San Fu

Chapter 20


"That's it," President Jiang patted his shoulder and picked up the vibrating mobile phone while getting out of the car, "I'll take a call, you go up first."

"Second floor." Jiang Kuo said.

President Jiang waved his hand to signal him to get out.

As Jiang Kuo walked to the second floor of the hotel, he felt that something was not right, especially Mr. Jiang's sentence "Then let's say it", no matter how he heard it, he felt that there was a conspiracy.

What to say

How did you say it

Pushing open the box door, several people in the room turned their heads and looked over.

When he saw that he came in alone, Dong Kun asked, "Where's your dad?"

"He's on the phone, he'll come up later," Jiang Kuo walked to the table and explained quickly, "If my dad is chatting with you on the pretense of a boss and an elder, you're asking for it yourself."

"It's alright," Ding Zhe smiled, "When have we ever been afraid of these, which elders have never drunk us."

"Have you ordered food yet?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"No," said Sun Ji, "wait for President Jiang to come."

"You order, you always come, everything delicious is cooked," Jiang Kuo took out a cup of tea from his pocket, which he had just picked up in the car, "He knows how to order food, it's always him Assistant."

"Is there a teapot?" Duan Feifei asked the waiter.

"Only the simplest one-piece tea cup," the waiter gestured, "the one that leaks when you press it."

"Okay, that's it." Jiang Kuo nodded, "Take another pot of 90-degree water."

The waiter looked at him: "Huh?"

"Take a pot of boiling water." Duan Feifei said,

The waiter brought the boiling water and tea cups, and Duan Feifei opened the lid of the boiling water bottle to dry: "It will be 90 degrees in a while."

"What kind of tea is this?" Liu Fat asked.

"Yancha," Jiang Kuo skillfully took the tea cup, "Do you drink tea? This tea is not bad, more than 60,000."

Several people moved forward at the same time: "Drink."

"Waste." Duan Feifei said.

"It's not a waste, we realize the taste, it's not a waste." Ding Zhe said.

"That's right," the box door was pushed open, and President Jiang walked in, "Try it, it still tastes good, even people who don't drink tea can taste it."

"Thank you uncle for the tea." Several people stood up.

"Hey, sit and sit," President Jiang shook his hand at them and put a bottle of wine on the table: "Do you all drink bars?"

"Mr. Jiang, didn't you buy this at the grocery store next door?" Duan Feifei saw that it was a bottle of Wuliangye, "It's not real there."

"I brought it out," President Jiang smiled, "it's been on the car all the time."

Jiang Kuo brewed the tea and divided it, and everyone stretched out their hands to take it.

"This is indeed..." Liu Fatty took a sip of tea. "It is indeed... much better than the kind served in their restaurants."

"Duan Feifei is still right." Jiang Kuo said.

"It's a waste to drink it for you," Ding Zhe said.

"I won't waste this wine for a while." Liu Fatty said.

"Hurry up," Duan Feifei told the waiter, "Hurry up."

"Okay." The waiter closed the door and went out.

"It's a bit rushed this time," President Jiang opened the wine, "I originally planned to sit with Jiang Kuo anywhere, just in time for your meal, so I'll have a meal."

Duan Feifei watched him open the wine, got up and took the bottle, put a few small glasses in front of him, and divided the wine.

"You're welcome, uncle," Ding Zhe said. "If you don't come, we won't be able to drink good tea or wine."

"You have time to play with us during your vacation," President Jiang said. "Let Jiang Kuo treat you well. I'll say hello and leave it to him to eat, drink, and have fun. He is very clear."

Jiang Kuo smiled and said nothing.

"Uncle is really interesting," said Dong Kun, "usually Jiang Kuo always tells us that you are very nice..."

The wine hasn't been drunk yet, you just blew it!

Jiang Kuo hurriedly stared at him.

"Oh?" President Jiang squinted his eyes with a smile, "Can he still say goodbye to me? What did he say to me?"

Dong Kun said it smoothly, but President Jiang didn't listen to it. When he asked this sentence, he couldn't make up the next sentence.

"It's mainly because you came here this time," Duan Feifei brought the wine in front of President Jiang, "he was very moved, he said that he didn't expect that we would all be at school by ourselves during the Mid-Autumn Festival, the local ones would go home, and the other places would be at school. You come to accompany him in person, none of us have this kind of treatment..."

Jiang Kuo looked at Duan Feifei and took the glass of wine that he handed over.

"Jiang Kuo keeps talking about it every day, I thought you were coming tomorrow," Duan Feifei finished and put the remaining glasses of wine on the turntable and let them take it by themselves, "In the end, I just saw your car, and I was very happy. mad."

Almost got this classmate.

"Duan Feifei," President Jiang looked at him and smiled, "You are much more sensible than Jiang Kuo. The same thing, if he said it, it would definitely not be such a way of expressing it."

