San Fu

Chapter 119


In addition to a bunch of giant flower baskets with two rows of medium-sized flower baskets at the door of the store, the firecrackers on the ground are also quite impressive.

This was bought by Duan Feihan from the big brother who sold firecrackers he knew before.

Jiang Kuo took his mobile phone and slowly scanned the people around him. In addition to the classmates and friends he was familiar with, there were also many familiar strangers and strangers. The people Duan Feifei called from the old market, the people brought by Fan Jiabao, and others. There are people brought by cannons.

This is something Jiang Kuo did not expect. The cannons came out for two or three hours, and they took twenty or thirty people with them.

"They're all on the construction site, they haven't been out for two months. I'll take them out today to stay overnight and then go back. I'll give you the show and let them play by themselves," said Cannon. "In addition, I'm going to buy some goods for the canteen. , Uncle's beef and sauce beef must be ordered."

"Can't you just buy beef at Shang's?" Jiang Kuo said.

"You don't understand, we can't get it all from them," Cannon said. "Let them know that we can get good beef elsewhere. In the future, it's not just the two villages who can choose from the farms, or they don't I promise you the best."

"I feel a little bit like Mr. Hu." Jiang Kuo said.

"Don't brag," Dapao said modestly, but his face was very happy, "You're not bad, both online and offline are up... When will the online store open?"

"Tonight, at 0:00," Jiang Kuo said, "Yang Ke found two part-time customer service staff, and won't sleep tonight."

"This kid is quite motivated," Cannon said, "but this guy's brain is pivotal. You should hold it tight when you are dealing with him, and don't let it go too much."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"I'm going to look at the meat and order it first," said Cannon. "It's better to say that the beef in sauce is in your bags. I'm afraid that the fresh beef will be sold out in a while."

"Go and tell the old uncle to let him save some for you." Jiang Kuo said.

At 3:15, the sidewalk was already full of people, and many passers-by stopped to watch, after all, the battle looked quite big.

"You will light the fire later." Duan Feifei whispered in Jiang Kuo's ear.

"Are you stupid?" Jiang Kuo looked at him, "Let Uncle order it!"

"He's embarrassed," Duan Feifei said, "I told him, and he told you to play with it."

"I play... What's there to play." Jiang Kuo wanted to laugh a little.

"He just thinks you are a child," Duan Feifei handed him the lighter, "Go ahead."

"Together." Jiang Kuo took the lighter, which was a lighter with a red bow.

The two walked to the firecracker fuse together. Duan Feifei picked up the head of the firecracker and pointed the fuse toward Jiang Kuo. The old man shouted "it's time", pulled the rope on the signboard, and took off the red cloth.

The crowd cheered.

The camera of the big pig pulled back from the signboard and faced the two of them who were about to set fire to it.

Jiang Kuo held his mobile phone in one hand and pointed at Duan Feifei's and himself, and lit the fuse with a lighter in the other.

The firepower of the cannon was very strong. In two or three seconds, it exploded into a white fog around it. No one could see it, and they could see sparks jumping in the smoke.

Like New Years.

Jiang Kuo stepped back and stood on the side of the road looking at the scene in front of him.

At this moment, the excitement slowly began to fade, and a little bit turned into emotion.

When he jumped down from the balcony at home, he never imagined this scene today.

A boyfriend who fast forwards and rewinds, a store that synchronizes online and offline, a life that has never been experienced before, and a group of unexpected friends.

Duan Feifei stood beside him, also silently watching the lively scene in front of him.

Hand is held.

This familiar touch.

Jiang Kuo immediately clenched his hand with a backhand, very hard, as if it was about to be crushed.

The thundering firecrackers stopped, and the smoke began to slowly dissipate amid the cheers of the surrounding people.

Something was on the hand they were holding.

Jiang Kuo was startled, and quickly glanced at it, and found that it was actually a rag.

"Shit!" He let go of Duan Feifei's hand in shock and threw it away.

When he turned around, Dong Kun stood behind with an expression of "I said what would you like to do with the two of you": "I'll see it clearly in five seconds."

