Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 78


When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, Du Ruo habitually prepared to rush to the industrial park, but before he went downstairs, he received a text message from Jingming: "I'll wait for you downstairs."

The car is parked on the side of the road.

She got into the car and said, "I'm still going to the laboratory."

Jing Ming smiled: "Take you somewhere."


"You'll know when we get there." He said, unconsciously took her hand and interlocked his fingers.

Du Ruo's heart warmed, and she leaned over to lean on his shoulder.

There was some traffic jam on the road, he stopped and went, but he seemed to be in a good mood, playing with her palm from time to time with his fingers, making her tickle.

She raised her head: "Have a good chat with He Wang?"


She smiled.

"What are you laughing at?"

"I see you are in a good mood."

Not long after, the Mercedes-Benz drove into a newly developed industrial park, bypassed the empty streets, and stopped in front of a fence.

Jing Ming led Du Ruo out of the car, and walked in through a small iron gate on the wall. What catches the eye is a large lawn and green belt, and the roads are lined with ginkgo and maple trees. Walking along the main road, there are large new modern commercial and industrial buildings in the area, such as office buildings, workshops, parking lots...

The overall design of one of the buildings is fashionable and advanced. At first glance, it looks like a huge racing car, which is very artistic.

"This building is so beautiful." Before Du Ruo could react, he asked, "Chunhe's new office building? There are so many buildings."

Jing Ming stepped forward, held her hand, and said, "Chunhe's research and development center is where Prime Lab is located."

Du Ruo's eyes widened, and she turned to look at him in surprise.

Jingming smiled casually: "Is that an exaggeration?"

Du Ruo explained: "I didn't accidentally rebuild Prime, but I was surprised that the building is too big."

"Such a big goal, of course, requires such a big building to accommodate it." Jing Ming said.

He looked at the building, as if he suddenly saw that night at the beginning. When the eleven of them sat on the side of the road and imagined the future, they said that they wanted to spread Prime's driverless cars all over the world and build an empire called Prime.

Du Ruo also thought of that night when the red wine was slightly drunk, the laughter of the teenagers echoed in the night of Beijing.

She was slightly touched, feeling emotional and secretly fighting: "That's right. Since Prime is going back on the road to pursue our original idea, the plan is naturally more long-term."

"Decided to return to this path, research and development must be the core." Jing Ming said, "Prime will never repeat the same mistakes."

The young people around him looked at the building with firm eyes but lonely eyes; they were convinced but regretful.

Du Ruo's heart ached, she stepped forward and put her arms around his waist, and said softly: "I think he is in heaven, and he will be happy for you now. We waited for six years, why didn't he wait for six years, because that was also his whole life. dream."

Jing Ming was silent, he just lowered his palms, covered her wrists around her waist, and held them tightly.

"Jingming." She put her arms around him, equally firm and convinced, "I have a hunch that our Prime will definitely ride the wind and waves this time and move forward indomitably. Do you believe it?"

He looked up at the high blue sky in autumn, the gorgeous sky light was reflected in his eyes, crystal clear,


When walking out of the park, Du Ruo suggested going home to cook, but Jing Ming thought it was troublesome for her to be tired, so he decided to eat outside, and said that he would hire a nanny to cook at home in the future.

Du Ruo vaguely sensed something was wrong when he heard what he said, but he didn't care.

After the two had dinner outside, Du Ruo said to the driver quite simply, "Can you take me home first, so that you don't have to take a long detour."

The driver glanced at Jing Ming.

Jingming looked at Du Ruo, and said, "I brought back all the materials I left at my parents' house, and you help me sort them out. I can't do it alone."

Du Ruo obediently agreed: "Okay."

Arriving at Jingming's residence, Du Ruo looked around the clean living room: "Where are the documents?"

Jing Ming: "Of course it's in the study. Are you stupid?"

"… oh."

