Salted Fish Doesn’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 60


Duan Changke very gentlemanly helped the door that was about to close for the two of them, and motioned for them to come in: "Sit down."

"Thank you, Duan Duan!" Fang Lin grabbed Tao Le and poked him on the back to make him sit down on the side sofa with him, feeling that Tao Le successfully trembled after he finished saying the refrain.

Now that the matter has come to an end, Tao Le followed Fang Lin into the office stiffly and numbly if he had to block the door and say that this matter might be bumped into by others.


Duan Changke also took the initiative to help them close the door, and the most common noise made Tao Le feel like a frightened bird, and almost sat up again when he heard it.

His sitting posture has never been so standard, his back is tense, his hands are clenched into fists on his knees, and his middle finger is secretly scratching the fabric of his pants—if he can, he can even break through the physiological curvature of the spine, using a strange The posture expresses his attention and tension to the present scene.

But Duan Changke didn't seem in a hurry, he didn't even show any airs, the room was filled with the aroma of freshly roasted coffee, he took two clean cups from the cabinet, turned his head and asked Tao Le: "Is coffee okay?"

Is this being transmigrated or being taken away

What's more, it's not a fucking question of whether it's okay, Tao Le nodded in fear, almost breaking out in a cold sweat, and his voice was suffocated: "Whatever, whatever."

Why is this a Hongmen banquet!

He wanted to whisper to Fang Lin but he didn't have the courage, so he only dared to glance at Duan Changke from the corner of his eye when Duan Changke turned his back.

It turned out that the other party was not nervous at all, and even the smile on his face was more relaxed than before.

It's over, I shouldn't have said that joke at the time!

He reflected deeply.

Before he could think any further, Duan Changke came over with a cup.

Question, what kind of experience is it like for the boss to pour you coffee

Thank you for the invitation, Tao Le has started to work on his toes due to embarrassment since the other party went to pick up the coffee. It doesn't take long to dig out a new building for Hailin Media. At this moment, he is working like crazy, striving to be Hailin's excellent new building. builder.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you..." Tao Le took it with her teeth chattering, watching Duan Changke only ask herself, and then handed Fang Lin another cup of drink that looked like coconut milk.

He seemed to smell something different.

But before he could continue to think, Duan Changke sat back on the boss chair, crossed his fingers, and the previous aura finally returned: "Tell me, why do you suddenly want to follow me?"

Fang Lin said in a precise manner: "Because Mr. Duan is handsome, temperamental, and capable!"

Duan Changke almost couldn't hold back his laughter, but fortunately Tao Le was so nervous that he didn't dare to look at his expression: "Really?"

Obviously this sentence was an answer to Fang Lin, but Tao Le felt that Duan Changke's eyes were still sweeping towards him.

He nodded hastily: "Yes, yes, Duan is always an outstanding young entrepreneur."

I don't know how to answer this rhetoric.

For a moment, none of the three spoke.

Probably because the atmosphere was too weird, Tao Le didn't want to guess whether his artist was out of his mind or something else, anyway, he finally couldn't hold back after taking a sip of coffee.

He took two deep breaths, and stood up with an expression of resignation to death, but he inevitably hesitated when he spoke, and almost hugged Duan Changke's leg: "President Duan, I'm sorry! I don't know what he thinks today, but really No offense to you! It’s all just a joke, thank you for cooperating with us—”

As a result, Tao Le tilted his head and almost suffocated. The outstanding young entrepreneur was staring at Fang Lin intently. He interpreted it with his limited IQ, and he felt like "this thing will happen". sense of panic.

Seeing him stop, Duan Changke turned his attention to Tao Le, and said in a natural and confused tone: "But if you follow me, I can give him a lot of resources. Doesn't he want to be on the big screen? Then I don't need to wait for the audition results, I still have two projects in preparation, as long as Fang Lin nods, they are all his."

It was so heart-wrenching, even if he wasn't an artist himself, he would be very moved when he heard this condition. Tao Le's face was as tense as his back, and his fleshy cheeks looked very serious at this moment.

