Ruo Chun and Jing Ming

Chapter 83


In early December, the roads in the park are covered with golden fallen leaves.

Du Ruo walked through the corridor and leaned on the glass to take a look, another year of winter is coming.

The hot air that was exhaled was dense on the glass, foggy.

She wrote Prime in the mist with her finger, and walked away with a smile.

Du Ruo stayed in the sensing laboratory all day doing experiments with the engineers. When he was about to get off work, his mobile phone rang, and a text message came from Jingming: "Come back."

She packed up her things and returned to the Prime Lab. Just as she walked to the door, she met Jingming coming out.

He naturally took her hand and walked out.

During this period of time, the two were busy with their respective work, and they had less time to get together and leave more, so they had time to eat together and go home. But usually I don’t come back until after eleven o’clock in the evening.

"It's so early today, what's the matter?" Du Ruo tied a scarf around his neck, "I haven't finished my work yet."

"Take you to dinner."


Jing Ming said, "My parents' house."

Du Ruo paused and lowered his voice: "Do they know?"

Jing Ming looked at her: "We've been together for so long, don't you know?"

"What do they say?"


Du Ruo felt anxious in his heart.

"Why this expression?" He frowned and pulled her over to rub her face.

"I..." She didn't know what expression to put on, "What if they don't accept it?"

Jing Ming smiled unruly: "It's simple. Show your momentum. Just like the last press conference, go back."

Du Ruo: "..."

She turned away silently.

Jingming sized her up, stopped joking, stretched out his hand to pull her back, and asked, "Are you really nervous?"

She nodded and whispered: "What if Auntie objects to us being together?"

"She likes you so much, why would she object? Don't think too much about it." He rubbed her head comfortingly, and said casually, "Besides, is she going to separate from me if she objects to you?"

Du Ruo didn't say a word, as if acquiescing.

The smile in Jing Ming's eyes disappeared, and he gently pushed her shoulder.

Du Ruo took a step back, seeing his stern face, he immediately struggled to admit his mistake: "Oh, I'm not..."

Jing Ming didn't want to talk to her, so he turned around and left.

She chased after him and pulled him: "Why are you angry?"

Jing Ming shook off her hand.

She trotted to keep up and tugged him: "Don't be angry. I didn't mean that!"

He still shakes off.

"Go slowly, I can't run anymore!" She caught up again and wrapped her arms around his arm, but he didn't shake it off twice. do not care.

The footsteps inadvertently slowed down, but still ignored her.

On the way home, the man felt depressed. Du Ruo was also very depressed, the two went home arguing with each other, what's going on. She annoyed Jing Ming's temper all the way, but left the original nervousness behind.

It wasn't until the car stopped in front of Jing's house that Du Ruo became anxious again, got out of the car, and followed Jing Ming slowly. I wanted to say something to ease the atmosphere, but I didn't know how to speak. I was very depressed.

Seeing that he was about to enter the house, he became more and more dejected.

Jing Ming took the key to open the door, but stretched out his other hand and squeezed her hand tightly.

She was taken aback. The door opened.

Jing Yuanshan and Ming Yi are in the living room on the first floor.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Ming Yi said: "I'm back."

"There is a traffic jam on the road." Jing Ming said, and Raduruo entered the door.

Du Ruo smiled nervously: "Uncle, aunt."

Ming Yi said with a smile: "Xiao Ruo's body has grown a bit better, and her face is not so thin."

"Ah. Is there?" Du Ruo touched his cheek. Seeing my aunt's smile, my heart suddenly dropped.

"I've been eating too much lately. Raising pigs." Jing Ming said, giving Du Ruo a cold look.

Du Ruo: "..."

Public revenge.

Facing her, Jing Ming said in a very low voice: "Do you think you are stupid?"

Du Ruo: "..."

His tall figure blocked the view of the living room, she took his hand, shook it lightly as a gesture of goodwill, and mouthed: "I was wrong."

He squinted at her from the corner of his eye, but his expression softened completely.

On the other end, Jing Yuanshan put down the newspaper and scolded: "This kid, does anyone say that about his girlfriend?"

Jingming let out a "huh" and ignored it.

