San Fu

Chapter 19


"What's wrong?" Li Zirui looked at Jiang Kuo.

"No, my dad... come and play." Jiang Kuo heard that the mother over there hung up the phone, and he quickly opened the chat box of Cannon.

- you TM know

-what do you know

- Mr. Jiang is here

-I have no idea! really do not know! He asked about your situation two days ago, and I said the class started

- you better not really know , how is ben ben

-… very good, bit me a slipper, but I can't find the scum, it probably ate it

Jiang Kuo put the phone in his pocket and sighed.

"What?" Duan Feifei also asked.

"My dad," Jiang Kuo lowered his voice, "has already set off, and wants to come and accompany me for the Mid-Autumn Festival."

"Ah?" Duan Feifei was stunned, "Is it so grand?"

"Who knows," Jiang Kuo frowned, "I don't know if he thinks I'm going to die here, or if he wants to come and take me back."

"What if I miss you?" Duan Feifei said.

It's not that there is such a possibility, Jiang Kuo sighed again, although the possibility is very small.

He has never lived on campus, and he also applied for day school when he was in high school. He was unwilling to live on campus. Mr. Jiang's driver picked him up every day. It was the first time he had been away from home for such a long time.

But the person who is as determined as President Jiang, who claims to break his leg at any time, came to the Mid-Autumn Festival is indeed unexpected.

"You said that if I take leave now and go home," Jiang Kuo looked at Duan Feifei, "Can you approve it?"

"No," Duan Feifei said, "Daddy."

"We hadn't spoken for two months when I ran out," Jiang Kuo said, "Just because he couldn't go to this school, he was quite angry anyway."

"Why didn't you come here?" Duan Feifei asked.

"He thinks I'm just looking for a reason to mess around." Jiang Kuo raised his arm and stretched.

"I feel like he is right." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo did not speak, but smiled.

But according to my mother, my father had already set off. No matter what kind of means of transportation, he should arrive on the second day at the latest, but he didn't arrive not only on the second day, but also on the third day.

Jiang Kuo was lying on the 119 bed, pulling his mobile phone. He now wondered if his mother was lying to him.

"The bed checking team is here, today is Lu Haobo," Tang Li walked into the dormitory, "see what hasn't been sorted out yet."

"It's all good," Li Zirui said, looking at Jiang Kuo's table, "It's just this piggy bank, I don't know if it will work or not. No one has said it a few times before, and Lu Haobo doesn't know if he will pick this up. "

"Let him pick." Jiang Kuo looked at the photos and videos of Benben sent by Cannon.

The dog had a good time at Cannon. The kennel, clothes, and dog food he bought had arrived. Now Benben dressed like a silly son of a landlord, biting a toy in the den and shaking his head frantically.

He sent photos and videos to Duan Feifei.

JK921: The cannon just arrived

However, Duan Feifei did not reply.

Jiang Kuo saw 107 playing cards when he went out to throw the trash, and he was probably happy at the moment.

After there was no need for air conditioning, he didn't go to 107 very much. In addition, Duan Feifei often went home for dinner at night. When he didn't go home for dinner, 107 was a stronghold. Ding Zhe and Dong Kun would hang out at 107 as long as they had nothing to do at night. , play cards, and have supper.

Jiang Kuo and this group of people can't say that they are not familiar with them, but if you say that they hang out like this every day, they really feel that they can't get in, but they are also very boring in the dormitory.

Tang Li had to study for a while every night, Li Zirui was lying on the bed playing games, Ma Xiao... Ma Xiao he really hadn't noticed.

In short, there is no chat and no fun.


Lu Haobo led the dormitory team into the dormitory.

Several people in the dormitory sat down beside their desks for inspection.

"It's cleaner than last time, this ground," Lu Haobo said, "so who said it couldn't be done?"

No one answered him.

"What is this?" Lu Haobo saw the piggy bank on Jiang Kuo's table.

"Piggy bank." Jiang Kuo replied.

Lu Haobo was stunned for a while, but he looked carefully in the past: "Why put it here, the table is so big, it takes up half of it, how can you study?"

"I don't study." Jiang Kuo said.

Lu Haobo lost his voice.