He stood up suddenly, his body trembling, but he still looked neither humble nor overbearing: "I'm sorry Mr. Duan, but we Fang Lin will fight for it ourselves."

Duan Changke looked at him indifferently, but did not answer immediately.

After a while, he slowly said: "But some resources are called 'shortcuts'."

"I know, but," Tao Le felt that this was the top 3 highlight moment in his life, and continued, "He just made an agreement with his agent today, if he doesn't like it, he won't pick it up, and if he does it, maybe he will It was very difficult to prepare, if there is no candidate, then continue to audition, if you still do not receive an invitation, then take the initiative to submit a resume, in short... Since he has decided to do this, then as an assistant, I will definitely support him."

After saying this, Tao Le felt that most of his strength had been exhausted. Even though the temperature of the air conditioner was suitable, a small layer of sweat still appeared on his back.

Fang Lin himself was a little dazed.

He felt that Tao Le was too naive and honest under certain circumstances, and the original intention of calling him here was also normal. After all, he was the one who had the most contact with him, and it was not good to keep it a secret. The matter with Duan Changke was really accidentally exposed, let Tao Le know from the news, that is the real excitement.

But he didn't expect Tao Le to react like this.

For a moment, he reflected on whether his performance just now was too contrived.

God is sorry, he said this time that he wanted to talk to Duan Changke, not because he wanted contract resources, but because he wanted to give his assistant some brains.

Fang Lin was thinking of saying something, but Duan Changke smiled and spoke before him: "Okay then."

Tao Le thought he had convinced Duan Changke, so he raised his head in surprise; "Huh?"

"Then if we don't reach that kind of contractual relationship," Duan Changke smiled easily, without any displeasure after being rejected by Tao Le, "how about another one?"

"Ah?" Tao Le turned his head and saw Duan Changke habitually brushing Fang Lin's hair, his pupils trembled instantly, no matter how ignorant he was, he could feel the taste of this action, "You, you, you… "

"Well, let me have a relationship with you as an artist," Duan Changke asked, "Do you agree this time?"

Tao Le's brain shut down for a minute first.

A minute later, his gaze frantically wandered between Duan Changke and Fang Lin.

"Hey, no, what?" Although the two of them seemed to be normal now, and they didn't make too much intimacy in front of him, Tao Le's world view was still greatly impacted, "Huh?? Ah??"

Fang Lin held the cup and took a sip of his drink.

The movements seemed quite calm, but Duan Changke still noticed a little unnaturalness.

After all, even though I was well prepared, I was still a little nervous to have a showdown with someone I knew well.

"So that's what you said to Brother Xia just now! So he already knew?" Tao Le first felt betrayed by the world, and slowly recalled the previous conversation, "No wonder you asked me that in the elevator just now, I really thought your temperament had changed a lot!"

Fang Lin sighed: "I didn't tell him. He saw it all by himself. I couldn't hide it, so I just admitted it."

"..." Tao Le was still a little self-aware of his own observation performance in this aspect, and said briefly, "Then tell me now, if I don't agree, can you still break up?!"

After I finished speaking, I felt that I was being unreasonable, so I immediately made amends: "Of course I didn't mean you to be sorry, I was just saying that I was stupid."

"Alright," Duan Changke said unhurriedly, "If you don't agree, then I'll chase him again."

"Anyway, I didn't chase much before."

Fang Lin didn't expect him to say that suddenly, his heart skipped a beat, feeling a little secretly happy.

But the face is still very calm.

Fortunately, although Tao Le's brain is not good in some aspects, after all, he still has the ability to adapt to the circle after all. After he swallowed the coffee given by Duan Changke in one gulp, he basically resigned to the current situation: "Where am I? Will not agree."

"Well, Mr. Duan, you two," he coughed dryly, "how long has it been?"

"Not long ago." Fang Lin answered for him, "I met you in the elevator before."

Tao Le opened his mouth, recalling his speech at that time.

The gay man was beside him.

The clown was himself.

very good.

Tao Le glanced at the huge tempered glass floor-to-ceiling windows, which were clear and bright, and thought wildly about the possibility of jumping off.

But when you think about it, you have to face reality.

