San Fu

Chapter 17


Duan Ling helped them pick the meat, and the rest was cut and marinated, and handed over to the old aunt.

119 A few people led Tang Li to "walk through" the market, and Jiang Kuo stayed in the store waiting for the cannons to come and take Benben away.

He and Duan Feifei sat in a small wooden chair in the aisle behind the store.

Jiang Kuo found out that this was the passage he saw Benben just now. It was estimated that they wanted to go back to Niu Sandao at that time, but he was tied up by himself.

"If the cannon can't be raised by then," Duan Feifei rubbed Benben's head, "don't throw it away, don't give it away, bring it back to me, and I'll find a place for it."

"He won't," Jiang Kuo said, "or I wouldn't even think about asking him to help."

"Really?" Duan Feifei glanced at him, "You two have a strong relationship, right?"

"I know what you want to say," Jiang Kuo smiled, "I'm not really good with him, just because we're young, we don't like each other very much."

"How can you be arrogant with someone you don't like with your temper?" Duan Feifei was a little surprised.

"Because neither of us have any friends," Jiang Kuo said, "at least we have a company when we get together."

Duan Feifei didn't speak, just looked at him.

To say that Cannon has no friends, it is understandable that Cannon may not be a bad person, but it feels like he can't make friends, and you can't tell whether his words are true or false.

But to say that Jiang Kuo has no friends...

"Before I came out to college," Jiang Kuo said, "From kindergarten to high school, it was all private, the elites and the elites. In that kind of environment, it was not easy to make friends. The elites thought you were stupid, and the elites also thought you were stupid. stupid."

Duan Feifei laughed for a long time.

"You can go to an ordinary school," he said.

"My dad doesn't agree." Jiang Kuo said.

"It's a little miserable," Duan Feifei held his head, "Isn't your brother Jiang Kuo a little miserable?"

"It's okay," Jiang Kuo reached out and touched Benben's nose, which was wet, "I don't need to make friends anyway, so I don't feel anything."

"Is Cannon also your classmate?" Duan Feifei asked.

"No, he was in ordinary middle school, and he didn't study after graduating from junior high school," Jiang Kuo said. "Following his dad, his dad is a construction worker. Sometimes he helps run the construction site, and he is quite comfortable."

"Oh." Duan Feifei nodded.

"Is this shop owned by your uncle?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Well," Duan Feifei turned to look inside the store, "It's an old store, and the store has been open for as many years as the market has been around."

"It's not bad, Ma Xiao just caught sight of it, and said he looked at the highest level." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei laughed: "It just happened to be renovated during the summer vacation, and it didn't work before. Duan Ling couldn't stand it and forced his father to renovate it."

"Is it also a knife?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Are you scared?" Duan Feifei said, "She thought you were here to find fault. We have a store next door and we haven't dealt with it. There was a fight two days ago. Duan Ling didn't go to work for the past two days. Come over and watch, I guess they thought they had some new tricks to make trouble."

"Is it still a business to sell meat?" Jiang Kuo said, "It's not a big deal."

"You really..." Duan Feifei looked at him, "The big business shouldn't be so troublesome."

"That's not necessarily true," Jiang Kuo said. "My dad's business is quite big. In the past, when it was time to fight, he had to take the security department and drive a forklift to fight in groups."

"Okay," Duan Feifei smiled, "it means we don't know each other's world anymore."

When the cannons came to pick up Benben, they came in a Haval.

"New car?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"It saves you having to take a taxi and wait," Cannon said. "This one can still run to the construction site."

"Did you buy it yourself?" Jiang Kuo asked, "Do you use me to reimburse you?"

"No, don't worry about it," Da Pao said, and nodded to Duan Feifei, "That's it... rookie dog, right?"

"Shishi Inu." Jiang Kuo said immediately.

Cannon turned his head to look at him, then bent down to look at Benben: "If this head is a Shiba Inu, it must be an adult, right? This dog looks under a year old?"

"Maybe..." Jiang Kuo said, "I got along with Akita."

Cannon laughed when he heard it: "Where did you make up this nonsense."