Du Ruo was changing her slippers, when she heard her uncle say "girlfriend", her heart skipped a beat, sweet and happy. The soles of the feet stepped into the soft and fluffy slippers, which were warm and ironed.

She followed Jingming into the living room and sat beside him naturally.

Jing Ming tilted his body and slumped lazily on the sofa.

Jing Yuanshan reprimanded again: "Sit down or not, please sit down for me!"

Jing Ming frowned impatiently, and was too lazy to talk back to him, so he moved up a little.

Ming Yi watched from the side, and smiled slightly. There hasn't been such harmony in the family for a long time.

She smiled and said, "Xiao Ruo, come here, Auntie has something to tell you."

Du Ruo sat beside her.

"Are you busy recently?"

"Yes." Du Ruo replied, "There are a lot of things in the laboratory."

"Have you encountered any difficulties?"

"Not yet. I have encountered some minor problems, and they have been gradually resolved."

"This time, we must be more rigorous." Ming Yi took her hand, put it close to her ear, and whispered, "He has a bit of a personality, you can't let him do it, you have to control it."

"... Hmm." Du Ruo inexplicably blushed.

Jing Ming was talking to his father, and inadvertently glanced at Du Ruo, seeing that she was not uncomfortable, he looked away again.

Mingyi asked: "Will you two quarrel?"

"I used to be noisy when I was in school, but now I don't."

Ming Yi nodded: "He has a bad temper, you can't take what you say when you are angry, you know? Just ignore him, it will be fine automatically when the anger subsides."

Du Ruo pursed her lips and smiled, nodded: "Oh, I see."

I didn't understand it when I was in school before, but now I understand it thoroughly.

In the restaurant, Mrs. Chen has prepared a table of meals.

Ming Yi got up: "Let's go, go eat." Naturally, his hands wrapped around Du Ruo's back.

The last trace of restraint in Du Ruo's heart completely dissipated.

After going to the table, Ming Yi asked again: "How do you usually eat? Have you eaten on time?"

Du Ruo nodded: "I have. Sometimes I cook, sometimes I eat out."

Ming Yi frowned: "You are so busy, how can you have time to cook? Why don't you invite someone at home?"

Du Ruo hurriedly said: "I don't need it for now. I've been eating at the company recently."

Jing Ming was drinking soup, and interjected: "Du Ruochun cooks delicious food." He glanced at Mrs. Chen and smiled, "It's better than Mrs. Chen."

Mrs. Chen was serving dishes on the table, she smiled reproachfully.

Du Ruo said in embarrassment: "He was joking."

After finishing speaking, he was kicked lightly under the table.

He glanced at her and said nothing.

After dinner, the two stayed and chatted with their parents for a while.

Jing Ming didn't plan to stay at home, and left after nine o'clock.

When going out, Ming Yi took Du Ruo's hand again, and told him: "The temperature has dropped recently, and I'm busy with work, so I took the time to buy some thick clothes, so I don't get cold."

Du Ruo warmed her heart: "Oh, I see."

Jing Ming urged: "Let's go."

Du Ruo waved: "Goodbye, uncle and aunt."

"Slow down on the road. Xiao Ruo, tell him to drive slowly."


The two walked off the lawn, got into the car, and looked at each other.

The interior of the car was dimly lit.

Jing Ming rested his hands on the steering wheel, and slightly slanted his eyes at her.

"..." Du Ruo pushed his arm, "Okay!"

Jing Ming didn't bother her any more, and asked, "How is it?"


"Are you still nervous?"

Du Ruo pursed her lips and smiled, shaking her head.

Jing Ming said: "My parents are not the kind of people you think. They are very nice."

Du Ruo was startled, with a little shame on his face: "I know, it's just..."

Seeing that the atmosphere was getting awkward, Jing Ming suddenly asked, "Want to go to the movies?"

Du Ruo was surprised: "Now?"

"Yes. Now." Jing Ming said.

Take her home for a trip, and suddenly think of the time at home with her.

From the first time I went to the train station to pick her up, to later secretly fell in love under the eyes of her parents.

Then suddenly found that they seem to have skipped a lot of steps.

Like, never saw a movie together.

"Okay." Du Ruo fastened his seat belt and said enthusiastically, "Go ahead."