"So, today are you..." Tao Le was speechless, "I actually wanted to ask you to come to my house to celebrate New Year's Day if you have nowhere to go. But now seeing you like this..."

It shouldn't be necessary for me.

But what to say...

Tao Le stared at them, originally thinking that the disparity in status would be a bit awkward, but the two people in front of him got along very naturally.

And he won't think too much about too complicated things, at least the situation in front of him can't be faked, and he can't get involved in other things.

After his brain wandering, he decided not to be a clown anymore. As for how he met and got better, he didn't really care about what he experienced: "Since it's Mr. Duan, I shouldn't worry too much about the follow-up."

He sighed, then squeezed his throat and said, "Then it's nothing to do, so I'll resign first."

What paragraphs, hungry, rice.

It's just a fuck!

They weren't pierced by souls at all!

The coffee in Mr. Duan's office is delicious, the temperature is very suitable, the lighting is good, and he can overlook most of the city.

Let Liao go, Tao Leqi Qiran thought, it's a pity that he is an outsider.

After accepting this fact, Tao Le walked to the door with his bag on his back, and when he put his hand on the doorknob, he heard Fang Lin call him, and then said: "Happy New Year's Day."

Tao Le's movements slowed down for a while, and he didn't look back, but he wasn't as nervous as when he came in. A big "hum" was written on his chubby face: "You... too."

After Tao Le left, the voice outside the door also returned to silence.

Fang Lin was still sitting on the sofa, and as soon as the door closed, he fell back, lazily not wanting to get up.

"How is it?" Duan Changke tapped his head casually with his fingers, "Are you satisfied with opening the ladle, young master?"

Fang Lin tugged on Duan Changke's sleeve and pulled him down. The other party laughed, and he simply let him do the action. One leg supported the center of gravity of the body, and the other leg was half-bent on the sofa, trapping Fang Lin in a small space.

The room was too warm, and Lin Lin felt a little sleepy when he relaxed. He didn't dare to do anything excessive because he was afraid Tao Le would be too stimulated, so now he leaned on Duan Changke's pressed chest.

The bridge of his nose was pressed against the button of the shirt on Duan Changke's chest, Fang Lin felt disgusted, pretended to sniff it, and said in a whining voice: "It's good. Keep it ripe and sweet."

A low laugh came from above his head, and because he was so close to his chest, Fang Lin even felt a slight vibration.

He closed his eyes, stretched out his hands to wrap around Duan Changke's waist, and said the pretentious refrain just now: "Then, Duan Duan, are you going to spend New Year's Day with me today?"

"You can work overtime with me in the office if you want." Duan Changke said casually.

The end of the year and the beginning of the year are always the busiest, even though Duan Changke is no exception. In recent days, he is either busy in the office or takes his work home. In short, he is not a shopkeeper, and he still has to do many things by himself.

His head was still pressed against Duan Changke, and he was shaking his head violently at this moment, making his hair like a doghouse: "No way! The boss can't work overtime! It's not noble!"

Duan Changke was a little itchy from him, and held his ribs with a big hand to keep him still: "Got it. You should read less rubbish in the future."

Fang Lin was very satisfied, so he paused a bit, and raised his head from his embrace.

Because the distance between the two was too close, he touched Duan Changke's chin as soon as he raised his head, and simply touched his lips at this distance.

He smelled the familiar smell of Duan Changke's body, as well as the burnt aroma of dark roasted coffee.

The kiss was short, but it didn't affect Fang Lin's mood at the moment.

Because every satisfied kiss makes him jump even more.

He said to Duan Changke: "Then let's go out, I don't want to disturb the house today."

"it is good."

Duan Changke's tall figure was still standing in front of him, and the winter sunset always came quickly, and he saw the silhouette of the other party rendered by the orange light, which was gentler than he had imagined.

Because he had to solve the last few problems before leaving get off work, Fang Lin hid in the cubicle of his office like a golden house and chose a place.

Duan Changke gave a few restaurants that he frequented. The environment is high-quality and private, and the number of guests is strictly controlled. Except for the VIP members on the list, other people who want to come have to go through a long reservation.

