Salted Fish Doesn’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 58


Except for the night when Duan Changke bent down to appease him, this was the first time the two of them had done it since Fang Lin was picked up by the other party at the variety show.

After all, they were not very interested before, and now the relationship between them has really changed, and Fang Lin was even a little uncomfortable at first.

It's not that they don't adapt to their bodies, on the contrary, it's precisely because they are too familiar with each other's bodies that Fang Lin has a magical sense of freshness.

how to say

Fang Lin thought in his heart with his poor adjectives.

This is probably what it feels like to be connected physically and mentally.

He is relatively liberal in sex, and in the past, he always thought about how to please Duan Changke, such as lowering his position blindly, actively seducing him, closing his eyes and opening his waist, opening his mouth for moaning instead of breathing. , Like an aimless boat, smashed and crushed by the waves coming from the top, wet all over, but always eager to be salvaged by the culprit.

Then he can let go of his shame logically, the debris of the ship melts into the sea, forget about the unspeakable inferiority complex and worries-he can be happy, I have to say that his body is not as hypocritical as himself, and all reactions are It's very real, such as raising your waist higher and putting your legs on the other person's shoulders.

He was always irrational when he was in love, and he had completely surrendered himself in a hazy and decadent night, and all the feedback could not be called suffering, only shameful voices, strong hugs, and scorching body temperature.

— except kissing.

Ever since he realized that something was wrong, Lin always tensed up at certain times, obviously eager to die but insisted on pursing his lips or tilting his head, either pretending to sleep or making excuses that he couldn't speak clearly, twisting and laughing, as if if he didn't get a Kiss, because he expects that the newly grown petals will fall into the soil and rot, and wither until no one knows.

Not anymore.

Not anymore.

He saw Duan Changke's sincere eyes, the once indifference turned into secret tenderness, he leaned over and wrapped his bare arms covered with thin sweat, and then kissed him so earnestly.

He would smile at him, kiss his forehead at the beginning, kiss the tip of his nose before turning off the lights, kiss the salty corners of his eyes when he was swollen, and bite his lips when he couldn't restrain himself.

The wet entanglement is also hearty, but there is no deliberate flattery, only the memories of bumping together after the mutual connection.

Fang Lin never thought that the trembling would be even more profound than before. They enjoyed themselves so calmly until the moonlight was blurred all night.

After the absurd middle of the night passed, Fang Lin raised his head from the mess.

"It's really good to be the boss. It can be said that if you don't go to work, you don't go to work." He was sweating, but he was so weak that he didn't want to move. He reached out and searched for his phone by the bed to check the time.

"Isn't it because you insist on reading those things?" Duan Changke was no longer so gentlemanly, casually rubbing Fang Lin's hair, and said casually.

"It's not my fault!" Fang Lin snorted, he didn't expect this person to have a side of playing tricks, and he opened his eyes slightly, "It's those comments that are too eye-catching! How could he call her husband without saying a word! "

"What is the opinion of Mrs. Duan?"

Unexpectedly, Duan Changke really remembered those words in his heart. Fang Lin moved his head speechlessly when he recounted it, and refused to lick him, but his voice was a bit unnatural: "What madam, I'm a man, don't you think so?" Want to call me husband?"

"En." Duan Changke only answered one syllable. Fang Lingang thought that the counterattack was successful and was planning to show off his power, when he heard the other party's deep voice sound again, and deliberately pressed his earlobe, calling frankly and loosely, "Husband."

"..." Fang Lin's face quickly began to swell and red, his eyeballs rolled quickly, he coughed lightly and turned his face to try to hide his unnaturalness, he probably didn't expect the other party to shout so simply, and admitted cheekily, "Hey Hey, here we are."

"Husband." But Duan Changke didn't let him go, and yelled again, "Husband, why are you blushing?"

Fang Lin couldn't bear it anymore, he turned his head and glared at Duan Changke, completely disbelieving that this person was the young master of the consortium who looked alienated and indifferent by nature half a year ago.