Jiang Kuo looked up and found that he had walked to his bedside: "Isn't the quilt folded?"

"Hey." Jiang Kuo grabbed the quilt and piled it on his stomach.

"It's better not to lie on the bed when checking the bed," said the second person behind. "Have a minimum of respect for people."

"Big Brother," Jiang Kuo looked at his phone and quickly replied to the message, "Everyone ran to the bedroom to look around, the sheets and quilts were covered with underwear, I didn't see anything, and everything in the trash was cleared. Talking about respect, it’s enough that everyone doesn’t respect each other.”

"You..." Number Two made him choked to the point of speechless.

Lu Haobo raised his hand and signaled No. 2 to stop talking.

The other party was dumbfounded, and Jiang Kuo stopped chasing after him and stopped talking.

"Didn't you say live in 107?" Lu Haobo asked, "Why did you sleep here again?"

"I don't need the air conditioner anymore, I'll be back." Jiang Kuo said.

Lu Haobo nodded, walked around the dormitory again, and took the people away.

"Why is he endless." Li Zirui slumped on the chair, helpless.

"Because Jiang Kuo has never surrendered," Tang Li said, "we have all surrendered, so we stared at Jiang Kuo."

"Do you want to be soft?" Li Zirui asked.

"Duan Feifan said that the investigation will not be done next semester," Jiang Kuo said, "I will take it down next semester."

Tang Li looked up at him and shook his head.

After the lights in the dormitory were turned off, Duan Feifei's news came back.

The instructions are as follows: Did you buy all this stuff for your dog

JK921: yes

Jiang Kuo plugged the phone into the charger and threw it to the corner of the bed, closing his eyes.

Now that the weather is cool, he can finally feel the comfort of the bed in the dormitory. After all, all the bedding including mattresses are bought according to his habits at home.

A new day has come, and there is still no news from Dad.

I slept so well yesterday that when I woke up, everyone in the dormitory had already gone to have breakfast.

Duan Feifei helped Uncle Zhao move two buckets of water, and when he was going to eat, he happened to meet: "Didn't you join Tang Li and the others?"

"It's probably over." Jiang Kuo said, "Let's go."

On the way to the cafeteria, he checked the date on his phone. Tomorrow is the Mid-Autumn Festival.

"Has your father not found you yet?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Well," Jiang Kuo nodded, "I now suspect that my mother is playing with me."

"Would you like to make a phone call and ask?" Duan Feifei said, "What if your father really came and couldn't hold back?"

"Probably not," Jiang Kuo said. "Cannon has no news from my dad. If he really can't be ashamed, he will let Cannon come to me, or let Cannon give me some hints."

"Call your mother and ask." Duan Feifei was a little speechless, "Does it mean that you can't hold back when you ask her?"

"You guys are very careful." Jiang Kuo smiled and snapped his fingers.

Duan Feifei found out that he was using his index finger to snap his fingers, so he lowered his head and tried it, and found it was very awkward, not to mention the snapping, and he couldn't even find the posture.

Jiang Kuo stretched out his hand in front of him, pinched his index finger and thumb, and made a slow mistake: "That's it."

Then it snapped again.

"Can the ring finger be okay?" Duan Feifei asked.

"All except the little finger." Jiang Kuo clicked again with his ring finger, and his voice was very bright.

"Brilliant." Duan Feifei said.

He tried all the way, barely able to make a little sound with his ring finger, but the distance made a crisp sound, at least fifty from the dormitory to the cafeteria.

"Morning classmate." Ding Zhe put the dinner plate on the table and sat opposite them.

"Morning, senior." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'll treat you in the evening," Ding Zhe said, "to have a meal."

"Today?" Jiang Kuo was stunned, "Is there any reason?"

"Mid-Autumn Festival party," Ding Zhe said, "Tomorrow, Fei Fei and I will go home for the festival, so we'll get together today."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo nodded.

If Ding Zhe didn't talk about going home for the Mid-Autumn Festival, he didn't feel anything.

But now this sentence goes home for the festival, Jiang Kuo suddenly finds himself homesick, misses Mr. Jiang and his wife, misses Jiang, and even misses Aunt Liu.

If Dad didn't come, he would have to stay in the dormitory tomorrow.

