San Fu

Chapter 10


Jiang Kuo never vomited, but after staying in the toilet for a long time, it was probably uncomfortable. Duan Feifei was lying on the bed and listened to him turning on the faucet to wash his face, then turning it off and retching twice, and then turning on the faucet again...

Although Jiang Kuo was miserable, these chaotic voices mixed with the noise of the air conditioner gave him an inexplicable sense of tranquility. He actually fell asleep during the time when he was almost impossible to fall asleep.

slept till dawn.

When he woke up, it was because Dong Kun called him and asked him to have breakfast together.

"You guys buy it for me first, I just got up." Duan Feifei sat up and glanced down. Jiang Kuo checked out very early, but he didn't take the little quilt that he threw on the ground and stepped on a few feet. , and put them in a ball on the recliner.

Yes, for the sake of fifteen thousand.

Duan Feifei got out of bed and folded the quilt on the reclining chair.

In the style of Jiang Kuo throwing clothes, he now has reason to wonder if the little quilt fell to the ground and was stepped on by Jiang Kuo himself, so he needs to throw it away.

However, the quilt feels very good, and you know it is expensive when you touch it.

If Young Master Xingtui Hirao Kuo doesn't want it, he doesn't mind taking it back to his aunt.

When he walked out of the dormitory, Duan Feifei found that it rained last night, and it was not small. There was still a lot of water on the ground, and the temperature had dropped several degrees.

The cafeteria was not full of people anymore. Everyone was sitting scattered, but as soon as he entered the door, he saw Dong Kun, Ding Zhe, Jiang Kuo and Li Zirui around two tables.

Ding Zhe, this oblivious thing, sitting next to Jiang Kuo, at first glance, it was intentional, just for tomorrow's car keys.

"I got it for you!" Dong Kun beckoned.

Duan Feifei walked over, patted Liu Fat and Sun Ji on the shoulders, and said hello.

"You still have military training today?" Sun Ji looked back and saw the military training uniform on him.

"Well," Duan Feifei sat down, "don't leave at night, the two of you."

"What," Liu Fatty asked while eating, "A date?"

"Go away." Duan Feihan replied briefly.

The breakfast variety in the cafeteria is quite complete, and Jiang Kuo took a lot.

Usually, he would not have any appetite for these things, but after the fever subsided this morning, his eyes were blue from hunger, and he woke up from hunger before five o'clock. All the food, he felt like he could stuff it down.

The phone was ringing in his pocket, and he insisted on finishing the last wonton in the bowl before putting down his chopsticks and taking out the phone.

"Aren't you up yet?" Cannon asked over there.

"Get up," Jiang Kuo said, "let's have breakfast."

"Is it still burning?" Cannon said, listening to the sound of going to breakfast.

In the background, the elevator "ding" and the waiter's soft "please swipe your room card" perfectly show the unevenness of breakfast.

At this moment, Da Pao is eating breakfast in the VIP hall of a five-star hotel. He is eating wontons, fried dumplings, xiaolongbao, fried dough sticks, soy milk and millet porridge in the school cafeteria...

"The fever has subsided," Jiang Kuo said. "When I woke up in the morning, it seemed that my body temperature was normal."

"Let me tell you something," said Cannon, "look for me now, and ask me for your phone number."

"Why is she looking for me?" Jiang Kuo immediately stood up and walked to the side.

Although he and Jiang Liao grew up together, they would help each other out if something happened, but Jiang Liao's character made them not as close as most brothers and sisters. Under normal circumstances, unless he went home for vacation, Jiang Liao would After that, I usually don't contact him.

Or something happened.

"She didn't say it, but people must be fine," Cannon deserves to be small and knows his point very well, "just ask me for my number."

"Did you give it to her?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yeah, did I give it to her?" Cannon said, "If I gave it to her directly, you would definitely scold me for why I gave it. You changed the number just to hide your family from bothering you BLABLABLA. Said she must have something to do with you so why didn't she give it to BLABLABLA... So you said I can tell you whether I gave it or not?"

"...Okay, give it if you give it, or give it if you don't," Jiang Kuo said, "Is this answer perfect?"

"Perfect," said Cannon.

Jiang Kuo sat back at the table, looked at the xiaolongbao and millet porridge that had not been eaten yet, hesitated for a while, then turned to ask Li Zirui, "Are you full?"

"You can't eat it," Li Zirui said.

"Yes." Jiang Kuo nodded.

