Salted Fish Doesn’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 52


Fang Lin looked at the person in front of him, and froze at first, then he moved after a while, and gently touched his face with the finger that Duan Changke kissed just now.

It's ridiculous to say that the hand holding his is obviously hot, and the voice in his ears is warm, yet he is still worried that this is a dream that he will wake up from.

The other party was not in a hurry, and did not reject Fang Lin's action at all: "There is no need to make a decision now."

After Duan Changke finished speaking, she turned around and continued to rummage in the cabinet, but she was not busy with these things before, so she was not familiar with them. Fang Lin reminded: "It's on the second floor of the third cabinet on your right."

Duan Changke then followed his instructions and put the delicate powdered sugar into the steaming milk with a delicate spoon. Once he felt that it was not enough, he tried to add two more spoonfuls: "It seems to be enough."

Seeing Fang Lin's unrecovered expression, Duan Changke smiled: "Why, don't you think I'm not like me today?"

Fang Lin nodded honestly.

Although the previous Duan Changke couldn't be described with the adjective cold and ruthless, after all, he knew how to joke and respect himself, but there was always a distance between being a gentleman, which made Fang Lin always have concerns.

But Duan Changke is already such a perfect person, Fang Lin thought.

The other party seemed to be able to see through his thoughts and said, "I said it once in the bar just now. But I will change it."

Duan Changke and Fang Linben are not the same kind of people. Under this kind of life and education that has always been a privileged elite, even though he knows that he should be polite and respectful, he will still be trapped in the place where he is not aware of being superior to others. In the inertial thinking of knowing.

"That's probably the reason why I didn't reject you at first." Duan Changke said, while carefully analyzing himself, "I think I can help you, and I don't want to accept anything so noble."

"Even though I think I won't treat you badly materially, I always forget that people are completely different individuals."

"It seems a bit of a mouthful." Duan Changke's expression showed a rare distress, "After all, I didn't try to understand you on an equal footing."

Fang Lin opened his mouth slightly, dazed.

"After all, if I could have noticed your struggle sooner..." Duan Changke's fingers bent slightly habitually, Fang Lin recognized that this was his posture for holding a cigarette, but at the moment there was nothing between his fingers, only some invisible things remained. "I should have kept you at the door on the rainy day when you recorded the show. When you called me in the ancient town, I should have come to see you."

I should have hugged you sooner.

Duan Changke stuffed Fang Lin's cup into his hand.

"I know I'm a bit weird tonight. Go to bed early." Seeing Fang Lin holding a cup and starting to drink milk, Duan Changke walked out the door and said, "The next room has been cleaned up."

But before he could fully walk out of the kitchen, his clothes were grabbed by the people behind him—

Fang Lin didn't have time to finish the milk, so he reached out and grabbed the other party's sleeve to make him stay: "Yes."

Duan Changke's footsteps stopped: "It's okay, you don't have to rush to agree just because of what I just said, I..."

"I'm willing. I'm willing," Fang Lin swallowed hurriedly and put down the cup, with a small circle of white milk stains on the edge of his upper lip, "You don't have to think so much!"

"Don't think about equality or cognition, I thought you already understood when you kissed me in the lounge, no matter what," Fang Lin looked up at him, "No matter what you are, I like you."

Duan Changke didn't speak, just listened quietly.

Fang Lin looked at himself in Duan Changke's eyes, his eye sockets and nose were a little red, his hair was disheveled and he looked embarrassed, but there was no hesitation in his eyes: "From the time you came back, I will never back down again."

That's why he came back with Duan Changke when he was about to send him off, and he also thought about it a lot when he was taking a bath just now.

Fang Lin's tone finally changed at this moment, and Duan Changke saw a faint smile on his face.

"I don't want to sleep in the next room," Fang Lin said seriously, rather than being coquettish, he announced, "I'm not very afraid of the cold, but you can hug me to sleep tonight."

Fang Lin didn't wait for Duan Changke to reply, after these days, he finally took the initiative to lean forward and kissed the other party's lips.

Duan Changke tasted the familiar aroma of milk—but because of the added sugar, it will be sweeter this time.

When Duan Changke lay down next to him, Fang Lin finally felt something real.

After so many days, his heart of wandering in panic fell to the ground. Although he still couldn't adapt quickly, it was different after all.

In fact, the reborn self always pretended to be casual and free and easy. Only Duan Changke found out, but decided to tolerate him.

Fang Lin thought, maybe he could really be more confident and optimistic.

Even though he had slept in the car for a while, Duan Changke's hands were warm and strong. He no longer needed to find various excuses for a hug or kiss, and finally he could devote himself to it without any scruples.

