Salted Fish Doesn’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 53


Later, Fang Lin finally realized that he had been too clingy to do anything since he got up today, so he blinked and asked Duan Changke what he wanted to tell him just now.

"It's really nothing," the other party said unhurriedly, "I came to you before, and the camera was turned off a second late at that time. As a result, the official blog of Yubo's program group was originally going to show unpublished extras, but the editor I didn't know the situation, and cut me in for two seconds."

He spoke in a very orderly manner, and also said that the time in the camera was very short, but Fang Lin was quickly awakened by these words from the haze that hadn't faded from the morning.

He said quickly: "Then what's going on now?"

"It's okay," Duan Changke stood up and rubbed his hair, "it's just the level of being topped by a useless marketing account."

Fang Lin understood, that is to say, it is not uncontrollable, and it is not difficult if he insists on suppressing it, it all depends on his own will.

He knew that Duan Changke didn't particularly dislike the camera, but he definitely wouldn't like it either.

Fang Lin was a little flustered, and he wasn't sure what Duan Changke was thinking.

He hasn't contacted Tao Le and the others. He seems to be escaping these few days, pretending that the world won't work if he doesn't see or listen. As long as he doesn't pick up his phone, he can live in a vacuum without facing it.

If it is inevitable for the two to get along without telling the truth, after all, the less people who know about the less legitimate relationship, the better. But now the relationship has changed. Faced with such a simple question, Fang Lin was at a loss for a while, not knowing how to continue thinking.

After all, there is a thing called "showing off" in relationships, which is why miserable singles are always forced to eat.

After confirming the mind, whether it is self-suggestion or hormonal catalysis that sounds mysterious, it can better package the loved one. To put it plainly, it is a filter—I want to speak out, I want to tell others what my lover is like, I want to use it The language describes his appearance, movements, emotions, and wants to show off the process of his heart, and show off that this is his lover.

Just like Meng Jinyu, who is not dull at all, always wants to tell himself when he meets a person in his mind, but that person hides and refuses to admit it. So it didn't end well.

But without talking about others, Fang Lin felt that he couldn't escape the common customs.

Due to his identity, it is impossible for him to tell too many people, at least for now, so those around him who can talk are especially precious.

Meng Jinyu would be noticed if he got along with him once or twice, but Xia Qi didn't hide it from the beginning, and it would be a matter of time before he was exposed; as for Tao Le... that's another story.

What about Duan Changke

What would he think

He was different from himself, and his identity from the very beginning determined that he didn't have to worry about it at all.

But for a moment, Fang Lin thought, he hoped to be shown off by him.

After hesitating for a moment, Fang Lin raised his head and asked Duan Changke: "Then what are you going to do?"

He bit his lips: "Well, anyway, I didn't respond at the time, you wait for me to ask Brother Xia, just post a Weibo explanation and divert your attention..."

"Okay," Duan Changke smiled, and stretched out his hand to brush Fang Lin's hair, "Don't do my public relations for now. On your side, if you need help, just ask your agent to come to the company."

Fang Lin obediently let him touch her, and wanted to say something else: "But..."

"Or, you don't want to be in the same frame as me?"

"Ah?" Fang Lin was taken aback by his fierce question, and looked at him in disbelief, "No, no..."

How could it be that the other party's first reaction was like this

Duan Changke responded to his gaze very frankly: "It's only been on camera for two seconds, and there is nothing unnatural about it, and the malice will not go anywhere."

"Of course, if you mind, I'll call now."

Duan Changke was unintentionally handsome, but at the moment he was less fierce, so a little extra gentleness emerged from the handsome eyebrows: "I just think that it feels good to be in the same frame as you from time to time in front of everyone. "

But it wasn't enough for him to finish talking, he still leaned down slightly, smiled at him, asked him seriously, and asked for his opinion: "How about it, Young Master Fang?"

Fang Lin felt that when facing Duan Changke, his willpower and judgment were always as weak as flimsy paper, like piled sand, and he couldn't stand it at all, so he just nodded: "I thought—I thought you didn't want to."

But I didn't expect that you, like me, wanted to show off to others secretly with an unsteady mind.

His face was a little hot, and his eyes wandered on Duan Changke's body: "I'll go get something to eat."

Duan Changke didn't force him, but waved him to go.

When Fang Lin was standing in a daze in the kitchen, seeing the sugar bowl that was not put away last night, a little emotion surged up in his heart, mixed with what Duan Changke said before.

—I want you to be more confident.

You see, I'm actually no different from you.

After finishing the meal, Fang Lin threw everything into the dishwasher, and began to seriously face the work from that day to the present.

But he took a look at the trending topics first.

Unsurprisingly, the marketing account was still a little apprehensive, and instead of directly posting Duan Changke’s name as a tag, it was changed to #玉丝不攻编录系统#, and even with such a not-so-popular title, the position is still constantly changing. move forward.

