Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 75


For the next five or six days, Jingming stayed in the mountains, isolated from the world.

The time in the mountains was melodious and long, and he had nothing else to do, so he ran after Du Ruo all day long. When she cooks, he stands by the stove and watches; when she washes clothes, he squats by the patio and watches; Those were bought by Jingming to visit Du's mother, but after stewing them once, Du's mother was not used to eating them, she just wanted to vomit, and refused to eat again. It is said that the people in the mountains are very rough, there is no need to make up, and it will get better automatically. Du Ruo didn't force her anymore.

More often, Jing Ming would follow Du Ruo to help her with farm work, sweeping the yard and planting straw.

But rather than helping, he seems to be more playful. When feeding a chicken, he can throw the feed far away, causing the chickens to run all over the field to find food, just like throwing a ball to amuse a dog.

Du Ruo frowned: "If you feed like this, the chicken will lose weight!"

Jingming reasoned a lot: "Let them run around more, the chicken legs will taste better."

While tidying up the vegetable garden, he became very interested in the cute and cute cucumbers, loofahs, eggplants, and tomatoes on the vines, pinching them here and there.

Du Ruo scolded angrily: "Don't ruin all the dishes!"

Throw him out of the garden.

He stood outside the fence and looked at her eagerly. After watching her for a while, he was really bored, and threatened that he would go out.

Du Ruo was afraid that he would get lost in the mountains, so he had no choice but to lead him out for a walk.

This man is simply a living ancestor. Her family is busy with a lot of housework, trying every means to get him delicious food every day, serving him to eat, drink, sleep and sleep, and she has to take him out for a walk every day.

In this way, Jing Ming and Du Ruo walked in the mountains and forests every day, watching flowers, plants, trees, and farmers on terraced fields;

Soon came the day of parting.

Early that morning, after Jing Ming woke up, he put a thick red envelope under his pillow.

After breakfast, Jingming Du Ruo bid farewell to Du's mother and grandmother.

The bandage on Du's mother's hand had already been removed, she took Du Ruo's hand and patted it lightly, she didn't say anything else, only said: "Eat well."

Du Ruo nodded with slightly red eyes: "Hey." He said again, "You can use the money I send you. Don't save it. Who told you to save it?"

Mother Du murmured: "I'll keep it for you..." Seeing Du Ruo glaring at her, she swallowed the words again, "Use it, use it tomorrow."

"Then I'm leaving." Du Ruo said, "The corn flour for the next week has been ground, the pig vegetables have been chopped, and the firewood has been pricked. Don't do heavy work this week, do you hear me?"

"Yes." Mom nodded.

After speaking, he looked at Jingming again. She was not good at words, just smiled and didn't speak. Although she still has some distance from Jing Ming, she is not as nervous as she was a few days ago.

Grandma held Jingming's hand, babbled and babbled in dialect: "I'm free, let's play again."

Jing Ming nodded again and again: "Hey. You have to take care of yourself."

After walking down the hill, Du Ruo looked back, mother and grandmother were still supporting each other, standing on top and waving to them.

Du Ruo shouted: "Go back!"

Called several times, no reply.

It wasn't until I turned a corner down the hill that I couldn't see it anymore.

After walking away for a long time, Du Ruo wondered, "Can you understand the dialect?"

Jing Ming: "I don't understand."

Du Ruo: "Then you answered my grandmother so well just now?"

Jing Ming: "I have guessed everything."

In the village in the early morning, men are driving cattle and sheep up the mountain, women are drying clothes in the yard to store shoe soles, and children are carrying schoolbags to school. It is a busy scene.

After passing the stockade and going down the mountain, the small truck from last time was already waiting at the foot of the mountain.

The two put away their luggage and sat in the back of the truck.

When the car was driving, Jing Ming glanced back at the mountains, and the small village was hidden among the green mountains and green waters. After the car drove out for a while, the shadows of the trees closed up, and the Taoyuan disappeared, leaving only large stretches of golden and green terraced fields.

After a while, the terraced fields also disappeared.

All that remains are the lush green mountains and the blue sky that is as clean as a jewel.

He turned around.

Du Ruo whispered: "Why do you seem to be more reluctant than me?"

Jing Ming smiled very lightly, but didn't speak.

But very soon, all the lingering thoughts disappeared—the truck started to bump violently on the mountain road again.

People sitting on it are like sitting on the waves, without stopping for a moment, throwing them back and forth, the bones all over their bodies are broken and reorganized one after another.

