Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 66


On the next Monday, Du Ruo woke up with a sore throat, which seemed to be a sign of a cold. Before going to work, he took a para-cold granule to deal with it.

Parked the car at the company on the weekend, and took the subway to work today. She hasn't crowded the subway for a long time, and now she is experiencing the crowded carriage like sardine cans again. She is not used to it, and her chest feels suffocated.

I was sluggish all the way, unable to lift my spirits, got out of the subway and walked into the CBD. The sun shone in early September, and she looked like a wilting vegetable seedling.

Maybe I really have a cold, she thought.

When we arrive at the company, we will have a regular meeting on Monday as usual. After the meeting, she finished her daily affairs, had a simple lunch, and then drove to the industrial park.

In the next few days, Du Ruo was still out of shape, feeling like he was stuck with a serious illness that was coming but not coming. Whether it was illness or melancholy, she couldn't tell the difference.

She stayed in the laboratory for several days in a row, but things at work also made her uncomfortable.

The employees in the laboratory are not very hardworking, their professional quality is not strong, their attitudes are not rigorous, and they are not studious enough. They have no requirements for improving their own abilities. Go to work all day and do one thing. She has to supervise from time to time, like a contractor, who only moves with a whip.

Gone was the atmosphere at the university where everyone was paddling hard and trying to get ahead, now it was more like she was pulling the strings alone, pulling a giant ship forward.

Tired physically and mentally, she lasted until Wednesday afternoon, and she felt that this week seemed as long as two weeks had passed.

That day, she was still planning to work overtime in the laboratory, but she received a call from Fu Jing on the way, saying that Wanxiang Company wanted to discuss the contract and asked them to have dinner in the evening.

Du Ruo's brain hurts when he thinks of Guo Hong. But work is like this, no matter how much you don't like it, you have to greet it with a smile. She went home to wash and tidy up, tidy up and go to the appointment.

The dinner was held in a private club near the East Fourth Ring Road. When Du Ruo entered the door, he was very puzzled. Guo Hong would spend enough money for ordinary business meals.

The waiter led them upstairs. Apart from Guo Hong, there were several strangers in the huge private room. Fu Jing told her in a low voice that those were Wanxiang's boss and several other vice presidents.

Du Ruo was taken aback for a moment, then smiled, and greeted generously: "President Wu, Vice President Wang, I have long admired you."

"This is Vice President Du, right? Nice to meet you."

Du Ruo smiled like a flower: "I don't know how many bosses will come, otherwise I would have to prepare a gift for the first time. I'm really embarrassed."

"It's too polite. We are not polite people." Mr. Wu and the others are very easy-going and have no airs. Judging from his appearance and temperament, he should be born in technology, so Du Ruo felt more at ease.

"You also know about Wanxiang's acquisition. I'm sorry for delaying the contract."

"No no."

"It's like this. The boss of Chunhe Technology is very interested in the content of the contract, so he invited everyone to chat. They are all in the industry, so we can make more friends so that we can cooperate in the future."

I see.

That's just right, it's the best business development opportunity for Yuanqian. Thinking to herself, she glanced at the three empty chairs on the opposite side of the round table, feeling quite relieved for a moment, and took a drink from the water glass. Guo Hong beside her suddenly turned her head, smiled in the direction of the door, and got up quickly: "Mr. Jing, Vice President Yang, Special Assistant Chen..."

Du Ruo immediately put down the water glass, stood up and turned around, her smile froze for a moment.

Jing Ming was wearing a black shirt with a clear face, shaking hands with Wan Xiang's people.

Going up to her, Guo Hong introduced: "This is Yuan Qian's Vice President Du, the famously beautiful Vice President."

Jing Ming looked back, met her gaze, and stretched out his hand: "It's a pleasure to meet you."

She stretched out her hand, touched his hot palm, and beat her heart together: "... It's a pleasure to meet you."

Jing Ming, Yang Shu, and Chen Xian sat down.

