San Fu

Chapter 29


"What's wrong." Jiang Kuo also raised his eyebrows, Duan Feifei raised his left eyebrow, and he also raised his left eyebrow.

Duan Feifei looked at him, and after a while he asked, "Are you able to lift your eyebrows on both sides?"

"...Are you speechless?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Really?" Duan Feifei was very interested.

"Yes." Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows alternately.

"I can only be on one side." Duan Feifei said.

"Forget it," Jiang Kuo sighed, "Have you already found someone else, that rabbit."

"You don't have a good score either," Duan Feifei said. "I'll have to find someone today for my part-time job tomorrow... Didn't you get sympathy from home with the photos?"

"Well," Jiang Kuo clicked his tongue, "Mr. Jiang's couple is too unexpected."

"Is it unexpected?" Duan Feifei said, "If you were my son, I wouldn't care about you. I would have given you freedom long ago. Let the society beat you up and come back honestly."

"Preaching is preaching," Jiang Kuo squinted at him, "Don't take advantage."

"As far as your food and clothing costs are concerned," Duan Feifei said, "It looks like the family has grown from a pet to an adult, and it's too late for the two of them to be educated."

"It doesn't take so much damage," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm just tired today, and I don't want to quarrel with you."

"Send flyers," Duan Feifei took out his mobile phone and looked down, "This money is much lower than a rabbit..."

"How much lower?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"One hundred and three days," Duan Feifei said, "there is another one hundred and twenty one day, about 800 sheets, and they will be sent to get off work."

That's still a bit more work than working at Niu Sandao... Of course, that is Niu Sandao. If he changed his business level that day, he would have been expelled in half an hour.

"Temporary delivery," Duan Feifei continued to read, "This one requires a car."

"I have." Jiang Kuo said immediately.

"Delivery! Goods! Goods!" Duan Feifei reminded him, "It's for delivery, not for driving. Where do you put the goods in your car..."

"...Oh." Jiang Kuo responded.

"There aren't too many at the moment. There are a lot of students working part-time during the holidays," Duan Feifei said as he flicked his phone, "Or I'll see if there are any new ones tomorrow..."

"Let's distribute the flyers first." Jiang Kuo said, "I'll talk about it tomorrow when there is a suitable one."

"Actually," Duan Feifei put the phone back in his pocket, "you don't need to do this at all, three thousand and five months is enough, you were fun at the beginning, but now you are angry with President Jiang and the others, there is no need. "

"I don't know either." Jiang Kuo said.

"Most of us work for money. We don't have enough living expenses and want to buy something," Duan Feifei said. "You will never face such a problem..."

"Take it as if I'm free," Jiang Kuo said. "I'm really free, and now there's nobody at home, they've gone out to play, and I have nothing to do in the dormitory these days."

"Okay," Duan Feifei smiled, "then send out the flyers tomorrow."

Jiang Kuo didn't say anything more. Whether it was repairing the phone or buying a new one, he couldn't handle it now. After the part-time job was finalized, he went back to the car.

"I'll call you tomorrow." Duan Feifei said.

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded.

The car turned around, and after driving on the road back to school, it accelerated abruptly, rushed forward for dozens of meters, and then slowed down again.

The roar of the engine slowly faded away.

Duan Feifei stretched and turned back to the store.

After walking a few steps and looking back again, I always feel that Jiang Kuo will turn around and come back again and say, won't you go to the dormitory to sleep

But the road was empty, and there were neither people nor cars.

Jiang Kuo was in a bad mood when he left. No matter how slow he was, he could see it. It is estimated that the problem with his mobile phone and the attitude of his family made him depressed.

Duan Feifei recalled what he had said before, and felt that there was something inaccurate in what he said, but after thinking about it, it seemed that there was none. He really couldn't understand Jiang Kuo's temporary working mood, but he couldn't deny that Jiang Kuo was very serious when he was working.

He couldn't tell how he felt, he wouldn't think so much about changing someone, and he wouldn't even go to the group to look for part-time jobs to help him find information tomorrow.

