Sage Monarch

Chapter 4: The Realm of Violence {Fourth update, please collect red tickets}


"I actually broke through the original realm so quickly and reached the fifth stage of Qigong, the realm of violent energy."

With one punch in the air, he broke trees within a hundred steps. Yang Qi stared blankly at his palm, feeling the majestic vitality in his body. For a moment, he forgot all the praise and disgrace.

On this day and night, he experienced a change from hell to heaven. First he stole Fulong Dan and was deceived by Yun Hailan. Then he was disabled in martial arts and was struck by lightning.

Immediately afterwards, he had a great adventure during the lightning strike. He actually learned the "God Elephant Prison Suppressing Power" qigong, and also received the thunder elephant energy to supplement his cultivation. Now he has broken through and reached the realm of "violent energy".

In particular, he felt that his Qigong was powerful, far beyond the primary "violent Qi" stage.

Ordinary masters who have entered the fifth stage of "violent energy" can release their energy, but at most they can shake the trees with the strong wind of one punch. It is impossible to be so powerful that they can break them with one punch.

Unless one is at the peak of the fifth stage of "violent energy", has a profound cultivation level, and is about to enter the realm of the sixth stage of "military energy", where the energy can be condensed into a soldier, only then can the Hundred Steps Divine Fist have such ferocious explosive power.

Especially his body, he felt twice as strong as yesterday. It was like a completely different body. With one step, his energy exploded, and the rocks under his feet collapsed. This is the power of Qigong!

"Those who laughed at me and wanted to see my jokes never imagined that instead of becoming a waste, I would make further progress! In three days, there will be a family meeting, and there will definitely be a lot of people there. To force my father to marry me, I have to further enhance my strength."

Yang Qi secretly made up his mind.

However, he also knew that although he had reached the realm of "violent energy" in cultivation and entered the master industry with strength, he was still very shallow compared to some masters in Yandu City, such as "Luo Hun" who had abolished his own martial arts. , has at least reached the "Xiang Qi Realm" of the seventh stage of Qigong, and can use Qigong to transform into various images, fly through the void, step on the wave surface, punch it, and dragons and tigers follow.

"Hiding your strength is also the key! You can't expose your divine elephant's prison-suppressing qigong moves. It's better to use the Yang family's qigong moves. As for why you recovered so quickly? Put the blame on your aunt."

Thinking of this, Yang Qi thought of his aunt, a girl a little older than him who wore braids and taught him how to practice calligraphy ten years ago.

His aunt's surname was not actually Yang. She was an orphaned little girl adopted by his grandfather. He was called aunt, but she was actually three years older than him and was equivalent to his sister.

This little aunt had been playing together since childhood, but one day when she was ten years old, a strange man suddenly passed by Yandu City, and his aunt was taken away directly. Later, we found out that the strange man was from Fengrao Continent, as big as a giant. An elder of the sect "Tianwei Academy".

After Yang Qi's aunt entered the "Tianwei Academy", there were occasional correspondence exchanges at first, but in the past five or six years, there has been no news. Even so, everyone in Yandu City knows that the Yang family has such a person. Big shot.

In the Fertile Continent, as a sect, the "Tianwei Academy" is a giant, second only to the ruler of the Fertile Continent, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty.

The Holy Ancestor Dynasty implemented a feudal system. It was not a centralized power, but various princes, who had separate jurisdiction over cities and independent laws. Just pay tribute to the Holy Ancestor Dynasty every year and worship.

Yandu City is such a small vassal state. The city lord can naturally cover the sky with one hand and manage everything. All the aristocratic families in the city are controlled by the city lord. Outside Yandu City, there are some towns, villages, markets, and counties, all under the jurisdiction of Yandu City.

In fact, Yandu City can also be called a small Yan Kingdom.

However, compared to "Tianwei Academy", Yandu City is too small. Power is the difference between a rabbit and a tiger.

This time, Yang Qi stole the Fulong Pill, but the reason why he was not killed on the spot was because of this aunt, which made the Lord of Yandu have some scruples.

"The golden toad swallows the moon!"

"The tiger leaps into the stream!"


"The white tiger carries the corpse!"

Using the rich Qigong in his body, Yang Qi practiced each move. His body turned into a shadow, appearing in all directions. The Qigong in his body moved faster and faster, and the "Thunder Giant Elephant" deep in the Dantian Qi sea also moved bit by bit. It gradually integrates power into the body and generates more vitality.

The essence of life is constantly growing.

The body is becoming more condensed step by step, with steel and iron bones.

Yang Qi's physical strength is also incredibly long because it has been forged by Thunder.

He punched continuously, and the strong wind of each punch reached a hundred steps away and penetrated the big tree. Some rocks were exploded into pieces by the force of the punch, which was so fierce.

Generally speaking, a master of the fifth level of violent energy realm, even if he can break stones through the air, would not be able to throw so many punches in a row, and the energy in his body would not be able to sustain it for so long.

But Yang Qi is different. He practices the "Godly Elephant Prison Suppressing Power". According to rumors, the magical power that can suppress all kinds of demons and demons in hell is not only infinitely powerful, but also the most lasting and far-reaching.