He has a problem. His mother said it was cleanliness, but his father thought it was hypocritical, that is, the meal cannot be eaten in sections, and must be eaten in one go.

It's okay when there are many people going out to eat. The dishes are up and down, and there are always new dishes before they are full. In this situation, he has a problem. Even if he doesn't use his chopsticks, he thinks that it is leftovers by others.

"Give it to me," Li Zirui moved Xiaolongbao and millet porridge in front of him, "Aren't you used to it?"

"No, I just took too much." Jiang Kuo said.

"Didn't you say that day you always order food by quantity?" Li Zirui said.

Good memory, roommate.

"I made a wrong estimate today." Jiang Kuo said.

"You..." Li Zirui refused to let him go and continued to say.

"Don't spit on it if you don't eat it, pack it and take it back to Tang Li and Ma Xiao." Jiang Kuo said.

"Eat." Li Zirui didn't say any more, burying his head and eating hard.

Today, Jiang Kuoxue learned his lesson and went out to eat breakfast in his military training uniform. In addition to yesterday's heavy rain, the temperature dropped for a while in the morning. When he went to gather, he was in a very happy mood.

"Aren't you going to take the quilt?" Duan Feifei walked up to him and asked, "Where is the seat?"

"I'm in a hurry." Jiang Kuo's words were true. In the morning, he was woken up by the urine. He always felt awkward going to the toilet in Duan Feifei's room, so he hurriedly returned to 119.

"I thought you didn't want it anymore." Duan Feifei said.

"Why don't you," Jiang Kuo said, "You can still ask about the reclining chair of one thousand and five one nights. Even the last youth hostel wouldn't even put a bed and quilt in it."

"Aren't you very particular," Duan Feifei said, "I fell to the ground and stepped on it a few times, so don't throw it away."

"Who stepped on it?" Jiang Kuo immediately turned his head and stared at him.

Duan Feifei looked at him, and after a while, he said, "You yourself."

Jiang Kuo was about to speak when the phone rang.

This call must be Jiang Li, he quickly took out his mobile phone and answered the call.

"How's it going?" It was Jiang Lei's voice over there.

"Very good, the military training will be assembled soon," Jiang Kuo said, "Let's talk about things first."

"It's alright," Jiang Leo said, "it's not so hot anymore, I'll go out to play around, and you invite me to dinner when I pass by your place."

"Do your parents know?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Tell them," Jiang Liao said, "about ten days, not too long."

"How many days will you stay with me?" Jiang Kuo asked, "I don't necessarily have time to play with you, but I can let Cannon drive you."

"You don't need that old mother to follow," Jiang Leo's voice was habitually indifferent, "you don't need it, you don't need anything, it's still the same as before, I just want this strange feeling and ask you to invite me to dinner, just for the sake of A little bit of a connection to this place, understand?"

"I don't understand," Jiang Kuo said. "Anyway, my reception task is to invite you to a meal, right? Are there any requirements for the meal?"

"No, you can call Cannon," Jiang Liao said, "Why don't you buy a small cake, let's think about it in advance."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo responded.

After hanging up, Duan Feifei had no idea where he was going.

The fact that he stepped on the quilt himself had no memory of such a major unbearable incident, which made him a little unacceptable.

Jiang Kuo lowered his head and sent a message to Cannon, asking him to check out the distinctive restaurant.

But he didn't plan to call Cannon for dinner. Cannon always felt that Jiang had mental problems. Although he wouldn't mention it in person, Jiang Kuo would be unhappy.

Jiang Liao is an academic bully. In Jiang Kuo's opinion, this twin sister is maverick and smart.

In the eyes of President Jiang and his wife, in view of Jiang Kuo's performance and their clear understanding of their own conditions, they agreed that their daughter's IQ should belong to a genetic mutation.

But Jiang Liao did not follow the routine of being a scholar. After the high school entrance examination, she suddenly collapsed. The doctor's diagnosis was that she was under too much pressure. Her father gave her a leave of absence, and several nurses stayed 24 hours a day for several months. After that, although everything seemed to be business as usual, he never went back to school.

Since then, Jiang Liaoliao has chosen another life for himself, traveling alone, taking pictures, editing videos, and writing small articles. Out of absolute and blind trust in his daughter's IQ and independence, President Jiang did not interfere in everything.

Jiang Kuo was very envious, and even thought that he might collapse for a while, but unfortunately, apart from being a little worried about how to run for the past two days, he has not found any pressure on himself.

