Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 77


In the thin autumn morning sunlight, the pale golden light penetrated the light blue gauze curtain and illuminated the small room.

Before seven o'clock, Du Ruo woke up and opened her eyes. Jingming was still in the sleeping position last night, hugging her like an octopus, like hugging a big beloved doll.

What a quiet morning.

She quietly turned her head to look at the man beside her, at his bright red lips, fair face, and black eyelashes, how could he be so good-looking? She snickered inwardly.

He was still sleeping, breathing evenly and lightly, his breath brushing past her cheeks and scratching the base of her neck.

She felt itchy and shrank her neck.

With this movement, he woke up. His eyes were a little dazed, like a disturbed dream.

Du Ruo: "Woke you up?"

"It's time to wake up." Jing Ming turned over and lay on his back, rubbed his eyes, and asked hoarsely, "What time is it?"

"Seven o'clock."

Jing Ming opened his eyes and was stunned for a while, not expecting to sleep until seven o'clock. After thinking about it, he turned over and hugged her again, pressed his long arms and long legs on her body, frowned and accused: "Your bed is too small, it's hard to sleep. My bones are almost broken."

"Then get up quickly." Du Ruo pushed him, but he couldn't.

He hugged her, closed his eyes again, was quiet and breathed evenly.

Du Ruo's heart softened, she gently grabbed his arm, and then closed her eyes.

After sleeping for a while and returning to the cage, Jing Ming was finally full of sleep, fully awake, and began to rub her body.

Du Ruo wanted to break free in consideration of going to work, but she couldn't hold him back, she surrendered within a short while, and completely handed herself over to him.

The sunshine of early autumn sprinkled in softly. In the small room, the small bed creaked, hoarse panting and weak moans intertwined, and the skin touched each other, sticky and greasy.

Wali got out of his nightgown, tilted his head and blinked curiously.

The fragrance of joy in a room.

At eight o'clock, Du Ruo managed to break free from his shackles and rolled out of bed: "I'm going to wash up first."

She wrapped her nightgown and fled to the bathroom, rubbing her belly, feeling a little swollen and uncomfortable. But it was sweet in my heart, as if after this ceremony, her and his past and future, suffering and joy, have been intertwined and intertwined since then.

She cleaned herself happily and went back to her room.

Only then did Jing Ming sit up slowly, occupying the entire bed with his long arms and legs, rubbing his messy hair.

Du Ruo said, "There are new toothbrushes and towels in the drawer."

"En." He got off the bed, walked to the door in one step, opened it and went out.

When I came back a few minutes later, I was refreshed.

Jing Ming stood on the carpet, bowed his waist and looked in the mirror to pick out his hair, and said casually, "Your roommate is back."

Du Ruo's scalp went numb: "When?"

"It's been a while. When I first entered the bathroom, she opened the door and entered the room." He looked at her in the mirror, frowned and asked, "What's her name?"

"Huanhuan." Du Ruo responded, nervously getting up from the chair.

Jing Ming: "Why did she name it a puppy?"

Du Ruo glared at him, went to the door and listened to the movement outside, but there was no sound. She explained: "You stay here and don't run around."

Jing Ming turned his head and glanced at the small room: "You can 'run' in this small place?"


Du Ruo stepped forward to hit him, but he immediately took a step back to distance himself.

She glared at him again, turned and went out.

Du Ruo walked to He Huanhuan's door, suppressed her anxiety, opened the door and looked inside: "... Huanhuan?"

Huanhuan was packing her clothes, turned around, and said with a smirk: "You bastard! I'm not at home, you had enough fun. Just your little bed, tsk tsk tsk."

Du Ruo blushed, and quibbled reflexively: "It's not what you think—"

He Huanhuan sneered: "What do I think? Do I want to, don't you all be like that sooner or later? Besides, with your blushing face, you can still fool me?"

"..." Du Ruo stepped forward to hit her, and changed the subject, "You're still talking about me? Didn't you go to live with Zeng Kefan?" He asked again, "Do you need my help for the engagement ceremony?"

"No. It's all left to the planner. However, there is something I want to tell you."