Most of the time, she is a soft girl. No matter what he proposed, she readily agreed.

The movie theater is located in a business district near home.

There are two recent opening times, one is a romance film and the other is a science fiction film.

The two looked at the robot on the poster of the sci-fi movie and agreed: "Look at this."

After taking the ticket, Jing Ming asked, "What do you want to eat?"

Du Ruo stretched her neck to look around the snack counter, shrinking her nose: "I want to eat sausage."

Jing Ming looked disgusted: "That thing is full of pork essence, can you eat it?"

"..." Du Ruo scratched his face with his fingers, and said, "Then let's have ice cream."

Jingming said to the waiter, "A cup of ice cream."

When the ice cream was handed over, she lifted the lid, scooped it up with a spoon, and looked at the rolling sausages in the oven.

Jingming glanced at her, sighed after a few seconds, and said to the waiter, "I'd better get her a sausage."

Du Ruo raised his head and rolled his eyes.

"..." Jing Ming suddenly realized that she was as stupid as Wali.

"Bring another bottle of water." After scanning the QR code to pay, he handed her the sausage.

She had ice cream in her mouth: "I'm eating this. You can hold it for me for a while."


Jing Ming carried a small sausage in his hand, and followed her into the screening room.

After she finished eating the ice cream, she took the sausage from him and took a bite: "It's delicious, try it?"

When it was handed to his mouth, he shrank back in contempt and avoided it.

After she finished eating, he unscrewed the water bottle and handed it to her. She gulped a few sips, and the movie started.

The film is about a future world where robots rule the earth.

After seeing it for more than ten minutes, Du Ruo leaned over and whispered to him in a low voice: "In the scene just now, the professor performed surgery on the robot, and the positive and negative poles of the capacitor were reversed. If you connect it like this, you will definitely burn to death."

"Found it." Jing Ming snorted, "I don't know what this film technical consultant does."

After a while, he plucked her palm again, bringing his two heads together.

He whispered in her ear: "Did you see it just now?"

"I see, the circuit board is not installed." Du Ruo smiled.

Jing Ming also laughed silently in the darkness.

The two crooked together, looking for bugs all the way, watching it very happily. That's the end of a movie.

Du Ruo said happily: "This movie is quite fun."

Jing Ming quite agreed: "It's quite interesting."

I was in a good mood all the way, complaining about the movie and went home and went upstairs. Eva and Wall-E were circling each other, one purring, the other whining, having a great time.

Du Ruo gloated: "Since Wal-E came, Eva has ignored you, and she is no longer your follower."

Jing Ming replied with one sentence: "I have a follower in human form, what do I want her to do?"

Du Ruo: "..."

She hit him with her hand.

He barely dodged it with a smile, and glanced at Eva, the little guy whizzed around Wall-E, like two twin stars.

He raised his eyebrows a little, he was indeed a little upset, so he walked over and squatted down: "Eva."

Eva stopped, sighed, raised her eyes, looked at him, and said tenderly: "What are you doing?"

Jing Ming raised his chin: "Do you still know me?"

Du Ruo didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and stepped forward to pull him: "You are enough!"

How could Jing Ming let her pull him away, he squatted down firmly, looking at Eva.

Eva blinked her eyes and waved her little hands happily: "You are Jingming~~~" Da Da Da rushed forward, her little paws hugged his ankles, and rubbed them affectionately.

Wally tilted his head: "Woo???"

Jingming pointed at Wali with his chin: "Then who is he?"

Eva: "He's Wall-E~~~"

Wally smiled: "Woo~~~"

Jing Ming smiled and asked her a worldwide problem: "Do you like him or me?"

Du Ruo: "..."

Eva: "…"

Wali:"… "

Eva's head tilted left and right: "Gee~~~"

Jing Ming held her little paw and touched it: "Tell me, do you like him or me?"

"Huh?" Eva said numbly, "Jingming~~~" turned her head, "Wali~~~" turned her head again, "Jingming~~~" The little guy was completely entangled, look at Wali, look at Jingming, and look at it again Looking at Wall-E and then at Jingming, completely confused.

Du Ruo pulled him away: "Stop teasing her, it's going to crash!"