"Jiang Kuo, have your fever subsided?" Lu Ning stopped him.

"Retire," Jiang Kuo rubbed his forehead, "just sleep all night."

"That's okay, the recovery is quite fast." Lu Ning patted him.

In today's military training, except for the lack of the training before the start, everything is similar to yesterday. It is still a queue training, but all those who turned in the wrong direction before have been adjusted, and no one made a mistake after going back and forth more than a dozen times.

Although no one made a mistake, the instructor's plan for the first hour was to review and consolidate yesterday's actions.

And because no one made a mistake, the training process was especially grueling.

Every time he turned around, he could only look at the people in front of him to relieve their boredom. The key point was that several people in his dormitory were not lined up together, except for Duan Feifei in the back row, who didn't know each other.

To the left! On the left is a black boy, as if he has participated in a three-year military training, turn back! The hair on the back of the head on the right grows all the way to the neck.

So dirty, why not shave it

turn right! The latter one looks much cooler, except for the scar on the neck.

Duan very ordinary little hero has a scar on the back of his neck, which is not very obvious, only a small section is exposed above the collar, he hadn't noticed it yesterday.

Now he can look at this small section and judge that this is a knife scar, because it is the same shape as the knife scar on President Jiang's hand, and it is still a little red.

Duan Hero is a new injury.

Jiang Kuo fell into contemplation, this nursing school hero is not easy...

turn back!

Jiang Kuo turned back.

Look at the instructor's face.

The instructor didn't speak, just looked at him silently.

"It's the second row turned backward." Duan Feifei's voice came from the back of his head.

Jiang Kuo turned back silently.

"Don't get distracted!" the instructor shouted, "Concentrate! Uncomfortable shouting report!"

Jiang Kuo couldn't react for a while, whether the instructor was expressing concern or sarcasm, I just asked him to stop commanding row after row, please let everyone unite as a whole!

After finally getting through the first wave, before learning various steps, the instructor asked everyone to sit down and rest, and watch him demonstrate first.

The rain on the ground hadn't dried yet, Jiang Kuo glanced at his feet, he didn't mind sitting down, it was a little dirty, mainly water, not to mention sitting and watching the instructor's demonstration, even if he sat down and jumped up immediately, his butt would be fine. Feel it directly.

Everyone pulled the water to the side with their feet, hoping to sweep out a piece of dry ground for their buttocks.

"Sit down!" the instructor shouted, "Don't be so squeamish!"

Jiang Kuo scratched it twice, they were a little concave, there was a lot of water, and the water didn't listen very well.

Duan Feifei in the back row had already sat down, and a few people helped the front row to pull the water with their feet.

"Almost got it," Duan Feifei said, "Hurry up and sit down, and you will be punished later."

"How do you sit here?" Jiang Kuo was very annoyed, "I'm still willing to stand up."

"Why, do you want to help you find a plastic bag to cushion it?" someone asked from behind.

A few people around him immediately sat down.

"Okay, is there any?" Jiang Kuo asked, turning his head.

Duan Feifei sighed.

The expression on the instructor's face was elusive, and he looked at Jiang Kuo for a while before saying, "Or are you going to pick a place to dry?"

Jiang Kuo didn't say anything, but he still didn't sit.

"Sit down," the instructor said, "or you'll be squatting after a hundred push-ups."

Duan Feifei especially wanted to call Dong Kun and ask him to run over to visit this little friend who was about to have the same experience as him.

Jiang Kuo will definitely not sit down. As for whether he can do a hundred push-ups, it is not in the scope of this young master's consideration right now. Anyway, he just doesn't sit.

"One hundred points are scored in two groups." Jiang Kuo said.

A group of people turned their heads and looked over.

"Okay," the instructor nodded, "Get out of the queue, I'll see what you can do."

Jiang Kuo didn't speak, turned around and walked out of the team, and turned his head again: "Now?"

The instructor folded his arms: "Now."

"It's fun," someone whispered.

Jiang Kuo lifted the sleeves of his T-shirt over his shoulders and moved a bit.

Duan Feifei looked at the lines on his arm and these random movements, and felt that this should be a person who usually exercised, maybe he could really finish it.

He whistled low.

"Who!" The instructor turned his head sharply.

Duan Feifei quickly put on a lively look, turned his head to look back, and even asked, "Who is it!"

"Do you owe it?" The person next to him whispered with a smile.