Except for the time when he was silent in front of people he didn't know well, Jiang Kuo's emotional expression was very direct many times.

The kind that impresses everyone from the very beginning is a matter of course, very direct when happy, very direct in anger, very direct in unhappiness, very direct in loss, very direct in disgust, and even pretending to be coercive is very direct.

It's like a transparent glass bottle... Crystal, a little more expensive is more in line with his rich identity, just like a crystal bottle, bright and clear.

Duan Feifei took out his mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Jiang Pingjing to tell him to set the alarm clock, so he wouldn't wake up until he called tomorrow.

Then I remembered that the man's phone was out of use.

He sighed.

The next day, the square promotion was still the same time. Duan Feifei got up 20 minutes earlier than yesterday. If he wanted to call Jiang Kuo in the past, he had to leave some time.

When he went downstairs after washing up, he heard the old uncle talking to people below. He looked very happy and laughed loudly.

"It's alright," the old man said, "just pick up one, put a pestle in front of people, and many people will pick it up by conditioned reflex. If it's too slow, you'll have Duan Fei travel back and forth there ten times or eight times... "

Duan Feifei was very surprised, and ran down the stairs in a few steps.

At a glance, I saw Jiang Kuo actually sitting in the store, talking to the old uncle.

"Damn it," he was shocked, and hurriedly took out his phone, "I overslept?"

"No." Jiang Kuo said.

"What's the matter with you?" Duan Feifei insisted on checking the time on his phone, it was not too late.

"I can't sleep," Jiang Kuo said. "Ma Xiao didn't know if he was too tired from work yesterday. He snored and made me wake up three times a night. I wanted to put the quilt in his mouth..."

Duan Feifei laughed: "This is a bit miserable."

"I finally fell asleep in the middle of the night," Jiang Kuo said. "He got up before five o'clock and said he was going to sell breakfast... Is there such a part-time job?"

"Let's get the car earlier," the old aunt brought two bowls of noodles over and put them on the table, "the car outside our market, we rent the car to others when we go back to our hometown, or else you'll be away for a few days, and you usually buy it there. People may change places.”

"You two eat noodles." The old man said.

"Thank you Auntie," Jiang Kuo sat down at the table and picked up chopsticks, "Thank you, Uncle."

"This child," the old uncle sighed, "I thank you more than eighty times this morning. It's very polite."

That's when you don't see how irritating he is when he waves his fingers and tells you to go away and says thank you buddy.

"Try my old aunt's beef noodles," Duan Feifei sat down, "this one is not like sauce and beef that you can buy, this one must be eaten at home."

Jiang Kuo lowered his head and took a sip.

Before swallowing, he gave a thumbs up.

"This is beef noodles," he said. "It's delicious."

"If you want to eat, just come to the store," the old aunt said with a smile, "I'll make it for you, and those classmates of Feifei will always come here to eat."

After breakfast, Duan Feifei helped the old uncle to order the meat that had just been delivered, packed it up, and took Jiang Kuo to take the bus.

"There will be a mobile phone shop in the square in a while," said Duan Feifei, "You can take it to see if it can be repaired before you start distributing the flyers. After repairing it, you can save a lot of money, and you can continue to use your mobile phone well. You have to work part-time to buy a new one. by next year."

"Well," Jiang Kuo didn't sleep well that night, but after all, he slept all night, and his unhappiness with the phone seems to have dissipated a lot, "but I didn't buy those services, and it is estimated that it will cost 2,000 to replace the screen artificially. many."

"Why didn't you buy it? Don't you think about what to do if you fall?" Duan Feifei asked.

"To be honest," Jiang Kuo said, "If I want to be at home now, if the screen is broken, I will naturally get a new phone."

"Go away." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo laughed: "But more than 2,000 is better than changing to a new province, and there is still more than 1,000 surplus."

Today, the two of them are not working together. Duan Feifei is still in the square. The shop where Jiang Kuo wants to distribute the flyers is a publicity point of the sales department on the pedestrian street. It is estimated that the flyer will be distributed from the pedestrian street to the square.