Jing Ming laughed like a child who managed to make trouble.

Du Ruo picked up Eva: "Eva."

"Googoo~~" Eva raised her head, and after identifying it, she waved her little paw cheerfully, "You girl has a bad temper~~"

Back to normal.

She breathed a sigh of relief, put her down, and touched her head: "Let's play with Wali."

The two little robots happily gathered together again to communicate with each other, speaking a language that humans don't understand.

If Du Ruo turned his head, Jing Ming's perpetrator had disappeared.

She heard the sound of a phone call from the study room, pushed the door open and went in, just as Jing Ming put down the phone, saw her coming in, raised the phone and said:

"Pengcheng will have a car conference next week, and I'm invited to attend."

"Are you going?"

"Go and have a look." Jing Ming said, "You come too."

"Okay," she asked. "Are you still working tonight?"

"It's twelve o'clock, take a shower and go to bed." Jing Ming put down his phone, walked over, put his arms around her waist, rested his chin on the top of her head, and half pushed and half hugged her into the bathroom.

chapter 84

Pengcheng's new car launch event was extremely grand and lively, after all, it was backed by its parent company, Ruifeng.

The press conference was held on the first floor of Ruifeng Building. The venue was magnificent and guests gathered. Industry insiders in related industries such as automobiles and robotics gathered together and had a good talk.

Recently, Pengcheng Company and its parent company Ruifeng Automobile jointly launched a family car, and the biggest feature of this car is that it has an automatic driving system.

The vehicles displayed today are two colors, one black and one white. The two cars are parked on the east and west sides of the hall on the first floor, receiving the gazes of people from all sides.

After Jing Ming entered the hall, he went straight to the exhibition car. He circled around the car and looked it up for a week. There was nothing special about it, it was no different from an ordinary car.

Du Ruo came over and handed him a brochure: "Look."

Jing Ming took it, glanced at the profile,

The automatic driving system of this car refers to that the vehicle can drive automatically at a speed of no more than 50 kilometers per hour for half an hour on a one-way expressway with a median in the middle.

That's all.

Du Ruo couldn't help complaining: "This Pengcheng is helping Ruifeng sell cars at a high price under the guise. Originally, a car worth 200,000 to 300,000 yuan can be sold for 500,000 to 600,000 yuan with a system. If you say that the automatic driving system in the car, ordinary people would know use it?"

Jingming glanced at her, amused: "You have a big opinion on Pengcheng, are you so mean?"

Du Ruo: "..."

Jingming added: "Anyway, it's considered progress. After all, market acceptance requires a process. To promote unmanned driving, first combine it with manned driving, and develop from semi-automatic to fully automatic. The steps are right. It's just that Pengcheng doesn't have the strength. It has become a marketing gimmick."

Du Ruo asked: "Will Chunhe cooperate with traditional car companies in the future?"

"If the two sides can agree. There is a common goal."

Just as he was talking, Dong Cheng's polite laughter came from beside him: "Mr. Jing is here, welcome."

Jing Ming turned his head and said politely, "Mr. Dong, congratulations."

"Thank you, thank you. How is it, Mr. Jing, how do you feel at the scene?"

Jing Ming said: "Pengcheng really has a lot of money."

Dong Cheng couldn't tell whether his words were praise or derogation, and said, "We are each other. I also hope that Chunhe's car will be available soon."

"Thanks for caring."

"Recently, some people in the circle gossip and gossip. It's not a big deal to watch the excitement. Don't take it to your heart. Those are people who are jealous. Don't be affected by it. Work hard, we Still waiting for your new car to be released."

Jing Ming smiled: "Mr. Dong is right, but those who have no skills and engage in crooked ways will not be successful."

Dong Cheng maintained his smile: "It's great that you can think so. Have a good time today, huh?"

Dong Cheng left, and Jing Ming's expression returned to indifference.

Du Ruo touched his hand and said softly, "Don't pay attention to him."

Soon the press conference began, and the two sat down.

There is no special process for this press conference, it is nothing more than introducing products and market trends, playing promotional videos and concept films.

Jing Ming looked at it seriously, Du Ruo sat for a while halfway, and suddenly wanted to go to the bathroom, so he slipped away temporarily.