Jing Ming didn't give a damn like he did when he came here.

After nearly an hour of toleration, the bumpy road is still endless.

His temper flared up again, and he uttered angrily and irritablely: "This broken car and broken road will all be eliminated in the future."

Du Ruo was stunned for a moment.

From village to township, from town to county, from small town to big city, I ran all the way, and arrived at the airport in four or five hours. The two exchanged boarding passes, ate a meal, and landed in Beijing four or five hours later.

Outside the plane window, it was dark and lonely.

It is still in the quiet mountains in the morning, and it returns to the bustling city at night.

Both of them were a little silent, not quite getting used to it.

Coupled with the exhaustion of the boat and the car, I was exhausted, and I didn't talk much all the way.

The driver came to pick him up, Jing Ming took Du Ruo to dinner first, and then took her downstairs to her house, it was almost ten o'clock at night.

He got out of the car and helped her carry her luggage up.

She didn't refuse and followed behind him.

The two walked slowly in the narrow corridor until they reached the door on the sixth floor.

He put down his luggage and looked back at her.

She also looked up.

Jing Ming said, "It's late. I won't go in when your friend is at home."

After all, it is not convenient.

"Okay." Du Ruo nodded, but didn't take the key to open the door, waiting to see him turn and leave.

And he didn't leave, he stood there for a while, waiting to see her open the door and go in.

The two stared at each other silently for a few seconds, and found that the other was not moving. Just as they were about to speak, the sensor lights in the corridor went out.

The surroundings fell into darkness, my heart knocked, and I fell silent.

Suddenly, the door next door opened, and the sound of the door opening made the sensor light turn on again.

The next door resident hurried past and went downstairs.

Du Ruo grabbed the handle of the box and waited for the voices in the corridor to disappear before slowly saying, "I'll go in first."

Just about to turn around, Jing Ming called her: "Du Ruochun."


"I have something to tell you." He stared at her.

Her heart tightened inexplicably: "What words?"

"I still like you." He said, "I like you very much.... Let's make up."

She trembled slightly, but didn't respond for a while.

He waited for a few seconds and licked his lower lip slightly: "Do you still want to..."

"Think!" She interrupted suddenly, her face flushed instantly. As soon as the words came out, the people behind her were no longer afraid, "I want to reconcile with you." Her eyes were unusually persistent and bright, "I've always thought about it, even thought about it... I don't know if six years have passed, whether we are suitable, or even like this, I don't know. I want to reconcile with you and talk about a new relationship.

Even, maybe I will quarrel and get angry again in a few days, maybe the end will be miserable and I will never get in touch with each other, maybe you dumped me and I detest you, but I still want to reconcile with you and be with you, even if I don't know what the future holds. Because I always feel that if I am not with you, I will regret it, I will regret it. "

Jing Ming looked at her, his eyes deepened.

And after she finished speaking, she suddenly changed the subject,

"I dare, how about you?...Jingming, our PRIME, let's do it again! Maybe we will fail again, maybe it will be mediocre, but we are already losers, and we have nothing to lose. Don't do it, no Try again, will you really not regret it?"

She made it clear and stared at him stubbornly, a little worried that he would think she was threatening and walk away annoyed, but he didn't.

He took a step forward suddenly, holding her face with both hands, and resting his forehead on her forehead, breathing quickly, as if he was suppressing the raging and incomprehensible emotions in his heart. She raised her head, closed her eyes slightly, grabbed his waist with her hands, and trembled numbly, like an electric shock.

Breathing hot and intertwined, the lips are close at hand, only a millimeter away, but no one touches them.

It seems to be timid because of the closeness to the hometown, wanting to be close, but afraid of being unfamiliar, wanting to hug tightly, but afraid of being burned.

It wasn't until gradually that the surging emotions in each other subsided a little, that he lightly touched the corner of her lips, and rubbed his cheek against hers.

A man's skin is soft and textured. She closed her eyes suddenly, and her heart trembled.

He lightly rubbed her cheek back and forth, like the most primitive and pure intimacy among animals, and called her in a low voice: "Chun'er."

"Huh?" She slowly opened her eyes.

"In these years, I have never liked anyone else, not even tempted."

I have never forgotten you, but I don't know how to get back to you.

He pulled her into his arms, hugging her so tightly. She closed her eyes again, shivering uncontrollably in his arms.

He didn't let go of her until the sound of other residents going upstairs was heard again in the corridor.