The two walked up the stairs. Just after turning the corner, they heard the sound of the machine, and the next second came Eva's cute and cute voice: "You are back~~~"

When Jing Ming walked up the steps, the cheerful little Eva flew to his feet, hugged his legs with her little paws, and looked at him happily.

Du Ruo's heart skipped a beat, she was very surprised: "Is she still there?"

Eva turned her head to look at her, tilted her head left and right, and blinked her eyes to identify something. Finally, her eyes lit up, she waved her little paw happily, ran to her feet, hugged her feet with a puff, and said softly, "You girl has a bad temper~~~"

Du Ruo knelt down and hugged her: "Eva, long time no see."

Eva rubbed her small hand on her cheek, and said, "I miss you so much, do you miss me~~~"

Du Ruo's heart softened, she touched her head, and looked up at Jingming, "She has become smarter."

Jing Ming was quite disgusted: "You think it's like your family, who is stupid and can't speak."

Du Ruo was about to say something with a black hair.

Eva touched her soothingly, and muttered, "Oh, I was wrong, don't be angry, okay?"

Jingming: "..."

Du Ruo burst out laughing.

"I raised her for nothing." Jing Ming said, walking to the study, Du Ruo followed, and Eva followed suit, waving her little hands: "I raised her for nothing~~~"

Jingming: "..."

In the past few days, Jing Ming brought all the blueprints from his parents' house, and they piled up everywhere in the study.

Du Ruo sat on the ground, helped him sort out the materials, and asked, "What will happen to these materials in the future? Move them all to the Prime Lab?"

"Well. Everything will be ready in two or three weeks in the laboratory. How can they all come by then." He flipped through the manuscript paper and looked up at her suddenly, "What about you?"

Du Ruo whispered: "I'll resign when I find time." Then he asked luckily, "But if Yuangan is acquired by Chunhe, I don't have to resign, I just transfer internally."

Jing Ming snorted: "As far as Yi Kun's character is concerned, buying him can grind me for a month or two."

Du Ruo thought to himself, your dog temper is too shy to talk about others.

"Why did you guys not agree?"

Jing Ming: "Rights, money, terms, oh, there are too many. He's a very rough guy, and it's not like you don't know."

Du Ruo: "..."

I do not know…


Are these two talking about cooperation, or are they deliberately competing to make each other unhappy

Forget it, she doesn't get involved. Let’s sort out the information with peace of mind, that’s the brick by brick of Prime’s future.

The two were doing things, Eva turned around, occasionally looked at the content on the paper, thought curiously, occasionally touched Du Ruo lightly, and asked her to play.

As the night gradually deepened, she nestled beside Du Ruo's lap and fell asleep obediently.

Du Ruo yawned and saw that it was eleven o'clock.

Jing Ming said, "It's too late, you should stay here. The drivers are off work."

Du Ruo was surprised: "Is your driver still off work?"

Jingming: "My place is very humane."

Du Ruo hesitated: "But all my clothes are at home."

Jingming: "I'll send you to change it tomorrow morning."

Du Ruo still frowned in thought.

Jing Ming got up, looking exhausted: "Okay. I'll take you back, and go to the hospital along the way to prescribe some sleeping pills."

Du Ruo was taken aback, and stopped him: "Forget it, it's so late, let's go to bed early."

"Then I'll go and find you some clothes to use as pajamas." Jing Ming walked out of the study, couldn't hold back for a while, and the corners of his mouth curled up silently.

The bathroom is bright and majestic, the floor and walls are gray and black with texture, the long white sink, and the mirror are spotless.

After Du Ruo took a shower, he put on his white shirt, which was loose. She pulled up the collar of the shirt, looked at the dark lines of the gold thread, and sniffed it to her nose, it smelled of his fragrance.

She walked out of the bathroom waving her long sleeves, and Jing Ming had also taken a shower and was sitting on the sofa reading a book.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, he looked up. His little woman was wearing his shirt with her hands tucked in the sleeves, and her white and slender legs were exposed at the hem of the shirt.

