Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 68


Chi Chi Chi, Chi Chi Chi.

Wali walked back and forth along the corner of the bed, stopped at a certain moment and looked up, a small fish was swimming slowly in the glass ball, Du Ruo buried his head on the bed, motionless.

The phone rang, Du Ruo picked it up immediately: "Hello?"

Wan Ziang: "I'll wait for you at the coffee shop at the intersection of your house."

"Okay, now."

Du Ruo slipped out of bed: "Huanhuan, I'm going out to meet Wan Ziang."


She ran out of the neighborhood and the alley to the coffee shop at the intersection, where Wan Ziang was waiting.

"I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep at night. I ordered a cup of hot cocoa."

"Oh, thank you." Du Ruo asked after sitting down, "How do you expect him to be?"

"I ran off to play games alone angrily, and ignored me." Wan Ziang was a little dumbfounded, "He's just like Jing Ming, he has a childish temper. If he's not happy, he'll throw a tantrum, and he'll be fine."

"But..." She looked down at the hot cocoa in her cup.

Wan Ziang looked at her and smiled slightly: "What he said was angry, don't take it to heart. It's not against you, it's not against Jingming, and it's not me. I've held back so much, I have to vent it. I just seized the opportunity .”

Du Ruo looked up and nodded: "I know."

"Don't worry, we won't break up." He closed his smile and became more serious, "A real brother doesn't break up after a fight, and a real team doesn't disband after a disagreement. We all know what kind of person Jing Ming is, and we all believe in it, including He Wang."


"But..." Wan Ziang glanced at the night outside the window and let out a long sigh, "Jingming is the big problem. I didn't expect him to become... would seal himself up like this. We all took a step forward more or less, to move on. He didn’t.”

"I didn't expect it either." Du Ruo said, "After he returned to China, the first time I saw him, I thought that Jing Ming had returned. I saw him again later and found it was an illusion. Six years have passed, but he still seems to be in the same place as before. .”

Still stuck in that young man whose heart was in ruins back then.

Wan Ziang lowered his head and put his hands on his forehead: "He is the captain. At the beginning, he took all the responsibility for the eleven of us. Sometimes I even feel that if he refuses to come back, let him go. But," He lowered his voice: "If he refuses to come back, Prime will never be able to start again. So what should we do, Du Ruo?"

And Du Ruo didn't know what to do.

Outside the window, the night is getting darker; the cocoa cup in hand is getting colder.

Both were silent for a long time.

no result.

Wan Ziang insisted on taking Du Ruo home, saying that the alley was too dark. The two walked into the community along the dark alley, and he sent her to the corridor before leaving, and asked her to send text messages when she got home.

Du Ruo went upstairs and returned to the house, and after reporting Wan Ziang's safety, he sat on the carpet in a daze.

Wali ran over and saw the dirty mud on the bottom of her jeans, smiled happily, rolled his eyes, and happily cleaned it up for her: "Woo~~~"

She patted his head, feeling melancholy in her heart.

Suddenly the phone rang, it was Ming Yi's call.

She picked it up unexpectedly. It turned out that Ming Yi said that he hadn't seen her for a long time and asked her to go to his house when she had time. Du Ruo agreed.

The next day, Du Ruo came to visit. There is only Ming Yi in the huge family, Jing Yuanshan is not at home.

"Does uncle work overtime?"

"He had a friend who was sick and went to the hospital to see him." Mingyi said, "Once a person gets older, all the problems come on slowly. I also feel that my physical fitness has declined in recent years."

"Auntie is obviously as young as before."

"Make me happy again."

"Really." Du Ruo said.

"You've all grown up so much, how can I still be as young as before." Mingyi laughed.

Mrs. Chen brought some refreshments.

Ming Yi said: "I've been very busy this year. It's not easy in the early stage of starting a business. You have to endure hardships. But you must also pay attention to your body. I see you are still so thin."

"It's all okay, I can bear it. If I don't do more things now, I'm afraid I'll regret it later." Du Ruo said.

After the two drank tea and chatted for a while, Ming Yihu asked softly, "Have you met Jingming?"

Du Ruo was stunned for a moment: "Ah. I've seen it a few times. Our company cooperates with Chunhe Technology."

Mingyi put down the teacup: "He's back long ago, Auntie didn't tell you. If he doesn't mention it himself, I'm afraid he will get angry with me if he meddles in your affairs."

