Sage Monarch

Chapter 129: Demons enter the body


{Second update, congratulations to jinrong}

"What a powerful demonic spirit."

When the furnace of hell is activated, the devil cannot escape even if he has millions of tricks. After being purified by Yang Qi with the platinum holy fire, all the devil's resentment and all kinds of evil spirits were wiped out, leaving a pure life energy that was replenished into the particles of Yang Qi's body.

This is a demonic spirit body that is equivalent to three or four life-killing masters.

Transforming into a zombie after death is nothing, because the physical body is there.

But being transformed into a devil after death is different. It means that the soul has not dissipated. This is something that only very powerful people can do. The devil that Yang Qi killed now must be a powerful being in front of him.

He let out a long breath.

Yang Qi looked at the twisted evil energy around him and felt the changes in power in his body. This time he absorbed the possessing devil and benefited a lot. The benefits were as good as cultivating in the Small Universe and obtaining the Nine Yang Immortal Qi.

"By the way, the characteristic of these devils is to seek out flesh and blood, possess them, seize their bodies, and try to find a physical body. How about I completely open my body, use the breath of flesh and blood to attract the devil into my body, lead the wolf into the house, and then Use the Hell Furnace to refine them in one fell swoop. These devils are very nourishing to me. Without the Nine Yang Immortal Qi, they will soon be able to help me steadily kill four times, or even five times, when the time comes! In Tianwei Academy, no one except legends can do anything to me."

Yang Qi was about to move forward, heading towards the center of the evil energy in this twisted space. He knew for sure that the center of the evil energy was the entrance to the Sky Corpse Space-Time.

But before going deep, he had an idea and decided to improve his strength again. Only by entering an unfamiliar time and space could he ensure his safety.

Suddenly, the true energy in his body was completely absorbed into the Dantian energy, and the platinum holy fire was extinguished, leaving only a thin layer of protective air swirling around him. At the same time, he deliberately stimulated his own energy and blood, and the strong masculine energy was The energy spread out.

Chirp, chirp... Suddenly, as if a shark in the sea encountered the smell of blood, many ghostly screams came one after another, and many will-o'-wisps appeared in the twisted airflow.

Some of those will-o'-the-wisps are only the size of a fist, representing weak devils.

However, some will-o'-the-wisps, like a mountain, are burning blazingly. They are much more powerful than the devil just now. They are almost as strong as Jiao Wufeng, and even surpass them.

The devil who killed five times!

These demons were attracted by Yang Qi's powerful masculinity and coveted this body.

"What a powerful body, what strong blood. If I occupy this body, I can cultivate to a higher level." Suddenly, a huge will-o'-the-wisp like a hill sent out soul fluctuations and transformed into a group of demonic shadows, slightly With a movement, the mountains and rivers were shaken, the stars fell, and the ghosts were frightened.

This demonic shadow was overwhelming, shrouding Yang Qi.


The demonic shadow was like a mountain, and when it pressed down, the energy around Yang Qi was crushed and exploded, causing the demonic shadow to invade and enter his body at once.

"Immortal Demonic Soul!"

The dull and powerful aura instantly took over Yang Qi's body, and all the meridians were controlled by this devil.

This devil was incredibly powerful, even more powerful than Jiao Wufeng who had killed five times. It seemed like a devil who had killed six times.

As soon as the devil entered Yang Qi's body, he almost felt that his soul was about to leave his body in an instant. The cold Qi froze the blood, and everything was at the mercy of this powerful devil.

"Am I taking too many risks?" Yang Qi immediately felt that his move was too risky. There are also powerful people among the devils. But he will never give in. If he gives in at this moment, he will be doomed.

"I am the God of Hades, and I subdue all demons, and the ghosts obey orders." In Yang Qi's voice, he tried his best to gather his true energy, and condensed it into a hell furnace in his body, and once again he wanted to refine this huge mountain. The demon soul.

"Jie Jie, Jie Jie. Boy, it turns out that you used a trick to lure the wolf into the house, and wanted me to enter your body and be surrendered by you. Unfortunately, your wishful thinking was too wrong. I practice the Immortal Demonic Soul Qigong. The demon soul is immortal, and there is no pure Yang Qi or fire that can harm me. Which sect are you a master of? It is not easy to practice to reach the life-threatening state. It is a pity that my body was taken away from me today, and my soul has sunk forever."

The giant devil laughed coldly in Yang Qi's body.

"Indestructible Demon Soul Qigong!" Yang Qi was shocked again. He had also listened to several Qigong training courses in Tianwei Academy and knew that there was an extremely powerful Qigong practice method among the demon spirits, which was called Indestructible Demon Soul Qigong. Destroy the demon soul.

In very ancient times, demons had many taboos, including being afraid of flames, light, Qi and blood, the ferocious aura of wild beasts, and all kinds of pure Yang Qi. However, among the demons, an invincible genius emerged. It's called Devil Emperor Yan, and he created a peerless ghost qigong that can't destroy the devil's soul. After practicing, the devil is no longer afraid of any pure Yang fire, golden light and blood energy.

