Same Place Not Same Bed

Chapter 5


"I'm just—" Mai Weizhe was framed again, and he said in distress.

I saw the boss of the coach standing at the door like a bell, with his arms folded over his chest, and said coldly to Mai Weizhe, who was speechless, "You just love to talk, right? You just can't stop, right? Then go out for an interview now. The reporters from Fruit Weekly are waiting for you, so you can say enough.”

"But I-"

"Go! Immediately!" The coach waved his hand and pointed to the door.

Mai Weizhe gave her a threatening "remember me" look, put on his jacket again, and went out reluctantly.

"If Mai troubles you again in the future, you can tell us, you're welcome." The coach's cold comfort still sounded scary, and the players next to him nodded.

"Uh..." How should I react? "thanks."

"You're welcome." After saying that, the coach floated away again coldly.

Leaving her and the team members look at each other. The group of boys in their teens and early twenties looked at her with bright eyes again, and the atmosphere froze—

"Then, I'll go first?" she said tentatively, hoping they would make way.

"It must be boring to eat alone, why don't you eat with us."

"Yes, let's come together!" The invitation was very enthusiastic.

Li Yongxuan was actually a little moved. However, he hasn't been dazzled yet. After hesitating for a moment, she asked cautiously, "You... do you... want me to write a little more about the food in the report?"

This was exchanged for a bright and approving smile.


"Really smart!"

In the early morning a few days later, outside the center's weight training room, there were crisp and rapid footsteps of high-heeled shoes.

It's not even seven o'clock, someone gets up really early. Mak Weizhe, who was running wildly on the treadmill and was sweating, thought to himself.

The team's warm-up started at 7:30, but McWeaver was always an hour earlier than everyone else. He has his own training schedule.

boom! The door opened, and a pretty girl appeared with a burning head.

McWitz, who was steadily advancing at seven or five mph on the treadmill, did not slow down. However, his eyes immediately locked on her, staring at her step by step towards him.

Well, it's still the same, 100% OL dress: snow-white shirt, navy blue narrow skirt, black high heels. It's as simple as that, but it clearly highlights her strengths. Look at the slender waist, long legs, and the buttocks that impressed him at first glance—

Her reaction was still the same. Li Yongxuan pursed her lips in displeasure when she noticed his squinting eyes from top to bottom, staring back with a murderous look in her eyes.

Mai Weizhe held back his laughter and replied with a pretense of ease: "So early, you're here to practice running too?"

With a wave of her hand, she pushed a printed color document straight to his nose.

Above are the headlines of online news. In the large color photo, by coincidence, there is also a slender figure in a shirt and a narrow skirt. In the center of the camera is Mai Weizhe, who is holding her hand and glaring angrily at the photographer. The handsome and unhappy face is too clearly photographed to be mistaken.

"Oh..." He responded very curtly, continuing to run his pace.

"Oh? That's your reaction?" Someone's voice contained clear anger.

"No, but, you can probably guess the content." Although he said while panting, his tone was always indifferent. "You were there when the reporters came to take pictures that day, why are you so... shocked?"

"Please read the report carefully."

Mai Weizhe grabbed the paper in her hand, browsed it quickly, and pushed it back to her. The pace didn't slow down at all.

"It's over. How's it going?"

It's just some catching the wind, he has become accustomed to it. Moreover, he sternly warned reporters not to release Li Yongxuan's frontal photo, and they did it. The damage is minimized, why is she angry

"How is it?! How are you still asking?" Li Yongxuan's voice soared involuntarily, "The name of our group is written here!"

"That's not me—" he tried to interrupt.

But Li Yongxuan ignored him and continued to scold: "Perhaps you like the feeling of being a star and are used to reporting lace news all day long, but I'm not! Can you consider other people's feelings?"

Mai Weizhe, who had never cared about these trivial matters, was also inexplicably inexplicable at this moment. His steps were heavier, thumping, stomping hard on the treadmill belt.

"...You know how much you trouble me with your casual chatting? My job—"

Mai Weizhe slapped the treadmill panel hard, and the machine stopped. He strode down and stood face to face with her.

"I only said this once, you listen to me clearly!" He took out his aura on the field and roared at her viciously: "I didn't tell you your identity, I'm not a star, let alone Will deliberately create news reports!"

He roared so that her eardrums hurt, and when he got so close, a man's breath came up, and Li Yongxuan involuntarily took a step back.

"According to the information I collected, you—" Uh, why did she suddenly get short of breath

Mai Weizhe didn't want to let her go easily, like a cheetah locking on a target, he moved forward as soon as she retreated. With a big stride, the distance between the two was less than fifteen centimeters.

She took another step back, and he forced him up again, flames jumping in his amber eyes.

"Are you afraid that this news will be seen by your relative director?" He stared at her closely, lowered his voice, and asked word by word, "Are you afraid that he will misunderstand you, that's why you are so angry?"

Li Yongxuan bit her lower lip and turned her head away unnaturally.

"I told you, you're guilty." He pressed closer. "What job will be affected? It's just an excuse. Is an evaluation report that important? Let's be honest."

After he ran, his T-shirt was all wet, so he had already taken it off, and he was naked, showing off the strong muscles he had cultivated for a long time. The broad and naked chest is right in front of him, plus his body temperature, breath, hot sweat... Being so close, the sense of oppression is amazing.

"Uh, um." Li Yongxuan cleared his throat uncomfortably, "You, can you... put on your coat first?"

Someone's inferiority has been seduced again. When he met her, he seemed to be unable to bear it.

"Excuse me?" He was very deliberate. "Director Liang is dating you? Would he be unhappy about this scandal?"

As long as she tilted her head, the tip of her nose would touch him. He was forced to blushing and there was no way out.

"This... It's none of your business." In a hurry, she burst out.

Mai Weizhe raised his eyebrows, "It's none of my business? Then why did you come to me early in the morning to ask for a guilt?"

His eyes wandered, but he didn't dare to face him. All her momentum just now disappeared.

The two were so close that they could hear each other's breathing clearly. His is a little hurried, while hers is a little unstable; leaning forward, he noticed that her body was very light, but it smelled very good, ethereal but fascinating, I don't know what kind of perfume it was—

"You..." His voice was a little lower, even hoarse. The ambiguous atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger.


The sudden sound by the door woke them up suddenly, and the two turned to look at the same time.

Those who have just entered the door are the players who are also ready to start their warm-up. An Run, who was still very young, stood there dumbfounded, his eyes widening.

For a long time, the three of them seemed to be struck by lightning, unable to move.

"I, I first, hehe! I'll go wash my hands first." An Run came back to his senses, dropped the sports bag in his hand and ran. As expected of a racer, he disappeared all of a sudden.

Knowing that her teammates would appear soon, Mai Weizhe temporarily let her go and no longer forced her. He walked to the large floor-to-ceiling window and grabbed a towel to wipe the sweat.