He looked through these options one by one, and was choosing with relish, when his eyes suddenly fixed on one of the restaurants.

The name of this store is "Lingguang", and its location is in the city center but it can be quiet in the midst of the hustle and bustle. Because it is a rare Chinese-style Michelin star, the waiting time for each reservation is extraordinarily long. It is not uncommon for diners to wait for several months if the fresh chef is not to his liking.

Looking at this name, Fang Lin was in a trance for a moment, and then thought about today's day—

What a coincidence.

It's been... so long.

It's been so long since he opened his eyes again.

The originally difficult summer seems to pass quickly, and aside from the lengthy autumn due to the confirmation of intentions, winter is just a blink of an eye.

In fact, Fang Lin can't remember that day clearly - after all, who would remember the day of his death clearly.

I just recalled that at that time, he really couldn't receive any content, and the small supporting role that was originally scheduled had to be rejected because of his grandmother's illness. As a result, the heart-piercing sadness passed, and there were very few things left.

He seems to have submitted the resumes of several crews but has not received a reply. The company signed the contract, which means that Xuezang only focuses on building its traffic group, and the savings he earned before were spent too much on medical treatment.

But he was not at a loss, nor was he too pessimistic.

When his grandmother was still there, he tried to make an appointment for Lingguang, but the other party told him that he had to wait until New Year's Day. He always wanted to take her there once, so he agreed without hesitation.

But I didn't expect that before the time came, the original number of reservations would be permanently reduced by one.

Fang Lin didn't retreat, thinking that it's good to be alone, life has to move forward, so he planned to go alone, as a good start for the new year.

But unexpectedly, everything came to an abrupt end that night.

It is inevitable to feel a little emotional when I see this now, but there is no emotion that hurts the spring and the autumn.

There is always nothing wrong with a restaurant.

It so happened that Duan Changke came in to change clothes after finishing the last matter, and saw Fang Linzheng in a daze: "Want to go to this place?"

Fang Lin said "Oh" and nodded: "That's fine."

"Okay." Duan Changke said lightly, "I'll have someone contact me, and I'll be there later."

Fang Lin smiled and nodded.

Duan Changke asked again: "Is there any plan after dinner? It doesn't mean that you young people have to find a sense of ritual during the New Year's Eve."

Fang Lin glanced at him: "It sounds like you are old."

But after thinking about it: "It's okay, how about we go to Xiao Jianian's bar after dinner? I slipped through his back door last time, and I haven't thanked him yet. His bar will be a little more lively during the festival. I used to just sing. Now I really want to experience it.”

Duan Changke touched Fang Lin's soft hair and said, "It's up to you."

The night of New Year's Eve is always very lively, even though Fang Lin was in the car all the way, he could still feel the overflowing festive joy.

It will still be very cold tomorrow, but everyone seems to be unable to feel it. There are more people on the street than usual. There are middle school students who have left cram school and wear school uniforms wearing a long scarf; there are couples who are walking step by step holding hands , and the family of three is always the most conspicuous, the child is sitting on the father's shoulder, holding his neck with one hand, while the other hand keeps gesticulating something excitedly to the woman beside him...

Dazzling colorful lights flicker at the entrance of the shopping mall, trinkets and cotton candy stalls on the pedestrian street command children to linger, "Happy New Year" in various words alternately changing in front of iconic buildings, and running to the city not far away. Big clock for the new year.

All the messages are telling people that the New Year is coming.

Probably infected by this atmosphere, Fang Lin quietly leaned over and grabbed Duan Changke's hand when the car was halfway through. The two didn't say much, but they didn't let go until they entered the restaurant.

Lingguang's secrecy is very good, and Duan Changke is a special guest. From entering the door to being ushered in, he serves alone, and he avoids seeing anyone along the way.

The process of ordering food was not complicated, and the waiter quickly closed the door of the private room for them.

"Do you want to open a bottle of wine?" Duan Changke asked him.

Fang Lin thought for a while and shook his head, then said proudly: "If you don't open here, it's too expensive just to have a good drink. I have to go to Xiao Jianian's in a while, and we'll take care of his business."