Duan Changke was still naked to the waist, with suspicious red spots on his neck, and several fresh scratches on his shoulders, showing everything to Fang Lin with his big paws.

So Fang Lin looked at it like this, and was defeated again: "Yes! I'm just blushing! I'm still jealous! What's the problem!"

The feng shui took turns. When Duan Changke had no choice but to bow his head to tell him to shut up when he clamored to bring a villa for the ski resort, it was impossible to think that such a day would come.

"Okay," at least Duan Changke knew that teasing such things should be done in moderation, so she smiled softly and planned to let him go, "Let's go, I'll wash it for you."

Fang Lin can be regarded as a model of making progress. Seeing the other party's attitude softening slightly, he began to hum, and lay dead on the bed: "I'm so tired. I'm too lazy to move."

Even when Duan Changke was about to pick him up, Fang Lin desperately pressed his body weight on the bed, playing tricks with a hoarse voice.

The other party raised his eyebrows: "Oh."

After a pause, Duan Changke pointed to a certain place and said, "But it's still flowing—"

"You have the nerve to say it!" Fang Lin's face was completely red, and he sat up suddenly from the bed, almost falling to his waist.

"Then I was wrong." As soon as he blew up Duan Changke, he gave in again, pinched his chin with his fingers and approached him, and kissed him, "But you didn't refuse just now."

"Is that why I don't let it go? I'm..." Fang Lin got stuck in the middle of the debate, remembering that he had indeed said some nasty things that made people's ears red because he was too comfortable to be served by Duan Changke in the first half of the night. A little bit smaller, "You can believe what the man said on the bed! Then those barrages said they were going to give birth to monkeys for you!"

As soon as the words fell, Fang Lin looked at Duan Changke's obviously teasing expression, and suddenly realized that he had been manipulated once again.

"Let's do this." Duan Changke seemed very happy with Fang Lin's reaction, and seemed to be seriously discussing with him, "Actually, it's not that the company doesn't have the business of raising water troops, and it also has connections with some marketing accounts. If you really mind, tell me the direction. I let those people blow in that direction."

Fang Lin blinked: "For example?"

"For example, let them change to not having children."

"..." Fang Lin glared at him, and decided not to discuss this topic for the time being, and was about to get out of bed as soon as the quilt was lifted, "Hiss—"

The strange sense of flow made him shrink subconsciously immediately, and his walking posture also became subtle.

"You really don't need me to help you?" Duan Changke stopped in time and asked him again.

"No need." Afraid of dirtying the floor, Fang Lin limped slowly towards the bathroom, and snorted, "I don't want to give birth to a son for you either."

Duan Changke looked at him with a smile, intending to take a cigarette and put it to his lips: "Then have a daughter."

"Bang!" He was answered by the ruthless sound of closing the door.

"Shut up! Duan Changke!"

A soul-stirring roar came, Duan Changke looked at the faint shadow on the translucent glass door, the cigarette was not lit, and her smile deepened.

Of course, the result of having fun is the next day's mess.

Although Duan Changke didn't tease him anymore after coming out of the bathroom, after all, he was still a little dizzy when he fell asleep. He pressed his temple lightly, and just about to speak, he found that his voice was even hoarse than last night.

But Duan Changke had already got up, and said good noon to him without any psychological burden.

Fang Lin opened his mouth and closed it again, deciding to improve his voice today, and condescendingly said: "I'll just stay here today and read the script."

He was about to sit up, but he almost slipped to his waist, and collapsed back on the bed with a hiss.

"Okay, sit down, Young Master Fang." Duan Changke glanced at him, "I'll get you something to eat."

Fang Lin expressed dissatisfaction with his unsatisfactory waist, sat on the bed and rubbed: "Got it."

After he finished washing and tidying up, he ate something and went back to bed because of back pain, finally opened the script that Tao Le sent yesterday: "Then what are your plans for today?"

