San Fu

Chapter 26


Duan Feifei's words shocked Jiang Kuo.

It seems that he saw the meeting card in the closet that day, and Duan Feifei knew it.

Nonsense, as soon as you open the cabinet door, you know that the person who came to borrow the clothes saw it.

He never asked, and Duan Feifei never mentioned it.

Although he has always wanted to ask, and has asked now, Duan Feifei's attitude of "I actually know that you know and I've been waiting for you to ask" was something he didn't expect.

So it's a little embarrassing, like being seen through and wearing it all the time.

"Why don't I ask next year," he said.

"Okay." Duan Feifei nodded and continued to send messages to people, presumably he was contacting part-timers.

Looking for people so actively, I don't know if there is a commission based on the head.

Jiang Kuo stared at the teacher in front of him for a while, and swept his ears a few times, not knowing what the teacher said.

After Duan Feifei finished sending the message, he raised his head and started listening to the lecture, and even took out his notebook and started taking notes.

Jiang Kuo turned his head to look at him.

"Huh?" Duan Feifei also looked at him.

"Why don't I ask now." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei smiled: "When I was just in elementary school, my parents got divorced. When I was in the fifth grade, my father was in prison, so I have been living at my uncle's house, and he paid all the money for school. , my mother will give some pocket money when she visits me occasionally."

Jiang Kuo was silent for a long time, then replied: "Ah."

For Jiang Kuo, if he doesn't know or trust someone very well about his family, he usually doesn't say anything casually.

He has no interest in knowing other people's private affairs.

The reason why Duan Feifei was asked was because he had never met such a person before.

The peers he knows all have parents and their families may not be happy, but fighting and cheating and raising Xiaoqinger are lively and lively. He even attended the scene where a friend he didn't know very well caught his father Xiaoqinger, just to get a car, it seemed style.

These things are all on the bright side, let alone inquiring, you may not be able to escape.

But Duan Feifei is very mysterious. He obviously has parents, at least he mentioned his father, but he lives like an orphan under a fence. He looks like he is under a fence, but he is outgoing and flamboyant, a typical late stage of social cow disease.

Very mysterious.

Therefore, the very mysterious Duan Feifei explained the whole family situation clearly in just one sentence, without asking him to ask more questions, which shocked Jiang Kuo.

The next sentence that I had prepared, "Oh, so, what about your father/your mother" was cut off.

Don't know what to say.

"Have you seen the meeting card?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Well," Jiang Kuo responded, "I didn't turn over your stuff, you didn't put it away yourself."

"I just put it away, and no one usually asks me to borrow clothes." Duan Feifei said.

"Did you go to see your dad?" Jiang Kuo asked nonsense.

"No," Duan Feifei said, "I actually went to see the uncle next door to him."

Jiang Kuo laughed.

"It's coming out soon, I don't see him much, I haven't been there much before Duan Ling," Duan Feifei said, "I don't know what to say, it's a little embarrassing, if he wasn't my dad, it would be easier."

"Yes..." Jiang Kuo glanced at him, then quickly looked at his book, "Why did you go in?"

"Intentionally hurt," Duan Feifei said calmly, "The other party was seriously injured and disabled."

Jiang Kuo didn't speak, and suddenly felt that Duan Feifei held his head and didn't fight back when he ran into the villagers in the back mountain. Is it because of this.

"I..." He didn't know how to put it properly, "I wouldn't tell anyone."

Duan Feifei laughed: "Who can you tell me?"

Jiang Kuo glanced at him, a little dissatisfied, but he really couldn't find anyone to talk to.

"Normally, if you are familiar with me, if you ask me directly, I will tell you," Duan Feifei said. "It's not a secret. Lu Ning probably knows it."

"You're not worried..." Jiang Kuo thought about it and didn't say any more, Duan Feifei should not care.

"It's not that I broke the law, so what are you worried about," Duan Feifei said, "but if you want to say something about my dad, it depends on my mood. If I'm in a bad mood, I'll take care of you. If I'm in a good mood, it's fine, and my dad is not sitting there. Injustice."