"I understand."

"But it's also because of him that I'm looking for you today. I heard... He Wang Wan Ziang and the others also met Jingming, but it turned out to be very unpleasant?"

Du Ruo rubbed the cup in her hand and told the story of that day.

Mingyi's complexion gradually turned pale, and he lowered his head and propped his forehead with his hands.

Seeing this, Du Ruo hurriedly said: "Auntie, how can they all understand that it's not really breaking up, don't worry."

Ming Yi whispered: "When he returned to China, I thought he had recovered from his illness."

Du Ruo didn't hear clearly: "What?"

"It's okay." Mingyi shook his head and looked at her, "Xiao Ruo, Auntie knows that the current him makes you all sad, but he is not that kind of child. He is just stuck in place and can't get out. It's like standing on a cliff The people on the side are eager for someone to give him a hand, and feel that there is no way out but to jump off. But I still hope you can help him, okay? He really... "

Ming Yi choked up slightly, couldn't continue, took a deep breath, and said, "Xiao Ruo, come with me."

Du Ruo followed her to the third floor, and Ming Yi took the key to open Jing Ming's study.

"I won't go in." Mingyi said softly, "Go and have a look." She turned and went downstairs.

Du Ruo's heartbeat quickened inexplicably, and she gently pushed the door open, and the familiar atmosphere in the study rushed over her face, as if it could bring her back to six years ago in an instant.

She walked in, raised her head, and her heart shrank for a moment, as if being grabbed by a hand.

The walls are full of drawings, layer upon layer, covering three walls.

Pictures, words, Chinese and English, blue, red, and black handwriting and lines on the paper are full.

Engines, brakes, bearings, gyroscopes, acceleration sensors, AI computers, programming, circuit diagrams... From the whole to details, from blueprints to system decomposition, from tomes to small parts, everything related to driverless cars is here .

She stood in the study, looking up, a chill came up on the soles of her feet.

And his long white desk along the entire wall is filled with more than a dozen thick stacks of drawings, dated from six years ago to last month, six years of painstaking efforts are all concentrated here.

Each paper is signed in the lower right corner: Prime.

He never let go.

The past pain and hatred, dreams and wishes, I have never forgotten it for a moment, but the boy back then was only willing to shut everything in his own world and dream that dream alone.

He was trapped six years ago and couldn't get out. He rebuilt a city on the ruins of that year, but that city was not known or mentioned by others.

Du Ruo wanted to pick up those manuscript papers to read, but he stretched out his hand but dared not touch them, for fear of waking up.

There was an itching on the cheek, and I raised my hand to touch it, but at some point, my face became wet.

On Sunday, Du Ruo got up early.

After washing her hair, taking a shower, and dressing up, she looked at herself in the mirror. No makeup today, looking younger, with hair in a ponytail, a white T-shirt and jeans, clean and refreshing.

Go out and take a taxi, and find Jingming's current residential area according to the address Ming Yi gave.

On the edge of the Fourth Ring Road, not far from her home.

The community is full of detached villas.

In the early autumn morning, the sun is clean and refreshing, the trees are dense and the flowers are in full bloom.

She successfully found Jingming's residence, walked around the flower bed to the door, and rang the doorbell.

Ding dong, ding dong.

She waited for a while, but there was no movement, and was about to press it again, when the sound of him going downstairs came from inside. Footsteps approached, and soon the door was opened. She thought about it.

Jing Ming was wearing a loose, homely white T-shirt and cotton linen trousers, with a blank expression on his face. A second later, he glanced up and down suspiciously at her, and looked into her eyes.

Du Ruo explained: "I asked my aunt for your address."

"What's the matter?" He asked, holding the door with his hand, not intending to let her in.

"Long time no see. I want to ask you out for a walk." Du Ruo said, tiptoe nervously.

He looked at her for a while, turned around and entered the room without saying a word.

The door was left open.

She slipped in immediately and asked intentionally, "Do you want to change your shoes?"

He looked back at her, frowning slightly: "Change."


He walked over to the kitchen and poured himself a glass of water.

Du Ruo scanned the interior, and found the decoration to be very cold. Living alone in such a big house is very deserted.

"Have you had breakfast?" she asked.

He was drinking water and ignored him.

