San Fu

Chapter 108


"I'll look for you after dinner at night." Cannon said while driving.

"What?" Jiang Kuo half-squinted his eyes. The two of them just got off the highway and entered the city for lunch. Suddenly, they said dinner. He didn't realize what the cannon was saying.

"They originally said dinner, but I refused, saying that we were very tired just now, so we should have dinner at home." Cannon said again.

"Oh." Jiang Kuo came back to his senses, this is the game waiting for him as soon as he got home, "Who is it?"

"Every time I ask, except for the ones you know, you don't know them anymore," Cannon said a string of girls' names, "Do you know them? We've actually met these several times."

"...Really?" Jiang Kuo felt that he was indeed asking more than that.

"So just go and ask every time. You don't know me when you say it, and you can't remember it even if you ask," Cannon sighed. "It doesn't make sense to remember the name."

Jiang Kuo smiled and looked out the window.

The cannon sent him directly back home, and Benben was the fastest one to greet him.

It was getting warm, Benben was not wearing any clothes, but he was still wearing a beautiful little red scarf, and when he ran over, his tail wagged like a propeller.

"My Ben!" Cannon opened his arms.

As long as Duan Feifei was not present, Cannon would be Benben's favorite person, and after rubbing and licking with Cannon for a long time, Benben rubbed against Jiang Kuo's legs.

"Did my mother lose weight for Benben?" Jiang Kuo squeezed Benben's body a few times, and then touched its belly, "I feel that this dog is losing weight."

"I lost weight," said Cannon. "I came here before when I came back. I was very fat at the time. Your mother was worried to death. She said that it was not good for your health. It is estimated that you have controlled it."

"Come in!" Mom shouted from the door.

"I'm not going in," shouted the cannon. "I'll come back at night. I'll go home first."

"Then go quickly, it's late, your family is waiting for you to eat!" Mom said.

"Okay, I'm leaving," said Cannon. "I'll be right here at night."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

When walking into the house with Ben Ben, he sent a message to Duan Feifei, telling him that he had arrived home, and brought two photos of Ben Ben with him.

[Instructions are as follows] It's pretty fast

[Instructions are as follows]Ben has grown taller

[JK921]Longer legs if you lose weight

"Jiang Kuo, can I take your luggage directly to the house?" Aunt Liu asked.

"Well, thank you," Jiang Kuo said, "I'll throw it at the door if I want to wash it."

Today, the family is all together, Mr. Jiang and his wife are there, and Jiang Liao is also sitting on the sofa in the living room.

"Eat first," President Jiang got up and walked in front of him to take a look, and patted his shoulder, "What about losing weight?"

"Are you thin?" Jiang Kuo didn't feel anything.

"It's normal to be thin," my mother said. "He's not busy with his shop these days, and he's lost weight after tossing around. He can't justify if he's not thin."

"...Why did I torment her?" Jiang Kuo sighed.

"I don't give you money for nothing," Jiang Liao walked past him and said with a smile, "I must have tossed me this time, or he may not be able to come back."

Jiang Kuo had no idea whether he was thin or not, but it was obvious that President Jiang was not very energetic.

"Are you sick?" Jiang Kuo asked when he sat down at the dining table.

"Did you see it!" President Jiang slapped the table.

Jiang Kuo just sat down and almost jumped up again.

"I just said that when my son comes back, I have to see that I am sluggish." President Jiang said.

"Sick?" Jiang Kuo asked.

President Jiang smiled without saying a word, with an expression of enjoyment on his face.

Jiang Kuo turned his head, too lazy to speak.

"The illness is just right," Mom added to help him. "You have to come back half a month earlier, and you can still see him in bed as if he was dying."

Jiang Kuo turned to look at President Jiang again: "Is it so serious?"

"It's not that serious," President Jiang waved his hand, "angry."

Judging from this state, Jiang Kuo estimated that it was because of things in the company, but the company has encountered many things in recent years.

"What," he asked President Jiang, "your vice president made a coup?"

President Jiang was stunned for a moment, and laughed until he almost coughed. He quickly put down the chopsticks he just picked up, and when he was happy enough, he picked up the bowl and took a sip of soup: "As expected of my son, I can guess it."

"...Isn't it?" Jiang Kuo was also stunned, "Is it true or false?"

"It's hard to say, I'm still investigating it secretly," President Jiang snorted. "If it wasn't for the sale of the folk village, I wouldn't have found it... You don't need to worry about it."

Jiang Kuo didn't ask again.

Listening to Mr. Jiang's meaning, it should be a financial problem. It is estimated that it is quite serious. It is not as simple as making money. If we can really use the analogy of the coup d'etat, the people involved are also those at the highest level...

