Salad Days

Chapter 34


With a straight face, Jiang Shen took a large lump of ointment with his fingers and rubbed it on Bai Jinyi's injured cheek.

Bai Erdai hissed, lowered his eyes and said nothing.

Jiang Shen glanced at him: "Pain?"

Bai Jin pushed his cheeks with the tip of his tongue, and said vaguely: "It's actually okay..."

Jiang Shen increased the force of rubbing the medicine expressionlessly.

Bai Jinyi: "..."

The wound on the face looked bruised and swollen, but it was fine if the mouth was not broken. Jiang Shen was very angry at the beginning, but the medicine disappeared in the end, and he felt distressed. After applying the medicine Still couldn't hold back the wound that Bai Jinyi had blown for a long time.

"Is there a competition recently?" Jiang Shen asked him after packing up the ointment.

Bai Jin nodded: "There is a game on weekends, playing last year's runner-up in the National Junior Team."

Jiang Shen became nervous: "Are you going to be the runner-up?"

Bai Jin raised his eyebrows: "The domestic boxing magazines have rated me as a star of tomorrow. Of course, I have to fight up. The more wins, the better."

Jiang Shen has also seen the boxing magazine that is delivered every day at home, but he didn't pay attention to it before. At most, he is only responsible for arranging it so that Bai Jinyi can read it at any time.

"Are you going to watch my match?" Bai Jin was lying on the sofa. Seeing that Jiang Shen was not angry, he got up again and rubbed his foot against Jiang Shen's leg, "This is a regular match in the boxing gym, come in If you want a ticket, how about giving you a ticket in the first row?"

Jiang Shen hid for a while, not letting him kick, and said deliberately: "I'm not going, I want to practice the dance rehearsed by my brother in the dance room."

Bai Jinyi "cut": "Your senior brother doesn't like you."

Jiang Shen said angrily, "That's better than watching you get beaten!"

Bai Jinyi: "..."

Although Jiang Shen said that he would not go to the game, Bai Jinyi still left a ticket on Friday night and posted it in the middle of the bathroom mirror. Jiang Shen had to brush his teeth facing the ticket the next day.

On the day of the match, Bai Jin would go to the boxing gym early, and Jiang Shen had breakfast alone, and before going out, he turned around and tore off the boxing ticket and stuffed it into his bag.

As expected, Jing Luoyun was the first to arrive at the dance room again.

Even Jiang Shen couldn't help feeling: "Senior Sister, it's so early."

Jing Luoyun pursed her lips and smiled embarrassedly: "No, no... Brother Shen Shen is also very early."

Jiang Shen finally stopped being dragged by Shen Junyi to practice basic skills these days. He participated in Jing Luoyun's musical performance next month, and besides rehearsal time, he also had to take cultural lessons.

"Chinese and mathematics in the morning." Jing Luoyun helped him stretch, "It's almost all the content of the first and second grades of junior high school, just do more questions."

Jiang Shen sighed: "Senior sister, where did you find the time to do the questions before?"

Jing Luoyun: "Squeeze out, there is always time."

Jiang Shen: "What about senior brother?"

"Liu Xingzhi?" Jing Luoyun laughed, "His culture class is very good, he can go to the level of college entrance examination without learning to dance."

"..." Jiang Shen slammed his chin on the floor, admiring him, "Brother is a genius, right?!"

Before Jing Luoyun could speak, a few coughs came from the direction of the door. Liu Xingzhi stood condescendingly with his arms folded, his braids still untied.

"Let's go to class." He said calmly.

Jiang Shen respected this senior brother very much, and hurriedly got up from the ground to say hello, Liu Xingzhi reluctantly nodded, and then ordered: "You come up early after lunch, you want to help senior sister dance."

The classroom for culture classes is on the second floor, and Shen Junyi invited teachers from regular key high schools to tutor them. Among the students in the first and second grades, except for Jiang Shen, the others came to make up lessons on the third floor.