The waiter serves the wine.

Du Ruo's head was in a mess, and his thoughts were completely confused, guessing whether it was an accident or an arrangement.

The waiter poured wine to Jing Ming's side, and Jing Ming said, "I don't drink."

Guo Hong smiled and said: "It's rare to get together today, can we have a little drink?"

Jingming didn't say a word. Yang Shu smiled: "He doesn't drink alcohol himself."

Guo Hong stopped trying to persuade her, and praised Yang Shu: "In our line of work, it's rare to see such a beautiful woman as Vice President Yang. She is solid and reliable in her work. Mr. Jing has a right-hand man like you, which is really enviable."

Yang Shu had a standard smile on her face: "Thank you." The next second, ignoring him, her eyes fell on Du Ruo, "What is the name of Vice President Du?"

Du Ruo regained consciousness: "Du Ruo."

"Yes, Du Ruo." Guo Hong said, "Hua'er's name. People are like Hua'er."

His words were extremely inappropriate, Du Ruo's face felt uncomfortable like a needle prick, but he maintained a smile.

Yang Shu moved the subject away: "It looks shy and doesn't like to talk."

"Where is it?" Guo Hong interrupted again, "She is very easy-going and lively." He habitually raised his hand and patted her on the back, "I don't talk much today, probably because I am shy when I meet strangers."

Du Ruo's smile froze, and she moved forward slightly to avoid his palm.

The waiter poured wine to her side, she whispered: "Don't pour it for me."

Guo Hong's ears were sharp, and he refused: "How can I do it? We are talking about cooperation, we must drink today." He took the wine dispenser in the waiter's hand and poured it for her.

Mr. Wu was talking to Jing Ming, and looked over: "Stop pouring less. Leave it to the lady."

"It's okay, you can drink whatever you say you can't drink." Guo Hong laughed.

Yang Shu frowned contemptuously, and glanced at Jing Ming again. He was not showing any emotion, so he probably wouldn't be happy. Originally, they came to talk about things and meet people, but Wanxiang's people arranged the dinner on their own initiative, and there was a person like Guo Hong who couldn't be mentioned on the stage. It was completely out of plan.

She continued to chat with Du Ruo: "How can you do this?"

"I learned sensing." Du Ruo looked up at her, out of the corner of her eye, Jing Ming and Mr. Wu were communicating in low voices, not paying attention to her.

"There are relatively few girls in this industry, and I feel kind when I see you." Yang Shu said, "Which school?"

"Oh, I'm in Berkeley."

"It's a good school." Yang Shu said.

Out of politeness, Du Ruo asked, "What about you?"


Du Ruo's heart stabbed inexplicably, it turned out to be his classmate. She was a little out of breath, picked up the glass to drink water, and found that it was red wine when she poured it into her mouth.

He took it by mistake and was about to put it down, but was caught by Guo Hong: "Look, I started drinking by myself before I started. Come on, let's have a drink first."

Fu Jing immediately blocked the way: "Vice President Guo, let me respect you first, thank you—"

"You wait first." Guo Hong ignored her little person, and when the cup met Du Ruo's, he joked, "If you don't drink, you won't sign the contract. How much we cooperate in the future depends on how much we drink today. Do it for your respect."

On the other side, Jing Ming stopped talking to anyone and looked at her.

Du Ruo also looked at him, and smiled generously as if nothing had happened, and raised his wine glass: "I respect everyone here." After speaking, he raised his head and downed the whole glass of red wine.

Guo Hong was overjoyed, and patted her on the arm: "Sure enough!" He poured her cup again, and was about to continue persuading her.

But Jing Ming said, "Your company is mainly engaged in automatic braking systems?"

He didn't say his title, and everyone at the table fell silent.

Du Ruo raised her eyes to look at him, and nodded: "Well... there are other things."


