Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 82


When Du Ruo walked into the Prime laboratory, the windows were bright and clean, and the sun was shining lightly.

The former companions either immersed themselves in their work or browsed through the materials, but the scene was the same as it was back then.

She still remembers the first time she walked into the Prime Lab as a prospective team member six years ago, it was a hot summer afternoon. She was attracted by the promotional video of the Shenzhen 2017 Driverless Racing Contest, and happily ran to them in the scorching sun, starting a new journey in her life.

Now, back to the beginning.

Standing at the door, she scanned the spacious and bright laboratory, and met Jingming's eyes through the test bench and the figure.

He just glanced up towards the door.

The two naturally exchanged glances. He bowed his head and continued with his business.

The corners of her lips pursed into a smile, and her steps were brisk as she passed in front of He Wang.

He Wang smiled and said, "Yo, the queen is here."

After that press conference, He Wang nicknamed her "Queen" and made trouble with her every time he saw her, which drove her a little crazy.

"I'm sick of you, I'm not a queen, and I don't want to be. Besides, I'm in a hurry to protect Prime's reputation."

He Wang teased her: "So, next time someone chokes me, you will help me out?"

Du Ruo: "..."

Jing Ming raised his eyes, glanced at Du Ruo quietly, then glanced at He Wang, and said, "You are so powerful, do you need her to help you out?"

Du Ruo immediately chimed in: "That's it!"

Jingming: "..."

"I'll go!" He Wang was deeply stimulated, "You are so powerful? Don't you want help?"

Before Jing Ming could speak, Du Ruo replied, "He's the boss, so it's not convenient for him to come out and argue with others."

Jingming couldn't help laughing.

What hope, pawn.

He picked up the "knife" again and stabbed himself in the chest: "Do you still have the right to be a dog?"

Wan Ziang smiled: "Du Ruo usually has a gentle personality. The queen is not suitable."

"I think so too." Tu Zhiyuan raised his head from the computer screen, "I think the nickname Xiaocao can be changed and upgraded to Xiaoshu."

Zhu Tao: "Second!"

Du Ruo has a black line: "Is the research topic of this laboratory today my nickname?"

The boys laughed.

He Wang kicked his feet, slid the chair out, and stretched his waist: "After all, you are our team flower. We still have to do some face-saving work, so we have to come up with a good name first."

"There's nothing I can do to shut you up." Jing Ming passed by and knocked him on the head, "The meeting is on!"

He Wang got up and looked down at the phone: "Question: The leader doesn't like me, always picking on me, what should I do? Wait online, hurry up."

Wan Ziang replied, "Suicide."

Everyone happily gathered from all over the place and sat around the table.

After taking their seats, they looked at each other, and found that the seating order was the same as before, and they couldn't help laughing again.

Jing Ming inadvertently glanced at Du Ruo who was across the table. The girl had a happy smile on her face, a small mouth, long eyelashes, a pretty plain face, and a long ponytail. There is not much difference from back then, still young and beautiful, but much prettier.

She hadn't noticed his gaze, he had already looked away.

There is a meeting.

This return to the field of unmanned vehicles is not enough to rely on the ten people in the Prime Lab, and it needs hundreds of scientific research personnel from Chunhe R&D Center as backup support.

During this time, each group of Prime was busy communicating with the researchers and engineers in the R&D center, doing technical exchanges and team building.

Zhu Tao is in charge of the control group, and has in-depth contact with Yi Kun and several mechanical control experts in the R&D center, and the running-in process is very smooth. After he finished his report, he gave Jingming a thumbs up: "These talents in the R&D center have a solid foundation."

Wan Ziang from the sensor team also agreed: "Indeed, the sensor engineers on my side are quite capable. One of them is my senior at Caltech. Jingming, you guys have prepared long enough."

The corner of Jingming's mouth twitched: "What are you doing, how can you sharpen your guns before the battle?"

He Wang couldn't sit still for a long time, and when it was his turn, he beamed with joy and said, "I'm familiar with the group of people in the AI group. We have discussed several times this week, just one word, cool! The AI brain calculates 55 trillion completely. No problem." Speaking of this, he felt a little emotional, "Look back and think about six years ago, 19 trillion yuan. Tsk tsk, this speed of development, with a flick of a finger. Brothers, I have a very strong feeling that no one in China The era of driving is really coming." He poked the table vigorously with his index finger, "The starting point is here!"

His agitated emotions infected everyone,

Du Ruo couldn't suppress his high spirits, and said with all his strength: "Let's do it well! Make sure those guys who hurt us behind our backs take a good look at it!"

He Wang: "Oh, Xiaocao."

Jingming turned a pen and looked at her across the table, with three parts of smile and seven parts of seriousness in his eyes: "So you hold grudges?"

Du Ruo: "Those who attack and harm you will have to pay the price."

As soon as these words came out, there was a moment of silence on the table.

The pen in Jing Ming's hand stopped, his gaze was straight and soft, and he looked at her.

Du Ruo's face suddenly became hot, and he said, "I mean Prime."