The school has already distributed moon cakes, and a few people in the dormitory also pooled money to buy some snacks. Li Zirui’s family also sent moon cakes, saying that everyone can go to the back mountain to enjoy the moon tomorrow, but he can’t seem to imagine such a scene.

At this time, the only partner I could find was Da Pao, but Da Pao was not there because he wanted to help his father bring moon cakes to the construction site for the workers who didn't return home.

Not even Ben Ben.

"I can't leave it at home alone, then when I come back tomorrow, I'm afraid the bed will be eaten by it," said Cannon, "Would you like to go to the construction site with me? There is no light pollution there, not only can you see the moon , you can still see the Milky Way."

"Am I the kind of person who admires the moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Then what should we do?" Cannon said, "You call President Jiang and ask if you can die?"

"I can die." Jiang Kuo said, "I, a brave boy who broke through the barriers and rushed to a new life, called my father during the Mid-Autumn Festival to ask if my father would come to accompany me. Do you think President Jiang and his wife would ridicule after hearing this? I'm going to Mid-Autumn Festival next year?"

Cannon couldn't laugh: "You're running into a new life, you just find a place where no one cares about you."

"Okay, you can go to the construction site," Jiang Kuo said, "don't eat moon cakes for Benben, it's too sweet."

"Understood." Da Pao responded, and added, "If you really can't do it, just live with your classmates at school. The next four years will be a collective life, and you have to learn to fit in. There is no such thing as a completely satisfactory environment, and your home is so comfortable for you. No running away."

"You really haven't been in touch with President Jiang these two days?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"You have to say that," said Cannon. "It's an old stock."

No matter what happens tomorrow, tonight is still comfortable.

When the time was about, Ding Zhe sent him a message saying that it was already at 107.

"I'm going out to eat." Jiang Kuo jumped out of bed.

"With 107?" Li Zirui asked.

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"We are about to discuss about viewing the moon tomorrow," Li Zirui said, "are you not participating?"

"I'll listen to you," Jiang Kuo said, "just tell me if you need to share the money."

Several people did not speak.

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo said.

Inside 107 is a box of moon cakes that look good.

"My mother sent it here." Liu Fatty said, "It will be divided in a while."

Jiang Kuo suddenly discovered that sending moon cakes at home seemed to be a relatively routine operation. As the second generation of a well-known suspended rich in this school, his family did not even send him a single cookie, let alone moon cakes.

I don't know how many moon cakes and wines from various luxury brands that Jiaguang's mother received from him, and he didn't even give him a single bite.

What kind of ruthless rich generation is this

Ding Zhe's restaurant, on the other side of the market, should be their regular meeting point, and several people are familiar with each other.

"You can also taste what ordinary college students often eat today," Ding Zhe said. "It's actually quite delicious."

"I eat in the cafeteria every day." Jiang Kuo said.

"In that case, you are stronger than Duan Feifei," Sun Ji smiled. "He just orders takeout when he has nothing to do, and eats spicy food every night."

"If you don't eat it, I won't buy it." Duan Feifei said.

"Don't always win money, we won't eat it." Liu Fat said.

"Gambling?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"One dollar," Dong Kun smiled, "I won and lost a spicy meal in one night."

"Come here to play when you're bored at night," Ding Zhe said. "The ones in your dormitory don't even talk. How boring."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

When he was about to reach the school gate, Dong Kun suddenly stopped and looked in the direction of the school gate: "Damn, Ding, what kind of car is that?"

"Bentley?" Sun Ji also looked ahead.

"Then it's a Brabus Big G!" Ding Zhe's voice rose, "Damn it, it's so handsome! Whose car is this?"

Jiang Kuo stood behind and looked at the gray-blue Brabus that had already entered the school gate and was driving in their direction. 11111 in the row on the license plate yelled at him.

Dad is here!

"Is this car expensive?" Dong Kun asked.

"It's much more expensive than Jiang Kuo's car." Ding Zhe said, "Whose car is this!"

"My dad's car." Jiang Kuo looked at the person in the cab, even if it was a vague figure, he had already recognized it, it was President Jiang.

President Jiang really came.

President Jiang actually went straight to the school.