Duan Changke naturally followed him, and asked again: "How did you decide to choose this one? I—"

He stopped suddenly in the middle of speaking, as if thinking of something.

Fang Linzheng stood up, looking at the night scene outside through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the private room, when he heard Duan Changke's pause, he turned around and asked, "What happened then?"

Duan Changke didn't answer right away.


It was indeed at that time, but it was "at that time" in retrospect.

Because he suddenly remembered that he had also experienced this day—

Even, he happened to be in this restaurant that New Year's Eve, and the appointment was with his parents, which was regarded as a ritual celebration.

During the meeting, someone called him to talk about work. The company had a self-produced drama that was short of actors. Because it was invested by the company, it had a lot of power to speak. The person in charge of that project was very sorry and asked him if Mr. Duan had any personnel. recommend.

At that time, Duan Changke thought for no reason of a certain young man and his only family member who had mistaken him.

He actually thought about throwing an olive branch to him to sign a contract, but the other party was one step ahead of him and renewed his contract with the original company. Duan Changke felt a little regretful, but he had to give up and didn't take it seriously.

And that young man has not been active in the circle for a long time. He didn't know how the old man was in health. He should be with his relatives this night.

Thinking of the old man's face, Duan Changke's heart moved. This resource is not big, and it should not be difficult to contact Hui Yao. Giving him a small supporting role can be regarded as a little more exposure.

He thought so, so he said to the other end of the phone: "Yes. The contact information will be sent to you tomorrow."

After hanging up the phone, he started to have dinner with his family, and through the window, he heard a violent braking sound not far away.

"Hey, why is there an accident this day. I hope it's nothing serious." His parents briefly said a few words about the accident that had nothing to do with them and then changed the subject. He himself just casually glanced out the window and saw a group of people around People in the past turned their heads back and stopped paying attention.

So that phone call never made it.

Fang Lin saw Duan Changke was rarely in a daze, and when he heard his cell phone ringing, he simply poked his hand to remind him: "Your phone—"

Unexpectedly, in the middle of speaking, Duan Changke seemed to have recovered from the fright, and suddenly grabbed Fang Lin's hand and pulled him over, then hugged him very tightly.

Fang Lin didn't understand what happened all of a sudden, and blinked in his arms: "Huh?"

He saw Duan Changke pick up the phone, and the other party seemed to be the producer of a certain project: "Mr. Duan is very sorry to disturb you now, just to ask about the self-made drama that I talked about today, do you have any recommendations..."

Duan Changke hung up the phone.

Not even that steady, after pressing the call, throwing the phone aside.

Fang Lin felt that the heartbeat surrounding him was louder than ever, and Duan Changke's arm was stronger than ever.

So hard... as if I needed to confirm my own existence.

He was held tightly by the other party, covering him with breath and heartbeat without reservation, and Duan Changke's voice was not so steady when he spoke again, even a little hoarse.

"It's great that you can be with me now."

Although this sentence is like an ordinary love story.

But there are still some vague thoughts popping up in my heart.

Duan Changke's reaction confirmed his guess. Those unbelievable thoughts kept coming up at this moment. Fang Lin didn't know what to call him. The respectful "President Duan" in the past, the joking "Duan Duan", or more normal Yes, call him by his full name... But no, if it is what he thinks, then the meaning of his symbol at this moment is indescribable, like a symbol of his separation from his previous life, he should be the symbol after he opened his eyes again. Meet the fireflies that scald the night, the bows and arrows that pierce the sadness, or the good medicine that picks up those humble and lonely moods.

And he is his.

Fang Lin raised his head and kissed his chin comfortingly: "Do you... have something to say to me?"

After a long time, he felt a low response from the other party.

When the two were still in a foster relationship, Fang Lin asked Duan Changke if he had anything to regret.

He said yes.

In fact, before that audition, the two really didn't have much intersection.

It's just that Duan Changke often wonders if everything would have been different if the call had been made earlier.

New Year's Eve is always lively.

It should carry blessings, warmth, and good hopes for the new year.

And such a lively person should not walk alone in such a winter night.