"Fuck." Duan Feifei laughed while holding the rag, "Are you so diligent, you still have the rag when you shoot the gun."

"Just take it and forget to put it away," Dong Kun said. "If I'm so diligent at home, my mother can cry for a month."

After the firecrackers are set off, the opening is auspicious, and Niu Sandao officially opens.

Half of the crowd watching was their childcare, but it was not entirely childcare. After all, no money was given, and the childcare members had to buy it out of their own pockets.

"Kun'er, you guys, go and help old uncle." Duan Feifei saw that people began to gather at the door of the store, and quickly began to command, "Lao Fan Dapao Cooked Food is here to help, let them line up..."

Jiang Kuo glanced at the fresh food side, the old uncle's family had already started to work, the old uncle and Duan Ling each had a knife, and the old aunt fought behind.

"I'm a little too busy," Jiang Kuo said, "Duan Feifei, go over there."

"Well," Duan Feifei responded, "here you..."

"From packaging pricing to copywriting, it's me," Jiang Kuo said, "Are you afraid I can't figure it out?"

"Huh," Duan Feifei laughed, "it's awesome."

Duan Feifei took Duan Ling's knife in the past, and Duan Ling was quite agile, but after all, he had little energy, and when there were many people, he couldn't keep up with the speed.

Duan Feifei took the knife and dropped it down, Jiang Kuo felt that the whole person followed for a while at ease.

"Jiang Kuo!" Lao Fan called him.

"Come on!" Jiang Kuo ran to the cooked food area, where there was already a queue.

"Buy two get one free, two bags of big get one bag of small, and two bags of small will get one individually vacuum-packed small one," Jiang Kuo explained to Lao Fan, "will the price count?"

"Who are you scolding?" Lao Fan gave him a sideways look.

"Two flavors," Sister He introduced to the people in the queue very skillfully, "there are four small packets in the big bag, all of which are vacuum-packed and ready to eat... The sauce is spicy! It's not particularly spicy, so use some for the fried vegetables, boiled noodles, and barbecue. It's all right…”

Yang Ke said that Jiang Kuo was a little worried when Sister He came to the cash register to sell the goods. Now it seems that it is more reliable to let Sister He stand there than any of them.

"Take the beef you tried." Jiang Kuo commanded the cannon.

Cannon brought two large plates of beef in sauce and put them on the table.

"Bring it to the people in line to taste it," Sister He commanded the cannon, "Do you have disposable gloves?"

"Hey," said Cannon.

"Yes," Jiang Kuo took off a pack of disposable gloves and handed it to Cannon, "Go, Chief Cannon."

"Yang Ke!" Cannon shouted.

Yang Ke immediately came over and picked up two plates: "You send gloves, and I'll carry them behind you."

"Okay," Cannon picked up his gloves and walked out, patting Yang Ke on the shoulder approvingly, "Go on."

After the arrangement here, Jiang Kuo looked at the old uncle. Duan Feifei was cutting the meat quickly with his head down. From time to time, he raised his head to say a few words to the guests. Ling was in charge of packing and collecting the money, while Ding Zhe and the others helped to move the meat, clean... Everything was in order.

Xiaozhu came over at this time, and while looking at the sauced beef on the shelf, he asked casually, "The business is not bad."

"Well," Jiang Kuo responded, and when he saw the big pig following behind with the camera, he added, "A lot of customers from the old shop came to buy it."

"I just chatted with the two aunties and said that they came from the old market specially," Xiaozhu said. "I'm used to the taste, but it's different from other restaurants."

"Yes." Jiang Kuo didn't know what to say after answering.

The little pig laughed: "If you have nothing to say, we can just cut it."

"I can't say it casually," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm not good at words."

The little pig couldn't laugh, and the big pig nodded: "I think this sentence can be kept, it's very interesting."

On the afternoon of the opening, business was so hot that before six o’clock, all the goods prepared for offline sales were sold out, and some of the stock from the online store at night was used to top it off.

