Salted Fish Doesn’t Want To Work Hard Anymore

Chapter 63: The text is over


That day, Lao Wu waited a little longer downstairs in the apartment.

"Where are you going?" Fang Lin sat on the car and rubbed his hands. In fact, he wasn't cold, but nervousness could always change people. He scolded himself in his heart, nervousness might make him become artificial.

"That's where you recorded the program for the first time." Duan Changke turned his head to look at him, "Cold?"

Fang Lin was too embarrassed to admit it, and simply nodded: "A little bit."

So Duan Changke grabbed his hand and held it, it wasn't cold at all, and even sweated a little.

But he didn't mind, and he didn't expose it, he just told Lao Wu to go.

Fang Lin was very polite in his car today, just asking "Is my hair messed up", "Stretch my collar", "Why am I yawning all the time, what should I do?"

Duan Changke really answered every sentence.

The driver, Old Wu, was very experienced, but he was still surprised by the sound from the back seat.

His job is basically to endure the same, and now it seems that there is something different from before.

Everything went smoother than imagined, because he was the only child, and the entanglement between the wealthy and powerful families that he had imagined was completely gone.

He is almost controlling his expressions with the quality of the set, but it is still unnatural - after all, he hasn't seen elders other than the elderly for too long.

The other party's family was undoubtedly very different from his, so disparate that he didn't dare to speculate.

But the scene is not too awkward, after all, Duan Changke's character can be cultivated, and he is also an intellectual and empathetic person.

He doesn't have to repeat his story to gain sympathy, nor does he have to explain the ins and outs of their relationship.

That's fine.

During the dinner, a few people were chatting, Duan and Qiong poured tea for his wife, the big crocodile who wrote hype in the financial newspapers, removed the labels put on by others, as if he was just a simple ordinary person at this moment.

"By the way, I heard that Xiao Fang entered Qin Feng's second test?" Duan Changke's facial features were more like his mother's, but he was similar to his father's temperament. Duan and Qiong stood and rested for a while, and asked him.

"I don't know the result yet, I'm just going to try it out." Fang Lin was actually a little surprised. After all, Duan and Qiong shouldn't have much control over the entertainment media, and they were able to talk about Qin Feng.

"Very good, I like his films."

Duan and Qiong chatted with him for a while, and they didn't deliberately put any pressure on him, and it wasn't like the conversation between the elders and the younger generation. The conversation was elegant and not rigid, and what the years left on him was only the accumulated wisdom rather than the persistent greasy. .

Like to be exposed to new things, and to be tolerant and accepting, such as Qin Feng, a cutting-edge director who has suddenly emerged, or like this moment they accept the existence of Fang Lin frankly.

He felt that his previous confusion had disappeared.

Probably only such a family can cultivate such outstanding people.

"By the way," Duan Yuqiong thought of something, and said to Duan Changke, "I heard that your house in the western suburbs seems to be under renovation?"

Duan Changke responded naturally: "I haven't been there for a long time. The city center where I live recently."

"That's right, you live comfortably there." Duan Yuqiong glanced at him: "I almost thought you forgot that there is still a place."

Later, the father and son chatted about the company for a while. Fang Lin might not understand everything, but he sat upright.

After dinner, he and Duan Changke led the order to water the flowers in the yard, and they walked into the small manicured garden on the stone road.

Fang Lin raised his head to search for a while, and pointed not far away: "We were recording in that house at the time."

"Well, I know." Duan Changke said, "I also called from the yard."

I made a phone call, then waited for him at the door, waited for him to trot over from the warm autumn rain, and then gave him a hug.

Now that I think about it, I should have kissed him back then.

Fang Lin looked at him for a while, and just said: "Actually..."

In fact, I really fell in love with you after your call was made.

He didn't have the nerve to say it clearly, so he changed the phrase: "Actually, I'm quite grateful for this show. Although it's quite utilitarian, I don't like it, but it doesn't prevent me from gaining something from it."

Duan Changke glanced at him, and said: "Personal love gain?"

"Yeah." He admitted generously.

After all, it was because of this that he was tempted and confessed like a lie.

"By the way," Fang Lin was pouring water, and suddenly looked closely at a tree curiously, "What kind of fruit tree is this, can it be eaten when it's ripe?"

Duan Changke laughed: "It's for decoration, the fruit is sour and astringent, very unpalatable."

"Oh," Fang Lin nodded obediently, then leaned over and smiled at him, glanced at Duan and Qiong, who seemed not to be looking this way, and boldly pressed Duan Changke's face, "Then I taste sweet."

Duan Changke was in a daze for a moment.

Before he could recognize himself, he once had a similar absurd dream, but now the dream scene has really come into reality. The difference is that he no longer needs to lock Fang Lin up, and the other party will not fly away.

They kissed lightly and briefly.

So - when I went back, Fang Lin thought, in fact, the four seasons really have something to do with my mood.

Trees and rain are just a dispensable image.

He used to think that summer was very long, like an endless wait, like a hug that he could never feel at ease asking for at night.

But autumn is very short, as short as a momentary throbbing.

He opened the car door, saw the sky raised his head in surprise, and waved Duan Changke to come down quickly.

Fang Lin pulled up his collar, smiled, and exhaled a little white mist because of talking.

He pointed to the tiny crystals that fell in the winter night: "It's snowing!"

So winter is also short and passes quickly.