Even without the fame of Liu Xingzhi and Jing Luoyun, the fifth floor is the fifth floor. As soon as Jiang Shen entered the classroom, many people stared at him openly and secretly.

After the first class, everything was calm. After Jiang Shen took his homework notes, he was going to listen to Jing Luoyun's words and copy some questions to do. He was flipping through the reference book when a figure suddenly fell on the paper.

Jiang Shen raised his head and saw a slightly older boy standing beside his desk.

"Are you alone?" The other party greeted very familiarly.

Jiang Shen nodded his head: "You are?"

"My name is Zhang Zhi." The boy sat down and compared himself, "On the third floor, I met you in Chief Liu's rehearsal class before, you probably don't remember."

After such a set of self-questioning and self-answering, Jiang Shen really didn't know what to answer, because he really didn't pay attention to Zhang Zhi. After all, Liu Xingzhi's rehearsal class was too late to watch Liu Xingzhi dance alone, so how could he have time to see others.

Zhang Zhi didn't mind, and asked him, "How old are you?"

Jiang Shen: "It's fifteen years old."

Zhang Zhi laughed: "What are you talking about?" He looked at Jiang Shen, "What do you do on the fifth floor every day?"

Jiang Shen: "It's also practicing and rehearsing dance every day... the same as you."

Zhang Zhi shook his head: "We are not the same, you are the protagonists, we are the supporting roles, I may not be able to get in Chief Liu's rehearsal if I want to."

"Why can't you get in?" Jiang Shen said innocently, "If you practice hard, you can get in. Although senior brother is very strict, he also works hard."

Zhang Zhi was stunned for a moment, he rolled his eyes, and smiled with some ambiguity: "You are being polite again, who doesn't know that you are all geniuses on the fifth floor."

Jiang Shen has never associated himself with the word genius since he was a child. He stayed up all night last night to read the previous boxing magazines, and cut out all the reports about Bai Jinyi, big and small, like tofu cubes, and pasted them in his best blank notebook.

In his heart, genius is to describe people like Bai Jinyi and Liu Xingzhi, and it has nothing to do with him at all.

He didn't understand why Zhang Zhi thought so, but even if he was called a "genius", Jiang Shen didn't feel at ease.

At lunch, Zhang Zhi still dragged him along. The students on the third floor were obviously more than a little curious and concerned about him, the junior on the fifth floor, and asked around the dinner table.

It’s all about things like “what awards did you win”, “where did you dance before”, “where did Master Shen find you”, Jiang Shen told the truth, but they didn’t believe it. Nor is it.

In the end, Zhang Zhi helped him out and said: "Chairman Liu said before, he is a genius, he dances well, and has a high talent, ordinary people like us can't compare to him, he is all accompanied by the prince, understand?" He made a gesture of repelling, "Let's go, don't disturb our little prince's meal."

Jiang Shen felt that he was talking nonsense, and he was a little anxious, and retorted: "I am not a genius, I practice and dance very hard, everyone is the same."

Zhang Zhi looked at him like a fool, turned the spoon, and said indifferently: "Why are you so serious? I'm praising you. It's good to be talented, isn't it?"

Jing Luoyun saw that it was almost past time for dinner, and she was going to go downstairs to pick Jiang Shen up. She went to cut her hair short a few days ago, and now she looks full of vigor, handsome and handsome, surrounded by the girls on the third floor Watching her come down from the door, she happily called "Chief Yun", Jing Luoyun nodded slightly, and said with a shy smile, "Hello, junior sisters."

The junior sisters were all doing well, screaming and covering their hearts, taking pictures with their mobile phones, Jing Luoyun followed them, and when they arrived at the back door of Jiang Shen's classroom, he softly called out, "Junior Shen Shen."

Just as Jiang Shen finished packing, he turned around and said, "Senior Sister."

Jing Luoyun walked up to him as if stepping on colorful clouds, took his bag, and smiled, "I'll pick you up."