The original blog of the program group’s video has been deleted, but ten minutes ago, they posted a witty explanation as a response. Presumably, the official found something wrong and quickly deleted the Weibo, but asked Duan Changke and found that he didn’t mind it. Come out to smooth things over and make the atmosphere less awkward.

The video containing Duan Changke was indeed only two seconds long. At that time, Fang Lin was arguing with Meng Jinyu about cleaning the lobby. Duan Changke declined the company of the staff and came in without saying a word. , and then patted him on the shoulder, so Fang Lin turned his head - the surprised expression just showed a little bit, and the camera was turned off.

After watching the video, Fang Lin felt complicated.

If there was anything ulterior, there was nothing. Even the communication between the two was not recorded. From Duan Changke's cold expression, there should be nothing to tell.

But it's not clear if it's clear, after all, it can be seen at a glance that Duan Changke is here to find Fang Lin.

Although Fang Lin's popularity is not low now, but the source of the popularity is more complicated, so the following is not blindly controlling the comments, so it looks very lively.

Especially Reyi, concise and to the point.


"Put on some clothes!"

"Don't you have a husband? Call my husband my husband?"

"Let's go. He just told me that he has come to pick me up from get off work after the meeting."

"This floor is more or less sleepy."

"New here, is this the legendary prince? So handsome, so handsome? Are there any more pictures, Modo Modo?"

"There are not many pictures. He doesn't seem to attend events often. It's a pity."

"It's coming, it's coming, the picture is coming [picture] (attached is a high-P toned photo of an ancient event)"

"In fact, it looks better without P"

Apart from these simple covetous faces, there are many related people who eat melons.

"So what did Fang Lin do that requires Duan Changke to pick him up in person!"

"Wow, although handsome, I don't think it's a good thing. I repeated these two seconds several times. Duan Changke looked fierce from the moment he entered the door—not fierce, but he looked very difficult to approach anyway. "

"Yes, yes, in short, I just wait and see."

"So what did Fang Lin do wrong? The boss came to him all of a sudden!"

"I don't know, the social animal substitute has already felt scared, woo woo woo woo"

Fang Lin was shocked when he saw this, and remembered that because the content of the second recording hadn't been broadcast yet, the audience still didn't know that he left halfway through the recording.

But as he reads on, some of the comments become brilliant.

"Please tell me I'm not alone, I feel knocked out and I don't know why QAQ"

"The indifferent boss X the new employee, I have to say that there is an entanglement between light and darkness!"

"The key is Fang Lin's eyes! The expression! Although it's just a slap in the face, I just don't think he has the expression of guilty conscience or making a mistake, but..."

"Hah hiss"

"Do you have any recommendations for similar entertainment articles? Thank you, sisters."

"Isn't it?? You can also knock it up??"

"There is no way that Duan Changke fits my fantasy of the male protagonist of the novel! 'Young master has not laughed for a long time', 'Young master can't accept people other than him', 'Young master's cleanliness, insomnia, and weird personality are all good after meeting him 'Oh my god I'm starting to make up my mind!"

"Upstairs, your novel tastes a bit old-fashioned. It's good, but I'm still knocking on it."

"No! I'm still squatting behind the variety show! Xiao Fang belongs to Meng Meng!"

"Yes! 'Walk in the rain' CP is the best!"

Fang Lin's mood was ups and downs.

In the beginning, he was still ups and downs in "worried-worried-seeing that there are still people kissing himself and Duan Changke, and he became a little proud and a little happy", but now he sees-ah? What the hell is this? Even the name of the CP?

He complained in his heart for a while, and then read the summary of the work that Xia Qi sent to him that needed to be processed. There were a few projects and advertisements that needed to be signed in person, so he had to go to the company.

He estimated that Tao Le should have passed his nap time, so he called him.

Tao Le answered almost instantly, and when he got through, he heard his voice full of worry: "Lin, how are you doing now? Brother Xia said that it's okay to sign the documents in two days. If you don't have a good rest, you can delay for two more days. It's okay." what."

"It's okay." Fang Lin glanced at the bedroom, and said to Tao Le, "It's not good to keep procrastinating. I'll come over today."

"Hey, that's fine," Tao Le said from the other end, "Or I'll come to your house to pick you up?"

Just as Fang Lin wanted to agree, he realized that he was not at home: "It's okay, I'll come over by myself later."

After hanging up the phone, seeing Duan Changke coming out of the room, he had already changed his clothes, and said to him, "Together?"

As soon as Fang Lin saw him, he thought of what he said just now, so he nodded and agreed.

Duan Changke didn't take the regular aisle to work, but Fang Lin got off the car a little earlier to avoid suspicion, and waited for Tao Le in the lobby.

The people in Hailin are of course concerned about their boss's trending things, so they hesitated more or less when they saw Fang, but since they are all adults, and they know more about Duan Changke than those netizens who eat melons , His expression in the video did look a little more serious than usual, so he basically didn't think about that, but was curious if Fang Lin had really done something.