The bathroom was deep in the corridor, far away from the venue, and she struggled to find it for a while.

She turned on the faucet to wash her hands, accidentally looked up at the glasses, and saw her plain face.

For more than a month after returning to Prime, she has hardly put on makeup.

On an occasion like today, she actually forgot.

Xu is used to it.

The girl in the mirror has white and tender skin, pink lips, and slender eyebrows. She looks quite comfortable.

She looks good without makeup and looks young.

She couldn't help laughing, and complained: "Narcissism!"

He wiped his hands with a tissue, smoothed his hair and went out with a smile on his face, but bumped into Guo Hong head-on.

Du Ruo only knew that he was fired after Nanchunhe bought Wanxiang, but he didn't expect him to appear here, in a neat suit.

Guo Hong recognized it at first, and then smiled and said: "Oh, Miss Du! Long time no see. This looks more pure without makeup, like a school girl." He stretched out his hand towards her.

Du Ruo didn't like his frivolous words, and didn't want to shake hands with him, so he pretended not to see, "Where is Vice President Guo?"

"Miss Du doesn't care about me at all. When I came to the press conference, I didn't even know that I had quit to Pengcheng. My old friend is sad."

He spoke lightly, but Du Ruopi smiled and said: "So that's the case, I haven't heard of it."

"The first thing Chunhe did after acquiring Wanxiang was to fire me. Didn't you hear? I saw that Ms. Du came forward to defend the boss at the Chunhe press conference before, and she was very eloquent. Ms. Du has always known people, isn't that true?" , developed again.” Guo Hong’s words were already extremely inappropriate, and he still patted her shoulder habitually.

Du Ruo dodged sideways, impatient to pester him: "I have something to do, so I'm leaving first."

"Hey, why are you in a hurry?" Guo Hong turned sideways to block her exit.

The aisles are narrow and away from the venue.

Du Ruo was frightened for a moment, and immediately retreated.

"Why does Ms. Du have such an attitude towards me? She doesn't even have a smile on her face. Sure enough, the boss who is next to Chunhe is different."

Du Ruo's face turned red, and he said coldly, "Vice President Guo hasn't changed from before, he just doesn't know how to measure, it's disgusting."

She left after speaking.

Unexpectedly, he grabbed her shoulders and pulled her over: "Oh, are you so stubborn?"

The obscene face of the middle-aged man was in front of him, reeking of alcohol. Du Ruo turned pale with fright, screamed and stamped his heel on his toes.

"Fuck you—" Guo Hong hugged his feet in pain.

Du Ruo broke free from the shackles and ran away. He ran out of the corridor quickly and turned his head back again and again in fright.

Seeing that he didn't catch up, I tried my best to calm down and walked back to my seat slowly.

The lights on the stage hit her face, covering her expression.

But after she sat down in a muffled voice for a while, Jing Ming still noticed something was wrong, and turned his head to ask, "What's wrong?"

"Huh? What?"

"I see you are very quiet."

He said, turning her face around, squinting her eyes to identify it: "Why is your face so bad?"

Du Ruo didn't dare to speak, fearing that he would get angry, so he said softly, "I feel a little uncomfortable in my stomach."

"Have you had a bad stomach or are you going to have your period?"

"I do not know."

Jing Ming shook her hand, feeling the coldness in his palm, and said, "Go home and rest."

"It's not over yet..."

"There's nothing to see, let's go." Jing Ming said involuntarily, pulling her away early.

take a few steps away

Dong Cheng, the boss of Pengcheng, took the stage and said that he took the opportunity to announce a new news. The new driverless car they developed will be launched next month and will participate in the World Rally Championship in a few months.

Said: "This will be the first time that our country's team will participate in the unmanned car rally! The first time!"

This explosive news immediately triggered discussions among the audience.

Du Ruo was taken aback, but they beat him to the punch.

Glancing at Jing Ming, he showed no expression and didn't look back.

After leaving the lobby, Du Ruo asked, "Are you sure Pengcheng is going to compete?"

"Whether he participates in the competition, what does it matter to us?" Jing Ming said.

"But they released the news first, and said that they are the first domestic team to participate."

Jing Ming laughed contemptuously: "This kind of first place is useless."