Sage Monarch

Chapter 57: Vampire horse thief


The cold wind howled violently.

The sky was filled with wind and sand.

The travelers were covered with a thick layer of yellow sand, which is the ground in the northwest. It is now the middle of winter, but the heavy snow has not fallen.

The climate in the northwest is arid. At a glance, there are loess soil, yellow sand ground, and earthy hills. Occasionally, some bare trees shivered in the cold wind.

Some crows croaked in the trees, adding to the desolation.


Li He spit out a mouthful of spit. As soon as the spit left his mouth, it was frozen into ice slag by the cold wind and fell to the ground with a clicking sound.

"The weather in the northwest is bad, the wind and sand are strong, and the spit turns into ice slag. If we hadn't been profound in qigong, we would have been frozen to death. I don't know how the people here survive the winter." A handyman student just opened his mouth and said A gust of wind blew over me, and my mouth was filled with sand. I spit it out quickly and cursed.

A group of five people braved the yellow sand and appeared on the ground in the northwest.

Yang Qi is naturally among them.

These five handyman disciples from Tianwei College received the mission of the college to come to the northwest to exterminate the blood-sucking horse thieves. They immediately dared to come in an attempt to gain credit points.

This is a small group, but other small groups formed their own teams and dispersed, and did not meet Yang Qi and the others. In Tianwei Academy, people are also divided into many small groups, each with their own interests, and cliques are very serious.

"Yang Qi, you are so calm and calm, your Qi is much more powerful than the rest of us." Hua Yinhu glanced at Yang Qi enviously.

There is always a small Qi shield surrounding Yang Qi's body. It is a protective film of Qigong that prevents the wind, sand and cold. Among the five people, Yang Qi is the only one whose whole body is clean and spotless. The other four miscellaneous The slave students are all covered in dust.

In fact, they can also use Qigong to protect themselves.

This is because they are all experts at the eighth level of Qigong and are extremely skilled in it, but they are reluctant to consume Qi like this, unlike Yang Qi who consumes it unscrupulously.

Originally, when they entered the northwest land, everyone felt that Yang Qi's behavior was an inexperienced and rash move. They must know that the most important thing to complete the mission is to save their own energy, so as not to be attacked by a strong enemy who is out of energy. kill.

Yang Qi's behavior of wasting his energy for a little bit of sand and cold is simply suicide.

But along the way, Yang Qi has always been protected by Qigong. There is no fluctuation at all, his face is not red, he is not out of breath, he is as calm as a stream of autumn water, which can't help but surprise people.

They have never seen anyone with such powerful Qi.

"By the way, Yang Qi, we have seen you practice these days, but we have never seen you take action once. No one knows how good your Qigong cultivation is. Why don't we practice and practice? Warm up?"

A disciple named He Jili said with great interest.

He is an eighth-level qigong master, and his status is not low. He is a disciple of an aristocrat in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. The family is much larger than the Yang family, a wealthy country family. There are even supreme masters in the death realm sitting in the family, but they still have to study at Tianwei Academy.

"Huh? Don't worry about this now. I smell blood. There seems to be something going on. Come with me!"

With a swish, Yang Qi shot out violently without touching the ground, braving the wind and sand in the sky for a few ups and downs, and distanced himself far away from everyone.

"The smell of blood? Why didn't I smell it?"

The other four handyman students shook their heads, but they all followed.

The four of them flew by in the cold wind, and after a while they had traveled dozens of miles and arrived at a market. Suddenly everyone was stunned.

A huge market, filled with dead people, mummies one after another, dark red blood flowing on the ground, men, women, old and young, and even babies, all had their blood sucked dry, and all the supplies in the market were wiped out. *Empty.

The mummies on the ground all had hideous faces. Some of them were clinging to things and their whole bodies were hunched over, as if they had suffered tremendous pain before dying.

There were also some wild wolves wandering around the market, gnawing at the bones of the mummies and making rattling noises, completely turning it into a scene of hell on earth.

Yang Qi even took a breath.

He stepped forward to explore the body of a strong man and found a wound on the man's neck, which seemed to be a tooth mark. His neck was actually bitten by a life force, and all the blood in his body was sucked dry.

The cold wind was blowing, and in this market full of mummies, ghosts were crying and gods were howling, and people's hearts were twitching.

Several shrill wolf howls.

Several wild wolves saw the living people and tried to pounce on them, but Hua Yinhu killed them with Qigong.

"What a cruel blood-sucking method. I don't know what kind of qigong I'm practicing. Breathing the blood of living people to practice qigong is a taboo technique on the mainland. Although the practice is extremely fast, ten times faster than ordinary qigong, everyone who saw it was shocked. Must kill. Unexpectedly, there are vampire horse thieves in the northwest land. If we don’t eradicate them as soon as possible, I don’t know how many people will suffer if this continues.”