The promotion of the online store has not yet officially started, so there should not be too many people buying it, and the newly replenished goods will be available again tomorrow morning.

However, after the second round of stockpiling was sold out again, Jiang Kuo did not dare to make up for it.

"Is it gone?" Cannon asked.

"No," Jiang Kuo looked at Fan Jiabao again, "Do you have childcare there? Return the ones you bought..."

"Just kidding," Fan Jiabao said, "I bought it for real, and I have to advertise it to my neighbors and neighbors when I take it back. How can I return it, there is no more."

"Our online store will be online at night," Sister He explained to those who haven't bought it yet, holding the packaging bag, "If you want to make another trip tomorrow, you can buy it on the online store, it's the same product at the same price..."

Jiang Kuo went to the nearby small supermarket to buy some drinks and water and brought it back to the store.

"Sister He is about to rest," Jiang Kuo took a bottle of drink to Yang Ke, "My voice is hoarse, I'll just talk to someone else later."

"It should be almost the same," Yang Ke moved his legs. "Today we estimate that we have walked 20,000 steps."

"Just settle the bill at night..." Jiang Kuo interrupted Yang Ke with a wave of his hand.

"No, everyone is helping out today, and I'm also a member of this store," Yang Ke said, "just follow the previous arrangements."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo said.

After the cooked food was completely sold out, Lao Fan and Da Pao put the promotion of the online store and the introduction sign of the beef in sauce on the door, and then went to the fresh side to help.

A lot of fresh beef was also sold today, and Boss Song even pulled a cart over halfway through, and the sales were almost the same now.

However, Jiang Kuo found that the old uncle's position had been replaced by Duan Ling, and the old uncle was sitting on the side.

"Uncle's waist is dead, right?" Jiang Kuo asked in a low voice when he walked over to Duan Feifei.

"Well," Duan Feifei said in a low voice while cutting the meat, "Duan Ling thought he was very powerful with a waist protector and let him rest, and changed Duan Ling when he couldn't stand."

"What are you talking about me!" the old uncle shouted, "Goooooo thought I didn't know."

"Say your waist is fine." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Ling was amused: "Yes, his waist is awesome!"

"You know shit." The old man said with a smile. On the first day of opening, the business was very good, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

After the fresh meat was sold out, Jiang Kuo felt that his brain was a little grumbling, and there were human voices buzzing in his ears.

Duan Feifan arranged the finishing touches with a group of people, and he hid and stood aside.

"It's a good start," Jiang Liao, who had been missing for an afternoon, appeared next to him, and stood beside him, "Tomorrow the material will be available for online promotion as soon as it comes out."

"Where did you just go?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Walk around for a while," Jiang pointed to the market at the back. "It's quite interesting. There is a small shop that makes straw weaving and bamboo weaving. I ordered two bamboo vases and a few fruit bowls there."

"Let's put your studio?" Jiang Kuo smiled.

"Well," Jiang nodded, "I'll take it back and give it a look."

"Give me one," Jiang Kuo looked at him, "give me a vase."

"For nothing?" Jiang Liao said.

"Exchange a bag of beef with sauce with you." Jiang Kuo said.

Jiang Liao laughed: "The materials used for exchange are very rich now, right?"

"It's not rich, it will be available tomorrow," Jiang Kuo said, "just change to a smaller one."

"Okay." Jiang Liao said.

"Color it." Jiang Kuo said.

"Then you will have to pay more." Jiang Liao said.

"...Is it so clear?" Jiang Kuo raised his voice.

"Learn from President Jiang," Jiang Liao said, "I'll give him 10,000 by sending a flower basket for him today."

"Is it only 10,000?" Jiang Kuo said, "He himself said that you went to several flower shops to get it done."

"10,000 per flower shop," Jiang Liao said, "I'll go to seven or eight shops."

"...I owe it first." Jiang Kuo said, "When you can get enough of a car, you can drive my car away."

"Okay." Jiang said with a smile.

After finishing the finishing work, the next step was the celebration banquet. Fan Jiabao was familiar with the place. He chose a high-end hotel and booked a banquet hall according to Jiang Kuo's request. The people who came to help and these people went to the scene separately.