It's been punctured!

"The position you are in is different, and the angle of looking at things is different," Duan Feifei said, "but the essence is actually such a thing, and it will not change."

Yo, it's round again.

Duan Feifei didn't give President Jiang a chance to question any more, and raised his glass: "This cup is for President Jiang, come all the way here, good wine and good tea."

"Thank you, President Jiang—" Everyone toasted together.

"Thank you, classmates." President Jiang also raised his glass.

The food was served quickly, after they had finished the round of wine, the waiter pushed the door and came in and started serving the food.

Taking advantage of everyone's opportunity to talk to President Jiang, Jiang Kuo leaned into Duan Feifei's ear and whispered, "Don't feel bad, you asked for it yourself."

Duan Feifei smiled happily: "How interesting."

In fact, President Jiang is not a person who talks too much at the wine table, especially with these children, after a few words at the beginning, he will not talk too much later.

Most of the time he just watched.

But he had never met people like Ding Zhe and Dong Kun before.

Even if Dong Kun almost couldn't get off the stage in the first round because he made up nonsense, but then he dared to come on, Mr. Jiang, you are so young, how did you manage such a big family business, I admire...

Ding Zhe is even more fearless. After all, Brabus is parked outside, and he can't let it go. Mr. Jiang, your car is not ordinary...

"You can go down and drive around in a while." President Jiang took out the car keys.

"I drank, uncle." Ding Zhe looked confused.

"Oh yes," Mr. Jiang thought for a while and patted the table lightly, "It's alright, you can get in the car and touch it when you leave in a while. When you have a chance to play, take this book with you, and you can take the car and drive it. ."

"Thank you, President Jiang!" Ding Zhe shouted.

Jiang Kuo just kept his head down to eat, and Duan Feifei sometimes said a few words along the way. He didn't raise his head except to make tea for President Jiang.

"It's not easy to get that piece of land," Mr. Jiang took a sip of wine and told them about the arduous journey of starting a business, "You are still young, I don't know the era, and it was not much money looking at this land, but no one took it. No, I didn't even have anything to mortgage at that time, and it took me a long time to get together..."

"It's really not easy," Sun Ji said, "but if you win that place, it's the first step of success."

"How many people die in the first step, and there is no next step, and every step is not easy," President Jiang sighed, "After all, there is only one building in the land that belongs to me, and I don't earn much, so starting a business is not easy."

Everyone is very interested in Mr. Jiang's entrepreneurial history. Mr. Jiang usually doesn't talk about these things, mainly because no one is so eager to ask questions like this group of people.

President Jiang is also happy to share with them, and it is estimated that it is much more comfortable than being flattered in the company.

This is also very good. After a few rounds of wine and a chat, the atmosphere is quite enthusiastic.

"Xiao Duan," President Jiang suddenly took the cup and looked at Duan Feifei, "Did you not drink much?"

"Mr. Jiang is really careful," Duan Feifei hurriedly picked up the cup, touched him, drank it in one gulp, and said in a low voice, "I pour a cup, and I usually don't dare to drink too much."

"That's it," President Jiang patted his arm, "then do what you want, don't force it."

"You still have to drink." Duan Feifei smiled.

"You are Jiang Kuo's same level," President Jiang also whispered, "I don't think those classmates are."

Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows, chatting so happily without forgetting to observe.

"Yes, President Jiang is amazing," Duan Feifei nodded, "Actually, I was originally a first-level with them, but I dropped out of school, so I was at the same level as Jiang Kuo."

"School suspension?" President Jiang asked.

"He, the hero of nursing school, the representative of the freshmen, suspended school because of injury, and now he is a famous campus celebrity who enjoys single room treatment." Jiang Kuo was sandwiched between them, so he could not say a word. By the way, bragging to prove that this school is not what President Jiang thinks, and the students are also good.

"Oh?" President Jiang looked at Duan Feihan up and down, "This is not easy, ordinary people can't do it."

Duan Feifei glanced at Jiang Kuo, smiled humbly at President Jiang, and poured the wine for him: "Actually, it's not that exaggerated, I met him."

When it was almost time to eat, President Jiang received a call.

Everyone quieted down immediately, and President Jiang raised his chin at them while getting up: "You guys are chatting, don't worry about me."

After he got out of the box, everyone's voices rose again.

"Jiang Kuo, your father is very good." Liu Fat said.

"Isn't it very enjoyable to listen to people bragging." Jiang Kuo said.

"That's not bragging," Ding Zhe said. "If Lu Haobo said that, it would be bragging. Your family has such a big business, can it be called bragging?"

"You are still naive..." Before Jiang Kuo finished speaking, President Jiang pushed the door open again.