She stretched her neck and said, "I didn't have breakfast, do you have any food at home?"

He put down the glass: "In the refrigerator." The man went straight upstairs.

The double-door refrigerator has a note on it that says "Purchase on September 14". It wasn't Jing Ming's handwriting, Du Ruo guessed that the special assistant was in charge of his living supplies on a regular basis.

She opened the door of the refrigerator, milk pastry, ham, cooked food, vegetables and fruits, from top to bottom, stuffed to the brim, neatly. Didn't move much.

Today is the 18th.

Du Ruo put the toast slices into the toaster, washed the pan, poured a little olive oil, cracked an egg in it, the poached eggs were fried, fried ham slices, and cut a few cucumber slices.

The baked toast slices are sandwiched with eggs, ham and cucumber, topped with salad dressing, and then sandwiched with a layer of cheese slices. The square bread slices are cut diagonally, and the sandwich is ready.

Jing Ming went back to the study room and turned off the computer, packed up the manuscript paper and materials, changed into a set of clothes, a white T-shirt and jeans, simple and clean.

He walked out of the room, and Eva followed him: "Where are you going?"

"Go out."


She followed all the way to the stairs.

Jing Ming leaned over to touch her head, she obediently tilted her head and rubbed against his hand.

He went downstairs, but she couldn't go down the stairs, she stood on the top and blinked her eyes, waving her little paws: "You have to come back soon~~~"

Jing Ming waved at her.

He walked down the stairs quickly and smelled the fragrance on the first floor.

In the kitchen, Du Ruo busily walked around, washed the blueberries, cherries and grapes, put them on plates, and poured milk into the glass.

Seeing this posture, he paused. His kitchen had never been fired.

Du Ruo noticed it, looked up at him, and said, "You haven't had breakfast yet, so I made one for you."

Jing Ming went to sit down at the dining table, and there was a pair of good-looking sandwiches on the plate in front of him.

He took a bite, and she asked, "Is it delicious?"



The two of them said nothing else, and finished their breakfast silently.

Du Ruo got up to clean up the plates and cups, Jing Ming said, "Don't worry about it. Put it in the pool, and Auntie will come and clean it up."


The two went out, walked out of the community, and walked aimlessly along the street.

Du Ruo asked, "Are you busy with work?"

"It's okay." He said, and after a long time, he asked, "What about you?"

"I'm a little busy." Du Ruo said, "At first I just wanted to concentrate on research and development, but I have to take care of a lot of things in this position. There are a lot of chores to deal with every day, and I have to be distracted."

Jing Ming said: "Your personality is not suitable for a small company. It is better to go to a research institution or a large enterprise's R&D center."

She smiled and didn't answer.

He glanced at her. She didn't have any makeup on today, and she was dressed casually. She looked a little more youthful than she was in college. He asked, "Did you often attend the dinner like last time?"

"Ah? No." Du Ruo was a little embarrassed, and said, "That time, the little girl at the bottom couldn't handle Guo Hong, so I went to help."

little girl? Jing Ming sneered inwardly, that little girl looked older than her. And her tone... I'm afraid she has experienced a lot in the past six years.

Du Ruo: "I usually attend dinners with my seniors, and I don't drink alcohol. If my seniors don't let me drink, they will help me block it."

Jingming remained silent.

The two walked down another street.

Jing Mingcai asked, "Are you the one who led the research and development of those visual systems that you saw at the exhibition last time?"

"Yeah. You saw it all? What do you think?"

He didn't answer directly, but asked instead: "As the vice president, you are so busy, why do you have time to stay in the laboratory?"

"Working overtime, usually there is nothing to do at night."

Jing Ming fell silent again.

When Du Ruo said this, he changed his mind a little and asked, "Are you still doing research and development?"

"No," he said.

Du Ruo didn't expose it, and asked, "Then what do you usually do at night and on weekends?"

Jing Ming didn't answer for a while, but after a few seconds, he said, "Watch TV."

Du Ruo nodded slowly, and said, "The it good?"

"... just enough."

"Well, anyway, you are free on weekends. You have nothing else to do. Let's go to a game together. Someone gave me two tickets, and I have an extra one. It's a waste if I don't go."

Jing Ming was a little vigilant and glanced at her: "What competition?"

"College student robot competition." Du Ruo said.