There is a mobile phone after-sales shop on the pedestrian street, and Jiang Kuo took the mobile phone to repair.

An hour after starting work, Duan Feifei received his message.

JK921: Fixed it! more than two thousand

The instructions are as follows: OK, if you can save some points, how about the order

JK921: There are not many people now, but this thing is really ugly

Jiang Kuo sent a photo over, it was a selfie from a weird angle, and he could see a red ribbon on his body.

The instructions are as follows: HHHHHH what word is on it

JK921: Property slogan, landscape aesthetics in the city

Jiang Kuo was handing out flyers at the pedestrian street, very close to the square. There are not many people on the street now, and you can almost see Duan Feifei's promotional booth.

The one who pestered here with him was also a student, and he used his mouth to the same extent as Ma Xiao.

When someone came over, Ma Xiao-2 took a step forward like a robot and handed out the flyer. The other party didn't pick him up and stepped back, as if that point was his charging pile.

Jiang Kuo felt that the pestle and the two robots were a bit repetitive, so he chose to turn on the voice function.

"Hello," he would greet him when someone came over, "the landscape aesthetics in the city, you can take a look without buying it, the transportation is convenient and the facilities are complete..."

Seeing that he had sent out several pictures in a row, Ma Er also tried to speak: "Hello."

Before he could say the next sentence, the person had already passed by.

Ma Er continued: "Hello, don't buy..."

People walked by.

"Hello, look at the traffic..."

People walked by.

Jiang Kuo was really speechless, he raised his chin at Ma Er: "Hey, buddy."

Ma Er looked at him.

"Hello, let's take a look at the new building." Jiang Kuo said, "Hello, let's know about the new building. Hello, you can take a look if you don't buy a house."

Ma Er was still looking at him.

"You pick one." Jiang Kuo said.

Ma Er nodded.

"Hello, landscape aesthetics in the city," Jiang Kuo continued, "the most suitable real estate for young families, you can buy it without buying it..."

"Hello, landscape aesthetics in the city," he continued, "the most suitable home building for three generations..."

In less than an hour, a lot of orders were sent out in his hand, but his throat was a little unbearable, and his face stiffened with laughter. Jiang Kuo felt that he had not even had a real smile and a fake smile for more than an hour in his life.

When someone comes over again, it is difficult to maintain the enthusiasm at the beginning: "Hello."

The visitor looked at him.

"Take it and thank you," he said.

The man took the flyer in his hand.

… is this also possible

Jiang Kuo was shocked.

When the person came again, he tried again, and walked over to meet an aunt: "Good morning, sister."

The aunt glanced at him and took the flyer from his hand.


Jiang Kuo got excited.

Good morning, sister, please help me get one, new real estate.

Good morning Auntie, can you get one for me

Although it may not be successful every time, if ten people come over, they can almost hand out six or seven cards, which is much more convenient and convenient than a landscape aesthetics.

When Duan Feifei came over from the square, the first stack of orders in his hand was about to be sent out.

Seeing Duan Feifei, he was a little surprised, but he was very happy. After all, it was boring to stand here all day long, and Ma Er was a robot.

"Yo," Duan Feifei took the list from Ma Er and walked in front of him, "It's pretty fast."

"Brother, good morning," Jiang Kuo handed one over, "take one, thank you."

Duan Feifei took the order: "Is that how you sent it?"

"Well," Jiang Kuo said, "how is it?"

"It looks so pitiful," said Duan Feifei, "you just stare at your aunt and sister. When they see how pitiful the little handsome guy is, maybe they'll take it as soon as their hearts soften."

"Are you resting?" Jiang Kuo smiled.

"Forget it," Duan Feifei shook a notebook in his hand, "Sister Li forgot to take something, I'll send it to her."

"Eat wontons at noon," Jiang Kuo said, "I don't care about meals here."

"I invite you." Duan Feifei nodded.

Handing out flyers is more tiring than wearing bunny clothes. Although the doll clothes are not comfortable to wear, the work content is less stressful than the rigid content of 800 lists. Even if no one cares, stand there by yourself. Just twist a few times and wave your hand.

