Sage Monarch

Chapter 47: Family unity


Yang Zhan gave the order, and all the Yang family masters and even the elders looked at Yang Qi.

The family's autumn hunting is extremely dangerous every time. Although a large amount of wealth can be obtained, there is also a direct risk of death if a dangerous monster is encountered.

But now, with the invincible master Yang Qi, I'm afraid I can hunt any monster.

The ninth level of Qigong and the monsters in the Qi Zong realm are not to mention.

"Qi'er, are you going to go deep into the deepest part of the Black Corpse Mountains this time and lead your family to hunt monsters?" Yang Zhan also knew that his son had great magical powers and said immediately.

"Okay." Yang Qi also needs a lot of monster cores. After he cultivates into the "Hell Furnace" in the future, he can take them directly as the essence of life.

In fact, the monster core itself is the condensation of life essence and qigong. It's just that humans and monsters have different paths and cannot merge with each other. After ordinary people obtain the demon core, they refine the elixir to neutralize its properties, or practice Qigong and embed it into a magical weapon. Play a role.

Some sects and colleges have been purchasing demon cores for a long time. They have secret methods to bring out the various functions of demon cores.

To a certain extent, the monster core is also a kind of hard currency equivalent to the Qi Gathering Pill on the mainland. So as long as ordinary people kill monsters and get monster cores, they can sell them for money. Buy this anywhere.

"Yang Yang, and you, Yang Tong..." Yang Qi pointed out more than a dozen young talented disciples, all of whom he had initiated just now. Each of them had greatly improved their skills and Qigong cultivation. They could all reach at least five Duan was furious, "The family rules have just been set, but there is a lack of law enforcers. In this way, you all set up a law enforcement team. If anyone in the family does not abide by the family rules and the etiquette just designated, punish him severely, kill a group, and beat him." I won’t hesitate to imprison a group of people. Without rules, there will be no rule. I will take the position of the senior law enforcement officer."

When the masters of the Yang family saw this scene, they felt chills in their hearts.

This time, Yang Qi was quite powerful. He established a law enforcement team and brought the young talents of the family on board to reaffirm the majesty of the family.

"Also, eldest brother, second brother, you set up a Ministry of Etiquette and a Ministry of Finance to take charge of etiquette and finance, and be responsible for all etiquette and finance in the family." Yang Qi pointed again. He defeated Yang Xingshi and Yan Taijun, even though they were junior. , but now he has become the number one member of the family. Under the tyrannical suppression of force, no one dares to question or refuse to accept.

Yang Shi's example is still there, who dares to fight like a horse

"Once a disciple of our Yang family violates etiquette and family rules, it will be up to you to decide how to punish it. Leave it to my father to make the final decision. Then, our law enforcement team will arrest and punish. Also, the various branches of the The finances will all be controlled by the head of the family, and all control over the various military forces will also be taken back to the head of the family. Father, please plan carefully for these matters!"

The entire Yang family has dozens of branches, and each branch is a small family, with as few as hundreds of people and as many as hundreds of people. There are soldiers, horses, and servants in the family. When they are gathered together, they are a considerable amount of power. If one person has sole power, he can control the life and death of tens of thousands of people.

Not only talking about other things, there are one to two hundred Yang family elites present at the autumn hunting party today, all of whom are high-ranking members of the family.

Yang Qi immediately established a law enforcement team, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of Finance, and his methods were ruthless. Immediately begin to establish authority and ensure the centralization of power of the family head.

Yang Zhan's eyes were shining brightly, and he felt that his son was really promising, and every suggestion he made was decisive. It's completely unlike what an eighteen-year-old boy could do.

"Of course, the establishment of the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Finance is not just to punish people." Yang Qi looked around and saw many family elites hanging their heads one by one. They dared to be angry and dare not speak out. He knew that this was surrendering to his own authority. In fact, deep down deep down, I don’t accept it at all.

Because this is equivalent to depriving them of their family property. It's good that they didn't rebel on the spot.

"I established the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Finance to reward the outstanding disciples of the family. This time, which Yang family disciple under the age of thirty has hunted the most monsters and monster cores, I asked my father for instructions and borrowed the Great Thousand Mirror to help him How about practicing for a month and personally instilling vitality into him?"

Yang Qi's words set off another huge wave.

"What? The Great Thousand Mirror? A legendary treasure of the Chen family?" Even Yang Xingshi was stunned. Many elders of the older generation are also a little excited. They are spiritually cultivated and know a lot of things, so they naturally know the power of the Great Thousand Mirror. With this mirror, you can avoid the risk of going crazy.

In fact, the reason why the practice of Qigong progresses slowly is that you must be careful not to lose your Qigong. Once you get distracted, your life will be over. Therefore, before practicing a Qigong method, you must explore it for several years, or even ten years. You can only practice until you become familiar with it.

Some cruel people would even let living people practice first to see if they would become possessed. This was the path of the devil. Once discovered on the Fertile Continent, they would be attacked in groups.

