San Fu

Chapter 102


Jiang Kuo slept unreliably all night, turning around from time to time, much more tossing than usual.

I could feel that he was very sleepy, and every time he finished flipping, he fell back to sleep quickly, but he flipped again quickly.

Duan Feifei basically didn't sleep much that night, but it wasn't because Jiang Kuo kept moving around.

Both of them are because of the video. The slight difference is that Jiang Kuo is angry about the video itself, while he is angry that Lu Haobo insists on dragging Jiang Kuo into it.

And Jiang Kuo was really affected by this incident.

The young master who has never suffered from this kind of anger does not even have a way to let out his anger now, so that he fights in his dreams at night.

He didn't get up before five in the morning, so he went downstairs for a run and bought breakfast.

Today he ran a lot faster than usual, and when he landed, he was heavy, and there seemed to be a Lu Haobo under each foot.

This can't just go away.

It's just that he and Lu Haobo had promised not to conflict with each other again. Every little action of Lu Haobo was hidden in secret. Last time he pulled the frame and kicked Lu Haobo in front of many people, this time he can no longer be seen arrive.

When he bought it early and walked back, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at it again. The comments under the competition video were all selected, and he couldn't see anything, but the discussion could already be seen on the school forum.

The discussion is not very obvious. After all, the protagonist of the video is not positive, and it is difficult for anyone to put a "prototype" on such a character, especially his popularity, no one will easily explain it. Perhaps this is also the "subtlety" of Lu Haobo's choice of theme. Whoever says this is not Duan Feifei will be scolded for malicious speculation.

When he was about to put the phone back in his pocket, Jiang Kuo's phone came in.

When Duan Feifei answered the phone, he glanced at the time. It was just six o'clock when Jiang Kuo woke up so early.

Just before the phone was answered, Jiang Kuo said in a confused voice, "Where have you been?"

"Run, buy breakfast." Duan Feifei said.

"Oh," Jiang Kuo seemed relieved to hear the voice, "what did you buy?"

"Xiaolongbao and porridge, they will enter the community soon," Duan Feifei heard the heavy nasal tone in his voice, "You have a cold?"

"I don't know, maybe," Jiang Kuo said. "My head is a little heavy, maybe I woke up too early, it's only six o'clock."

"Put on some clothes." Duan Feifei said.

"I'll squint for a few more minutes and I'm sleepy," Jiang Kuo said.

"Okay." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo didn't make a sound, he could hear breathing, and he probably fell asleep again.

Duan Feifei hung up the phone, turned around and walked back a short distance, buying some cold medicine and painkillers at the pharmacy.

When he returned to the tenth floor, Jiang Kuo was still asleep, and Duan Feifei opened the door, put things in the room, took off his coat, and walked into the bedroom without waking him up.

Duan Feifei reached out and touched his forehead, and found that it was indeed a little hot.

I don't know if I caught a cold while swimming or I was angry yesterday.

It's not impossible to be angry. After all, Jiang Kuo had no obvious reason for having a fever during the military training. It was basically because he was not comfortable with the environment.

He sighed softly and went to the living room to get the thermometer he just bought.

Just as he was trying to clip the thermometer to him without waking Jiang Kuo, Jiang Kuo opened his eyes.

"Wake up?" Duan Feifei asked.

"I heard you sigh," Jiang Kuo yawned, stunned when he saw the thermometer in his hand, "Do you have a fever?"

"I didn't, you seem to have a fever." Duan Feifei said.

"Impossible," Jiang Kuo smiled, "What physique am I?"

"You have a physique that faints before girls in military training." Duan Feifei said.

"Come on." Jiang Kuo looked at him, "Is it going to fight over old accounts!"

"Measure it." Duan Feifei shook the thermometer.

Jiang Kuo sighed and took the thermometer and clipped it: "I smell the fragrance of Xiao Long Bao."

"Eat directly or after washing?" Duan Feifei asked.

"After washing," Jiang Kuo said.

Although he was reluctant to admit it, and he really didn't feel much, Jiang Kuo had to face the temperature of 37.4 on the thermometer.

"It's not serious, I guess I have a cold." Jiang Kuo said.

"Well." Duan Feifei smiled, "Let's have breakfast first."