Sending flyers is different. If you want to send flyers quickly, you have to talk a little bit, laugh a little, and follow the person a little bit. , it will be thrown on the ground, so you have to pick it up and send it again.

Eight hundred sheets were sent, and he didn't know how many times he had to bend over to pick up the sheets.

The wontons at noon couldn't stand it at all.

Fortunately, there was a lot of traffic in the Holiday Pedestrian Street, and when the little wontons disappeared in his stomach, he finished distributing the flyers.

Ma's second hand also stood on his charging pile.

"Give me half." Jiang Kuo walked beside him.

"No." Ma Er simply rejected him.

Jiang Kuo didn't say much, and went back to get off work after receiving the money.

This little money, to be honest, he has never really had a concept about money. Whether or not he wants to buy something depends only on whether he wants it or not.

From the 100 yuan of Niu Sandao to the 400 yuan he earned in the past two days, it was the clearest number of money he had.

It is also the first time that money and physical strength are combined.

Pretty intuitive.

After a tiring day, even if he just said "Hello, take it", he felt that his throat was not working. In the end, there was such a small amount of money, which belonged to the kind of weight he could never see before.

Duan Feifei was still busy at the promotion point. He sat on the pony and rested, feeling that his legs were swollen and swollen.

"What are you doing tomorrow?" Duan Feifei sat beside him while he was resting, shaking his phone in front of him.

Jiang Kuo saw a row of part-time jobs.

But he hesitated.

"You wait for me to think about it." Jiang Kuo said.

Now the content of part-time jobs is not important, all part-time jobs are similar, they are tiring and repetitive, especially those on holidays.

He wanted to work for seven days, at least he could win with President Jiang, but he was really tired.

To be honest, apart from competing with President Jiang, he was able to hold on for two days because of Duan Feifei.

To do it or not, he has to give Duan Feifei accurate information, and there can be no more changes.

Unlike Cannon, Cannon will also do a lot for him, but they will have money transactions, and sometimes they will cheat each other, but Duan Feifei is different.

Maybe it was because of the experience that was different from everyone else, that he was used to being tolerant, and it would give people a sense of security at many times.

"Is it still around here?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Not all of them, let me see," Duan Feifei looked at them, "there is one over there..."

He pointed back to a small playground at the southeast corner of the square: "That's it, two security guards."

"That's it." Jiang Kuo said, and Duan Feifei was about to speak when he added, "Sure, it hasn't changed."

Duan Feifei laughed: "I didn't mean to say that."

"Then you say." Jiang Kuo said.

"I mean there's another one over there in the department store, who is also a safety guard at the mall," said Duan Feifei. "That one has more money."

"Where is the department store?" Jiang Kuo took out his mobile phone and opened the navigation.

The shopping plaza is 6.8 kilometers away.

"Don't go." Jiang Kuo was decisive, "It's too far."

"The department store is closer to the school," Duan Feifei explained to him, "I've been from school..."

"I mean it's too far from here." Jiang Kuo said, "That's it."

"Too far from here?" Duan Feifei looked at him.

"Well." Jiang Kuo also looked at him.

After looking at each other for a while, Duan Feifei said, "It's just too far away from me."

"Hmm~ na~" Jiang Kuo said, "I don't even have anyone to talk to during the break, it's too boring."

"Okay," Duan Feifei turned around his phone, "then you are one, and one of my high school classmates. I'll grab it for him first. There are fewer people working now, and it will be gone in a while."

"You still help your high school classmates get part-time jobs?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Hmm~ Na~" Duan Feifei nodded, "A lot, I know a lot of people here, and I have a lot of news, but generally I just help find people when I need them, anyone can do it, I'll talk to a liaison. It's like, just my classmate, the relationship has always been good, I have to help him grab it."

"Oh." Jiang Kuo responded.

Probably since he was a child, he was used to the people around him only worrying about and serving him, so he tacitly agreed that Duan Feifei was just looking for a part-time job for him.