Knowing that she loves to take care of others, Jiang Shen didn't feel uncomfortable, so he followed her upstairs.

Liu Xingzhi was waiting for them in the corridor, and said with a bad face, "I told you not to go down, the cries from the third floor can be heard here."

In contrast, Jing Luoyun was much more gentle: "They are so cute."

Liu Xingzhi rolled his eyes unbearably: "In your eyes, who is not cute?"

Jing Luoyun really thought about it seriously, looked at his senior brother, and said seriously: "You are not so cute when you lose your temper."

Liu Xingzhi: "..."

For excellent dancers, how to choreograph their own dance is the second most important thing after dancing it out. Jing Luoyun's performance theme in a month's time has already been set, but she is still not satisfied with the main dance part.

Liu Xingzhi was voluntary to help this time, and Jing Luoyun discussed with him all morning, but the results were not good.

"You girls like to dance like flowers and clouds." Liu Xingzhi lay on the floor as if giving up, and said angrily, "Can't you change to another dance?"

Jing Luoyun was helpless: "What do you want to change?"

Liu Xingzhi: "Change birds, eagles and cranes are all pretty!"

It was rare for Jing Luoyun to be angry: "You like birds, so go jump."

"When have I never jumped a bird?" Liu Xingzhi got up and said proudly, "I have jumped all the goshawks in the grassland!"

After finishing speaking, he continued, as if he still refused to admit defeat, "And look at Adam Cooper, he is a male swan dancer, why do you girls look down on birds?"

Jing Luoyun let out a chuckle: "Aren't there too few swans for us to jump? You didn't know where I was when I jumped four little swans."

When Jiang Shen heard them discussing Adam Cooper, he also became interested. Baba raised his hand and interjected: "I have also seen his male version of Swan Lake."

Liu Xingzhi looked down on him: "What are you showing off, no one has seen it."

Jiang Shen didn't care about the blow from his senior brother's love, and honestly said: "I also want to dance the male version of Swan Lake."

Liu Xingzhi laughed angrily: "Who will dance with you, I won't dance with you."

Jiang Shen blinked, puzzled and said, "Why?"

Liu Xingzhi glanced at him in disgust: "I don't like you, why should I dance a romantic drama with you?"

"..." Jiang Shen obviously had never heard of this rule, and said in shock, "You have to like it to dance?!"

Liu Xingzhi continued to fool him maliciously: "Of course, romantic dramas, how can there be a tacit understanding if you don't like it?"

Jing Luoyun couldn't stand it anymore, and said comfortingly, "Don't listen to his nonsense, Liu Xingzhi jumped over the Swan Lake by himself." She poked the senior brother, and said ambiguously, "It's better to show Mr. Pu the jump. .”

Liu Xingzhi was also embarrassed by being exposed, and said impatiently: "That's why he paid me a lot of money to ask me to dance, why not dance."

This is the second time Jiang Shen heard the name "Mr. Pu", and asked curiously, "Is he a dance fan of senior brother?"

Jing Luoyun nodded: "He likes Liu Xingzhi, it's okay to be infatuated with him. Even a confession-like dance like Swan Lake would rather spend a lot of money to show you to dance alone. Don't you understand?"

Liu Xingzhi didn't speak, he played with his dreadlocks, and looked a little smug.

Jiang Shen was the only one who was shocked. He thought about it for a long time, but he was probably too confused and couldn't think of a way to do it. He asked with a blank expression, "Can boys like boys?"

"Why not?" Liu Xingzhi said indifferently, as calm as saying "the weather is nice", "There are so many gays in the dancing world, men like men, women like women, since they are all lovers, what's the difference?"

Jing Luoyun tapped the tip of Jiang Shen's nose, and said earnestly like an elder: "One of the great traditions here at Laiyi is to dance a Swan Lake dance for your sweetheart. If you have someone you like in the future, you must Follow the tradition."