It's a big deal.

Jiang Kuo glanced at Jiang Liao, he suddenly felt that Jiang Liao should not only go home because of the unpleasant people during the holidays, maybe it was because of this.

But he didn't know.

Nobody told him.

Jiang Kuo sighed, feeling a little distressed for President Jiang. At the critical moment, his son couldn't rely on him, and he never thought of relying on his son.

"How is your store?" President Jiang asked him.

"It will be online when I go back to school," Jiang Kuo said. "Then there has to be a wave of publicity. I discussed it with me first."

"Did she also participate in shares?" President Jiang asked.

"... She did it for nothing." Jiang Kuo said.

President Jiang laughed for a long time: "I said I didn't bother your sister."

"Is that old store still open?" Jiang Liao asked.

"No, it's almost been moved this month, but it's only demolished in July." Jiang Kuo said, "What?"

"I'll ask two people to make a video about visiting a store first," Jiang Liao said. "You can also find programs from local TV stations. You can ask them to pick a short clip. The old store has more flavor, just that kind of thing. The old one, this one is broadcast in the store and can be used in the future."

"Do you want money?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"How fresh!" Jiang Liao said, "It's fine if you don't give me money. Do you want to give me money to the person I'm looking for?"

"Funds are limited," Jiang Kuo said sincerely, "I can't spend money on my own without Duan Feifei. You can save me a bit."

"I can't help you with the TV station. I can help you negotiate a cheap price for the videos," Jiang Liao said. "It shouldn't be difficult to find people on local TV stations. It doesn't take much to find people."

"Well, I understand," Jiang Kuo frowned, "As long as it's a TV show, it can at least appear to be a relatively well-known brand locally."

"Work hard," President Jiang said. "If you do it, you can quit your school if you break it."

"No." Jiang Kuo replied simply.

"You learn a garden and make beef with sauce," President Jiang snorted, "Your major is just in case one day in the future, if a reporter interviews you and Duan Feifei, you two say that we were studying at the beginning. The garden, I didn’t expect to make beef in the end, adding a little storytelling.”

Jiang laughed for a long time: "From garden to beef boss, the entrepreneurial path of two young people."

"It's over to you," Jiang Kuo immediately poked her on the arm, "Now you can start writing."

After dinner, President Jiang walked out.

It is said that he made an appointment with someone to have a car waiting for him somewhere, and then went to a secret meeting with the company's confidant at a secret location.

"Is it serious?" Jiang Kuo asked his mother.

"If you don't deal with it, it will definitely hurt your vitality," Mom said, stroking Benben's head resting on her lap, "but he has a way, his brain has always been easy to use. There are too many tricks."

Jiang Kuo rarely heard his mother praise President Jiang so much, indicating that the trouble that President Jiang faced this time was indeed not small.

"The main thing now is to determine who is reliable first," his mother whispered next to him. "The legal affairs are not sure whether they will participate in the coup d'etat or not. If they can't, they will have to find reinforcements from outside."

"Is it inappropriate to tell me so in detail?" Jiang Kuo asked, "Mr. Jiang said that this is a secret event that I don't care about."

"Ouch, it's sour," Mom looked at him, "Isn't that what you asked!"

Jiang Kuo smiled and said nothing.

Cannon came on time at nine o'clock: "Which car are you driving?"

"Which one do you want to drive?" Jiang Kuo said.

"I saw that Continental was at home when I came from the garage?" Cannon said, "That's it."

"You go in and ask my mother." Jiang Kuo said.

"She definitely agrees," Cannon walked inside nonchalantly. "Isn't this car parked at the hotel all the time? Why did it come back today?"

"Let's go." Jiang Kuo sighed.

Today I went to a newly opened membership-only bar. The owner is a friend of their friend's friend. Jiang Kuo felt that he had never heard of this person, but Da Pao said he had seen him many times. He knew him well when he was called Yue Jiang Kuo. look.

"They all look familiar to me." Jiang Kuo looked at the red light in front of him.

"Isn't that because you don't know anyone," said Cannon. "If you don't have me, you'll know yourself. When the three of you become a group, I'll be your secretary."

"Secret of the gun." Jiang Kuo thought about it and smiled, "It doesn't sound good."

"My surname is Hu." Da Pao said, "I wonder if you sometimes think my name is Pao Zhenyu."

"Seriously, it's much more reasonable than Hu Zhenyu." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck." Cannon laughed.

The people who came today are the same as before. As soon as they entered the box, more than half of them greeted Jiang Kuo very familiarly, and Jiang Kuo, in addition to three or two who could call out their names, looked a little bit more. Familiar faces, others do not know at all.