When Jiang Kuo walked out of the bedroom, Duan Feifei was taking a bowl in the living room to put the porridge out. Because Jiang Kuo didn't like to eat with take-out disposable bowls, now every time he ordered take-out, he would exchange the bowl first.

Jiang Kuo reached out and touched his waist, then went into the bathroom to wash.

Duan Feifei's mood has always been a little low, and the kind that he can't hide even if he tries hard to hide it is not all low. When he is sure that he has a fever, there is still the suppressed anger in his eyes.

Jiang Kuo felt that he was really hypocritical. He had a fever whenever he had a mood swing. Originally, he just hoped that this bird shit game would be over soon, but now he has a fever, which makes Duan Feifei even more angry. .

But he didn't want Duan Feifei to have any more conflict with Lu Haobo.

Especially for yourself.

Duan Feifei has accepted the "honor" given to him by the school. He lives in a single room with no one to check the bed and can come and go freely. Maybe there are other benefits. He has always kept his promise and avoided all contact with Lu Haobo, even avoidance. He was there when Lu Haobo clashed with others.

But since he kicked Lu Haobo when he tried to persuade him last time, he couldn't do it anymore.

If he is caught again because of this incident, he will take the initiative to attack Lu Haobo's handle, I don't know what will happen next. After all, the video incident has nothing to do with Lu Haobo on the surface, he is not even participating in the competition. group of people.

And Duan Fei's life really can't stand any changes.

The market will be demolished immediately, and the new store will be busy again. The usual work is still the same, plus the online store, and then his father will be released from prison.

Jiang Kuo didn't fully understand Duan Feifei's careful life before, but now he knows very well that this is the balance he is trying to maintain, and every imbalance may make his life a mess.

The most important thing is that among the people Duan Feifei cares about, as well as him, until now, Duan Feifei doesn't think it's reasonable to let him bear such pressure with him.

And he no longer wanted to tangle with Duan Feifei on this point, because he had already realized it, and he was the same, maybe from a different starting point, but he was equally cautious.

The fever did not last for a long time, it subsided in two days, and the temperature was not as high as before.

However, Jiang Kuo felt that he did not feel much better because of the fever.

Some people still started to discuss on the forum, and the direction should be something Duan Feifei didn't want to see. Compared with Duan Feifei's personality, Jiang Kuo, who was far away from his classmates and incompatible with the school, was more likely to have negative comments.

Jiang Kuo didn't care, but he knew that Duan Feifei cared.

In the past two days, Duan Fei has been less talkative. Usually, when he is in class, he will reply to messages under the desk, buy beef, and ask questions in the circle of friends.

In the past two days, the frequency of replying messages has obviously increased a lot, and he can already see his emotions when he replies, and he is very upset.

Jiang Kuo knew that these news were not only about clients. After all, he was a social genius who might have half of the school's students' friends. There should be a lot of curious inquiries in these news.

The person who inquired might not be malicious, just asked casually, but countless people asked casually, and Duan Feihan was under endless pressure.

Jiang Kuo was clean. Except for the role models and a few people in the dormitory, no one had asked him anything.

But he also felt overwhelmed, and Duan Feifei's emotions would also affect him, even if he kept pretending that nothing happened.

After the class in the afternoon, Jiang Kuo went back to the dormitory. He and Duan Feifei went out to dinner today. He planned to have dinner in the dormitory after a while. The people who were eating in the dormitory had almost gone and looked for Duan Feifei.

When Ma Xiao went out to work, he stopped at the door and turned back: "Jiang Kuo."

"Well." Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"You are a good person, we all know that." Ma Xiao said.

"...Thank you." Jiang Kuo said.

Ma Xiao nodded, turned and walked out quickly.

Jiang Kuo sighed, no need to comfort me, I don't care! not give a damn about!

He looked at the time, and there were probably not many people at the moment, so he took his clothes and left the dormitory.

The door of 107 was closed. When Jiang Kuo opened the door, he saw Duan Feifei standing by the window on the phone, and was about to go over and pat him.

"It won't take that much," Duan Feifei said, "about fifty thousand."

Jiang Kuo stopped.

"Why are you thanking me?" Duan Feifei said with a smile, "You lent me the money, not me... Well, I still remember the past so well... Thank you, no need... Really Enough is enough, I will definitely tell you again, I will not be polite to you…”

Standing in the dormitory, Jiang Kuo looked at Duan Feifei's back with an indescribable feeling.