It is forbidden to use living people for experiments to practice qigong. This is a rule shared by the Holy Ancestor Dynasty and all major colleges.

"This is the Great Thousand Mirror, which has always been in my hand." Yang Zhan took out the mirror polished from the Nine Heavens Divine Jade. With a slight shake, these people's eyes straightened.

Some elders sighed: "If we had had this mirror earlier, our cultivation would have avoided many detours."

Suddenly, everyone was gearing up to get the right to practice this Great Thousand Mirror.

"Okay, let's go into the mountain now."

With an order, the elite team of one to two hundred members of the Yang family entered the depths of the Black Corpse Mountains. Each master jumped in the woods and surpassed the apes.

Everywhere along the way, some ferocious monsters died, and the entire mountain range suffered a catastrophe.

Yang Qi just hung coldly in mid-air, condescendingly watching the team advance. He did not kill the monsters, but looked at the overall situation. If any Yang family disciple encountered a ferocious monster, he would suddenly take action and kill him with a sword energy from the air.

After doing this dozens of times in a row, all the masters of the Yang family felt that this person was like a god, aloof and unable to be overthrown.

"Yang Xingshi, do you think there is really nothing you can do to deal with Yang Qi?" Yan Taijun was standing on a big tree to rest and recover. She had just used a dragon-head crutch to kill a monster that had reached the seventh level of Qigong. She raised her head Seeing Yang Qi floating in the sky as if walking on flat ground, he was deeply shocked in his heart.

An airbender master with the power to run in the sky.

But they have never seen a figure like Yang Qi, who is calm and calm, treating the sky as the earth. The true energy is ten times, or even a hundred times more powerful than theirs.

Moreover, every time Yang Qi takes a shot, he can shoot his true energy up to ten thousand steps away.

"No, there's an eighth-level qigong monster in front of us, the Red Fire Pig!"

At this moment, the attack reached the Yang family disciples in front, and unexpectedly encountered a ferocious monster. This monster was a big pig, several times bigger than a cow. It was surrounded by flames. When it opened its mouth, it sprayed out a straight line of flames. Set the forest on fire.

"Red Flame Fire Pig" is a rare monster beast that grows in underground lava. It is born with high-temperature flames. It can absorb the essence of fire and cultivate into fire-attribute true energy.

Several family disciples were burned to the point of retreating, and some almost died in the flames.

At this moment, Yang Qi, who was standing high in the sky, was almost a hundred thousand steps away. But with a finger, a thread of sword energy shot through the air, and he reached the front of the Red Flame Fire Pig in the blink of an eye. Tie it up tight.


Yang Xingshi's eyes almost fell out of their sockets.

Yan Taijun's heart was also twitching.

"Taijun Yan, how far can your true energy be launched?" After a long time, Yang Xingshi asked dully.

"If I use my full strength, I can shoot out eight thousand steps. If it exceeds this distance, it will dissipate and cannot hurt anyone." Yan Taijun also said dullly.

There is a distance between Zhenqi. An average master can hurt someone with a hundred steps, but a truly strong person can kill an enemy with a thousand steps. The masters of Qi are more ferocious and can surpass the range of bows and arrows and kill people with Zhenqi.

However, someone like Yang Qi, who was one hundred thousand steps away, could easily capture a huge monster with the eighth level of Qigong. Even a master like Yang Xingshi had never heard of it, let alone seen it.

"His current level is only the eighth level of qigong." Yang Xingshi's face seemed happy and sad at the same time: "Soon, he will be promoted to the ninth level. I don't know how powerful he is?"

"Yes, he is still at the eighth level of Qigong..." Yan Taijun was also startled: "If he is promoted to the ninth level of Qigong, he will probably be invincible!"

"Now, he is invincible in the qigong realm." Yang Xingshi said bitterly: "If he is promoted again, I am afraid that even masters in the life-threatening realm will not be able to stop him. Is this a good thing or a bad thing?"

"His rectification of the family has caused our elders to lose their status and become so ambitious!" Yan Taijun lowered his voice and used his ability to transmit secret messages: "This man is a monster just like his mother, and will bring disaster to our family sooner or later. "

"Hmph! Harmful to the family! Ambition like a wolf."

Suddenly, a voice sounded like thunder in her ears, and extremely powerful Qi poured into Yan Taijun's body, causing her to spurt out a mouthful of blood again.

High in the sky, Yang Qi glanced over: "Taijun Yan, I know you are still not convinced, but every move you make is under my control."

It was Yang Qi who actually heard this Qigong that "transmitted sound into the secret". At the same time, he also turned his own Qigong into sound and bombarded it down. None of the surrounding disciples heard it, only Yang Xingshi and Yan Taijun heard it. It was like thunder, making their ears buzz.

"Now the family meeting is hunting you down, and I won't do anything to you. Since you still want to destroy the unity of the family, I will let the law enforcement team capture you according to the rules when you go back!"