He Wang didn't tease her this time.

Jing Ming turned the pen in his hand again, and said in a calm tone, "The public relations have been coordinated. Don't take this matter to heart. The most important thing is to launch a really good car."

"Yes." Wan Ziang nodded, and asked again, "Who do you think is responsible for this incident on the Internet?"

He Wangchi let out a sigh: "Do you still need to ask? Who in the market now sees us as a thorn in the side, and who is the opponent?"

Du Ruo said: "Pengcheng is not worthy of being our opponent, it's a thousand miles away."

It was rare for her to be rude, and the boys all gave a "Yo Ha" and laughed.

Jing Ming looked at Du Ruo again, he didn't smile, but his eyes were stained with a smile.

She is indeed not an invincible queen, but she is not a white rabbit who can be rounded and flattened by others.

Perhaps it is really like grass, soft and weak, but tough and full of vitality.

He withdrew his gaze, leaned back on the back of the chair a little loosely, and sighed slightly: "Dong Cheng is really not an opponent, and he is even more stupid than I imagined. Take the incident on the Internet as an example, there is really no need to do so Obviously come to entrap us."

Zhu Tao sneered: "How can he have such a high moral standard?"

Jing Ming shook his head: "It's not about morality. Even if it's smart, consider it from the perspective of self-interest: If it hurts others, it's the most taboo to cut the weeds without eradicating the roots. You must make sure that the trick is fatal. If you knock people down in one fell swoop, you will never recover. Don't kill the opponent, make enemies for yourself out of thin air. That's why he is stupid."

Du Ruo nodded silently, it makes sense.

"But these are not important." He changed his tone and said, "Pengcheng's is waiting in advance. Take back your thoughts, walk your own path, and don't be influenced by others, and the direction is crooked. Our current goal is to strive for an early release New car."

When the topic was brought back, He Wang was excited again. He slapped the table happily like a child and said, "Come on, come on, think about it. When we launch a new car, we must find the coolest way to appear on the stage. It should be like the Shenzhen competition in the past." Like a speed race, announce it to the whole world!"

Jing Ming's eyes flashed: "Don't worry, I've already thought about it."

Du Ruo: "What is it?"

"Next spring and summer, the World Driverless Car Rally Championship."

Du Ruo was taken aback.

She has heard of this game.

Six days and nights, nearly 4,000 kilometers. From the city to the desert, from the road to the grassland, across the hills and farmland, through the high temperature and cold, and various harsh challenges in nature. The harshness and brutality of the race is comparable to the Dakar Rally in human driving.

For some reason, she was inexplicably nervous.

As soon as He Wang knocked on the table, he jumped up from the chair: "I'll go! This game is so cool! Jingming, I like you so much!"

Jing Ming: "Get lost!"

Wan Ziang also had a look of excitement and surprise: "I've been paying attention to this game a few years ago, but...we're going to do such a big thing with the first vote of our comeback?"

Jingming raised his eyebrows: "Don't you dare?"

"Whoever loves the grandson!" Zhu Tao said, "Boss, if you have any request, just ask. We promise to do it."

"If you want, just one." Jing Ming said, "We must win."

There was a moment of silence.

Jing Ming twitched the corners of his mouth, but he didn't smile: "Remember, Prime doesn't have a second chance to fail. If you fail again, you will die."

Du Ruo raised her eyes and saw that everyone's faces were solemn and serious.

To be honest, she was still worried a second ago, the competition standard was too high, and she wanted to persuade everyone to calm down first.

But at this moment, looking at his twenty-five-year-old young face in front of him.

Twenty-five years old, still very young. But for the young genius, it seems to be too old.

And Jing Ming, he should have stood on top of the world long ago!

She suddenly changed her mind, and she was more determined than ever: "Don't worry, boss. This time I will definitely not fail."

"Yes. Absolutely will not fail." He Wang clenched his fist.

Everyone: "I will definitely win."

Jingming: "Then do it!"

When the meeting was over, everyone got up and left the table.

Du Ruo walked to Jingming's side, and said in a low voice, "Come out with me."

Jing Ming raised his eyebrows and turned around, she had already walked out the door.

He put away his things and followed her out, but he didn't see her. After thinking about it, he followed the habit at school to find the stairwell. She was there.

He couldn't help smiling.

Du Ruo glared at him, "I have business to discuss with you."

He looked her up and down for a while, and narrowed his eyes vigilantly: "Isn't it to persuade me to calm down and wait a year or two before competing?"

Du Ruo was taken aback, and frowned: "I said I support you, what do you think?"

He hehe: "Then what's the matter with me?"

"Since it is said that we are doing big things, don't bother with idlers. Isn't it better not to find things for yourself?"

Jing Ming's eyes rolled slightly, thinking that the corner was coming, he would look at her with a smile or not, pretending to be confused: "What am I looking for?"

"I told you last time, don't offend anyone with your words! If you meet a villain, stay away and don't provoke them." Her thin eyebrows were twisted into knots, "You really need to change your bad temper!"

Jing Ming smiled: "Your temper isn't getting any better either."