"Machine vision system." She said, "The contract signed with Wanxiang is related to the braking system. But our vision system is also very good, and our products cover a wide range of fields, such as production lines, robots, manufacturing... Mainly used in In terms of industry and transportation, there are also some small-scale agricultural test products."

She spoke seriously for a long time like a salesman, but Jing Ming was speechless instead.

"What I said just now, she is not shy." Guo Hongle said, "It seems that you can only chat after drinking. Ms. Du really took the opportunity to advertise for herself. This advertisement is launched, and she should respect the scene One cup, isn't it?"

Jing Ming said: "No, I don't drink."

Du Ruo really disrespected him, and picked up the chopsticks to pick up vegetables.

Guo Hong booed: "It seems that Ms. Du doesn't have enough face. Mr. Jing, even if you use tea instead of wine, you should have a drink with the beautiful vice president."

Yang Shu laughed and said, "Our boss doesn't drink alcohol. If we replace wine with tea, it will be too bullying to Ms. Du. There is no need to—"

Guo Hong interrupted: "Hey, you mean you are afraid that Ms. Du will mind. Vice President Du? Do you mind President Jing replacing wine with tea?"

As soon as he said this, Du Ruo would die if he didn't drink.

"Then replace the bar with tea." Du Ruo picked up the red wine glass neatly, looked at Xiang Jingming, and looked straight into his eyes, "I respect you."

Jing Ming looked at her, picked up the teacup and touched it lightly on the turntable, thinking it was a clink with her. The bottom of the red wine glass in her hand also touched lightly on the glass turntable, and there was a crisp bang.

She closed her eyes slightly and drank the red wine in the glass.

He sipped the slightly bitter tea, and looked up to see the whole glass of red wine flowing down her bright red lips.

Lowering his eyes, for some reason, he thought of the situation of celebrating the Spring Festival one year.

Guo Hong praised excitedly on the other end, and continued to refill her glass, not stopping until halfway through.

Du Ruo stopped: "Enough!"

Don't want him to insist on adding to the cup: "How is this enough?"

Du Ruo was extremely disgusted, but he couldn't attack it, so he swallowed it forcefully. Glancing at Jing Ming, he lowered his eyes, wondering what he was thinking.

She picked up the chopsticks to pick up vegetables, mechanically stuffed all kinds of food into her mouth to pad her stomach, and prayed that she would not get drunk.

But she doesn't know how to drink, and she rarely socializes alone with a few senior brothers. Today, she drank two consecutive cups, and she has faint stamina.

Seeing that Guo Hong wanted to persuade him again, Fu Jing immediately toasted to him in order to share Du Ruo's burden.

But Guo Hong has been around the drinking table for a long time, he can drink very well, and the more he drinks, the more he wants to drink. And there was no one at the table who could drink with him, and his boss was busy talking to Jingming again. He came back after paying respects around the table, and then invited Du Ruo to drink: "Speaking of which, we have known each other for two years, and we have known each other for such a long time. I should have another drink alone."

"I can't drink anymore."

"Then you are too disrespectful to me. Don't you think I can't help you in the future..." He chattered rather difficultly, with a loud voice. Du Ruo really didn't want to get entangled with him, as if "flirting" at the wine table, he drank and sent him away.

Putting down the cup, her head was as heavy as lead, she lowered her head and supported her head with her hands.

Fu Jing gave her a bowl of soup, and whispered: "Drink some soup. If this goes on like this, you'll have to lie down. I called Mr. Yi. He's coming soon."

Du Ruo took the soup bowl and took the spoon to scoop it up. Before it reached her mouth, her fingers softened, and the spoon smashed back into the bowl with a bang. The soup splashed all over himself.

Everyone at the table looked over.

"Oh, why are you so careless?" Guo Hong took a tissue to wipe her arm with concern.

Du Ruo avoided: "I'll do it myself."

Fu Jing hurriedly wiped the stain on her chest: "Vice President Guo, I'll do it. I'll do it."