"Do they all know about Dong Kun?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Well." Duan Feifei nodded, "they asked directly when they went to Niu Sandao, why do you live in your uncle's house, where is your father and your mother, ah, why don't you care if you get divorced, why do you pay for your tuition? Uncle took it, why is BLABLBA…”

"... It's so invisible." Jiang Kuo sighed, so simple, "What if you don't want to say it."

"Then don't say it." Duan Feifei said.

So Easy.

Duan Feifei's father has no income and can't afford his tuition. His mother has been separated for too many years, so he doesn't pay his tuition. He only has occasional pocket money, so Duan Feifei's life and study are all the responsibility of his uncle.

Duan Feifei will help Niu Sandao advertise in the circle of friends, and he will go back every two or three days to pack and mail orders from other places.

Usually he doesn't go to work every day like Ma Xiao. After all, Niu Sandao's business is not bad, and the old man is willing to pay for it, but he will go part-time on weekends and holidays to reduce the pressure on the old man and buy some life. beyond the necessities.

Therefore, Duan Feifei will not miss an opportunity like the 11th holiday.

He didn't even give himself a day off.

In his own words: "Have you not had enough rest during class?"

Jiang Kuo knew why he had asked Duan Feifan about interesting local places, and Duan Feifei asked him to ask Ding Zhe.

However, compared to Ma Xiao, Duan Feifei was a little more relaxed.

When Jiang Kuo woke up, Ma Xiao had already gone out, even earlier than Tang Li, who had just returned home today, rushing to work all day.

"Are you a little late?" Jiang Kuo asked Tang Li, "Shall I see you off?"

"It's okay, it's not too late," Tang Li said, "I made an appointment with a few people for a van, and it's good to go now."

"Yeah." Jiang Kuo got out of bed, and usually felt sleepy enough to roll down the stairs when he woke up at seven in class.

"Where are you going these days?" Tang Li asked.

"I don't know." Jiang Kuo said, "Let's go around."

"That's fine," Tang Li said, "I'm leaving and I'll bring you something to eat."

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo nodded.

As long as those who stay at school for several days off on the 11th are basically making appointments with people to play, or busy working part-time to make money like Ma Xiao, he is the only one who walks around the dormitory alone after waking up like this. .

Even the cannons are home!

Cannon actually came home! Go on a trip with his seven aunts, eight aunts, and a bunch of little kids!

Are you not bothered!

President Jiang actually didn't put any money in to let the Cannon Eleven holiday stay here to accompany his son who had only 3,500 for a month.


He went to the duty room to ask Uncle Zhao's advice on how to spend the past seven days, but when he found out that Uncle Zhao had gone home, he regretted it very much.

Even the school security guards of the top class are rotated, only for two days.

Only he has to hold on for seven days.

In fact, he regretted it when he woke up, and when Tang Li left with his bag on his back, he regretted it even more.

But now I will go to Duan Feifei and say that if I want to take a job, Duan Feifei may scold him. You think you are a master, and all kinds of jobs are waiting for you there.

"If you don't have a place to go," said the top security guard, his expression full of sympathy, "go to the library."

"… thanks."

The phone rang several times in his pocket, and Duan Feifei didn't have time to take it out.

He is in charge of promotions in the beverage area today. Promotional booths have been set up in the square outside the mall, and there are inflatable arches, bunting flags and balloons all over the place.

"Extraordinary, help me try the stereo." Sister Li next to him called him.

"Yeah." Duan Feifei put a box of drinks on the ground and disassembled it, and went over to help Sister Li connect the audio line.

Music sounded.

"Let's speak louder." Sister Li said.

"Well." Duan Feifei turned the music on, and the phone in his pocket began to ring. This time it wasn't a message, it was a phone call.

"Has anyone taken over the doll's work?" Sister Li asked.