"Just listen," Jiang Kuo said, "I'll buy dog food, kennels, etc., and have them send it to you, so you keep it, take it out for a walk in the morning and evening, and if you're not at home, send it to foster care ."

"Got it," Cannon took the leash from Duan Feihan's hand, "What's it called?"

"Ben Ben." Duan Feifei said.

"Benben," Cannon stretched out his hand, Benben looked at him, and he withdrew his hand, "It's quite indifferent, okay, I'll get you something to eat later, and teach you to call me Daddy."

"Ben Ben," Duan Feifei squatted down and rubbed the dog's head, "You don't have to stray in the future, just listen to Uncle Pao's words."

"Don't worry," said Cannon, "I promised to take good care of it. I'll take good care of it."

The cannon put Ben Ben into the trunk, Ben Ben kept looking at Duan Feifei from the window, wagging his tail vigorously.

Benben rarely screams, perhaps because he has been wandering all the time, and it is easier to live without making a sound. The only way to express his emotions is to wag his tail forcefully.

Cannon got into the car, waved at them, and the car drove out along the road.

In the end, only a small blur of white was visible in the position of the rear window.

Jiang Kuo glanced at his phone, wondering if Tang Li and the others had enough shopping.

"I..." He turned his head and saw that Duan Feifei was still looking in the direction the car was driving away.

He was a little surprised to find that Duan Feifei had tears in his eyes.

"Are you crying?" Jiang Kuo asked, digging out his hand in his pocket, took out a tissue and handed it to him.

"Well, can't you see?" Duan Feifei took out a piece of paper and wiped his tears, "I'm not good at blocking it."

"You made me feel moved by you." Jiang Kuo said.

"It was a puppy when it came to the market," Duan Feifei smiled, "runs with me every day."

"If you want it, ask Cannon to bring it over, or go there to see it, it's not too far," Jiang Kuo turned on his phone and looked at the address sent by Cannon before, "It's in Longhuayuan Community, isn't it close? "

"That's pretty close..." Duan Feifei said, "Is he accompanying you? You have to rent a house next to your school."

"Eighty percent of it was arranged by my dad," Jiang Kuo frowned. "My dad probably bought this car. He seems to have split his personality now, sometimes like a cannon, sometimes like my dad."

"Is your dad so worried?" Duan Feifei turned around and walked back slowly, "My daughter can run around the world alone, and my son needs to send someone to accompany him when he goes to college."

"His daughter is what I said, a combination of my classmates who are elite and academic," Jiang Kuo said. "Besides, he doesn't dare to care..."

Duan Feifei turned his head, but Jiang Kuo did not continue to speak.

"Does your father care about you?" Jiang Kuo changed the subject.

"He can't control it." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo turned to look at him, but he didn't say anything else.

In terms of the cooperation of half of the words, the cooperation is quite perfect.

Niu San Dao's beef is actually not bad, Duan Ling didn't brag.

Although it can't meet Jiang Kuo's non-point requirements, it is not bad.

Duan Feifei and his old aunt helped them marinate all the meat, and also helped them roast some of the meat and put it in a box.

A group of people ate with praise.

"This is a sample for us." Li Zirui said, "Just bake it at this level."

"But to what extent?" Tang Li asked.

Several people were silent.

Jiang Kuo glanced at Duan Feifei: "You should know?"

"I'll bake." Duan Feifei sighed.

119 bought meat, Ding Zhe and the others brought a bunch of snacks and drinks, as well as two cases of wine.

There are not only their group of people at the barbecue site. When they arrived, there were already three or four groups of people making preparations, all of them freshmen.

"Quick," Tang Li was busy putting things away while arranging everyone, "all move, we can't fall behind."

"What's behind?" Jiang Kuo was leaning on the bench next to him, his legs resting on the large cardboard boxes where they were filled with carbon.

"The progress of eating." Tang Li said.

As expected of a good young man who still thinks about the dormitory evaluation after the conflict with Lu Haobo.

But Jiang Kuo sat still, he was a birthday star, mainly because he didn't know what to do.

