Salad Days

Chapter 27


Shen Junyi really ran away after taking half of the class, and left the rest to the manager Zuo Xingzhi. Poor Zuo Xingzhi belongs to the theoretical dance master, so he can only talk about it, but he can't dance.

"Don't let your precious student go so early." Zuo Xingzhi begged him pitifully, "I want to see you too."

Shen Junyi said with a cold face: "Ren Hui will definitely make a video, you can watch it when you come back."

Walking left: "..."

Shen Junyi recorded the "God of the Earth" that Jiang Shen danced at the Cultural Palace performance personally, and showed it to the teachers in the studio after bringing it back.

Ren Hui went crazy on the spot, and decided to go to the neighboring city to pick up the child in person, but Shen Junyi poured cold water on her: "I have been there."

Ren Hui said nervously: "Will he come?!"

Shen Junyi glanced at her: "Zhou Luoxiang also went to him."

Ren Hui choked, and said indignantly: "Why is he robbing people?!"

Shen Junyi twirled two jade balls in his hand, and said lightly: "Since he is Zhou Luoxiang, he won the laurels in the Russian competition last year, and this year he will be Paris, France." After a pause, Shen Junyi continued, "The dance troupe over there in France He invited me to be the judge, and this year he will be the 'First Dance' without accident."

The top international ballet competitions are held in various countries every year, but Russia, France and Italy are still the real dominators. The famous ballet clubs of the three countries can be said to be three pillars in the ballet world. Every year, there will be small but highly valuable competition assessments internally. Well, these dancers all have a stink problem, they are self-admired and have a lot of fun. Naturally, they look down on and sneer at those big international competitions.

Ballet dancers, like their toes, stand on the souls of all mortals.

In fact, Shen Junyi wanted to find him on the day when the Jiangshen show ended, but she was unprepared, Zhou Luoxiang would be there first, and she went to the dance class afterward, but it was off again.

Shen Junyi has always been chased by others, when will it be the other way around

Mr. Shen, who had no experience in finding someone, could only use the most stupid method, and went to the Cultural Palace every day for a while. Teacher Shen went to ask the person in charge of the Cultural Palace when the dance room was not open, but the other party didn't know the general idea and hit a wall several times.

Even so, Shen Junyi was very persistent, and went to the Cultural Palace to wait regardless of the weather.

After seeing him several times, Bai Jin finally found a chance to talk to him: "Who are you looking for?"

Shen Junyi looked at him, thinking that it would be better to be a dead horse as a living horse doctor, try it: "I'm looking for a student from your ballet troupe."

Bai Jinyi: "Boys and girls?"

Shen Junyi: "It's a boy."

Bai Jin raised his eyebrows. He took out his mobile phone and flipped through a photo. It was the photo of Jiang Shen's face when he took off his makeup for the first time: "Is it him?"

Shen Junyi squinted his eyes to recognize it, and he was surprised: "You know each other?!"

Bai Jinyi didn't say whether he recognized him or not, but instead asked, "Who are you?"

Shen Junyi was a little embarrassed, he was not used to carrying a business card, and he was afraid that the other party would not understand what he said, so he didn't know how to introduce him after he said his name.

Bai Jinyi didn't react too much, he lowered his head and searched on the phone for a while, then suddenly raised his head and looked at him again: "Are you better than Zhou Luoxiang?"

Only then did Shen Junyi realize that the other party was not an ordinary student, she frowned and said, "How do you know?"

Bai Jin raised his mobile phone and stood in front of Shen Junyi: "Your information is on Baidu Encyclopedia."

Shen Junyi: "..."

Bai Jinyi finally wrote Jiang Shen's home address and phone number to Shen Junyi. He glanced at the other party and said suddenly: "He is a good student."

Shen Junyi still had the airs of a famous dancer, and said lightly: "You can only know this after teaching."

Bai Jin curled his lips, too lazy to expose his blind attention these days, he lowered his head and played with his phone again.