"I just asked, there is probably someone here, I'll take a call." Duan Feifei took out his phone and found that it was Jiang Kuo.

"Okay, just tell the people who come to come directly. The clothes are in the unloading area at the back. You can take them there." Sister Li said.

Duan Feifei said OK and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Are you so busy?" Jiang Kuo asked, "I didn't answer the news, and it took a long time to answer the phone..."

"It's really busy, I didn't have time to watch it. Someone came at eight or nine o'clock, and they're setting up a table at the moment," Duan Feifei changed his earphones and clicked the message on his mobile phone, "Are you up?"

The news was all sent by Jiang Kuo, three.

JK921: I'll go

JK921: In


Duan Feifei was stunned. Their part-time doll had enteritis yesterday, and he still couldn't come to the hospital today. He just sent a Moments to ask if anyone came to do doll part-time.

Jiang Kuo was a little surprised when the news came.

"Did anyone go to that doll?" Jiang Kuo asked, "I'll go."

"Are you sure?" Duan Feifei asked, "10:30 to 2:00 PM, 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM, take care of the meal..."

"I know, isn't it written in your circle of friends?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Then you come." Duan Feifei guessed that he couldn't find anything to play in the dormitory, "Go directly to the unloading area at the back, their things are there, you can see a lot of people and boxes, I will send you the location. , when you take a taxi, it's about the parking lot."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo said.

"Ten minutes earlier... Forget about half an hour earlier." Duan Feifei said, "Why didn't you say you were coming yesterday?"

"Yesterday you didn't say there were dolls." Jiang Kuo said, "Is it necessary to stand there and talk about the promotion for a day, I can't stand it."

"So you think the doll is a little more relaxed, right?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Of course." Jiang Kuo said.

"Okay, come on," Duan Feifei said, "call me when you get there."

"Young Master Knows Nothing About This World"

"Sister Li," he called Sister Li again, "I'll be here in a while. I want to ask, can we add more money to our doll?"

"What's the matter?" Sister Li asked, "You know that on weekends it's 220 to 240, but these days it's 250."

"This is my classmate, a freshman, and it's difficult at home," Duan Feifei wanted to help Jiang Kuo get more work. The puppet is a manual job. He was afraid that this person would be too far behind to do half of the job. If he could do more than ten It's ten more than ten dollars, "He... may do it today. He found a dish washing job and has to go to work tomorrow. I'll find someone to help you tomorrow... "

"Is that so," Sister Li thought for a while, "then give him two hundred and eighty."

"Thank you, sister." Duan Feifei said, it's okay, more than two hundred and almost three hundred, it sounds a little bit different.

"That's you, you can't tell me if someone else." Sister Li said.

"I only dare to tell you if I know you well, and I don't dare to tell others." Duan Feifei said.

"Okay," Sister Li said with a smile, "you can bring some of your classmates later."

There were already a lot of people on the plaza at nine o'clock. This promotional booth was the largest. All three employees and a few part-time promoters were already in place. Duan Feifei and another part-time worker stayed at the booth, and a few had to go out to hand out flyers.

"The cord isn't long enough..." A girl found the power cord out of reach after placing a mini freezer next to the booth.

"There is also a plug board," Duan Feifei ran to the box that Sister Li brought, and found a plug board, "Use this."

"Sister Li said you've been working with her for two years, right?" The girl took the board.

"Almost, I will come when I have time." Duan Feifei said.

"No wonder you are so familiar," said the girl.

Duan Feifei smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Kuo should have almost arrived. He took out his earphone and plugged it in, fearing that he would not be able to answer the phone for a while.

Some people started to gather in front of the booth, and Duan Feifei stood in front of the booth, ready to help introduce new products.

A bright green flashed across the corner of the eye.

… Hold.

Duan Feifei raised his head suddenly.

In a crowd of black, white, gray and blue traffic, a green 911 that was particularly dazzling in the sun turned in from the intersection in front of the square and went to the parking lot of the unloading area.