There has been no news about Qin Feng's second test, and there has been no definite answer after waiting for several weeks. Fang Lin is not very busy these days because of the selection of the script and the preparation of "if you can get in, you have to make time". , the variety show was recorded for the last time, and since the Chinese New Year was approaching and everyone was slacking off, he was happy to relax.

After procrastinating for a month, it really is the Chinese New Year.

During this period, Tao Le finally accepted this reality, and worked diligently to cover for the two, but every time he saw them in the same frame at the company, his blood pressure would rise, and he was afraid of doing something irreversible.

Meng Jinyu still doesn't know yet, traffic stars are always the busiest at the end of the year, from personal data to resource stage are all compared, he finally went to work on his career, recently he has no time to chat with Fang Lin.

Duan Changke's last magazine interview finally came out, and it was even more surprising than everyone imagined. After all, one dared to ask and the other dared to answer. It had nothing to do with finance, and they were all questions about his company or its artists.

One of the questions is, "This year, Hailin seems to have signed a high-profile actor who was originally unknown, but his popularity began to rise all the way after he came. Is there any special secret for the company team to win people?"

"How should I put it?" During the interview, Duan Changke seemed to think seriously about this question for a while, and then looked at the camera again after a while, and said casually, "In the words of netizens, it is..."

"Find the treasure?"

After they were issued, Fang Lin secretly bought three copies to sell them.

...It turned out that some of the big fans of CP who wrote articles for him bought at least 20 copies.

He thought about being hit again and again, afraid that Duan Changke would find out that he would feel ashamed, and he was reluctant to throw it away, so he silently posted it on the second-hand platform, but was quickly snatched away, and the buyer even left a message after receiving the goods, "Thank you sister for paying the original price! Female Bodhisattva! Female Bodhisattva! But I was curious why you didn't kowtow! My sister, you are not firm at all! They are! Really!!!"

Fang Lin nodded with a cold face and the transaction was completed.

Later, he went to the company to get his Weibo account password back, and the content he posted was no longer a word-for-word rule, and he didn't gossip or gossip. Two natural hot searches.

As usual, there was a lot of noise below, some people said that they liked it like this, some people disdainfully thought that the true love character was outdated, and some people had already started to urge him to make dramas...the list goes on and on.

At that time, Fang Lin was biting a biscuit stick and typing on his blog: "I will definitely do it next year!"

"Thank you, tomorrow is next year, so there is a new business tomorrow?"

"Wake up upstairs and wake up. The whole year of next year is considered next year."

"But it's good not to pick up recently, and I don't want to watch the TV dramas that have been approved recently..."

There were some meaningless arguments afterwards, Fang Lin ignored it, threw the bowl into the dishwasher, locked the phone and went back to the sofa.

Duan and Qiong went abroad, and they didn't have a traditional Chinese New Year atmosphere, but it just so happened that they didn't have work today, so they stayed at home together, and Fang Lin made some casual meals, which counted as a holiday.

They leaned on the sofa and watched TV. Fang Lin ate the snacks one after another. When he felt tired, he leaned on Duan Changke for a while, rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"Sleepy?" Duan Changke turned to look at him, "Then go to sleep."

"Okay." Fang Lin stretched out his hand and hugged him softly.

Since getting together, he loves acting like a baby more than before, not to prove the meaning of himself in his heart, but to know that he can be relied on, or be favored.

Duan Changke really picked him up and walked to the bedside before putting him down.

"I haven't taken a shower yet." Fang Lin muttered, his legs dangling by the bed, "Where are my shoes?"

"Wait for a while." Duan Changke stood up, as if going to find him.

After a while he came back, but he was not holding shoes.

Fang Lin was a little puzzled, and was about to speak, when he suddenly saw what Duan Changke was holding in his hand, and immediately fell silent—


The standard scenes that are often seen on TV suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, and it was impossible for him not to know what it meant.

"You, you..." Fang Lin opened his eyes wide, and his voice even trembled a little.

No, you should be calm.

He kept building himself mentally, but after holding back for half a minute, his expressions, movements, and words all betrayed him.

"My dad mentioned the house in the western suburbs last time at dinner, and almost revealed his secrets." Fang Lin sat on the bed, so Duan Changke half-kneeled in front of him, looked up at him, with something shiny in his hand, "The ski resort is here for you." It's finished, does Young Master Fang have any other requirements?"

Fang Lin seemed to be hallucinating, but also seemed unable to believe it.

The expression on his face seemed to be very happy, but he pursed his lips and pressed down the corners of his lips, as if trying not to let himself cry out to spoil the atmosphere at the moment.

Duan Changke was very patient and did not stand up immediately.


The window lights up, the city has not completely banned fireworks, so the fireworks of representation and joy and blessings explode on high, scattering colorful small and warm blessings all over the sky.

Fang Lin seemed to have finally come to his senses, but he was still nervous, still groggy, he bit his tongue thoughtlessly and said, "You, you... you, New Year's greetings to me?"

Duan Changke is gentler than ever today, and doesn't mind Fang Lin's incoherent speech at this moment.

He leaned forward slightly, and hooked Fang Lin's neck with his free hand.

His palms were hot, but his strength wasn't too great, but Fang Lin still bent down slightly following his movements, and the distance between the two was easily shortened.

Duan Changke still had sincere tenderness in his eyes. At the moment Fang Lin was in a daze, he put the ring on for him, then kissed him with a light smile at the current distance, and said softly—

"Happy New Year."

(end of text)

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