Hua Yinhu shook his head. He was also a son of a great noble, the son of a marquis in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. He had extraordinary knowledge. He squatted down, blew away the yellow sand, and saw the blood prints of horseshoes, leading directly to the distance.

He touched the blood and said, "These people died in less than half a day because the weather was too cold and the blood had coagulated. There were still many clues left at the scene. Such a group of horse thieves could have thousands of people and sweep through such a large area." The wind killed all the people in this market in less than one stick of incense. If we chase along the horses' hooves, we will definitely be able to catch up with these hateful horse thieves."

"This Hua Yinhu is awesome."

Yang Qi listened to his analysis and felt something in his heart. Although he was powerful, in terms of knowledge and various investigation methods, he couldn't keep up with these students who had been practicing for a long time.

What he is good at is fighting. For what he is not good at, he stays silent and learns silently.

"Since Brother Hua has found out the clues, let's hurry up and kill all these damn blood-sucking horse thieves." Everyone was filled with indignation and wanted to kill the demons.

Yang Qi felt that these blood-sucking horse thieves were really a scourge, and there would be no peace in the world until they were eliminated.

At that moment, Hua Yinhu took the lead and rushed out of the market following the horse's hoof prints.

There is a road outside the market, and the sky and earth in the northwest are all gray. Mounds stand up one after another. Occasionally, there are some houses standing among the mounds, but they are all dilapidated.

However, the northwest was also a prosperous place thousands of years ago, but later the wind and sand gradually eroded and the place began to deteriorate. Everyone entered the northwest land all the way, and occasionally they could see tall cities left over from history standing among them.

Yang Qi and others left the market and tracked for hundreds of miles. In the evening, it was already dark, but everyone was a Qigong master and could see everything clearly in the darkness. The sky was covered with clouds, and it seemed that It's like it's going to snow.

"Ahead! There is a dilapidated ancient city."

Hua Yinhu pointed to the tall city wall in front and said, "Be careful. There may be masters among those vampire horse thieves, and thousands of them may be resting in the ancient city."

The ancient city is located in the cold wind at night, and the battlements record the vicissitudes of thousands of years ago.

The five of them all calmed down and quickly approached, only to find that there was no trace of the city gate. It was obvious that it had been deserted for a long time. And there were no horse hoof prints, so it was clear that no horse thieves had entered it.


Hua Yinhu was silent for a while.

"It's normal to lose them. These horse thieves come and go like the wind. It's getting late. I think we'll find a place to stay in this ancient city for one night. We'll talk about it tomorrow morning. Look at the clouds in the sky. It's going to snow heavily tonight. , We can’t bear to be outside in the snow and ice.”

Li He made suggestions.

Everyone looked at each other and felt that this must be the case.

In such a world of ice and snow, Qigong Level 8 can't stand being frozen outside all night. What's more, this is the weather in the northwest. During the day, the spit turns into ice slag. How cold will it be at night

The five people passed through the broken city gate and entered the ancient city.

The streets of the entire ancient city lead into the distance. The whirlwind is sweeping through the streets, making a whining sound, as if it is the gate to hell.

The shops on both sides of the ancient city have long been deserted, and some of the signboards have decayed.

"Let's find a place..." Before Li He could finish his sentence, there was a sudden creak, and the city gate behind him closed automatically. The sound was horrifying.


Among the five people, except Yang Qi, they were all shocked and turned around violently. They all felt like they were being ambushed.

Quack, quack...

It seemed like crows were screaming in the night, and it seemed like the demon Yaksha had appeared. Mysterious sounds resounded, lingering in all directions, and I didn’t know which direction it was coming from.

"Be careful, there is something strange in this ancient city. They form a square formation, back to back." Hua Yinhu said quickly.

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange blood shadow suddenly appeared behind him. It opened its teeth and claws, and rushed towards him. The gloomy ghostly wind made people's hair stand on end.

The mysterious blood shadow grabbed hard, and its bloody five-fingered claws shrouded his head. The sharp bloody Qigong directly cut through Hua Yinhu's protective energy.

The strong smell of blood can make people faint.

Hua Yinhu screamed and vomited due to the smell of blood. He had no time to react and was about to be caught to death by the blood shadow.


Yang Qi took action like lightning, and a burst of true energy turned into a mighty wave, impacting the blood shadow.

The blood shadow was hit at once, flew out with a strange scream, and quickly disappeared into the ancient city.

This is a human-shaped infuriating energy.

It was obviously emanating from a strong person at the airbender level.

"Who? The vampire horse thief?" Hua Yin roared fiercely: "Your good day has come. We are students of Tianwei College. You monsters, come out and die quickly."

While he was shouting, he was using his Qigong to convey his voice: "I'm afraid we're in for a disaster this time. We were ambushed by horse thieves. I didn't expect that among these blood-sucking horse thieves, there are actually airbender level masters."