Finding a place is pretty accurate.

But who can let your private car park there!

"I'll pick someone up." Duan Feifei put down the drink in his hand.

"Okay, is the doll here?" someone asked next to him.

"Yes." Duan Feifei turned around and ran towards the mall.

"Go from the parking lot over there." The security stopped at the front of the car.

"I'm going to the unloading area." Jiang Kuo was a little impatient, propping his arms against the car window.

"You can't park in the unloading area," the security guard said, and the people working next to him all looked over. "You have to park in the parking lot over there."

"I'm not here to park," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm here to work."

The security guard stared at him, and after a while, he said, "Sir, please don't have fun here, this is the work place."

"What the hell am I looking for..." Jiang Kuo patted the steering wheel and reached out to call Duan Feifei, when a horn suddenly rang from behind, making him shiver, "Your uncle."

When Duan Feifei ran to the entrance of the parking lot in the unloading area, there were already two cars behind the 911, and Jiang Kuozheng held the phone impatiently.

Then his phone rang.

"I'm here." Duan Feifei picked up the phone and said something before hanging up.

He ran over and took his work permit from his pocket and showed it to the security guard: "Li Tingting in the beverage area, I'm here to deliver something, I'll take him out through the opening in a while."

The security guard glanced at Jiang Kuo in the car and waved his hand.

Duan Feifan opened the car door and got into the co-pilot: "Go straight."

"How do you know I'm here?" Jiang Kuo drove the car straight.

"You can see your car 800 miles away, lighting up a street," Duan Feihan pointed to the road on the left, "Didn't I ask you to take a taxi? What do you mean by such a car..."

"Can't hit," Jiang Kuo was very upset, "There is not a car within five kilometers!"

"This is it," Duan Feifei pointed to the place where the goods and various boxes were placed in front of him, "Wait for me in the car, grab the doll suit and park the car in the ordinary parking lot." "Yes." Jiang Kuo responded. one sound.

Duan Feifei got out of the car, went to look for it, opened a box, and took out a pink doll suit from it.

Judging by the ears, this is a rabbit.

"Why this color..." Jiang Kuo opened the front cover, "Put it in front."

Duan Feifei put the rabbit suit into the storage box on the front cover, then got into the car, showed him the way, and went back to the parking lot.

"Just put it on here," he got out of the car. "I'll take you there."

Jiang Kuo first picked up the rabbit's head and felt it. The head of this doll suit was okay, not too heavy. He took out a shower cap from his pocket and put it on, and then buckled the rabbit's head on his head.

"Where did it come from?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Li Zirui got it from somewhere," Jiang Kuo looked at him from the rabbit's head. "There is also an electric fan in this head."

"Have you brought a power bank," Duan Feifei said, "you can blow it when it's hot."

"It's not hot," Jiang Kuo picked up the doll's clothes and tore it a few times, "How do you wear this?"

"There is a zipper," Duan Feifei opened the zipper, "Can you put this head on first? Wear this last, will you enjoy it?"

Jiang Kuo took off his head and spent a long time putting on his clothes.

"What a skinny bunny." He looked down at himself, "I thought it was the Disney kind."

"Then you're exhausted all day, so this head is lighter," Duan Feifei said, "Hold your head and put it on when you go."

"Take a photo for me." Jiang Kuo hugged the rabbit's head.

Duan Feifei took out his mobile phone and took a picture of him.

He put on the rabbit head again: "one more."

Duan Feifei took another picture and sent it to him: "Do you want to show it to President Jiang?"

"It's so smart," Jiang Kuo took off the rabbit's head and walked towards the exit, "Let them see how hard I have worked, and maybe they will add to me five thousand when their heart softens."

When passing through the square, I ran into Duan Ling who was wearing a suit.

"My God, who is this?" Duan Ling pointed at Jiang Kuo.

"Sister Ling." Jiang Kuo greeted him, almost not recognizing that it was Duan Ling, who was completely two of her when Niu Sandao was chopping meat.