He Huanhuan smiled apologetically: "I'm going to move in with Zeng Kefan. Don't blame me, it happened suddenly, I..."

Du Ruo noticed it when she entered the door, and interrupted: "What are you talking about. Am I going to tie you up for the rest of my life and prevent you from getting married?"

"After I leave, do you want to exchange my room and rent out yours? If it's a contract, I'll tell the landlord to transfer it to you?"

Du Ruo shook her head: "Forget it. I don't want to live here anymore after you leave. I'd better find a better apartment near the company."

"Alright. If I'm free, I'll accompany you to see the house."


When Du Ruo returned to the room after chatting with her, Jing Ming had already changed his clothes, standing upright by the window and making a phone call: "Okay, I'll find you guys later."

Putting down the phone, she turned to look at Du Ruo: "I'll see He Wang Wan Ziang and the others later."


Good thing.

She pursed her lips and smiled, walked to the mirror, and painted lipstick on her eyebrows in front of the mirror.

Jingming leaned on the closet and looked at her for a while, and said, "You look better without makeup, you look younger. You look much more mature than you actually are with makeup."

Du Ruo sighed, and casually said: "I don't like makeup, I don't like to dress meticulously, and I don't like to wear clothes that are not convenient at all. I don't like to socialize, I don't like to sell, I just want to be free and unrestricted to do research and development . But how can there be such a good thing?"

Jing Ming walked over, put his arms around her waist from behind, rested his chin lightly on her temples, looked into her eyes in the mirror, and asked, "Du Ruochun."


"How have you been these past few years?"

Du Ruo's eyebrows paused.

He whispered: "Tell the truth."

"It's a good life. It's just... sometimes when I go home alone late at night, I feel that this kind of struggle is a bit empty, and I don't know what the meaning is." After she finished speaking, she smiled at him again, "But it's only occasionally. Ha ha."

But he couldn't laugh, he lowered his head and buried his head on her neck.

It's that he's not doing well enough.

If only he wasn't so young then.

He didn't say a word, but she guessed his thoughts clearly, and said: "But now I also feel very good. If we were together back then, we might have quarreled and broke up halfway."

He was silent for a while, then suddenly smiled, looked up at her in the mirror, and said, "You will not do anything you don't want to do soon."

Du Ruo turned around: "Is it still about buying Yuangan?"

"Yeah." Jing Ming let go of her, and said, "Yuanqian's products and technology are doing very well.... I will go to Yuanqian again in a few days. I will stop by to see you then."

Du Ruo was taken aback for a moment, with a delicate expression on his face.

Jing Ming: "What?"

Du Ruo: "Don't disclose the fact that we are together in the company, it's not good."

Jing Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and snorted, "Why do I feel like I'm back in college again?"

Du Ruo: "People in my company don't know you, is it necessary to let them know?"

Jingming: "Yi Kun knows me."

Could this person be any more childish? !

Du Ruo bit her lip, took her bag, and pushed him: "Okay, I'm going out soon, I'm going to be late."

Jing Ming walked out, turned his head and scanned the surroundings, and said sarcastically, "The vice president of a company lives in such a shabby neighborhood, Yi Kun is really stingy, I don't think he treats you very well."

"..." Du Ruo wanted to explain, but this person was obviously jealous, so let him go.

Du Ruo took Jingming's car to work and arrived at the company on time.

Monday morning was a regular meeting. When Du Ruo walked into the conference room, he happened to meet Yi Kun. The two sat down at the conference table. Yi Kun asked, "Are you back?"

Du Ruo: "Well, I arrived last night."

Yi Kun: "How is your mother?"

Du Ruo: "It's okay, everything has been healed."


"During this time, there is no work delay, right?"

"No. It's all transferred to Li Qinghe and Wu Zhengbo."

"Yeah." Du Ruo nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Yi Kun looked at her for a while, and was about to say something, but when the rest of the meeting people came in, he looked away.

After Jingming sent Du Ruo downstairs to the company, he called Yang Shu for ten minutes, briefly explained his thoughts and explained a few things, and then went to He Wang's laboratory.