That ball of thunder elephant is actually a combination of the life essence and thunder of a supreme master, integrated into his body. Even if it is refined a little, it is enough to make the cultivation level reach the extreme.

If they are all refined, others will be tired after using the Hundred-Step Divine Fist more than ten times in the air, because the energy in the body is exhausted, but he can use it hundreds or thousands of times, and the energy will still flow endlessly.

This is the gap.

However, Yang Qi was not satisfied. He wanted to become stronger and reach the sixth, seventh, eighth and even ninth level of Qi Bong. Overtaking the lord of Yandu City, making the Yang family become the number one family in Yandu.

In the past, this idea was unrealistic, but now it is not impossible.


A sound like a giant elephant's cry erupted from Yang Qi's body. He exerted his boxing skills to the extreme, and then suddenly stopped his Qigong. Suddenly, a circle of air flow behind his body, vaguely transformed into the shadow of a giant elephant, and collapsed again. The strong wind swept over the messy hilltop, and the leaves rustled all around.

He sat down, closed his eyes and meditated. The thunder elephant wandered among the meridians, but he himself turned into 840 million tiny particles according to the "God Elephant Prison Suppressing Strength" training method. Each particle , are all giant elephant embryos that have not yet awakened. 840 million giant elephant embryos form a divine elephant.

The idol, with its head as big as a mountain and its trunk stretching for countless billions of miles, swept across the stars.

Under the feet of the divine elephant, there is an endless hell cage, with demons and demons as dense as dust in it roaring to break out.

These scenes and meditation methods were all passed on to Yang Qi by the little golden man between his eyebrows.

It is part of the practice of "The Divine Elephant's Prison-Suppressing Power".

During the slow practice, a tiny particle suddenly made a cracking sound in his body, and the breath of an ancient beast awakening slowly came out from Yang Qi's body.

Suddenly, in the entire hilltop, even birds were flapping their wings and falling from the trees.

Originally, in the woods in midsummer, the sounds of various insects were chirping one after another, but when the aura of the divine elephant's prison-suppressing power in Yang Qi's body awakened, those insects felt a huge threat and stopped chirping one after another, as if they were dead. generally.

"Elephants" are gods in many continents in the West. It is extremely powerful. Since it can suppress hell, the evil spirit is also extremely strong. With a single cry, it can subdue countless strange beasts, including dragons and tigers.

Now Yang Qi has finally awakened the first particle in his body and has a trace of the power of the idol!

Now, his power and qigong have all exploded, almost equivalent to an ancient giant elephant.

As long as the 840 million particles in the body are awakened, one can possess the rumored power of the divine elephant and can suppress hell.

The power of suppressing prison.

Yang Qi finally took the first step towards this invincible magical skill.

After taking the first step to master this magical skill, Yang Qicai felt that it was an invincible skill that could reach the heavens and the world. If it hadn't been for the help of the thunder elephant in his body, he might not have been able to reach his current state even if he had practiced for ten years, let alone overnight.

The Yang Qi who appeared can be said to be an ancient human-shaped giant elephant. With the power of the giant elephant and the human body, the lethality exerted is terrifying.

After awakening a tiny particle in his body and possessing the power of an ancient giant elephant, Yang Qi slowly stood up again and restrained his breath. The ferocious breath of the ancient beast disappeared and was absorbed into his body.

Immediately, the trembling birds and insects in the entire forest on the mountain began to chirp and regained their vitality.

Yang Qi's eyes sparkled in the dark night. Under the condensation of Qi Gong, every detail of the dark surroundings was revealed. Even the feathers of flying birds could be seen clearly.

Even, his ears could accurately capture the sound of two ants fighting a hundred steps away.

I hear ants fighting.

His ears and eyes are more than ten times smarter than before, and his body's potential has been fully developed.

"Only one of the 840 million tiny particles has awakened, and it is already so strong. What if all of them awaken? Moreover, the reason why I am making such rapid progress now is all because of the thunder elephant in my body. If thunder is The elephants are all integrated into the body, how terrifying is this divine elephant's prison-suppressing power?"

On the one hand, Yang Qi was grateful for the strength of his body, but on the other hand, he felt deeply afraid of this magical skill. He could not imagine why there was such a powerful magical skill in this world that could really be practiced by humans.

No, this is not a technique for people to practice, but for gods to practice.

Only gods can practice this magical skill to the extreme, and it is impossible for humans to reach it.

Yang Qi was once a young talent with a high self-esteem. In fact, he was also a smart person. He often thought that there was nothing he could not do in the world, so he was trapped by love. He was deceived by Yun Hailan and got into trouble. He felt that he had stolen something. Fulongdan was together with Yun Hailan and flew away. Thinking about it now, he was so stupid. Fortunately, his father forgave him.

Now, in front of the invincible magical power of "Immortal Elephant Prison Suppression Power", Yang Qi truly became humble deep in his heart.

He once thought that there was no skill that he could not master, but facing this magical skill, he felt so insignificant.

Little by little, eighteen-year-old Yang Qi became mature.

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