He slept well that night.

Fortunately, he finally failed to wake up according to his biological clock for a long time, and when he opened his eyes in a daze, it was already past noon.

After being depressed for several days, it was finally time to face the current situation.

Before, Fang Lin was so pessimistic that he didn't want to think about anything, but now the two of them expressed their feelings to each other and woke up after a sleep, only then began to regain the status quo.

Duan Changke actually woke up very early, but he didn't leave the bed, so Fang Lin noticed it as soon as he opened his eyes, and stretched out his hand to pinch his face: "Are you awake?"

Fang Lin nodded, and rubbed his face against Duan Changke's palm: "I'm going to get up and face reality!"

Hearing his tone, Duan Changke was sure that he was really better, and chuckled lightly: "You can also face it after returning to the cage."

Fang Lin didn't want to, but escaping was ultimately not an option.

"I have to report to my agent and assistant first, and then the company..." Fang Lin said, looked up at the company's decision-maker, cleared his throat, "The company should know, do you want me to talk to the relevant people again?" The department will explain the situation."

"If you just report now, you may have been torn apart." Duan Changke said the first half of the sentence pretending to be businesslike, and it took half a second to add the second half of the sentence with a smile, "But since you have a back door, you don't need to Worried. The announcement that can be delayed has already been delayed, and the one that cannot be postponed.”

"Oh, ok..." Fang Lin began to count how many were left according to the watch that Tao Le sent him before, and secretly rejoiced in his heart that it was fortunate that he had completed the movie mirror before recording the variety show.

He added and subtracted on his phone for half a day, and suddenly sat up with a cry: "But what about my variety show! What does the program group say, do you want to continue working together to finish this season?"

Duan Changke raised his eyebrows, but didn't answer him immediately.

Fang Lin looked at his expression and muttered, although he vaguely knew that this TV station had worked closely with Hailin before: "Then am I finished, this is the second recording and I won't go, what next? Maybe I have to record it once or twice, and I don’t know how they are doing now... "

"The recording for the second time has already been finished, and the program team didn't say anything."

Fang Lin blinked, he just woke up looking a little dazed: "Then I..."

"That's enough." Duan Changke simply hugged him, including his body and quilt: "This is not something Young Master Fang should worry about."

"... Oh." Through the quilt, he buried himself in Duan Changke's arms like a little daughter-in-law and nodded.

Fang Lin's heart was suddenly moved. If Duan Changke's name before was purely teasing, then he called it now with a pampering that did not conform to his rational thinking—as if he was saying, look, this is my Young Master Fang.

This knowledge made his heart beat faster, he couldn't hold it back for a while, poked his head out from under the quilt, and carefully and solemnly kissed Duan Changke on the cheek.

After kissing, he quickly moved away and jumped out of bed: "I'll wash up first."

Fang Lin brushed his teeth with a toothbrush in his mouth, looked around, and felt that the room was too dark.

After he finished washing his face, he pressed the switch of the electric curtain with his bare feet. With a soft sound, the curtains of the room slowly opened from the middle to both sides, and the autumn afternoon sun shone in through the floor-to-ceiling windows, and the area became wider and wider. , and soon the whole room became bright.

He was a little dazed, and felt that the slowly opening curtains were like a new curtain that symbolized beauty—he didn’t feel the light was abrupt, but felt that the sufferings of the past had been evaporated by the warm autumn sun at this moment, melted into the air, and became No longer heavy.

"Hey, Young Master Fang," Duan Changke called him, with a relaxed expression, "There is one more thing, do you want to take a look..."

Duan Changke was sitting on the bed. He was wearing cotton pajamas, not as sharp and cold as when he was wearing a suit, but more lazy and calm.

Fang Lin looked at him.

"Master Fang?" Seeing Fang Lin in a daze, Duan Changke waved the phone at him again.

And the fresh, fresh sunlight fell on him, wrapping his silhouette, and at this moment it was unbelievably real.

So Fang Lin couldn't hear what he wanted to say anymore—his heart was beating violently at this moment, and every beat was a deeper heartbeat for Duan Changke—he had never had such turbulent and clear emotions, at this moment all Thoughts are frozen, only the body executes the instructions from the bottom of my heart.

Fang Lin walked towards him in the late autumn afternoon, put his hands on the bed, closed his eyes and gently held Duan Changke's lips.

The taste of lemon and mint entangled between their lips and teeth, Fang Lin was so eager, and wanted to pass on his feelings to him.

When they had to leave panting, the light in Fang Lin's eyes was brighter than the sparkle on their lips at the moment, and he looked at him intently: "I kept forgetting to say last night."

"Thank you."