"What are you doing?" Duan Ling looked at him, "Experience life?"

"Part-time job," Jiang Kuo said, "I am earnestly earning money to experience what kind of life."

"How much do you earn?" Duan Ling asked.

"... How much?" Jiang Kuo turned around and asked Duan Feifei. Duan Ling laughed: "I don't know how much money, but after a while he sold it to you and you thank the benefactor."

"Two hundred and eight," Duan Feifei said, "I asked you thirty more."

"Okay, okay," Duan Ling patted Jiang Kuo's shoulder and trotted towards the mall, "Go on, I'm so busy today, I'll invite you two to dinner at noon..."

The square is very lively. Jiang Kuo used to go shopping, and he basically didn't pay attention to the promotion booths in these squares and commercial streets, and he didn't even look closely at what they were doing.

Today was the first time he had carefully read all the stalls he passed by.

"Your classmate?"

When he walked to the promotion booth where he was working today, an elder sister asked Duan Feifei.

"Well, Xiaojiang," Duan Feifei introduced the eldest sister, "Xiaojiang, this is Sister Xu. She is in charge of this today. If you don't understand anything, just ask her."

Don't ask you

"Okay," Jiang Kuo nodded, "Sister Xu worked hard."

"This handsome young man should go hand out flyers," a younger sister next to Sister Xu said with a smile, "It must be finished in a while."

"Why don't you try next time." Duan Feifei said.

"I don't know if I can finish it today," Jiang Kuo put on the rabbit head, "Why am I already getting hot, it's pretty cold today."

"It must be a little hot coming here," Duan Feifei explained to him, "You will be standing here for a while, and when someone comes over, you will wave your hands twice, shake your head and tail a few times, and greet everyone to come and see the introduction of the new product. Too much moving."

"What do you mean by shaking your head and swinging your tail?" Jiang Kuo touched his back with his hand and grabbed a ball from his clothes, "Just this tail, how to wag it."

"Go." Duan Feifei didn't answer his question.

Jiang Kuo walked to the front of the booth and stood still.

Then he stomped motionlessly, facing the crowd coming from the opposite side.

Duan Feifei looked at him and was thinking of going over to remind him to beckon, when he finally tilted his head at a little girl who was looking up at him.

Okay, looks cuter than waving.

Duan Feifei breathed a sigh of relief.

This is probably the most difficult experience for Jiang Kuochang to be so big, and every action seems to be so reluctant to be awkward.

But one of the things that Jiang Kuo won't hate after a long time of contact is that, as it is now, whenever he says he needs to do it, he will put down the air of "I have never suffered this kind of pain and suffered this kind of sin", Seriously try it.

Duan Feifei watched him go from raising his hand and beckoning very hard, to relaxing a little and wriggling his butt when he saw the children, to making a gesture of "please" to everyone who noticed the doll and bring it here, using less than one. Hour.

Although not a few people were brought in.

But the main purpose of the doll is to make it lively and add a little atmosphere.

"Let him rest for a while," Sister Xu looked at the time, "drink some water."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei responded, preparing to put a few bottles of drinks on hand and call Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo was still working hard. A young couple came across. The girl pointed to the promotion booth and said something. Jiang Kuo guessed that this was interesting, so he compared them first. , then tilted his head and made a gesture of asking over there.

The girl smiled and waved her hand.

Jiang Kuo didn't invite again, took a step back, and twisted his butt.

Her boyfriend beside her suddenly turned cold and pointed at Jiang Kuo and said something.

Jiang Kuo's movements froze for a moment, and then he stood up straight.

Duan Feifei hurriedly walked over there.

The girl reached out and stopped her boyfriend, but she didn't stop, and the man rushed in front of Jiang Kuo.

"What are you doing!" Duan Feifei shouted violently.

With this voice, he was full of breath, and he felt that his tongue was almost roared out by himself.

Jiang Kuo and the man jumped in fright at the same time.