He Huanhuan was at home, and it was late at night. He couldn't enter the house, so he lowered his head and held her hand, stroking the back of her hand with his thumb. After a long time, he was willing to leave and said, "I will pick you up tomorrow morning."

She nodded: "Yes."

After he left, Du Ruo opened the door and entered the room, leaning against the door panel, her face was warm and her heart was beating. It was just a hug, but her heart seemed to burst out of her chest, and she couldn't calm down until now.

She took a few deep breaths and turned around: "Huanhuan, I—"

The door of He Huanhuan's room was open, but no one was inside. It is estimated that she is not at home these days, and Huanhuan has gone to live with Zeng Kefan.

"..." Du Ruo felt annoyed for a moment.

Jing Ming went downstairs and got into the car, sitting in the dark back seat of the car, his chest heaved and his breathing was unsteady.

After sitting for a long time, I didn't talk about driving.

He doesn't want to leave.

The driver waited patiently for a while, and Jing Ming suddenly raised his head: "You go back first." After speaking, he got out of the car and ran towards the community again.

Du Ruo returned to the room, turned on the light, and sat on the carpet for a while. When she hesitated while holding the phone, the phone suddenly "ding".

Jingming's message: "I'm at the door."

She jumped up and ran to open the door.

He ran upstairs, panting slightly, lowered his voice, and said, "Can you come in?"

She blushed, but before she could speak, he said, "You were the one who chatted with me a few days ago, but today I'm alone, so I'm sure I won't be able to sleep."

"..." Du Ruo muttered with red ears, "Make excuses."

And softly said: "He Huanhuan is not here."

He was taken aback, walked in, closed the door, looked down at her, and said, "I didn't make excuses, I really can't sleep."

"Hmph." Although she said that, she walked into the room.

He follows.

She turned around again: "My bed is very small. I'm afraid I can't squeeze it in."

"I think it's just right."

As Jing Ming said, he opened his suitcase on his own, found his pajamas, and went into the bathroom with ease.

Du Ruo: "..."

Soon there was the sound of water from the shower in the bathroom, which disturbed people for no reason in such a quiet night.

Du Ruo touched his chest to calm his heartbeat, packed his luggage, stuffed the box on the top of the cabinet, and arranged his small box to make room. Wali Chi sneaked up to clean up the mud on the wheels, but he was very happy.

After a while, he came back with a clean face, wet hair, and a fragrance from head to toe.

The room was already small, but he walked in a big one, making the space even more cramped.

She didn't dare to look at him for no reason, she slipped through the gap between him and the cabinet, passed him, and whispered: "The hair dryer is in the drawer."

She went to the bathroom with her pajamas in her arms, washed her hair and came out of the shower with a flushed face.

Jing Ming lay on her bed, closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Her bed was really short, not even taller than him. He fell asleep on his side with his legs curled up, occupying the entire bed, leaving only a tiny space on his chest for her.

Du Ruo finished drying his hair silently and nervously, put down the blower, looked back, he closed his eyes quietly, maybe he was really tired today.

She turned off the light, leaving only the faint aromatherapy light by the bed.

There was really no place to rest on the bed, so she squeezed onto it carefully, her legs curled up, and she whispered, "I have no place to put my legs."

He moved his feet lazily away, and just as she straightened her legs, his legs pressed up.

Her face was bubbling with heat, and she wanted to push him away.

He opened his eyes: "Where should I put my legs? Who told you that your bed is so small?"

She blushed: "You still rely on me if you insist on sleeping here?!"

Unexpectedly, he smiled evilly: "What's wrong with you?" He closed his eyes and used his hands and feet together, wrapping her tightly like an octopus. She fought hard, but he easily subdued her. During the contest, he touched her body through the clothes, opened his eyes suddenly, and asked seriously: "Why do you wear a corset when you sleep? Don't you feel panicked?"

Said to help her untie it.

Du Ruo's face was on fire, and he struggled: "Let go!"

He didn't care, just put his arms around her and slept leisurely.

She held her breath and struggled, unable to break free, he suddenly opened his eyes slowly again, stared at her flushed face for a while, and said in a low voice: "If you move again, you will have a reaction."

Du Ruo froze suddenly and did not move, her face was so red that it was going to explode.

She remained still for several minutes, until she heard the people around her breathing more evenly, thinking that he was asleep, she moved her legs and feet slightly, trying to change her position.

With this movement, he suddenly turned over and pressed on her, holding her wrist and pressing it against the pillow. She screamed in fright, he pressed her down, his eyes looking down were bright, sharp, with unconcealable lust,

"What did I just say, huh?"