She was not wearing anything underneath, and she came to him uncomfortably, and was about to sit down, when he stretched out his hand and pulled her, she fell and sat on his lap, in an ambiguous posture.

He slowly raised his eyes, and the light of the floor lamp shone into his eyes, as if a whole galaxy was contained in them.

The palms are hot, and the desire is obvious in the eyes as they are touched across the shirt.

With just one look, her heart beats warmly. She put her hands on his shoulders, lowered her head obediently, and kissed his soft lips.

He kissed her gently.

At the hem of the shirt, the girl's skin is soft and delicate.

"Hiss—" she shrank suddenly.

"What's wrong?"


"Let me see."

"Don't." She blushed and got up to escape.

He grabbed her wrist and brought her forward,

She slipped her knees and knelt on top of him, her posture becoming more and more bold. He chuckled, and the loose shirt that was covering her was gone.

Her ears were burning and twisting. The floor light shone on her face, and she was flustered, muttering: "Turn off the light."

He ignored her, raised his head and lightly pecked her hot little ears, his voice hoarse: "Chun'er."

"Huh?" She twitched uneasily, dodging his hand, flustered and flustered, her heart trembling.

"Move here and live with me."


"Okay? I can't sleep without you."

"I… "

"I don't want to take sleeping pills anymore." He said, with a sexy and seductive voice, "Chun'er, you are my medicine."

These words made her feel electrified all over, and let out a groan.

She was so ashamed that blood was dripping on her face, she didn't dare to look at him, she just wanted not to face him, so she rushed forward and hugged his neck.

And he grabbed her waist, turned over and pushed her down on the sofa.

When Du Ruo woke up the next day, he was sleeping on a big fluffy and soft bed, and when he moved a little, his back was sore.

"Are you awake?" He had already gotten up, came over and bent over to touch her forehead, then lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.

He looked in good spirits.

But last night, from the sofa to the bed, she was almost tortured to death by him.

At this moment, he was fully clothed, while she was curled up naked under the quilt. She glanced at him in embarrassment, and asked, "Didn't sleep well, wake up so early?"

Jingming looked at her for a while, then smiled, "It's nine o'clock now."

Du Ruo was startled, and sat up suddenly: "Why didn't you call me?!"

"I see you are very tired."


Du Ruo burst into tears in her heart, she didn't go to bed until two o'clock last night, can she not be tired!

She kicked him and dressed in a hurry: "It's all your fault! I don't have time to go home and change. I have a meeting today to discuss the acquisition."

Jingming glanced at her, wanting to smile or not.

"..." Du Ruo muttered, "Don't even think about it, I won't reveal the information to you."

"Oh." He sneered, "I need eyeliner? Do you think it was a beauty trick to sell your body last night?"

Du Ruo's ears were red, she rolled her eyes, and ran to wash up.

When he came out again, he was putting cuff buttons on his shirt. Du Ruo saw that it was the one she bought back then, and immediately grabbed his hand: "Don't wear this."


She whispered: "It's too cheap."

He pushed her hand away and said, "Who would think it's cheap if it's on my hand?"

She was taken aback.

Yes, wearing it on his hand, who wouldn't think it was worth tens of thousands.

"You just pull it." She said, but she couldn't stop laughing in her heart.

Conceited, arrogant, still the Jing Ming she likes.

Before going out, Jingming gave her a key.

"I'll leave the matter of moving to Chen Xian, don't worry, move here tonight."


Du Ruo arrived at the company at quarter past nine.

Fortunately, there was a meeting at ten o'clock, and several vice presidents had just arrived, so there was no delay. Yi Kun didn't bother to ask.

Regarding the acquisition, there is not much disagreement within the company, no one is against the acquisition, and the focus is on the terms.

Yi Kun put Chunhe's conditions on the table, including the acquisition fee, changes in personnel positions after the acquisition, and rights.

After listening to Du Ruo, she found that Chunhe's conditions were good, but correspondingly, she had a lot of control over Yuan Qian. Overall a good deal. The other vice presidents thought so too.