Guo Hong wanted to help with wiping. On the opposite side, Jing Ming turned his head and stopped talking to Mr. Wu. He interrupted him with a bad tone: "Vice President Guo knows her very well?"

Yang Shu glanced at him lightly, curious how many times he would rescue her tonight.

Guo Hong smiled and said: "Miss Du and I have known each other for almost two years. When Yuan Qian was first established, there were only a dozen people, and now there are seventy or eighty people."

Jingming said: "It's developing very fast."

"They are all hard-working people. The quality is also quite good." Guo Hong said with a smile, "In the future, Chunhe Technology can cooperate more with them."

Jing Ming said: "Well done, there will naturally be opportunities for cooperation."

"Miss Du, do you hear that? Chunhe is a big customer."

Du Ruo was already dizzy, so he raised his head to look at Jingming, and said inarticulately: "Thank you." He didn't know that his cheeks were flushed and his eyes were distracted.

Jing Ming frowned imperceptibly. Unexpectedly, Guo Hong had finished his drink, so he shook his head again and picked up the wine glass: "Come, I wish you a happy cooperation, and have another drink."

"I really can't drink anymore." Du Ruo covered his eyes and said.

"Why can't I drink it? I just said we would cooperate, so I won't drink now? This is nothing more than demolition? If you don't drink, this cooperation will not count?" Guo Hong put the wine glass in her hand and pulled her hand.

Jingming's pupils froze, and he said coldly, "The cooperation under my hands is your turn to speak!"

Almost at the same time, Du Ruo couldn't bear it anymore and pushed hard.

Dishes, cups and spoons collided with each other, wine glasses fell, and red wine spilled on the table.

Vice President Guo immediately stood up and shook his clothes while he was covered in drinks.

The room was suddenly quiet.

Everyone in the room moved their eyes on Jing Ming and Du Ruo in surprise.

Jing Ming has no expression on his face, but his eyes are sharp.

Du Ruo lowered his head, supported his head weakly with one hand, and his chest heaved violently.

Guo Hong looked at Jingming, he hadn't dealt with it under the strength of alcohol, he didn't think that Jingming's words were meant for him, and immediately looked at Du Ruo in embarrassment, and was about to speak,

Jing Ming's face was extremely ugly, he put down his chopsticks, and he got up.

The box door was pushed open suddenly, Yi Kun walked in, and glanced at the chaotic and quiet room. His gaze met Jingming's.

The four eyes met, both of them were indifferent and calm.

The next second, Yi Kun looked at Du Ruo, Fu Jing had already stood up, and said in an aggrieved voice, "Boss Yi."

With a cold face, Yi Kun strode over and pulled Du Ruo up from his seat. She was already unconscious, and her body slid down limply. He hugged her waist tightly and held the back of her head: "Du Ruo?"

She tilted her head and leaned against his shoulder. His cheeks were flushed, his eyelashes were slightly closed, his red lips were slightly parted, and he was panting heavily.

"Du Ruo?" He called again.

"Huh?" She mumbled, her eyes still unable to focus.

Jingming stared at her closely.

Yi Kun's face was frosty, and he glanced at the people present.

Mr. Wu said: "Mr. Yi, it is indeed Xiao Guo who did something wrong this time. I apologize to you."

Yi Kun said: "The matter of cooperation will be discussed by the sales department in the future, and Du Ruo will not participate again. If Wanxiang's business is based on drinking capacity rather than the product itself, it doesn't matter if this friend doesn't make friends. My people are not here Accompanying wine."

"Fu Jing. Let's go."

"Oh." Fu Jing put away Du Ruo's phone and bag.

Yi Kun went out with his arms around Du Ruo.

The indoor atmosphere was weird and embarrassing, Mr. Wu gave Guo Hong a stern look.

Silently, Yang Shu lowered her head and pressed her fingers between her eyebrows. She glanced at the man beside her, and saw that his fingers were tightly pinching the teacup, and his knuckles turned white.