Fortunately, he was the only idler, and everyone quickly set up the charcoal fire, and then put the meat in the pots.

"Enjoyed today." Ding Zhe was busy putting on the signs.

"Can I eat it raw?" Li Zirui squatted beside him to help, "I think it's ok."

"Beef is fine." Duan Feifei's voice sounded above Jiang Kuo's head.

Immediately, four or five hands reached out to the beef bowl at the same time.

Jiang Kuo raised his head: "Aren't you working?"

"I have to grill skewers here all night. I'm your only hope for a delicious barbecue," Duan Feifei glanced down at him, "Didn't you call Cannon?"

"I didn't call," Jiang Kuo continued to look at the busy people, "I don't celebrate birthdays very much. Except for the old man's birthday, my family doesn't celebrate birthdays too much."

"Maybe it's a comfortable life," Duan Feifei said. "Generally, children look forward to their birthdays. New Years and birthdays are the most likely ways to get what they usually want."

"When is your birthday?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"March." Duan Feifei said.

"What's the number?" Jiang Kuo took out his phone.

"17." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo wrote down his birthday on a notepad.

There weren't many birthday reminders on his mobile phone. Apart from his family members, Cannon, and a few friends who were not friends, Duan Feifei was the first classmate he remembered.

"It's alright, alright!" Dong Kun rubbed his hands together, eager to try, "Where's the baking pan? On the shelf... I put it on top?"

"Let it go," Liu Fatty grabbed a pair of skewers, "what material do you want to make yourself?"

"I'm coming!" Duan Feifei shouted.

"Fuck!" Jiang Kuo was so frightened by the roar from above his head that he stood up.

Duan Feifei looked at him, walking towards the barbecue table while laughing: "Why are you always like this?"

"Don't you keep your voice down? I won't be like this?" Jiang Kuo also followed.

"I'm coming," Duan Feifei pushed the others away and sat down, "Just wait and eat, don't ruin my old aunt's secret marinade."

"Where does the birthday star sit?" Tang Li asked.

"I'll just stay here." Jiang Kuo sat down beside Duan Feifei, who was going to sit next to the chef.

"Come on, get all the wine," Sun Ji took out beer from the side and distributed it to everyone, "First congratulate the birthday star."

"Wow," Li Zirui took a can of beer and looked at it, "Buying such a high-end one?"

"I bought it from Feifei," said Sun Ji, "the birthday star is holding it in his mouth, I'm afraid he won't be used to drinking ordinary beer."

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo smiled and took the beer.

It should have just been bought, and the jar is still very cold to the touch.

Afraid that when the wine was shaken, it would cause foam, so his hand holding the jar dipped under the barbecue table, and his fingers hooked the pull ring and pulled it to open the wine.

No foam came out, and he took the jar up.

When he turned his head, he found that Duan Feifei was looking at his hand.

"Is this a skill that can be learned quickly with no use?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"Jiang Kuo," Tang Li held up the jar, "Happy birthday, I wish you all the best in your new life!"

"Thank you!" Jiang Kuo said.

"Happy birthday—" everyone shouted in unison.

"Let's start baking!" said Li Zirui.

Duan Feifei grabbed a handful of dressed meat and put it on the grill, and everyone cheered.

The charcoal fire is very strong, and the grilling net is turned over once, and the meat is already fragrant. Duan Feifei quickly brushes the oil and sprinkles the seasoning.

"Okay." He opened the grill.

Before Jiang Kuo could see clearly, a group of arms rushed up, and there was only a little residue left on the grill in an instant.

Is there any humility to the birthday star

"Here." Duan Feifei put two skewers of beef on the plate in front of him.

Jiang Kuo was stunned for a while, and then looking at him, there were also two strings.

"You move very fast?" Jiang Kuo picked up a bunch and took a bite. It was really delicious, and it tasted exactly the same as the old aunt baked before.

"Those who don't move fast are already starving to death." Duan Feifei continued to put meat on the grilling net, "Isn't there another net? Put them all up."

"That one can't be sandwiched." Li Zirui said.