Shen Junyi glanced at his newly received photo, which seemed to be a chicken with long colorful feathers on its tail, and couldn't help asking: "What is that?"

Bai Jin pressed the black screen, put the phone behind his back, and said coldly, "Why did I tell you?"

"I heard that your family has a chicken?" Ren Hui helped Jiang Shen stretch his legs for a while, trying to find a topic, "Shen Junyi said, do you still have a colorful tail?"

Jiang Shen nodded: "It's called Tony, it's a wild rooster, my neighbor's brother caught it for me."

Ren Hui envied: "The environment at your house must be very good, right?"

"Of course the countryside is fine." Jiang Shen rested his chin on the back of his hand, and said in a cheerful tone, "We farm our own fields, raise pigs, raise chickens, ducks and fish, and the fruits are also in season, delicious and nutritious."

Ren Hui laughed: "Then will you feel lonely when you leave home?"

Jiang Shen was stunned for a moment and didn't speak. After a while, he was a little lost and said: "I will miss them, I will miss my parents, I will miss Goumao Qinglingzi and Brother Shubao, as well as the bookstore grandpa and Tony chicken."

He was silent, thinking for a long time in a trance, then turned his head and laughed again, "But I still want to learn to dance."

Ren Hui asked him softly, "Why?"

"Because I like it." Jiang Shen shook his legs, his smile was bright, like a soft baby bird.

"I like farming and raising chickens in the countryside, playing with friends, and more than the sum of those things."

When Shen Junyi came back, she didn't show much eagerness. He was accompanied by a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl who was extremely tall and taller than Jiang Shen by a whole head and a half.

"Her name is Jing Luoyun." Shen Junyi introduced, "Your senior sister."

Jiang Shen didn't know what to do, and before he became Shen Junyi's student, he obediently called Jing Luoyun "Senior Sister".

Jing Luoyun pursed his lips into a smile, and called him in a soft voice: "Senior Brother Shen Shen."

Shen Junyi: "You also have a senior brother who is about the same age as you, named Liu Xingzhi, if he didn't come today, he will see you next time."

Jiang Shen just thinks that no matter how senior or senior, the name sounds so good...

Jing Luoyun secretly looked at him a few times, and when Jiang Shen looked back, he shyly avoided it, and finally summoned up his courage and called him again: "Junior Shen Shen."

"Hey." Jiang Shen happily agreed.

Jing Luoyun pursed her lips and smiled again. She didn't look like a girl on the outside. She was taller than many dancing boys on the third floor. With short hair, her facial features were both girlish and youthful.

"Don't be so shy." Shen Junyi signaled Jing Luoyun to stand beside Jiang Shen, "Demonstrate a few moves and let Jiang Shen learn from you."

Jing Luoyun covered his face, then nodded shyly at Jiang Shen, and stood in front of the mirror.

Jiang Shen looked at her seriously.

Jing Luoyun closed his eyes and took a deep breath, and when he opened them again, his expression changed.

Although she just followed some basic Grand and Jete dances, Jing Luoyun's style is completely different from Jiang Shen's. Her steps are light, her jumps are high and agile, and her limbs are stretched like flowing clouds. Jiang Shen, on the other hand, is flexible and powerful. When he leaps up, he looks like an arrow leaving the bowstring, and the muscles on his back are curved beautifully.

Shen Junyi looked at it for a while and then clapped her hands to make them stop.

"Luoyun." He said suddenly, "You lift it up."

Jiang Shen didn't understand what he meant, Jing Luoyun suddenly turned his head to look at him, smiled shyly, and said softly, "I'm sorry, Senior Brother Shen Shen."

Jiang Shen: "?"

Jing Luoyun stretched out her hand to hold his waist, and with a little force, Jiang Shen was actually lifted into the air by her.

Jiang Shen: "??!!"

Jing Luoyun looked up at him with a gentle and shy smile: "Relax, you are very light and won't fall."