Du Ruo wanted to bite someone: "I was not forced by you!"

Seeing her anxious look, he felt his heart skip a beat, and smiled lightly: "Okay. Change."

"..." Du Ruo was speechless for a moment, he didn't expect him to be so easy to talk suddenly, he was a little suspicious, "How much should I change?"

He scratched his neck with one finger: "Then I can't guarantee it."

Du Ruo: "..."

Seeing her look of lovelessness, he smiled again: "OK, OK, whatever you say, can you go?"

Du Ruo rolled his eyes: "Let's go."

When he was about to get off work in the afternoon, Du Ruo went to Yi Kun to get the materials.

Yuan Qian has already moved to Chunhe, and Yi Kun has completely returned to the research and development position, working with Zhu Tao and the others to improve the control system.

Yi Kun adapted well to the new working environment.

After the purchase money was settled, Yuan Qian's veteran heroes including Du Ruo all shared a large sum. Now that I concentrate on research and development, my life is much simpler.

He's not gregarious either, and the lab suits his iceberg face best.

"I heard from Zhu Tao that Jingming wants to participate in next year's World Rally Championship?"

"Hmm." Du Ruo caught his slight expression and asked, "What's wrong?"

"He's very courageous." Yi Kun's tone couldn't tell whether it was a compliment or a derogation. "The competition has been held for three times, but no Chinese team participated once because it didn't meet the technical standards. The first three times were in the United States. This time the government took the lead in inviting It was embarrassing because there was no national team. I heard that the higher ups put pressure on Peng Cheng and ordered to send a team to the competition.”

Du Ruo only focused on what he cared about the most: "Why do you say he is bold?"

"The technical specifications of the competition are quite high, much higher than those in Shenzhen and your several public races. I thought he would at least keep a low profile for a while after his comeback." After speaking, he laughed, "However, if he can If you keep a low profile, you won't be called Jingming anymore."

Du Ruo's heart was pounding, and he returned to the anxiety at the moment of the meeting, and asked cautiously, "Don't you like him?"

"I didn't say that. To be honest, Chunhe's strength is much stronger than I imagined. After all, whether it is equipment talents or technical resources, he has collected and prepared for six years.

But with the right time and place, everything needs a little luck.

Take the car accident six years ago, if Prime No.2 persisted for a few more minutes, the result would be different. You are so unlucky that you have no problem with nearly 10,000 kilometers of test drive, but there is a BUG on the same day. No matter how well-prepared, there will be loss of control, so the game needs a little luck. And if he fails again this time, what do you think will happen to Jing Ming? "

Du Ruo's heart suddenly turned cold, and she dared not imagine. But soon, she shook her head: "No. He is not only for the race. The current Prime is different from the original. Our goal is that every car will not lose control no matter how many kilometers it travels. It will definitely be done, I believe The past six years have not been in vain for each of us.”

Her tone was so firm, Yi Kun was silent for a while, looking at her, the image of her working overtime in the laboratory until late at night appeared in front of her eyes.

I didn't know what she was planning before, but now it suddenly seems to be the case.

A woman who looks so weak and gentle, but is so stubborn and unrepentant in her bones.

He didn't have anything else to say, but smiled very faintly: "Then go on."

Turning around, he added another sentence: "If Jing Ming was so confident six years ago that he would have no doubts in his heart, he would definitely win. I believe it.

But right now, he should be the one of you most afraid of failure. "

Du Ruo was taken aback.

How could she ignore this

After leaving the office, the sunlight outside the glass windows in the corridor is thin and the trees are withered.

At the end of November, cold waves came frequently.

The once fiery golden autumn leaves have long since withered away. The park is a scene of early winter, chilly.

The seasons alternate, and the years are dry and prosperous.

Du Ruo covered her eyes hard, and it took a long time before she raised her head and turned to leave.

When he returned to the Prime Lab, Jing Ming was sitting at the table, looking down at the computer and tapping away, with a silent and quiet profile.

Sensing Du Ruo approaching, he raised his eyes and glanced at her: "What's the matter?" He looked at the computer again, his eyes focused.

Du Ruo said: "It seems that you haven't seen the visual sensing system that I have been researching these years."

"Huh?" He was still staring at the computer, his eyes reflected the light of the screen, shining brightly, like the surface of a lake reflected by the sun.

Du Ruo didn't mind, and said softly: "Compared to the eyes of Prime No.2 back then, the eyes of our cars will be able to distinguish more things in the future, such as rain, dust, gravel, roads, rice fields, and reflections from obstacles of different colors. Light, and the line of sight clearing anti-occlusion system. In short, it is able to see things that other machines cannot see.

Over the years, every situation I can think of that cars will encounter on the road has been improved. In the future, I will continue to expand the data and improve it. Make its sensing ability close to that of human beings. "

This time, Jing Ming stopped and looked up at her: "So?"

"Jingming, don't be afraid." Du Ruo smiled brightly, "I will let you win."

The author has something to say: Jing Ming: …

My girlfriend is not a fool →_→