"It's alright, just turn the lottery," Duan Feifei said. "One net won't serve you."

The benefits of sitting next to the chef are obvious in this case.

Jiang Kuo didn't rush for three rounds in a row, and all depended on the chef to feed.

In the fourth round, everyone's craziest energy had passed, and he finally got two skewers of mutton.

"This marinade," Jiang Kuo asked Duan Feifei in a low voice, "did your old aunt mix it yourself?"

"Well," Duan Feifei nodded, "Is it delicious?"

"It's more fragrant than my aunt's marinated meat," Jiang Kuo said while eating. "She usually cooks delicious food, but barbecue is not always the right taste."

"I'll get you two jars when you go home," Duan Feifei said, "There are ready-made ones in the store."

"Does the store still sell marinade?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Well," Duan Feifei smiled, "Twenty-five small jars."

"I want ten cans." Jiang Kuo calculated, "Eleven cans."

Duan Feifei almost choked with laughter: "You can bargain, ten cans and two hundred and fifty don't sound good."

"Can this reason be used to bargain?" Jiang Kuo took a sip of wine.

"Why not." Duan Feifei said.

"Ten cans and two hundred and five don't sound good," Jiang Kuo said, "one hundred."

Duan Feifei turned his head to look at him: "Do you say it again?"

"One hundred." Jiang Kuo said.

"Don't go to the market to haggle with people like this. There are only twenty-five jars in total. If you cut off more than half of it, you have to cut it like this in my old uncle's shop," Duan Feifei said earnestly, "You will be beaten. Duan Ling can beat you from the south gate to the north gate."

"Two hundred and four?" Jiang Kuo thought about it.

"Yes," Duan Feihan gave a thumbs up, "I understand."

Jiang Kuo took out his mobile phone.

"Why?" Duan Feifei laughed, reached out and flipped over the grilling net, brushing the oil on it, "It's for you, just tell me when you get home, you can send it for you if you don't want to take it with you."

"...Thank you." Jiang Kuo said.

When I wanted to put the phone back, I stopped, and when the phone came out, something came to my mind.

"Be a friend," he said. "I keep forgetting."

"Well," Duan Feifei took out his phone, "scan me."

Jiang Kuo scanned the QR code on Duan Feifei's phone.


Please enter the payment amount.

"Your uncle." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm used to it," Duan Feifei hurriedly exited and clicked again, "This."

Jiang Kuo swiped and added him.

The instructions are as follows.

Looking at Duan Feifei's nickname, Jiang Kuo almost couldn't react: "What the hell is your name?"

"Isn't it stronger than your name with the same password?" Duan Feifei smiled and poked a few times on the phone.

Jiang Kuo received a message.

The message bar displays:

[Instructions are as follows]Beef is ready to eat

Jiang Kuo laughed, and then opened an extraordinary circle of friends.

The instructions are as follows

Shiba Inu Benben

The instructions are as follows

Barbecue sauce is only available the day after tomorrow, don't urge, just scold people if you urge

The instructions are as follows

omit one hundred insults

The instructions are as follows

scolding people if it doesn't rain before wednesday

Jiang Kuo watched happily.

Duan Feifei brought him a few skewers of meat and he didn't even bother to eat it.

"Hurry up and eat," Duan Feifei said, "Is it that funny?"

"It's funny." Jiang Kuo picked up a bunch of meat, "There is a clear stream in the circle of friends."

"What's your circle of friends like?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Pretend to be forced." Jiang Kuo said, "There are also real ones, but not many."

"Let's play something!" Liu Pang leaned back on the chair, and everyone was eating and drinking nonsense. For more than an hour, they were all overwhelmed with food, "Xiaoxiaoshi."

"Count to seven!" Li Zirui shouted.

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

"I'll start," Sun Ji raised his hand, "one."






"Seven!" Jiang Kuo shouted.

"Drink!" A group of people pointed at him.

Jiang Kuo took a sip of the wine and rubbed his hands.

"Don't you know how to play?" Duan Feifei asked.