"Look at your play." Duan Feifei turned around.

Jiang Kuo really found a place with no water, bent down and supported on the ground.

Although he thought he should be able to do it, Duan Feifei was a little surprised that he really chose to do a hundred push-ups in exchange for squatting.

"One, two, three..." The instructor began to count.

Everyone gradually quieted down and watched the man who fainted earlier than the girl do push-ups yesterday.

Duan Feifei heard that someone behind him had begun to bet on how many he could do.

There were also bets on whether he would faint again.

However, Jiang Kuo looked very relaxed, and his movements were not deformed when he reached thirty, but the speed was not as fast as at the beginning.

"Thirty-two, thirty-three..." The instructor walked up to him, "Not bad, continue!"

Fifty was done in no time.

Jiang Kuo stood up, clapped the mud on his hands, and shook his arms.

"How long will it take?" the instructor asked.

"One minute." Jiang Kuo said.

At the beginning of the second round, Jiang Kuo's actions were like a replay of the first round. The speed of the first twenty was even faster, and the bettors at the back had already begun to determine the amount to be transferred in a while.

"Seventy-eight, seventy-nine..." The instructor counted seriously.

Duan Feifei heard someone counting behind him: "Eighty, eighty-one..."

Looking back, it was Tang Li with a serious face.

As expected of the chief.

After eighty-nine, many people shouted: "Ninety! Ninety-one! Ninety-two..."

"One hundred!" The instructor raised his hand.

Jiang Kuo didn't move on the ground, lowered his head and let out a sigh of relief before standing up slowly.

"Okay, your physical fitness is not bad," the instructor clapped his hands twice, "Go and squat, just this time!"

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo said.

The shoulders are going to die!

Jiang Kuo gritted his teeth and kept his face calm, and his waist was about to be cut off!

After the third year of high school, he used the excuse of reviewing, and was reluctant to go to the swimming team for training. From messing around to flashing, and adding a salted fish state during the summer vacation, these 100 push-ups made him almost vomit.

Fortunately, the fever has subsided, and I slept well last night.

"Okay," the black boy on the left said as he squatted down, "actually it's okay to connect a hundred?"

"No." Jiang Kuo said.

The soreness and softness of the arm did not ease up until the end of the military training in the morning.

When disbanding, Li Zirui quickly rushed to his side: "That's right, Jiang Kuo."

Jiang Kuo didn't speak.

"If I want this physical strength, I will do a hundred," Li Zirui tugged at his trousers, "it's still wet now."

"You can change it if you go back." Jiang Kuo said.

"Yes," Li Zirui nodded, "then why do you have to squat?"

"I'm squeamish." Jiang Kuo said.

Li Zirui laughed for a long time.

When he returned to the dormitory, Jiang Kuo knocked twice on door 107.

No one opened the door, so Duan Feifei probably hasn't come back yet.

Just as he was about to leave, a hand reached out and opened the door: "Come and get the quilt?"

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded and followed into the dormitory.

"There." Duan Feifei pointed to the folded quilt on the reclining chair.

"Did I step on the quilt myself?" Jiang Kuo asked, "Why don't I remember at all."

"Then I stepped on it." Duan Feifei said.

"How did I step on it?" Jiang Kuo frowned.

"When you go to the toilet to vomit." Duan Feifei said.

"...I remember this," Jiang Kuo picked up the quilt and looked at it, "Have you cleaned it?"

Duan Feifei walked up to him: "There is no room service."

"Then what should I do?" Jiang Kuo continued to study the quilt, "Remove it and wash it outside?"

"A summer cool quilt, you don't have a quilt cover, so what to take off," Duan Feifei said, "If you want to wash it, just wash the whole thing."

Hand wash the quilt.

Jiang Kuo said nothing.

Before the washing machine was bought, he could only wash his underwear and socks by hand.

"This is how we usually deal with it," Duan Feifei took the quilt, lifted it, shook it a few times, and put it back on the reclining chair, "It's alright."

"Is it alright?" Jiang Kuo was stunned.

"Is there any shit on the soles of your shoes?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo picked up the quilt.

As soon as he turned around, the quilt fell to the ground.

"Fuck." He bent down and picked up the quilt again, raised his arms probably to shake, but gave up halfway, opened the door and walked out.

Duan Feifei closed the door, fell on the reclining chair, and stretched comfortably.

The phone rang in his pocket.

It is a reminder of the agenda of the notepad.

He took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, visiting day.