Knowing that Duan Feifei would also take such trouble to help high school classmates get part-time jobs, he suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

But this unpleasant point is a bit baffling to him. Duan Feifan neither takes money from him, nor does he take projects from President Jiang to please him. Why should he think that Duan Feifan can only find a part-time job for him

Oh, no, it's also cheating money, and so far I have cheated 2,400.

This unpleasant feeling made him think until Duan Feifei closed the booth, but he didn't want to understand.

But after the end of the working day, this alone can make him give up thinking and concentrate on being happy.

It is still the bus back to school, because it leaves from the square station, there are many people on the bus, crowded into a group.

"Go in." Duan Feifei pulled his arm all the way from the front of the car to the rear of the car.

"Just let me follow you," Jiang Kuo whispered in his ear, "I'm a big young man, and you're dragging me like a fool."

"Will I pull you," Duan Feifei also leaned closer to his ear, "I'm afraid you don't know how to squeeze over."

The tickling from the ears instantly passed from the neck to the shoulders, and then to the back, Jiang Kuo jerked his head back, feeling that he had hit something.

"Ah!" a girl behind her shouted.

"I'm sorry," Jiang Kuo quickly turned back, a girl behind her covered her head, he raised his hand to give someone a rub, and put it down, "I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to the back."

"Forget it," the girl waved her hand, "It's okay."

Jiang Kuo said a few words of embarrassment to others, then turned around and found that Duan Feifei was holding back a smile.

"Laugh," Jiang Kuo nodded, "let's laugh as much as you want."

Duan Feifei laughed out loud.

Back at school, Jiang Kuo found that some students had returned from home.

"Fantastic," he said, "then why go back."

"Ding Zhe is also back and just sent me a message," Duan Feifei said, "He will come over at night, let's have dinner together."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo nodded.

There are seven or eight more dormitories for students, which makes people feel a lot more comfortable. Although there are still very few people, they can hear the movement.

Back at 119, he even found that there was someone in 119 where there should not be someone.

And it was Ma Xiao who was supposed to be busy in a certain store at this time.

"You so early today?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yeah." Ma Xiao sat beside the table.

Usually this person's mouth is also used very low, but today I can clearly feel that something is wrong with him.

"Get off work?" Jiang Kuo walked over.

Ma Xiao quickly stretched his right leg under the table.

But Jiang Kuo still saw that his trouser legs were pulled to his knees, and there was a large bright red burn on his calf.

"Fuck," he froze, "how did this happen?"

Ma Xiao did not make a sound.

"Speak!" Jiang Kuo raised his voice, "How did you do it!"

"It's poured with oil." Ma Xiao said.

"In the store?" Jiang Kuo asked again.

"Don't worry about it." Ma Xiao said.

"Stop talking nonsense," Jiang Kuo frowned, "I can handle it if I want, can you handle it?"

Ma Xiao was silent again.

"I'll ask you now." Jiang Kuo turned his chair over to face him.

Ma Xiao's injury is very serious. It seems that he has not been treated with medicine and has not done any treatment. If he was oiled in the store, it is possible that the boss did not want to be responsible and drove him back directly.

"Really," Ma Xiao said, "don't worry about it."

"Your uncle." Jiang Kuo scolded, opened the door of the dormitory, and shouted at 107 from the door, "Duan Feifei!"

"Huh?" Duan Feifei stuck his head out of the dormitory.

"Come here!" Jiang Kuo shouted.

Duan Feifei trotted into 119 and was stunned when he saw Ma Xiao.

But he quickly reacted and went over to look at his injury.

"Did you do it yourself?" he asked.

Ma Xiao sighed and shook his head.

"The boss doesn't care?" Duan Feifei asked, "You were fired, didn't you? Didn't you pay for your medical bills?"

Ma Xiao gritted his teeth and nodded: "The salary was not given."

Duan Feifei turned around and looked at Jiang Kuo.

"Can you bear it? Don't stop me," Jiang Kuo said. "There's no reason not to let me go this time."

"I'll call a few people." Duan Feifei took out his mobile phone.

Jiang Kuo snorted: "Is it still a matter of shaking people?"

"Benben fights with other dogs and knows how to bark a few dogs over here." Duan Feifei said.