After everyone set off, Jiang Kuo started the car, but he didn't drive immediately, leaning back in the seat and letting out a long sigh of relief.

"Tired?" Duan Feifei asked, "I'll drive if I'm tired."

"I'm not tired," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm not working seriously today, so I just sit there and watch others do it."

"Then why are you sighing?" Duan Feifei smiled.

"I have to be busy at night, think about it," Jiang Kuo said, "I haven't started the homework due on Monday."

"I don't have anything to do at night," said Duan Feifei. "The customer service has been trained. There will be no problem with Yang Ke's guarding. Tomorrow, the new goods will be delivered directly, and I will find a good person for delivery."

"Have you arranged everything?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Um-na." Duan Feifei nodded.

Jiang Kuo laughed and drove the car out: "Don't you just take care of production, business and management are mine?"

"Then you didn't start your homework, didn't you?" Duan Feifei said.

"Have you started your homework yet?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"It's moving," Duan Feifei said, "I wrote a name, and I write it down solemnly every time, as a perfect start."

"Then what?" Jiang Kuo asked with a smile.

"Copy what can be copied and can't be dragged." Duan Fei replied succinctly.

Jiang Kuole said, "Mr. Jiang listened to what you said, and I have to persuade you to drop out of school and start a career."

"That can't be withdrawn," Duan Feifei said, "I rejected a bunch of schools that were only selected by 211,985, so can I withdraw at will!"

"Okay," Jiang Kuo slapped the steering wheel, "Mr. Jiang will tell me next time, yours is the standard answer."

From ordering to ordering in the hotel banquet hall, Fan Jiabao made it. Jiang Kuo just gave the money, but when he got there, he found out that this person is really idle, the kind of idle fart.

The banquet hall looks like an annual meeting of Niu San Dao, decorated with various flowers and balloons, and there are fucking banners.

- Appreciation dinner for the opening of Niu Sandao new store

"... Who arranged this?" Da Cano was shocked, "I thought I had entered the Jiang Head Office's annual meeting by mistake."

"Lao Fan," Jiang Kuo said, "the number one idler who makes a fuss and inspires the crowd."

"He's a bit of an extra." Cannon said, "If you want to expand your business in the future, you can cooperate."

"It's really possible." Jiang Kuo said.

Although it looked like a company annual meeting, it wasn't an annual meeting after all. Everyone was tired of tossing around, so Duan Feifei thanked everyone briefly and then asked everyone to let go of eating and drinking, even if it started.

Jiang Kuo was a little hungry, and he didn't even care to talk to the people at this table, so he buried his head and started to eat.

After taking two bites, Duan Feifei started answering messages with his phone beside him.

"Let's do it later," Jiang Kuo said, "Eat first."

"Return to Ma Xiao," Duan Feifei glanced at him and turned the screen of his mobile phone toward him, "I asked him yesterday if he would like to go to the store for a part-time job and package and ship."

"Did he agree?" Jiang Kuo asked, this is a good arrangement, Ma Xiao wants to work part-time with them, the money will definitely be guaranteed, and he will not be bullied.

"Yes," said Duan Feifei. "Tomorrow morning, he will go to the store. From six to eight o'clock, he will unload the goods, and then go to pack and ship them in the afternoon."

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded.

In these aspects, Duan Feifei is naturally attentive and well-organized. Every time Jiang Kuo thinks of something, Duan Feifei has basically already responded.

The "annual meeting" didn't last long, and the more people there were, the easier it was to finish the meal quickly. It was just after nine o'clock, and everyone was full.

Jiang Liao and Xiaozhu were going to go to the night market. The tour guide was Fan Jiabao, and Dapao also planned to take his people out to play and relax, so everyone dispersed.

Jiang Kuo called a car to take the old uncle's family back, and a group of them went back to school.

The dormitory was still lively. Jiang Kuo went back to 119 first. Yesterday, the group of people came back and they didn't meet each other. Today, Jiang Kuo came back with a few packets of sauced beef.