Several people looked back at him in shock at the same time: "Your dad's car?"

"His father came to accompany him to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival." Duan Feifei said.

While they were talking, the car had already driven to their side, because the road was narrow, and the car was driving slowly forward almost next to them.

Jiang Kuo slapped the cab window.

The car stopped abruptly.

The window was down, and the man in the car turned his head.

"Yo," Mr. Jiang raised his eyebrows when he saw him, "Where are you here?"

"Why are you going?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Look for you." President Jiang said.

"I'm going out to eat now," Jiang Kuo glanced at the few people next to him, "you go out quickly."

President Jiang frowned and said nothing.

"Hello, uncle," Duan Feifei poked Jiang Kuo's back, "go to dinner with uncle."

"I made an appointment with them for dinner," Jiang Kuo said, "or..."

"Together?" President Jiang said.

"What?" Jiang Kuo was stunned.

"Are these your classmates?" President Jiang looked behind him.

"Yes, hello uncle." Several people greeted together.

"This is President Jiang... my dad," Jiang Kuo introduced him, "Come here... look at me."

"Hello everyone." President Jiang smiled and nodded to everyone.

"Mr. Jiang, how embarrassing." Jiang Kuo stuck his head in the car window and lowered his voice, "You are a parent, eat with us... tomorrow..."

"Tomorrow you will be at school," President Jiang lowered his voice, "Don't do anything special."

"You already drove this car into our school, we don't have such a car in our school," Jiang Kuo said, "Do you want me not to do anything special?"

"There are a lot of 911s in your school?" President Jiang refused to say a word.

"Let's eat together, uncle," Dong Kun said, "just happened to meet."

Jiang Kuo turned his head and looked at Duan Feifei in disbelief.

Duan Feifei came over, and he leaned into Duan Feifei's ear and whispered, "Is Dong Kun crazy? Aren't you embarrassed?"

"There are many of us," Duan Feifei whispered with a smile, "as long as you and your dad are not embarrassed, we will not be embarrassed."

"Go." Jiang Kuo waved his hand through gritted teeth.

"Let's take a taxi," Sun Ji arranged, "Jiang Kuo, go with your uncle..."

"I don't know the way." Jiang Kuo reminded him.

"Fan Fei will show you," Ding Zhe said, "The four of us have exactly one car."

Jiang Kuo didn't bother to say more, and quickly got into the co-pilot, just wanting President Jiang to drive away quickly.

Duan Feifei got into the car and leaned back in the back seat, looking quite comfortable.

"Quick, turn around." Jiang Kuo said.

"Don't rush," President Jiang said, "so frizzy."

"Uncle, turn right after leaving the school gate." Duan Feifei said from behind.

"Okay." President Jiang nodded, "What's your name?"

"Duan is extraordinary."

"Good name." President Jiang praised.

"Very ordinary meaning." Jiang Kuo said.

President Jiang laughed: "Yes, it has a personality."

After the car turned around, Jiang Kuo stuck his head out of the window and said to Ding Zhe and the others, "Let's go first."

"Okay!" Ding Zhe waved his hand.

"Okay, now I know how to tell people about this." President Jiang said, "I used to just kick the accelerator and leave."

"These are my classmates." Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"Oh." President Jiang nodded.

Jiang Kuo sighed: "You didn't tell me when you came, and if you knew, you wouldn't have a meal with them. Originally, I planned to walk there. You are good. As soon as the car starts, a few people will have to take a taxi. I'm afraid of you. It's been a long wait."

"It's okay." Duan Feifei said afterward, "The starting price."

"It's not about money." Jiang Kuo looked back at Duan Feifei.

Duan Feifei smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Kuo calls his father President Jiang, which is quite interesting, and it doesn't seem like the relationship is really bad.

Duan Feifei looked at the silent father and son in front of him from the back seat. They really looked alike. When the car window was down, he could see that it was Jiang Kuo's father without introduction.

But apart from their looks, the two have nothing in common. Jiang Kuo is casual and lazy, and President Jiang is a boss at first glance, with an inadvertent sense of oppression in his superficial ease.

"I walked around outside," President Jiang said, "your school is quite big."

"There is a mountain." Jiang Kuo said.

