Same Place Not Same Bed

Chapter 22


They wandered around, and finally chose a bar with a laid-back atmosphere. There are long bar counters, round high bar chairs with red leather and shiny legs. After ordering, Li Yongxuan went to the bathroom first, leaving him alone at the bar to chat with the bartender.

As a result, in just a few minutes, as soon as she came out, she saw two tall hot girls surrounded by someone! Both have big breasts and hips, and the body is a standard S shape. They were so close together, one was smiling while pulling their long hair, the other was chatting with him seriously, leaning forward, their proud twin peaks were about to pop out of their tight-fitting vests, which were dug super low, to meet the guests. .

Really lively. Almost the entire holiday island is full of such young beauties, so it should be no surprise. However, Li Yongxuan actually felt a hot and sour feeling in her stomach burning up!

It was the first time in her life that she had experienced such a strong jealousy.

As soon as she realized that she was jealous, she was so shocked that she couldn't move, and froze in place.

He browsed the decoration of the bar lazily, and when his eyes turned to her, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The old problem was committed again, and his fingers were hooked, indicating that she should go over.

Li Yongxuan almost couldn't take a breath, and walked back to him slowly.

"Look, ladies, I'll just say I have company." Mai Weizhe said regretfully, "I'm sorry, maybe next time?"

The hot girls looked up and down at Li Yongxuan, who was wearing a loose vest and dress, who was not really hot, and then left angrily.

"Your friend?" she said, pretending not to care, and sat back on her high stool.

Mai Weizhe pulled her down again, and then placed her on his lap.

"You'd better sit here." He played with the ends of her hair and said slowly, "Otherwise, if another girl comes to strike up a conversation later... I don't want to see you looking like you bit a lemon again."

"What did you say!" Her mind was broken, her ears were hot, and she smacked him in shame and annoyance, "Nonsense, I didn't, I didn't..."

He put his arms around her and laughed, smugly. "No? You should have looked at your expression just now!"

"Shut up!" He thumped a few more times.

While laughing, she found that there was a thin leather rope around his neck.

"What is this?" There seemed to be a pendant hanging underneath, and she wanted to pull it up curiously, "When did you buy it? Why didn't I see it—"

"It's nothing." Mai Weizhe suddenly held her hand, preventing her from pulling it. "The hamburger is here, hurry up and eat it."

What a mystery? Li Yongxuan glared at him. Just when she was about to ask again, the waiter brought two plates of hot and fragrant beef burgers, which attracted her attention.

After eating the burgers, they wandered all the way, as leisurely as the two laziest people, before finally languishing to the pier. In the afternoon, they booked a local itinerary, took a boat out to sea, and looked back after watching the sunset at sea. It should be a great experience.

While waiting to board the boat at the pier, Li Yongxuan couldn't help but ask, "What happened to you?"

McWitzer has been a little weird since the morning. I can't say what's wrong, but Li Yongxuan can feel that he seems to be thinking about something important, so he talks less, and even a little absent-minded.

"It's okay." He shook his head and looked at her deeply, "Xuan—"

"Huh? What?"

He hesitated, opened and closed his mouth. After a few times, he shook his head again, "It's really okay."

A chubby middle-aged man with a big voice and a full-faced beard appeared and yelled at them on the pier, "Two o'clock! Guests at two o'clock, you are so lucky! Come and take a boat!"

The boat is a medium-length diesel motor boat that can seat ten people, but only five guests including them. After boarding the boat in sequence, the loud-hued Mr. Beard turned out to be the driver, his face was red from the sun, and he proudly announced: "Everyone, just call me uncle captain! I need a second-in-command, you! It's you, Sit next to me. Wait a minute if the engine fails, you're going to push the boat down!"

Mai Weizhe, who was named, smiled and accepted, and pulled Li Yongxuan to sit behind the captain. Li Yongxuan asked worriedly in a low voice, "Will the engine really fail? Should we replace it?"

"Is this... a young lady or a wife? Is it a young lady?" The bearded man heard it, and answered loudly: "Don't you believe in this gentleman's ability? Look at his muscles! His figure! This ship is full even if it is full. He can also push people even if they are! Everyone, say yes!"

The guests behind laughed, and Mai Weizhe smiled and patted her arm, "Don't be nervous, the captain is just joking, the engine won't break."

Sure enough, as soon as the motor was started, it was so powerful that it carried them to the blue sea and blue sky. Along the way, the captain roared to introduce the nearby beauty - no wonder his voice became like this, it was really difficult to navigate the engine while suppressing the sound.

After circling the shore for a while, they sailed towards the middle of the sea. After arriving at the designated point, the captain turned off the ship's engine, turned around and said to the tourists: "Near here, you can see, the sea is the most clear and beautiful, and you can see many beautiful tropical fish..."

Li Yongxuan obeyed, grabbed the side of the boat, and leaned out to see. The sea water is crystal clear and pollution-free, reflecting the sunset that is about to fall, which is breathtakingly beautiful.

"Look, look! There are really a lot of fish!" She found a group of colorful fish swimming by, she was so excited that she reached out to pat him, "Come and see! It's so beautiful!"

I took a few shots, but they were all in vain. Mai Weizhe, who had been sitting beside her just now, actually disappeared.

Li Yongxuan turned around in confusion, only to find that Mai Weizhe was indeed no longer sitting in the seat.

Facing her, he knelt on one knee on the deck, the setting sun set a circle of golden light around him, and a golden smile flashed in his eyes.

She suddenly found herself unable to control her breathing, her whole being, completely, blank.

"My grandfather said, don't take advantage of girls. But I really want to bully you. The only solution is that you marry me and become my wife, so I can bully as much as I want." A little naughty, a little shy, a bright smile that made her heart melt, "Can you marry me?"

Her eyes were filled with tears inexplicably, and the setting sun became a golden-red light, jumping in the bottom of her eyes.

"Miss, if he just wants to bully you when he gets married, why don't you think about it again?" the bearded captain suddenly interjected, "Marriage is not a child's play, you can answer it after you think about it."

She tilted her head to think.

His ruffians, his talkativeness, his taciturnity at the right time, his tolerance, his unhesitating protection and cherishing, his unreserved enthusiasm...

Thinking of the anxiety, worry, excitement, joy that I only have for him; longing for his embrace, and longing to hug him tightly. Jealous, angry, helpless, worrying about gains and losses...

At that moment, her mind became extremely clear, and it couldn't be clearer.

It's this person. That's him.

"Of course I would," she answered tearfully, her voice trembling.


"Well done!"

Beard let out a loud applause. The last three guests finally figured out what was going on. Immediately began to applaud and applaud.

Mai Weizhe's eyes were full of golden smiles, and they were almost full. With his left hand, he pulled out the leather rope hanging around his neck. After untying it, he pulled it gently, and a ring lay in his palm.

It was the one her aunt left, but it wasn't.

The simple silver ring that has been oxidized is now densely entwined by a circle of platinum, forming a brand-new and unique set of rings. The white gold carving is strong and delicate, and it is accompanied by a simple silver ring, like two rings fused into one.

She could no longer speak. Only he, who understands the importance and significance of this ring to her, is willing to spend so much time on a worthless silver ring.