 25 years old.

Still can’t hear someone whose English name is Eva, can’t hear the song called Breakin’ Point, can’t see maple leaves, can’t see well-dressed boys, can’t see cool sports cars, can’t see diamond bracelets, can’t Saw the flyover...

Otherwise, you will think of him.

But in Beijing, how come there are so many overpasses.