"Don't mind me." Jiang Kuo responded with this sentence skillfully.

"Kuo'er, I haven't seen you for a long time." A man came over and greeted him. This was someone he could name.

What is this guy called Yong

What kind of bravery, I really don't remember it.

Anyway, this group of people also called him Da Yong.

Jiang Kuo took a glass of juice and sat in the corner of the sofa.

"You really don't see people after you go to college." Dayong sat next to him.

"I'll see you on vacation." Jiang Kuo said.

"Then you only have a few vacations when you go to school," Dayong said. "You should come back for more gatherings in the past two days..."

Dayong said a few more names, saying that the acquaintances gathered tomorrow, Jiang Kuo sounded familiar but did not say a word.

After Dayong walked away, he took out his phone.

Every time the model group was on vacation, Ding Zhe could see Ding Zhe accusing himself of being dragged out by his parents' old rushing group to work as a coolie. Jiang Kuo watched and had fun.

Duan Feifei responded with a few words.

Probably busy.

Jiang Kuo opened his circle of friends again.


Coffee too!

Play cards!

The days are so moisturizing!

Jiang Kuo frowned, opened up all the photos he posted, and looked at it carefully.

Duan Feifei wouldn't go out for coffee by himself, and none of his friends and classmates would meet him in a coffee shop. Anyone with a fingernail could think of Fan Jiabao.

Playing cards is also with Fan Jiabao!

Although only the face of the beard is seen in the photo, this person Jiang Kuo knows, because Duan Feifei said that Fan Jiabao was hired by the beard to be a thug, and Fan Jiabao's pair of dazzling blue running shoes can be seen in the lower right corner, It's hard not to remember this kind of shoes with earth in the foreign style and waves in the steady.


You adapt very quickly!

"You are really the same forever, a parallel time and space in the party." A girl's voice came from Jiang Kuo's right.

Jiang Kuo wasn't sure who was talking to whom, and looked at the phone and didn't say anything.

"Jiang Kuo." The girl called his name.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded and glanced up.

It's someone he's familiar with. Seeing that the aura is in their "circle", if someone brought it, they usually don't look at him with this kind of look.

"What about talking to you?" The girl turned her head to look at him.

"You said." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm done." The girl laughed.

Jiang Kuo didn't know what else to talk about at this time, so he raised a glass to her and took a sip of juice.

The girl ignored him and leaned back on the sofa, almost sitting side by side with him.

The reason why Jiang Kuo sat in a corner every time was to avoid getting too close to others and being uncomfortable.

He stood up for a while, then fell to the left, leaning against the armrest of the sofa.

The girl must have felt it, turned her face and glanced at him, tutted, fell to the right, and leaned on the armrest of the sofa over there: "Okay?"

Jiang Kuo could only remain silent.

"Let's eat barbecue." Fan Jiabao beckoned.

"I'm not going," said Duan Feifei, "I have something to do tomorrow and I have to get up early."

"Don't give face," Fan Jiabao pointed at him, "you don't eat rice, you don't go to barbecue, what do you mean!"

"Go to the extraordinary," the beard approached him, "he's upset that he lost money."

"Don't you say he has money and doesn't care?" Duan Feifei whispered with a smile.

Fan Jiabao's ears were quite sharp, and he immediately stared: "I don't care about money, I care about losing!"

"Hey, let's go." Duan Feifei got up.

Although Fan Jiabao is a bit familiar, his personality is generally good. In addition to the series of operations of renting a shop, renting a house, clearing a warehouse, and helping beat people, he really helped a lot. Although Duan Feifei is because Jiang Kuo When I got home, I felt a little down, but I decided to stay with me to the end.

Jiang Kuo was in good condition after returning home. In the evening, when Ding Zhe complained that the elderly group could not keep up with the entertainment and were poor in terms of food, he also sent a bunch of food and drink to the group.

It can be seen that the meal is the dining table of Jiang Kuo's family, and everything else is not home.

A certain bar box that looks very high-end and has good privacy at first sight, full of people, full of wine and snacks.

[Dong Xiaosa] Is this the life of a rich man

[Sun Zhuanghan] I saw at least four beauties at a glance

[Ding Weiwu] Brawny, please restrain yourself, you are not qualified to see beautiful women

Duan Feifei clicked on the photo of Kaijiang Kuofa, zoomed in and looked at it. The four beauties said that there were fewer, and the girls were all beautiful, the kind that you don't usually see, and the men looked better at a glance.

The position where Jiang Kuo took the photo could be seen in the corner of the box, Duan Feifei could imagine him playing with his phone in an undisturbed corner.