"The business will officially start in the future, right?" Tang Li took a bite of the sauced beef, "It's delicious, it's almost the same as the one made in the store."

"It's still a little bit," Jiang Kuo said, "but it's not very obvious."

"I'll give you publicity in my high school group," Li Zirui said. "You guys are really awesome. You started a business in your freshman year. As for me, you're a freshman."

Several people were having fun while eating.

After chatting for a while, Jiang Kuo's cell phone rang.

[Instructions below] Are you tired

[JK921]Ok, what's the matter

[Instructions are as follows] I took a massager at the opposite door. If you are tired, come and give me a massage. If you are not tired, come and give me a massage.

Jiang Kuo looked at Duan Feifei's words and was amused for a long time.

[JK921]I went over to see what massager it was

"That's it," Duan Feifei shook something like a life jacket in his hand, "Plug it in, then press the switch..."

"I was electrocuted." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck," Duan Feifei laughed, "I don't seem to be tired from picking up so quickly."

"Isn't this one beaten when you put it on?" Jiang Kuo looked at it, "Do you still need me to beat it for you?"

"And this," Duan Feifei picked up a racket-like thing, with a ring of red glittering protrusions that looked like suction cups and tumor-like, "you have to hold this with your hands and move it back and forth where you want to press it. move."

"Why does this thing have a bit of Cthulhu..." Jiang Kuo said, "Why do you buy so many of these things from the door?"

"I got scammed as a micro-business," Duan Feifei said. "I bought a bunch of them, but I didn't sell them. I don't even want to give them away to his mother. They said they were afraid of being knocked to death."

Jiang Kuo laughed for a long time and danced the beat in his hand: "Okay, then lie down."

Duan Feifei put on the electric shock vest, leaned back on the reclining chair, and felt it after adjusting it: "This is okay, just arched around the waist and back, with vibrations, you can try it later."

"Well," Jiang Kuo took the chair, sat next to him, and turned on the switch of the racket. The circle of protrusions on the racket flashed and vibrated and jumped. He put it on Duan Feifei's leg, "How is it?"

"It's a little itchy," Duan Feifei laughed, "You're serious, it will tickle my flesh if you hang it like this."

"Isn't your itchy flesh on the belly of your fingers?" Jiang Kuo leaned forward on the chair, the beat in his hand was compacted on his leg, and moved slowly back and forth.

"...Do you remember this?" Duan Feifei looked at him.

"Well," Jiang Kuo smiled, "I thought I didn't remember it, but when I remembered it, I realized I remembered it all."

Duan Feifei was silent for a while: "I also remember your useless pretending skills."

"Fuck," Jiang Kuo snorted, "there are many more, I will show you off later."

"...Hey!" Duan Feifei suddenly reached out and stopped the racket that was moving on his leg, "Where are we going?"

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo glanced at him and found that he didn't pay attention to what he said, and the beat was already close to Duan Feifei's vital point, he was startled, "Damn, didn't you hit it?"

"It's not like this," Duan Feifei said. "This thing has a lot of energy. It can really give me a shit."

Jiang Kuo laughed for a long time, raised the beat, waved it down, and stopped a few centimeters above.

"Yeah!" Duan Feifei's eyes widened in fright, "Do you have any numbers on your hands! I'm the only grandson of the old Duan family who knows."

Before Jiang Kuo could speak, he thought about it and laughed: "It's too miserable, the old Duan family came to me and disappeared."

Jiang Kuo also laughed.

Just as he was enjoying himself, the dormitory door was suddenly pushed open.

Not to mention Jiang Kuo, Duan Feifei was so frightened that he raised his leg, Jiang Kuo shivered directly, the chair that was leaning forward slipped, and knelt in front of Duan Feifei's reclining chair.

"Come, come, join the tea!" Ding Zhe rolled in, "I just asked Lu Ning what he wanted, I'm tired today..."

Ding Zhe paused when he saw their shapes: "Is the marriage proposal kneeling on both knees?"