Salad Days

Chapter 26


The Bai family stayed overnight, and breakfast was prepared in advance and served on the table. Jiang Shen was the first to get up, brushed his teeth in a daze and prepared to practice, and was shocked when he saw Aunt Zhu.

"Young master, are you awake?" Aunt Zhu greeted with a smile, "I made steamed eggs with soy sauce for you, and they are still hot, let's fill up the hunger first."

Jiang Shen woke up instantly after being called "Little Master", and stammered with a blushing face: "I, I am not Young Master... My name is Jiang Shen..."

Aunt Zhu: "You are the young master's friend, the same."

Jiang Shen really wanted to say "It's different, it's not the same", but Lai Song had already gone downstairs, and Aunt Zhu also called him "Master Lai". Steamed eggs with soy sauce.

"I'm going to brush my teeth." Lai Song said, "Little Swan, you got up so early, are you practicing?"

Jiang Shen took Aunt Zhu and handed over another bowl of steamed eggs: "Yeah... You woke up really early too."

While brushing his teeth, Lai Song said, "Go for a run." Halfway through brushing, he suddenly yelled upstairs, "Bai Erdai, your toothpaste still tastes like strawberry, you fucking child!"

Unlike Jiang Shen and Lai Song, Bai Jinyi's only problem is staying in bed. When he went downstairs with a bad face, Lai Song had already run back.

Jiang Shen had just finished practicing, still wearing dancing shoes, and was drinking milk with his head raised.

Bai Jin glanced at him: "Practice outside again?"

Jiang Shen swallowed his last sip of milk, and said sincerely, "Yes."

Bai Jin frowned, he got up a little annoyed, and sat down at the dining table sullenly.

Aunt Zhu came out with a pot of boiled chicken. Lai Song took a shower and was hungry, so he helped share the meat in the pot: "Do you practice after eating?"

Bai Jin lost his temper: "I don't want to practice today."

Lai Song: "You haven't woken up yet, have you? Go take a shower."

Bai Jin was silent for a while, then turned to go to the bathroom to take a shower.

Jiang Shen was a little worried: "What's wrong with Bai Jinyi?"

Lai Song: "That's his temper, it'll be fine when he wakes up." He picked the biggest chicken leg and put it in Jiangshen's bowl, "Eat it, eat whatever you want, it's your brother's leg."

Jiang Shen held back for a while, but couldn't help it: "A chicken is a chicken, and a goose is a goose!"

As soon as Bai Jin came out of the bath, he was much better. He obediently ate steamed eggs and chicken. Jiang Shen poured him a large glass of milk, and Bai Jin also drank it in the end.

"Today I have to run five kilometers, 800 skipping ropes, 12 sets of stretching training, 12 sets of baffles, one hour of solid lobs, and two hours of standard sandbags." Lai Song started to flip through the memo on his phone after eating, "You still have to be anaerobic , rowing, pull-ups, and weightlifting, each with 8 sets."

Lai Song looked at Bai Jinyi: "Half an hour after eating, do 100 sit-ups first?"

Bai Jin curled his lips: "You can become a coach after you retire."

Lai Song smiled hippie: "Don't tell me, there is really a boxing gym inviting me."

Bai Jinyi didn't bother to answer his flirtatious words, so he just asked Jiang Shen to bring his mobile phone, and wrote down the address and phone number in the other party's memo.

"Shen Junyi should be in the studio today." Bai Jinyi said, "The driver will take you there and pick you up after watching."

Jiang Shen still hesitated: "Aren't you going to accompany me?"

Bai Jin raised his eyebrows: "Do you want me to accompany you?"

Jiang Shen was embarrassed when he thought that Bai Jin had to practice so many things a day, and finally he could only say: "I'd better go by myself."

Bai Jinyi seemed rather annoyed, and asked again unwillingly: "You really don't want me to accompany you?"

Lai Song couldn't bear it and said: "Why do you accompany me? It's not a little girl holding hands to go to the bathroom!"

Jiang Shen, who wanted to "hold hands to the toilet", of course didn't want to be called like a little girl. In the end, he got into the Bai family's car alone with his mobile phone. The driver took good care of him and sent him to the building of Shen Junyi's studio. under.

"I'll wait for you below." The driver said respectfully, "Just get down when you're better."

Jiang Shen thanked him, he raised his head, Shen Junyi's studio took up the whole building, and there was a receptionist at the front desk downstairs, with the words "Laiyi Dance Studio" hanging on the back.

The girl at the reception thought he was just here for consultation, so she specifically asked, "Aren't your parents together?"

Jiang Shen had no choice but to say: "No... I'm here to find Teacher Shen."