In fact, even a newly emerged devil can walk casually under the scorching sun if he cultivates the immortal devil soul. Unfortunately, later, Devil Emperor Yama was suppressed and destroyed by many ancient saints, and this set of techniques was lost.

But now, it has reappeared in the world.

Now, this huge devil actually used the Immortal Demonic Soul Qigong. It is almost 100% that Yang Qi's body will be taken away, putting him in a dangerous situation.

"Unmoving like a mountain, the divine elephant holds the prison..." In an instant, Yang Qi's hard training came in handy. He defeated the inner demon last time and realized the peerless assassination, which gave him invincible confidence. The devil entered his body, The moment he revealed the peerless means of immortal demon soul, he had entered a state of no joy, no sorrow, and no fear.

Be patient and unmoved like the earth.

There was a roar deep in his Dantian, and as soon as the demonic shadow invaded, a god with an elephant head and human body appeared. Elephant! Condensed into true form.

Behind the idol, a vague gate to hell also appeared.

"What is this? An idol?"

Suddenly, the devil seemed to see an incredible scene.

He couldn't believe that this kind of divine qigong actually appeared in Yang Qi's body. Although the Devil Emperor Yan was also an ancient saint-level figure, he was still nothing compared to the demons in hell.

The ancient great sage was just a saint who roamed the world. Compared with the gods of the extremely noble and mysterious plane, there was still a huge gap.

However, as long as they are devils, they all have a special fear of the idols created by the gods in ancient myths. This comes from ancient inherited memories.

"That's right, the idols that suppress hell come from the most powerful power of the gods in the sky. The immortal demon soul qigong you practice is just a small qigong created by Devil Emperor Yama. You want to compete with my god-level qigong To be comparable is simply wishful thinking." Yang Qi's body rekindled the blazing platinum holy fire.

"All demons and ghosts! Come quickly and devour this person's body together!"

Suddenly, this powerful devil let out a violent roar, which was transmitted from Yang Qi's body.

Suddenly, numerous demons and boundless will-o'-the-wisps surrounded him outside.

In this evil atmosphere, green will-o'-the-wisps burned and expanded, and hundreds of evil spirits looked to get into Yang Qi's body.

Yang Qi felt boundless pressure on his body, which was equivalent to how difficult it was to survive among the demons.

This time he really lured the wolf into the house.

Back then, many legendary ancient saints were besieged by demons when they became enlightened. There were even powerful demons who descended from the sky and besieged the saints.

Now, Yang Qi is experiencing the same treatment as the ancient saints when they became enlightened. Of course, these devils are not as powerful as the devils descending from the sky, but Yang Qi is also far inferior to those ancient saints.

This time the fight is about to end in you and me.

All the ghosts entered Yang Qi's body and wandered among the meridians. Some entered the Dantian, some entered the acupoints, some entered the internal organs, and some entered the head...

Every part of Yang Qi's body was occupied by the devil.

Thousands of demons almost regarded his body as hell and began to practice, taking away his vitality and blood. In such a situation, even an expert like the Saint of Hundred Flowers would be unable to do anything.

Only an invincible master in the legendary realm can resolve the current situation.

However, the group of ghosts regarded Yang Qi as hell, which was in line with the true meaning of Yang Qi's divine image to suppress the prison. The demonic aura of that Lord gathered into a torrent, swimming in his meridians, trying to worsen his true energy. However, deep in Yang Qi's heart, at the core, something began to sprout.

"When demons enter my body, I will destroy them."

Yang Qi roared, bang bang bang bang... One after another, particles began to wake up in his body, and his power fully bloomed. The platinum holy fire in his body became more and more raging.

He actually started to attack and killed four times.


Some weak devils were shocked by this sudden body and immediately burned out, becoming the source of life, replenishing Yang Qi's true energy and enhancing his strength.

In an instant, Yang Qi's power grew bigger and bigger like a snowball, and the platinum holy fire in his body became the Yangtze River. Wherever it flows, the devil disappears.

These demons and thousands of great ghosts who entered the body have become the tonic for Yang Qi to be promoted and killed four times at this moment. This is equivalent to the effect of him sitting in the Small Universe and absorbing the Nine Yang Immortal Qi without restraint.

"No, I want to get out, I don't want to be destroyed!"

Some demons howled and tried to rush out of their bodies in fear, but they found that there were layers of shackles and seals on Yang Qi's skin around them, making them unable to get out no matter what.

Seal of gods and demons.

Yang Qi wants to refine these devils together.

The strongest devil who had cultivated the immortal devil was also terrified at this time. He was deep in the Qi sea of Yang Qi's Dantian and wanted to make trouble, but was rolled up by the long nose of the huge Zhenqi god with an elephant head and body and was sucked directly into hell. In the melting pot.

The lid of the furnace closed with a bang.