Duan Feifei was taken aback by him when he hung up the phone and turned around.

"When did you come? I didn't hear it at all."

Jiang Kuo glanced back at the dormitory door, reached out and closed the door tightly, walked to the table, put his hand on the table, and looked at Duan Feifei: "When you said it was about 50,000 yuan."

Duan Feifei looked at the phone in his hand, sighed softly, and leaned back by the window.

"Didn't you tell me to make additional investment when needed?" Jiang Kuo looked at him, "Isn't it time? You would rather borrow money from your classmates than ask me to make additional investments, right?"

"No," said Duan Feifei, "not now."

"When was that?" Jiang Kuo frowned, "Is there still that time?"

"Jiang Kuo," Duan Feifei came over, "I have to make one thing clear to you first, that is, if you add to this store now, you won't change, I don't want to..."

"Of course I know that you don't want to exclude me. Of course I know that this store is the same as before. I can still decide what I want to decide. You will give me as much money as I want," Jiang Kuo said. "If I don't even know this, will I still be angry with you here?"

"I know it shouldn't be like this, so I don't want you to know." Duan Feifei said, "But..."

"But some people say it too badly, don't they?" Jiang Kuo looked at him, "I don't care what I am told, don't you understand? You have known me for so long, do I care about what others think of me? !"

"But I can't accept it!" Duan Feifei approached him and pointed at himself, "I! I can't accept it! You were told that because of me! Do you understand? I can't accept it!"

Jiang Kuo looked at him without speaking.

"Originally exists, it was originally in my mind, I have a lot of originals in my mind, and you are the same," Duan Feifei said, "Originally, there would be no such things that you need to tell me you don't care."

Jiang Kuo bit his lip.

"I know you would say it's useless," Duan Feifei said. "When this store is known to others, no one will judge how much your money is here, or whether it is your money, but..."

Jiang Kuo still looked at him.

"I just feel distressed," Duan Feifei said softly, "I feel very uncomfortable and uncomfortable if you take the money at this time."

"Duan Feifei," Jiang Kuo said, "you are too out-of-this-world."

Duan Feifei was stunned.

"It's not just you," Jiang Kuo said, "I may be too, we are all too outsiders."

Duan Feifei's phone was ringing, he glanced at it, and pressed the phone to mute.

"You never take it for granted," Jiang Kuo frowned, "I don't know what to say, I'm with you, it's a matter of course to take these things, you always want to avoid them, once they happen, you can't accept them."

Duan Feifei's cell phone rang again, and he pressed mute again.

"I always thought it was your problem," Jiang Kuo said, "Now that I think about it, I may have a problem too. I don't want you to have to take on anything because of me. It's true, it exists... I don't want you either. Because I'm going to take on pressure that I shouldn't have to take."

The phone rang a third time.

"If it doesn't answer, turn it off, and if it rings again, I'll smash it." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei looked at him, smiled suddenly, and picked up the phone: "I'll answer the call."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

As soon as Duan Feifei answered the phone, someone over there shouted loudly, "Why don't you answer the phone, I have already..."

"I'll go back to the store later," Duan Feifei said, "Well... OK."

"Who?" Jiang Kuo asked sharply immediately.

"Classmate," Duan Feifei said, "go to the store to find me at night."

"Who am I asking about?" Jiang Kuo said, "Is he helping you find someone or helping you?"

"People have already called," Duan Feifei said, "a few classmates together."

Jiang Kuo didn't ask any further questions, nor did he mention that he would return to Niu Sandao. After all, if Duan Feifei wanted to deceive him, even if he returned Niu Sandao with him, he could think of a way to make up for it.

Don't say it, don't say it, and he can guess almost without saying it.

Since Duan Feifan refused to let Lu Haobo go, he certainly couldn't stand beside him.

After dinner, Duan Feifei went back to the market. He went straight back to school and went to the sophomore dormitory to find Dong Kun.

"Is it reliable? Why is it so far-reaching?" Duan Feifei looked at the beard.

"It's not far," said the beard, "although it's not from a village or a market, it's not like I can't fight with you, but in fact I'm still quite close to him. There are a lot of people, just call two people and you can do it.”

"How close?" Duan Feifei asked.

"We always play cards together," Beard said.

"...This is called closeness?" Duan Feifei said, "Eight out of ten times you play poker, you have to get involved with someone."