The reception girl smiled: "You can't see Shen Yuan without an appointment, and Shen Yuan just left to give a lecture today, so I can only show you something else."

Jiang Shen thought for a while, and felt that it would be good to visit, so he nodded and gained some confidence: "Then, let's visit."

Shen Junyi's studio is much bigger than imagined. Bai Jinyi also mentioned that this "No. 1 Dancer" in China has her own very mature dance team, and there are large-scale tours around the world every year. The pastime that middle and high-end people like, Shen Junyi's status in the industry, not only has a large group of dance fans, but also has a lot of money and status, so that Shen Junyi has no time to recruit students in a busy year.

Of course, Jiang Shen was not as deep in his thoughts. He followed the girl at the front desk to the dance classroom on the third floor. Compared with the cultural palace in a small city, Shen Junyi's dance room was much larger. This was the first time Jiang Shen saw someone So many boys who are older than themselves are learning to dance, all of them are wearing uniform dance clothes, and the female teacher is shouting the beat in front.

"This is Ren Hui, Teacher Ren, a national first-class ballet dancer." The girl at the front desk introduced Jiang Shen.

Jiang Shen remembered that he had seen this title on Zhou Luoxiang's business card.

Ren Hui clapped her hands and ended a group dance. She looked outside, just in time to have a good face-to-face with Jiang Shen, and her eyes froze immediately.

"?" Jiang Shen didn't know why the other party was staring at him, subconsciously bent down and bowed, Ren Hui had already pushed the door and walked out.

"Why are you here?!" Ren Hui was very pleasantly surprised. She looked Jiang Shen up and down, her voice raised, "Why did you come here so quietly, Yuaner? Shen Junyi is really, you didn't say anything when you came One sound!"

Jiang Shen's expression was inexplicable, and the expression of the girl at the front desk was also dumbfounded. Ren Hui waved her hand and said heartily: "Go and call Shen Junyi back, just say that little kite... By the way, what's your name?"

Jiang Shen reported his name.

"Ouch, my Jiangshen baby." Ren Hui held the boy's face with a heart-warming expression, "The soul of my old lady waiting for you is about to perish."

Jiang Shen: "..."

Shen Junyi naturally wouldn't come back so soon, so Ren Hui took Jiang Shen up to the fifth floor, and kept talking all the way: "Do you want a small cake?"

Jiang Shen shook his head: "I can't eat sweets, I will get fat."

Ren Hui: "It's rare to eat once and you'll be fine."

She poured Jiang Shen a glass of orange juice and led him into the dance room on the fifth floor: "This is where you will practice dancing in the future. Shen Junyi will take you personally."

"..." Jiang Shen actually hasn't decided to come to learn, but now he is quite difficult to ride a tiger because of Ren Hui.

"Shen Junyi doesn't have many students, and you only have three." Ren Hui turned on the lights in the dance room, and motioned him to go in and take a look. "Your senior sister will come later, and she knows you too."

Jiang Shen didn't dare to step on the floor of the dance room with his shoes on, but he didn't bring his dance shoes, so he had to go in barefoot. Ren Hui's eyes fell on his feet, with a gentle and gratified smile: "I'll get you a pair of shoes, wait a little while."

Jiang Shen nodded. He stood in the middle of the huge dance room, looked up at the zenith, and then looked at the floor-to-ceiling mirror in front of him, and couldn't help exhaling with emotion.

Looking at the mirror for a while, Jiang Shen scratched his hair a little shyly. The shirt on his body has been worn for more than two years. Once Bai Jin buys him a new one, it won't look too cold.

He couldn't help blushing when he thought of the uniform and beautiful dance costumes of the students on the third floor, but he felt that he was too worthless, so he stretched out his hand and patted his cheeks vigorously.

Ren Hui happened to come in with shoes: "Try it, I have several pairs."

Jiang Shen said "um", and sat down to change his shoes.

Ren Hui looked at him with good eyes.

After Jiang Shen changed his shoes, seeing that she was still staring at him, he was a little embarrassed: "Does the teacher want to watch me dance?"

"Ah?" Ren Hui came to her senses, and hurriedly said, "You came all the way here, and you're too tired from dancing now, just stretch your muscles, and the teacher will help you press your back."

Jiang Shen blinked, and didn't understand what Ren Hui was thinking, but he did a cross obediently, opened his arms, and easily held his toes with both hands, then straightened up and repeated the second time.

Ren Hui suddenly took out her phone.

Jiang Shen: "??"

"You do what you want." Ren Hui turned on the camera, pointed at him, and said seriously, "Teacher will take a picture of you."

Jiang Shen: "..."