But when this vision is translated into photos, it feels different.

Worse than expected.

Although he couldn't say what he was upset about, in theory, it wasn't a question of whether he was jealous. After all, Jiang Kuo's angle did look like an independent space from the photo, and there was no intersection with the men and women over there.

But jealousy is not a fixed pattern, it is not a feeling that will not appear within a reasonable range, it is very unreasonable.

Jiang Kuo had a great time on the first day home, and was in the mood to stimulate Ding Zhe.


Duan Feifei put the phone back in his pocket. This was the first time he had truly understood what it was like to be really jealous, and even slightly unhappy.

This unhappy and unhappy feeling made him a little surprised, with some unease of "I'm actually".

When the party broke up, hurry up, some people wanted to continue, Jiang Kuo didn't go any more, and planned to leave with Cannon.

"Kuo'er," someone called Jiang Kuo, "are you bringing someone in the car?"

"I'm going home." Jiang Kuo walked to his car without turning his head.

"Knowing you're going home, Lillian is going home too," the man said. "Will you drop by?"

Jiang Kuo glanced at the cannon.

Cannon didn't say a word, just pulled the door and sat in the passenger seat.

"Hu Zhenyu, I'll fuck you uncle!" the man scolded.

Jiang Kuo still didn't look back, got in the car and started it, slammed the accelerator, dropped a bunch of people and drove away.

"Damn it," Cannon was very upset, "You idiot, you can't find the right name for scolding people, and calling me for what the fuck, shouldn't I fuck your uncle?"

"I don't have an uncle." Jiang Kuo said.

"Do I have it!" shouted the cannon.

"It seems there is." Jiang Kuo said.

"Damn," Cannon laughed angrily, "you just say it's impossible without me!"

"I won't come without you," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm so sleepy."

"Just stop ahead," said Cannon, "I'm driving, I didn't drink today, and for more than an hour, I'm afraid you'll fall asleep halfway through the drive."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

Sleepiness is not the most important thing, it is suffocation.

I don't know why, it was common for Duan Feifei to go out to drink and eat with people in the past. He never felt anything, but today he was very bored. All night, Duan Feifei played cards, drank, and barbecued with people happily.

It cannot be said that it is because of Fan Jiabao, Fan Jiabao is a fool.

Jiang Kuo felt that because he and Duan Feifei took this step back, not only did they withdraw from the situation that made the two of them scrambling and stressful, but they also retreated from a sense of security.

The car was parked on the side of the road, Jiang Kuo got out of the car, and Cannon went to the side to answer the phone.

Listening to the conversation sounds like the girl I just met tonight.

Jiang Kuo got into the co-pilot and sat and waited when the phone rang.

When he took out his phone, he first glanced at the time, and Duan Feifei still hadn't slept after a little while.

[Instructions are as follows] Are you home

[JK921]On the way

[Instructions are as follows]

Jiang Kuo stared at the question mark for a while.

What's wrong

What do you want to express

Am I going home too late

Don't you have a good time having a barbecue, playing cards, and drinking wine? Go home not much earlier than me.


[Instructions are as follows]

Jiang Kuo dialed the phone directly.

Duan Feifei picked it up in seconds, probably typing.

"Why?" Jiang Kuo asked.

At the same time, he heard the noisy background sound over there, and someone was guessing fists.

"Are you still having supper?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Yeah," Duan Feifei responded, "It's gone right away."

"I thought you went back early," Jiang Kuo said, "you haven't left yet, what are you asking?"

"Just be shocked." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo could hear that he should have been drinking. I don't usually drink this cup. I only drink a little when I am with the model and them. It seems that today is indeed quite enjoyable.

"I'm also shocked." Jiang Kuo said.

"Why are you shocked?" Duan Feifei said with a smile.

"Who are you with, have you been drinking a lot?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Lao Fan and the others, everyone drank a little when they were happy." Duan Feifei said.

"Drink a lot, right?" Jiang Kuo said, "I've drank a little more."

"It's alright, I didn't drink too much. There are a lot of people today. It's normal to drink up to this point." Duan Feifei said.

"Oh." Jiang Kuo didn't know if he was holding back all night, and the feeling of unhappiness was getting stronger and stronger at this moment.

"Don't you always say that your party is boring, you can talk a little bit when you are bored," Duan Feifei said, "I'm even playing and shouting here until now..."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Kuo interrupted him.

"It doesn't make any sense." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo was not sure whether Duan Feifei had drunk too much. After all, the boundary between him never drinking too much and drinking too much was in seconds. When Duan Feifei said the next sentence, he was sure that this person had drunk too much.

"It's just unhappy." Duan Feifei said.