But Fang Lin did not respond to these gazes.

He didn't intend to tear open the wound for everyone to see, so he pretended nothing happened.

Tao Le arrived soon. It looked like he had run a long way after getting off the subway. His clothes were thin and his forehead was a little sweaty. He looked at Fang Lin nervously.

"All right, all right, I'm fine." Fang Lin smiled sincerely at him, wanting him not to worry about himself, "Let's go, go in first."

Considering that he might still ask himself about Duan Changke, he was just thinking about how to explain it, or hint a little, so that he would not be so surprised when he knew the truth in the future.

"By the way, I think Mr. Duan came to look for you," Tao Le asked as expected, and whispered, "I didn't expect him to come in person..."

Fang Lin decided to give some guidance on this topic: "Yes."

"I feel that Mr. Duan still treats me very well. He is different from others."

"That's your delusion—" Tao Le subconsciously wanted to refute, but after refuting, he smacked the smell and found that there seemed to be some truth, and changed his words, "That's because Mr. Duan is handsome and caring for his employees."


The hint failed, Fang Lin decided to give up.

Just as Tao Le was about to say something, he saw a figure approaching from the corner of his eye, and immediately fell silent.

Since he was overheard the last time, he has been very cautious, he has to look around for everything, and promise not to cause other troubles for Fang Lin, so Duan Changke didn't hear what they said.

Duan Changke could actually use his own elevator, but he still walked towards the two of them, apparently planning to take the same elevator as them.

Tao Le greeted him nervously: "Mr. Duan."

Fang Lin also pretended to say something.

Duan Changke didn't have an assistant by her side, so she raised her eyebrows and said "Good afternoon", and even pressed the elevator for them: "Which floor are you going to?"

"Twenty-seven, twenty-seven," Tao Le found out that he had asked the boss to press the elevator himself, and tried to save him, "Thank you, Mr. Duan."

Duan Changke nodded: "It's okay."

"By the way," the elevator slowly ascended, and there were only the three of them in the small space. Tao Le heard Duan Changke ask casually, "Yubo's program team has already asked, and they said that your spot will still be reserved for the third recording. The decision is yours, have you considered going ahead?"

This was one of the things that Fang Lin came this time, and he had already thought about it, so he said, "Go. Anyway, it was only that one time, and the response was pretty good."


The two chatted in the elevator for a while, Tao Le basically didn't interrupt, just looked at Duan Changke and Fang Lin, the boss was indifferent and the staff were humble and polite... just looked a little awkward.

Seeing that the two of them had nothing to talk about, Tao Le breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the other party clear his throat and call again: "President Duan."

Fang Lin asked in front of Tao Le: "By the way, there is something I've always wanted to ask."

"Let's talk." Duan Changke also cooperated with him to put on a show, "But next time you have any questions, you can ask the relevant personnel of the company, instead of coming to me directly."

"Because the company I worked for before was focused on traffic idols, so it was basically forbidden to talk about dating." Fang Lin said seriously, "So I'm actually curious, what are Hailin's regulations on this?"

The uninformed people at the side almost felt their hearts jump when they heard him ask this question.

Tao Le frantically grabbed Fang Lin's sleeve in secret, Lin, let's not play it dead.

"Huh?" Duan Changke seemed to have doubts about this question, and turned to look at him.

Tao Le wanted to die for a moment, and he couldn't dare to look at Duan Changke's current appearance.

"It's not recommended for most of the company's situation." Duan Changke said unhurriedly, "But my personal opinion is fine."

Tao Le listened with ashamed heart, he didn't know what Fang Lin did suddenly, so let's take it as a vent after recovering.

"What's the general meaning of that passage?" Fang Lin continued to ask.

With a sound of "ding", the elevator arrived, and Tao Le almost wanted to have the ability to teleport, taking Fang Lin and disappearing from Duan Changke's eyes within a second.

"My point of view?" Before the elevator closed, Duan Changke raised his eyebrows through a door—

"That depends on who you talk to."

The elevator doors closed.

Tao Lehan even came out: "Lin, why did you ask me that just now, do you know if you scared me to death and Mr. Duan is not angry..."

But Fang Lin basically didn't listen.

He originally thought that Tao Le was too stupid and wanted to tease him, but he didn't think...

Fang Lin rubbed his palm. Duan Changke, who looked so indifferent in the elevator, while cooperating with himself in saying that, at the same time calmly stretched out his hand to hold his own at a place Tao Le didn't notice, squeezed it between his fingers, and held it firmly.

And at the moment when the elevator door was about to close, he was about to pull out his hand, but the other party even scratched his palm in dissatisfaction, and then reluctantly let him go.

This secret throbbing hadn't dissipated yet, Fang Lin only felt that his palms were astonishingly hot, and his heart was still beating wildly.

Originally, he wanted to tease Tao Le, but the person who became flustered in the end was himself.