"I'm sorry everyone," President Jiang said, "I have a very important person to meet... My driver has already come."

"Mr. Jiang, you are busy with your work." Several people stood up.

"I'm really sorry, we had a good chat, but it's not enough." President Jiang smiled apologetically, "Go on! Xiao Ding, do you want to touch the car?"

"Ah!" Ding Zhe responded immediately, "Aren't you in a hurry?"

"How long it takes to rush out, the time to rush out in a hurry, wait for a few red lights and it will be useless." President Jiang said.

Ding Zhe was really familiar with everyone, and went out with President Jiang happily.

Jiang Kuo also followed out of the box, and President Jiang turned to his side: "Don't follow, go back and eat."

"Are you really in trouble?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Nothing important," President Jiang smiled and said in a low voice, "I'm here, I'm afraid you won't have a good time chatting, anyway, I'm full. Uncle Liu has arrived at the parking lot, so I won't let him wait all the time. ."

"Don't settle the bill," Jiang Kuo confessed, "Ding Zhe invited this meal."

"Understood," President Jiang said, "you can return it when you have a chance."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"Three thousand five," President Jiang patted him on the shoulder, "you only have three thousand five a month now, don't forget, son, if you treat guests, pay attention to consumption, don't eat it all."

"...Understood." Jiang Kuo sighed.

When he returned to the box, Dong Kun was looking at the wine bottle, and when he saw him coming in, Dong Kun shook the bottle: "Your dad is quite interesting, my son's classmate, and he still has such a good wine."

"He doesn't have any bad wine either." Jiang Kuo sat on the chair, leaned back, tilted his head, stretched his legs and let out a sigh of relief.

"Your father is very good, and he doesn't have any airs," Sun Ji said. "Why do you feel like you don't talk to him much?"

"I fought with him for more than a month before I came to school. He locked the car and cut him off all entertainment. Anyway, I didn't want me to come to this school," Jiang Kuo sighed, "My mother still helps him. , I managed to find a chance to escape."

"Damn it, I said you don't have any luggage," Liu Fatty was stunned. "Your dad looks very gentle, how can he do such a tough thing?"

"He said it very kindly when he broke my leg," Jiang Kuo said, "and he smiled."

"Then... Ding Zhe won't be in danger, right?" Dong Kun said.

"What does it mean to be able to touch the car and break a leg with a smile," Sun Ji said.

A group of people suddenly burst into laughter.

"Your father is here this time," Duan Feifei asked in a low voice, "Did you mean peace?"

"No," Jiang Kuo said, "it's just that I'm not convinced, so he just changed direction, old fox."

Duan Feifei laughed: "Really, after all, it's normal for an old fox to start from scratch."

"Do you believe it? Started from scratch." Jiang Kuo said.

"Isn't it?" Duan Feifei looked at him.

"My grandfather started from scratch, but he's not as good as he is now," Jiang Kuo said in a low voice, "He has venture capital."

Duan Feifei was stunned for a while: "Are you making up stories to tease us?"

"He usually doesn't chat much at the wine table. Today, these people are really... social experts," Jiang Kuo said. "I followed up and asked, so I made up a story to fool the children."

"It's like it's real, it's amazing," Duan Feifei said, "I really believe it."

"You're not weak either." Jiang Kuo said, "That one was made up for me."

"But he was seen through," Duan Feihan laughed a few times, "After all, he is your father and knows you too well."

"Are you alright?" Jiang Kuo glanced at his wine glass, "Don't fall asleep after not arriving at the dormitory for a while."

"No," Duan Feifei said, "Anyway, they will go to 107 to fool around... Are you coming?"

"Playing cards?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yeah." Duan Feifei nodded.

"I'm afraid you won't lose enough." Jiang Kuo said, "I can get your Mala Tang Bao this month after one night."

"Did you hear that?" Duan Feifei slapped the table, "Jiang Kuo is going to win Mala Tang for a month from us tonight."

"Hey!" Dong Kun rubbed his hands and rolled up his sleeves, "Is your tone not too small?"

Jiang Kuo smiled and took a sip of tea.

"I still have a lot of living expenses left this month, so I won't sleep tonight!" Sun Ji said, "I will have a holiday tomorrow anyway."

When it comes to living expenses, Jiang Kuo's depression floods into his heart.

"I want to ask a question," he raised his hand, "how much are your living expenses?"

"Huh?" Duan Feifei turned to look at him, "Why, are you going to win by the total number?"

"No," Jiang Kuo drank the remaining sip of wine in the glass, "I'm just asking."

"Do you want to feel the hardships of ordinary male college students?" Dong Kun laughed, "We are okay, we are all two thousand."

"How much?" Jiang Kuo was stunned.

"Two thousand." Liu Fat raised two fingers, "Two thousand is enough for a meal to be denied by six relatives."