Duan Changke looked at his watch: "There will be an interview later. But I'm in the company, so there's no rush."

"Huh? Interview?" Fang Lin also had an interview with a publication before, but it hadn't been released yet, but it was a bit strange to think that Duan Changke would accept this kind of job.

"Is it an interview with a financial magazine or something?" Fang Lin thought for a while and said, "I don't remember that you don't like this very much."

After all, since Duan Changke was accidentally photographed when he came to the variety show to pick up Fang Lin, more people were interested in him, but after digging around, he found that he didn't have much information. Thinking about his identity, it should be rejected. There are many activities similar to showing their faces.

"It can be considered." Duan Changke said, "I didn't want to go up before because I found it troublesome."

Surrounded like a panda, asking some boring and long-winded questions, hypocritical entertainment, official and boring text...

"But this time it's okay. It's not an orthodox financial magazine. I read their content and found it interesting, so I agreed." Duan Changke began to put on his clothes, wrapping the buttons of his shirt one by one. The traces were quietly hidden, and after finishing the vest and tie, he finally picked up the silver rose from last night and gently pinched it on.

He said his name, it was a cutting-edge young magazine, not so serious, and not too casual, the editor-in-chief from top to bottom was quite individual, not too rigid in form.

In fact, when this company wanted to contact Duan Changke at the beginning, it was the company they were looking for. The company staff thought that their boss had never been very responsive, so they refused directly. In the end, they found his secretary He Cong and explained their purpose again. Thought I finally got it.

And He Cong was one of the few people who knew about his relationship with Duan Changke.

After Fang Lin woke up, his mind also came back, and he quickly understood something, and asked the key point: "Then what is the content of the interview?"

"It's said to be very casual." Duan Changke finally adjusted his collar clip, and was meticulous in his suit. "Maybe I will mention you."


Fang Lin sat up straighter, and asked in an almost affirmative tone: "Then did you go because of me?"

Otherwise, he would not agree to come down after contacting He Cong.

Duan Changke turned around and took a step towards where Fang Lin was. He was wearing the top notes of a male fragrance that had just been dyed on, which had a bit more peppery flavor than the back notes, so he didn't look so calm and old-fashioned. , and a little more real within reach.

He bent down slightly, looked at Fang Lin, with a faint but clear smile on the corner of his mouth, and generously admitted: "Yes."

"I also want to show off you secretly in front of the public a little bit."

After Duan Changke left for a long time, the words the other party said just now rang in Fang Lin's mind.

All the self-confidence was shattered, and the outline of love became more vivid and firm.

The interview time was a bit longer, and Duan Changke didn't come back for dinner, so Fang Lin also got lazy and found some snacks to fill his stomach as dinner.

Qin Feng's second trial time is imminent, Fang Lin read through the script, and began to try to understand the characters on a deeper level.

"Journey to the Void Mountain" is an original martial arts movie, and it seems out of place in the current pile of stories about sweet pet industrial saccharine and sadness and tears when things are indecision-not to mention, its main line seems to be very simple.

The protagonist of the movie is named Le Mingting, born prominently, smart and well-behaved since he was a child, and would have become a pillar of the imperial court as everyone expected, but he didn't want to become weird or deviant because of an accident.

He abandoned the family of officials and officials who bound him, and even gradually stood on the opposite side of them, and devoted himself to the martial arts world. With his extraordinary talent, coupled with his previous fame, he had already gained a reputation outside of it after a long time.

Some people say that he is stupid, that he is crazy, that he abandons his goodness and reputation to become a lunatic, and some people say that he is free and easy, that he is chivalrous, that he should be born like this, not sticking to an inch of tile, but the sky and the ground Sassy and real.

He never cared about other people's comments, but he always had something in his heart that he had been longing for all his life.

He called it "Zhi", and some people said it was a magic weapon to overwhelm the world, while others said it was a secret book that shocked the martial arts world.

It's like a treasure, and it's like some kind of pursuit that can't be realized.