"This person won't fight if he loses, he has money." Beard said, "I'll make an appointment for you. I'll be waiting at the cafe in a while, see you!"

"See." Duan Feifei sighed.

"Don't sigh," said Beard, "don't worry about my work, it's fine, let's go."

Sitting behind the bearded motorcycle, Duan Feifei looked at the familiar road, and the more he looked, the more he felt a little…

"Where is the appointment?" Duan Feifei asked.

"A cafe," Beard said.

" it across from Brother Song's community?" Duan Feifei asked.

"No," said Beard, "a little further down the street."

"Oh." Duan Feifei breathed a sigh of relief.

The car drove past Fan Jiabao's cafe, the beard didn't stop, and drove forward another street, only to stop at the entrance of the cafe in a hutong.

There was no one in the cafe at this time, and the beard took him in and shouted, "Brother!"

"Upstairs." Someone on the second floor replied.

When Duan Feifei heard the voice, he immediately turned his head and walked out. Today, he was in a hurry. As soon as the beard told him that he was looking for someone, he forgot to ask the other party's name.

"Why?" Beard pulled him, "Everyone is upstairs."

"Where are you going?" A head stuck out from the railing upstairs.

Duan Feifei glanced up and saw that it was Fan Jiabao.

"Not going anywhere," Beard said.

"You wait," Fan Jiabao said, and pointed at Duan Feihan, "He will just come up."

Duan Feifei had to bite the bullet and go up the stairs.

This is very embarrassing. I wanted to find someone who had nothing to do with me to help fight, but I found my landlord.

"I knew it was you." Fan Jiabao sat at the table on the second floor and smiled when he saw him.

"What?" Duan Feifei looked at him.

"Beard said, let me help you clean up," Fan Jiabao said with a smile, "their good friends in the market, college students, when I hear it, isn't that you?"

"...Did you explain it in such detail?" Duan Feifei was speechless.

"That's for sure," Fan Jiabao said. "I can't help anyone with this kind of thing. He said he was his good friend, so I agreed."

"How did you talk to him?" Duan Feifei asked.

"I don't want money." Fan Jiabao held Erlang's legs and shook his feet.

Duan Feifei looked at him: "Is it gone?"

"The beard is familiar with me, and he has helped me before, so it's not a big deal," Fan Jiabao said, "I am a lawless person, can I help a friend beat him up and pay him back? You can say anything else."

"No," Duan Feifei hesitated and explained to him, "It's better to be a little more disciplined."

"Tell me, who, how to do it." Fan Jiabao said, "I've been bored lately too, so I'm sure I'll piss you off."

"Our school," Duan Feifei frowned and thought for a while, "he will go home on weekends, just leave school... Don't hit too hard, in case... "

"It's alright," Fan Jiabao said. "Just call him and detain him for a few days."

"It's better... it's not too harmful, but more insulting." Duan Feifei said.

"It's really bad." Fan Jiabao said.

"It's okay, it's not too bad." Duan Feifei said.

"Do you want to watch it live?" Fan Jiabao said. "If you want to watch it, you can watch it in my car."

"I have to stay in the store or school." Duan Feifei said.

"Understood, you have to have an alibi," Fan Jiabao nodded. "Then I'll have people pretend to be onlookers to help you record it. If you're not honest after cleaning up, you can post it on your school forum to continue insulting."

"...Aren't you worse than me?" Duan Feifei said.

"Then let's talk about the specifics." Fan Jiabao said.

"Is this okay?" Dong Kun tilted the screen of his mobile phone to face Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo watched it carefully for a while, then stretched out his finger: "Change these few sentences, it's not too neutral."

"Yeah." Dong Kun nodded, poking at the screen.

"Is it going to be posted tonight?" Ding Zhe asked.

"One by one, starting from this evening," Jiang Kuo said, "just grasp the order of the hair, and make sure that the direction is not skewed, so that someone can bring it back."

"Don't worry, we know this," Sun Ji said. "Before you say anything, let's breathe."

"Well." Jiang Kuo said.

"Jiang Kuo, go back, you don't know about this," Liu Pang said, "I'll send you a message if something happens."

"Thank you," Jiang Kuo said, "I'll have dinner in two days, and my six relatives will not recognize me."

"I just love hearing that from you." Ding Zhe laughed.