"Enough?" Jiang Kuo did a quick calculation, and the average was less than 70 yuan per day.

"Our consumption level is here. It's enough. There are still some people who don't have this number," Sun Ji said.

"... part-time work? What kind of work?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"There's a lot more you can do," Dong Kun said. "You freshmen, many of you will inquire about part-time jobs as soon as you arrive at school."

"Ah." Jiang Kuo looked at them.

"Your dad didn't come to tell you about living expenses, right?" Duan Feifei looked at him, "How much do you live on?"

"Before? I don't know," Jiang Kuo said. "Just swipe the card."

"Damn it!" A group of people shouted at the same time.

"But now it's..." Jiang Kuo hesitated a little. Two thousand is enough for everyone. He didn't seem to deserve any comfort when he said three thousand five, and he couldn't get any advice on "how to spend three thousand five reasonably to spend a month."

"How much?" Duan Feifei chased after him.

"Three thousand five." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck." Duan Feifei sighed sincerely.

"Do you think Hua Buwan wants us to give us an idea?" Liu Fatty asked.

Jiang Kuo opened his mouth but didn't say anything, and finally just waved his hand.

Everyone immediately began to discuss how much should be saved in 3500 a month, and what are the specific expenses.

"Is your card confiscated?" Duan Feifei asked.

"That's not true, but President Jiang made a bet with his wife whether I would touch the money in the card," Jiang Kuo said, "I feel like they are partnering to trick me, but..."

"But you actually want to try." Duan Feifei said.

"Well," Jiang Kuo nodded, "what if it works?"

"...What if?" Duan Feifei was a little helpless, "Does this need to be considered in case? It's perfectly fine. The only case is that you're going to spend fifteen and a half sleeping on a recliner."

"Is it my problem to sleep on the chaise longue?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"It's my problem." Duan Feifei said sincerely, "The recliner will be open to you for free in the future."

"You will follow us in the future," Dong Kun said. "According to our standards, you can save a sum of money to buy a gift for President Jiang and his wife at the end of the year."

Thinking about what 3,500 can do, Jiang Kuo finished the meal, and when he walked out of the box, he was faintly excited, as if he was going to undertake some great survival challenge.

Ding Zhe had already settled the bill and was waiting for them in the parking lot. After touching Mr. Jiang's Babos, he went to the next door to buy a bag of food and drink, ready to play cards at night.

"I just went out from the back door of the supermarket. I want to see if the shortcut has been repaired before." Ding Zhe pointed to the back of a row of small restaurants, "Guess who I saw?"

"My dad?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"...How much did you drink?" Ding Zhe asked.

"Who?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Ma Xiao in your dormitory." Ding Zhe said, "Pick up the garbage behind the duck-foot pot to clean up."

"Did you see it?" Dong Kun said, "What kind of work are you talking about? This is a kind of part-time work."

"Jiang Kuo wants to work?" Ding Zhe was shocked.

"Let's go," Duan Feifei waved, "Go back and tell you."

"It's a small road, let me see if you can go." Ding Zhe said.

Behind this row of shops is a road that cannot be crossed by cars, leading directly to the side street next to the school gate.

At a glance, there was not even a street light on the path. If it wasn't for these people saying that they could pass, Jiang Kuo would not even see the road at all.

When they reached the intersection of the path, a man scolded angrily behind him.

Then there was the sound of the trash can overturning.

Jiang Kuo turned his head and saw a few people standing at the back door of a hotel, one of them was waving his arms and yelling: "Don't throw it away when you say this! Are you fucking brainless or earless!"

"Just that shop." Ding Zhe said.

"Is that Ma Xiao?" Jiang Kuo narrowed his eyes, trying to see the figure standing outside the light.

"It should be, it is estimated that the work went wrong." Dong Kun said.

It was Ma Xiao. Jiang Kuo could recognize the off-line blue T-shirt he was wearing. He gave his T-shirt to Ma Xiao just because he saw it, but Ma Xiao didn't know if he was embarrassed or not. Sorry, never wore it.

"Let's go." Duan Feifei said.

When everyone was about to turn around and leave, the man scolded and pushed Ma Xiao, but Ma Xiao didn't stand still, and sat down on the ground and roared.

I couldn't hear what I yelled, but it obviously annoyed the man, and kicked the trash can on him.

"Fuck!" Jiang Kuo turned his head and went there.

"Don't worry." Duan Feifei grabbed his arm.

"Don't worry?" Jiang Kuo turned his head to look at Duan Feifei in shock.

Such a large group of people, watching their classmates being bullied, actually said leave it alone

Duan Feifei didn't say a word, grabbed his arm and didn't let go.

"Then don't worry about it." Jiang Kuo suddenly raised his arm and shook off Duan Feihan's hand.