But everyone in the world knows that "stopping" exists in Xushan, but no one has recognized it for thousands of years.

So Le Mingting set off alone, embarking on a long and empty journey.

Because the script sent now lacks a lot of outline and details, Tao Le's eyes were confused after reading it for the first time: "Am I too stupid? In summary, I almost feel that there is no bright spot. I don't know how Director Qin is going to shoot."

Fang Lin turned on the voice with him, and replied: "But the existing script is not perfect, and it doesn't explain what 'Zhi' is, and whether Le Mingting has pursued 'Zhi'."

"I don't know, it's a stream of consciousness. Anyway, Director Qin has a strong personal style. No matter what, the pictures that pass through his hands, even if they are ordinary, can be photographed with their own taste."

Fang Lin was a little distressed: "But this audition clip, if I can't fully understand the character, I always feel very unsure."

Even after he read through the script for the first time, he couldn't fully confirm Le Mingting's character design, let alone interpret it in his own way.

Tao Le couldn't help him much in this regard, so he could only try to comfort him: "Anyway, we have passed the second test, and we have already been affirmed. If it really doesn't work, we should show our face in front of Director Qin once. Lost."

That's what he said, but Fang Lin still didn't know what to do.

The main reason is that the audition clips seem very simple and fragmented. The title is, Le Mingting's reaction when he saw "Zhi" for the first time.

But the problem is that I still don't know what "stop" is, so how should I react

Fang Lin read it again in silence, it was like dreaming back to his student days, when faced with questions he didn't know, he could only guess blankly and fill in the answers randomly, hoping to get more points in the end.

This is not at all the same as the previous auditions for web dramas. After all, it is his first movie audition. Even though he has said in his heart countless times that the focus is on participating, there is always undue expectation and anxiety.

Fang Lin hung up the phone only after Tao Le fell asleep on the other end of the voice.

In the end, there was really no other way. In order to understand Qin Feng’s personal style, Fang Lin simply stopped reading rough scripts, and started to revisit a few of his previous movies, trying to get some inspiration from them... Unfortunately, this is also Qin Feng’s first time. When shooting ancient costume themes, there are almost no references in many places.

Fang Lin turned off the script, and threw himself on the bed as if to escape.

The sound of footsteps came from far and near, he turned his head and said to the visitor, "Are you back?"

"En." Duan Changke untied his tie, observed Fang Lin's expression for a while, "Did you read the script smoothly?"

"It's not going well," Fang Lin frowned, "It's nothing."

"Qin Feng's works are very distinctive." Although Duan Changke is only considered half an insider, but because of his different positions, he has a deeper understanding of some aspects than some insiders. "I have seen it a few times. To be straightforward, It’s just very casual.”

Duan Changke hung up his clothes: "I don't know how to perform. But if it's facing Qin Feng...'natural' is the best attitude."

"And if you want to be natural, the most primitive, you have to believe in this story, or that this person really exists." He rubbed Fang Lin's head and said, "I can only analyze this."

However, Fang Lin seemed to have figured it out suddenly; "Yes, believe it! I always found it difficult to show it before, so it turned out that I didn't even believe in the existence of this story."

Why should there be such a distinctive personality? There is a clear distinction between black and white, love and hate, he preconceived that the protagonist should be great and upright, and the idea of pursuing ambition must be beautiful and grand, but he ignored that Le Mingting might really not be perfect at all, like It is not impossible to be as stupid as others ridicule.

There is no need to clarify what the story is like, just temporarily believe in the existence of this person.

As for improvisation, that's another matter.

Fang Lin figured it out a bit, hugged Duan Changke's waist excitedly and began to rub: "Although I'm still not sure, it's indeed clearer than before!"

"I'm a little excited! Even if I know, there's still a high chance of being censored," Fang Lin's eyes sparkled, and he simply kissed Duan Changke again, "But I'm much happier now!"