"Tomorrow on the Mid-Autumn Festival, everyone will go up the mountain to enjoy the moon." Duan Feifei said.

"Just in time, your mother asked me to bring some moon cakes." President Jiang turned his head towards the back, "You should try it together when you admire the moon."

"Thank you uncle." Duan Feifei said.

When the car arrived, it was a small restaurant. Ding Zhe booked a box on the second floor.

Jiang Kuo didn't get out of the car with Duan Feifei, and sat in the car waiting for President Jiang to park the car.

"Are you here specifically to deliver moon cakes?" he couldn't help but ask.

"What?" President Jiang said, "doesn't it look like it?"

"It's not like it," Jiang Kuo said, "that's not what you do."

President Jiang laughed: "There is a project over there at Tianding Waterfall. It's quite big. I'll come and have a look, and see you on the way."

"You were in the mountains the first two days?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yeah." President Jiang nodded.

"Then how did you spend the Mid-Autumn Festival?" Jiang Kuo said, "Can't you go back tomorrow?"

"You still worry about this," President Jiang said, "I brought people from the project department here, and I've been with them."

"Oh." Jiang Kuo said nothing.

"That's what I look at this school," President Jiang stopped the car and glanced at him, "Are you sure you want to waste four years here?"

Jiang Kuo was silent.

"These classmates seem to be honest." President Jiang said.

Then you are wrong, Duan Feifei is not honest.

"The classmates are all good, and our instructor is also good," Jiang Kuo said. "The teacher is also very serious in class."

"Is it okay to get along with my classmates?" President Jiang asked.

Don't talk to your classmates.

"Get along very well." Jiang Kuo said.

"A dormitory or something, is it comfortable to live in?" President Jiang asked again, "How are the conditions?"

Not very suitable, the conditions are not very good.

"It's okay," Jiang Kuo said, "the air conditioner will be installed soon."

President Jiang was silent for a while: "Where's the cafeteria? Are you used to eating?"

The only thing that's okay is the canteen.

"Very good," Jiang Kuo nodded, "the taste is quite complete, I basically eat it in the cafeteria all day."

Somewhat unexpectedly, Mr. Jiang's questions were things that he didn't ask or pay attention to before. Although it may be because it was the first time for him to go out alone for so long, it was somewhat strange that he asked so comprehensively.

"Do you still have money in your card?" President Jiang asked suddenly.

"I knew it! Waiting for me here," Jiang Kuo turned his head, "Why, you still have to cut off the economy?"

"Why do you cut off your economy? Save some money," President Jiang said. "It's not my decision, it's your mother."

"What's wrong?" Jiang Kuo was very alert, "My mother wants to cut off my economy?"

"Continuously," President Jiang said, "your mother has inquired about it, and thinks that your monthly living expenses should be enough for 3,500..."

"Two meals are gone." Jiang Kuo sat up straight, "Which party did she ask about?"

"Can you eat 1,750 for today's meal?" President Jiang calculated very delicately.

"Whatever." Jiang Kuo smiled.

I feel like I should check how much money there is in the card in a while. He hasn't paid much attention to it. There should be a lot. Three or three thousand five thousand and five have no effect on him.

"Since you have chosen to go to this school, then you are the same as everyone else," President Jiang said. "Go home and show us the running water at the end of the year. It is not that you are not allowed to use it. The main thing is that I hope you have a try and don't mix at home. When you're done, change places and hang out."

Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

I was a little upset, but I felt unqualified. After all, Jiang had not asked his family for money for almost two years.

"Kuo." President Jiang patted his arm.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"I just asked you so much, just to see how you are adapting to this environment," President Jiang said. "It looks much better than I imagined now. In that case, try to change yourself."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"Your mother thinks you will definitely use the original money," President Jiang said, "I think you can use it, so we made a bet."

"What are you betting on?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"If your mother loses, give me her cafe," President Jiang said heavily. "If I lose, she wants the hotel in the new district."

"...Is your bet a bit unequal?" Jiang Kuo was stunned.

"Has your mother ever done anything reciprocal? You have to help Dad keep the hotel." President Jiang said, "Son."

"Ah—" Jiang Kuo sighed while leaning against the back of his chair.