When the boys met again, He Wang stepped forward and gave him a big hug without saying a word.

Jing Ming was startled, Wan Ziang and Tu Zhiyuan then hugged him.

Jing Ming laughed, "Can you stop being so hypocritical?"

He Wangdao: "Du Ruo has always said that there must be a sense of ceremony. Give me a hug and welcome you back."

Several people looked at each other and smiled, the previous little friction dissipated in an instant, and the familiar feeling returned.

"Come on, let you see what we have done all these years."

He Wang led Jingming around the laboratory and introduced to him their research results over the years, from various new algorithms and calculations inside the AI computer to various robots with autonomous learning capabilities. The strength has far surpassed domestic counterparts and can rival European and American powerhouses.

Everyone has made great progress over the years.

Jing Ming said: "It seems that none of you are left behind, and you still have the strength to re-enter Prime."

"Fuck you!" He Wang punched him.

Wan Ziang explained: "Actually, there were some objective reasons for what happened back then, apart from the fact that there was no breakthrough in technological limitations. The physical devices that carried information also reached their limits, which limited our performance to a certain extent. But now, quantum Computers have become popular, and we can use them to our advantage." He looked at Jingming seriously, "I really think about it, and I'm coming back, boss?"

"He Wang is right, if I don't take this road, others will too." Jingming's lips curled up, and he said presumptuously, "Instead of leaving it to others, let us go."

Tu Zhiyuan laughed heartily: "Okay! We'll turn him upside down again."

The four older boys got together to chat briefly about the possibility of a Prime rebuild.

"The current operational business of Chunhe Technology is mainly managed by Yang Shu and several other vice presidents. The focus of your work is always on research and development." Jing Ming briefly talked about his idea, "Prime Lab After reconstruction, it will be incorporated into the Chunhe Technology R&D Center, which is equivalent to a more pure and independent R&D department. The company invests in the laboratory, and the laboratory and the company hold two-way shares. At the same time, other talents and resources in the R&D center are shared with Prime Labs. Intercommunication, two-way absorption and output. What do you think?"

Several people are in favor of this idea.

He Wang even asked: "I'll go, you've already prepared for it, right?"

If Prime really wants to develop into a self-driving car empire, it is bound to be inseparable from professional management talents and a huge organizational structure. And the only thing they have to do is to put all their enthusiasm and focus on scientific research as they did when they were young, constantly break the bottleneck, and move forward bravely.

After Jingming finished chatting with He Wang and the others, he returned to Chunhe without stopping.

When I walked into the elevator room and waited for the elevator, I happened to meet Yang Shu who was about to go upstairs again after finishing the work, and they walked into the elevator together.

Jing Ming asked, "How's it going in the industrial zone?"

When Chunhe was established three years ago, a piece of land was enclosed in the industrial area to build a new site, so that the company could move to the new location after the company expanded. Six months ago, the infrastructure construction was completed. In the past six months, we have been filling and optimizing the internal facilities. Decoration and other things have been taken care of long ago, but the progress of equipment is a little slower.

Yang Shu: "All the facilities will be ready within a month."

Jing Ming: "It's too slow."

Yang Shu pondered for a while: "Twenty days at the fastest. Especially in the R&D center, a lot of high-end experimental equipment is imported from abroad, and the pre-purchase procedures have been completed, but it will take twenty days at the fastest to arrive."

Jingming: "OK."

Yang Shu asked: "It seems that we had a good talk with He Wang and the others?"

Jingming: "Everything is going well." Turning to look at her again, he said, "From now on, my work focus will be transferred to Prime, and Chunhe's other affairs will be fully entrusted to you. Although it was the same before."

Yang Shu was taken aback by his solemn tone, and smiled slightly: "I know."

Jing Ming: "Thank you for your hard work."

Yang Shu smiled again: "No need. To be honest, I also want to witness and participate in the establishment of an empire. Whether it is Chunhe or Prime."

Jing Ming looked at the golden elevator wall with sharp eyes, and said to himself: "Chunhe. Prime. Let the world witness."