Only Wu Zhengbo said: "Chunhe has strong funds, and if we press it again, we can strive for more benefits."

Yi Kun: "I think so too."

Only then did Du Ruo know that Yi Kun was quite satisfied with Chunhe, but he was willing to fight for more. Anyway, the other party is Jing Ming, so it doesn't matter if you keep him on edge for a few days.

And Jingming must be very clear in his heart. That's why the two worked so hard.

After the meeting ended, Du Ruo stopped Yi Kun: "Brother, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"What's up?"

Du Ruo hesitated for a moment: "When the acquisition is completed, the company's personnel will change a lot. I think it's possible that I won't continue to work in this position."

Yi Kun was quite calm, and asked, "Any other plans?"

"I feel that the past two years have been quite tiring. The position of vice president is not very suitable for me, and I am a bit reluctant. I may still be more suitable for a simpler R&D environment."

Yi Kun was silent. He knew Du Ruo's character very well. He has also seen her performance and hard work in the past two years,

"This job is really not very happy."

"No. You have taken care of me a lot in the past two years."

"Mutual. Yuan Qian has today, and you have contributed a lot." Yi Kun actually smiled very lightly, and suddenly asked, "Did someone else come to poach you? For example... Jingming."

Du Ruo was taken aback and lowered his eyelids.

Yi Kun didn't expose it, he had already expected that her heart was still with him.

He didn't have time to speak, as if he didn't know which step was too late, or maybe, without opening his mouth, he was too late many years ago.

Du Ruo said: "Don't worry, I will not disclose the company's affairs to anyone."

Yi Kun wasn't worried about this, he knew that Du Ruo wouldn't do such a thing, and he knew that Jing Ming didn't bother to do such a thing.

He said: "No matter what, we will wait until we get the money after the acquisition before leaving."

Du Ruo was taken aback for another moment, then chuckled: "Of course."

Du Ruo got off work on time in the afternoon, and Chen Xian came to pick her up, saying that Jingming was in a meeting and would be back later. He has already found a moving company.

Du Ruo said yes.

The person she found was very responsible and professional, and she barely made any effort, so the workers packed everything up, put it in neat and clean boxes, and shipped it to Jingming's house.

She didn't have many things, she threw away all kitchen utensils and sanitary wares, only books and clothes remained.

Du Ruo opened the wardrobe door of Jingming's bedroom and froze in place.

This wardrobe is probably bigger than the house she rented with He Huanhuan, row by row, with corners and corridors. There are hangers for clothes, shoes, ties, cufflinks, watches...there are so many things to see.

She looked around curiously, and glanced at dozens of watches and a bunch of cufflinks, sea blue, black, white, sapphire, pine, tortoiseshell, spar, lying quietly in their respective In the small wooden lattice.

Du Ruo walked around and found that Jing Ming had specially vacated a row of wardrobes for her, and she stuffed all her clothes in it, and there was more than enough.

After sorting out the books, there was also a place for her on the cabinet in the study. She stacked the books and put the dormant WALL-E next to the sofa.

Eva leaned forward curiously, tilted her head, and looked left and right around Wall-E. It took a long time to muster up the courage to touch it carefully, and quickly retracted her hand as soon as she touched it.

Zizizi, she raised her head and asked Du Ruo softly, "What is this?"

"He's Wali." Du Ruo touched her: "I'll play with you when he wakes up."

Eva waved her little paw happily, and said delicately, "He looks so good~~~"

The little guy walked around Wall-E happily, waiting for him to wake up.

Du Ruo got up with a smile and went into the bedroom, putting the aroma lamp into the bedside cabinet.

He opened the bedside table, only to see a black iPhone 7 and a charging cable.

mobile phone from six years ago.

Du Ruo was a little surprised, why did he still keep the old mobile phone by the bedside.

She pressed it unintentionally, and there was a password.

How could she guess.

With a curl of his lips, he put the phone back, closed the drawer, got up and left.