Probably because his emotions were too contagious, Duan Changke originally thought that he was just casually expressing his thoughts, but was also driven by Fang Lin to smile: "It's alright, alright, put on some clothes, and be careful of catching a cold."

Fang Lin naturally obeyed, grabbed a coat and wrapped himself up. After thinking about it, he opened the script file again, trying to understand the characters again.

He read his lines in front of the mirror, adjusted his emotions and language in many ways, until he saw Duan Changke dimmed the lights after taking a shower, and realized that it was another late night.

"It's okay, don't worry about me." Duan Changke waved at him indifferently, signaling him to continue.

He recited a seemingly obscure and introverted plot line by heart, until he really couldn't hold it anymore, he put it away again, and planned to wash up and go to bed.

Duan Changke subconsciously rolled her hairy head into the quilt: "Is today over?"

Buried in his arms, Fang Lin nodded: "I've tried several emotions, and I'll try again tomorrow when I'm awake, and choose the one that's closest to me. It doesn't matter if I can live it or not."

Duan Changke also put away the phone, and joked again: "Okay, if you fail, tell me, we have plenty of money."

The current Fang Lin is already immune to this, and he doesn't take it to heart at all: "Okay, the funder's father will buy me a trophy by the way."

Duan Changke patted him on the back and continued to cooperate with him: "No problem, then I will buy a best actor for my baby. Tell me, which award do you think sounds good."

This time Fang Lin didn't hold back, he raised his head and smiled at Duan Changke.

"You really like acting." Duan Changke said, probably concluding his speech.

Fang Lin didn't directly say yes or no, but leaned in a more comfortable position: "After all, I really don't have the talent to sing, and God doesn't reward me with food."

The two of them tacitly did not mention the previous days. One negatively said that he did not want to work hard anymore, and the other accepted the so-called "remuneration" cooperatively and started an unhealthy relationship.

Fang Lin swipe his phone aimlessly. He read the script all day, and when he looked at the entries on the trending search, he even started to feel bored.

It turned out that the "Yubo" program group bought another hot search today, but because I was not there, it had nothing to do with him; Chu Chen and Lan Peirou were together, and the entry got a big "boil", and began to post in a fair and honest manner Sugar; Meng Jinyu seems to have a new song to release, and his crazy fans naturally occupy all the hot comment areas that are about to release the marketing account immediately, with stickers and flowers, as lively as the New Year.

The war between fans and black will never stop, CP fans will always have tears in their eyes, Duan Changke's wife fans...

No, Fang Lin will still be jealous of these wife fans.

But everything is moving in a good direction.

When he opened the private message, there were still quite a few rational or extreme fans leaving messages to him, which made Fang Lin truly feel that everything was really different from before.

There are new people who like him, and there are people who love him.

Before going to bed, Fang Lin suddenly said, "President Duan."


"There is still a third recording for that variety show. After the recording is over, I don't want to take on the variety show anymore."

"Okay." Duan Changke didn't ask the reason, and responded very simply.

"I thought about it, I really still like acting very much." This time Fang Lin said bluntly, as if he finally found his future direction after tonight. Feel confident that you can do nothing.

Just work hard for what you like. If you fail the audition, there will always be new opportunities. He is actually still young, so there is no need to be depressed at a funeral.

"it is good."

Fang Lin felt himself being hugged, warm and real.

He wanted to say thank you, but felt that it was hypocritical to say it once before.

But this night he was so happy, as if he was really born again now, from a new love.

"Turn off the lights, I'm a little sleepy."

Fang Lin closed his eyes, feeling the darkness around him, and the opponent's hand did not let go.

But still something should be said.

After all, I was crying at the time.

When he was about to fall asleep, he whispered with his lips, and he didn't know if Duan Changke heard it.

"I love you."

So the insurmountable sufferings of the past have all been blown away, he no longer humbles himself with self-pity, no longer wants to pursue but dare not pursue.

He remembered a passage he had seen before.

"We love life not because we are used to living, but because we are used to loving."