"How is that possible." Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

"The first seven are you wrong?" Duan Feifei couldn't believe it.

"That can only mean that my reaction is slow." Jiang Kuo shouted, "One!"


"You're not slow at all when you're scared," Duan Feifei said.

"Don't interrupt!" Jiang Kuo said.

This group of people is okay, and there is not a single mistake in this round.

"twenty five!"


Duan Feifei patted his leg and turned to look at Jiang Kuo.

"Twenty-eight!" Jiang Kuo shouted with a wave of his arms.

The whole group was happy.

"No," Duan Feifan was speechless while laughing, "Do you just close your eyes and shout?"

"I don't know," Jiang Kuo couldn't laugh, "the mouth is running too fast, the brain can't keep up."

He took a sip of wine and slapped the table: "One!"

"You are still twenty-eight this round." Duan Feifei reminded him.

"What?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"If you still start, it will still be your turn to be twenty-eight," Duan Feifei looked at him. "When I remind you, shut up and pat your legs."

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"twenty four!"

"twenty five!"

"Don't make a sound at twenty-eight." Duan Feifei said.


Duan Feifei turned to look at Jiang Kuo and touched his arm.

"Two—" Jiang Kuo made a sound when he remembered it.

Duan Feifei covered his mouth, and then slapped his leg with a slap.

"It doesn't count!" Dong Kun shouted, "Are you still covering your mouth!"

"If we don't cover his mouth, we'll be stuck here," Duan Feifei said, "Listen to him twenty-eight in one night."

A bunch of people are having fun.

"Jiang Kuo, what's the matter with you?" Tang Li laughed and spilled his hand, "Normally there are so many people, how can you have to play more than a hundred."

"Why don't we fire this twenty-eight." Duan Feifei said.

"People are birthday stars," Ding Zhe said with a smile, "let's change to something simple! Turn the bottle."

"Okay!" Everyone agreed.

Ding Zhe got up and went to the classmate who was grilling next door and asked for an empty beer bottle.

In this game of luck, sometimes there is no equal opportunity. After playing through it, there will always be a few people in low-lying areas that stand out.

Duan Feifei was the most prominent one. He had to be there once every three or four turns.

"I can't do it anymore." Duan Feifei waved his hand, "I want to quit."

"You have to quit," Liu Pang leaned against the back of the chair and patted his stomach, "I'm about to kick people out."

"What time is it?" Ding Zhe asked.

"Nine thirty-five." Liu Fatty said.

"Clean up!" Duan Feifei waved his hand.

That's where the limitations of barbecues at school are, the wine has to be hidden and the time has to run out.

Several gangs of barbecues started packing at about the same time.

Jiang Kuo watched everyone busy, but he still couldn't help much.

But this is the happiest birthday he has had in recent years, and it can be regarded as the happiest barbecue. The unpleasantness of the school these days has been cleared away.

After the things were cleaned up, the rubbish was stuffed into the trash can, and there were still some unfinished food. Everyone packed up and brought Uncle Zhao for a late night snack.

"Happy birthday, Jiang Kuo!" A group of people gave another round of blessings.

"Thank you, everyone." Jiang Kuo suddenly felt a little sore in his nose.

Back to the dormitory, a few of 119 returned first.

"Wait for me," Duan Feifei called to Jiang Kuo, "I have a present for you."

"Ah?" Jiang Kuo was stunned.

Duan Feifei gave the packaged meat to Uncle Zhao, then followed him to 107: "I didn't take it, and I left it in the dormitory."

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo turned his head and said.

Duan Feifei was silent behind him.

Then he felt Duan Feifei bump into his back.

Before he could turn around, Duan Feifei suddenly slid down against him.

"Duan Feifei?" Jiang Kuo was very shocked and didn't know what was going on, so he quickly reached back and grabbed his arm.

When he turned around, he found that Duan Feifei was kneeling in front of him in a very standard kneeling posture. If he hadn't supported him, his face would have been directly on the ground by now.

"Fuck," Jiang Kuo dragged him and lowered his voice, "Are you drunk or dizzy!"