San Fu

Chapter 34


Yang Ke didn't say anything else, just insisted on meeting after the festival, and then never contacted Jiang Kuo again.

The cannon didn't know the reason, and the news that the cannon got was still at the time when he wanted to tell Yang Ke's whereabouts last time.

Jiang Kuo was too lazy to ponder why this man who had been a scholar from childhood to adulthood suddenly took a leave of absence and then left school to "start a business". He might as well ponder why Duan Feifei got better so quickly when he had time.

He had a fever and dizziness the day before and couldn't get out of bed. After sleeping, he woke up early in the morning and told him to go to work.

The only traces of the disease on him were probably the faint tiredness on his face, and the skin on the back of his thighs that was torn by Jiang Kuo.

In the next few days, I just finished the work without any fuss, and I would go back every day to help Niu Sandao package and ship.

When the classmates who went home for the holidays came back to school one after another, Jiang Kuo's first history of making money with blood and tears in his life came to an end, and the money he got was not enough to cover the cost of changing his mobile phone screen.

He originally thought that when the money arrived, he would buy another dress, but in the end he didn't want to.

Ma Xiao's part-time work life had to continue after a few days of rest, because the owner of the breakfast car came back, and he didn't have the job of selling breakfast, so he had to continue looking for a place at night.

Jiang Liao sent Jiang Kuo's clothes, which was the most gratifying thing for Jiang Kuo.

However, he was still a little dumbfounded when he stood at the school delivery point and looked at the four giant boxes that belonged to him.

"Are you in the dormitory?" He called Duan Feifei, "I have four boxes here that are almost catching up to the height of a floor. Is there any way to get them back to the dormitory?"

"Take them one by one." Duan Feifei said.

"... One is not too small." Jiang Kuo stretched his arms to compare.

"Why don't you come back first," Duan Feifei said, "I'll accompany you to get it later."

"No," Jiang Kuo hesitated, preparing to go back to the dormitory first, "What's the use of you here..."

"Jiang Kuo!" Someone called him.

He turned his head and saw three girls with boxes at their feet.

I don't know who called him, but after he turned his head, none of the three girls spoke.

"Huh?" He hung up the phone.

"Can you help us with this box?" The tall girl in the middle pointed to a large box that looked like juice or something on the ground.


I don't want to take it.

"Where to take it?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Dorm," the taller said.

The girls' dormitory is not far away, so it's a good way to go.

Jiang Kuo didn't know these girls, so he could only guess that they might be in their class. After all, he was almost the same as if he didn't go to class. He was always at the end, and all he saw was the back of his head.

The only discovery is that several of the classmates have flat heads, especially flat, as if they were sleeping with bricks at home...

He picked up the box, and the air bangs next to the tall man grabbed her arm and shook it.

He glanced at the girl, turned around and walked over to the dormitory. It should be a drink. It was indeed quite heavy, and it was difficult for the girl to carry it.

"Jiang Kuo," the three girls each followed with a few boxes, or the taller said, "Don't you know us?"

"I don't know." Jiang Kuo said.

"We are not your classmates," the tall man said with a smile. "We are sophomores."

Jiang Kuo looked at them: "Oh."

Several girls didn't talk to him anymore, just chatted quietly beside him.

Jiang Kuo guessed that they had made a bet with someone or something. He used to go to a bar twice a night.

When walking to the girls' dormitory, the tall girl stopped and said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Jiang Kuo handed her the drink.

"That..." Air Liu Hai suddenly said, "Can you add a friend?"

Jiang Kuo was stunned.

Before he could speak, Air Liu Hai had already taken out his phone.

"No." Jiang Kuo said.

It could be seen that the air bangs were a little nervous and embarrassed, and when she heard this answer, her face immediately turned red.

Jiang Kuo didn't speak anymore, and there was nothing to say. Nothing to say at this moment could relieve the embarrassing situation brought about by the fact of "not adding friends".

He nodded, turned and walked towards the boys' dormitory.

Before taking two steps, I heard the sound of a car horn coming from the front.

Looking up, he was shocked to see Duan Feifan riding a three-wheeled electric tricycle that was serving dishes in the cafeteria galloping over.

Seeing him, Duan Feifei braked suddenly and shook his head happily: "Get in the car."

"I don't." Jiang Kuo took a step back decisively.

"Hurry up," Duan Feifei said, "move the box, it will be returned to the cafeteria later."

"Duan Feifei!" The tall girl over there suddenly waved.

"Hey." Duan Feifei responded, glanced over there, and then looked at Jiang Kuo, "Who is it?" "You didn't know each other and agreed so sweetly?" Jiang Kuo said, "Sophomore."

"Because they were my same class last year," Duan Feifei jumped out of the car, "Wait for me for a while."

"Little hero responsive to requests?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

Duan Feifei smiled and walked over.

Jiang Kuo really admired Duan Feifei, the senior sister who didn't know, oh no, the former classmate who didn't know, he chatted with people a few words in the past, and immediately burst into laughter.

While talking, he glanced at him a few times.

Don't give it!

You will die if you dare.

Jiang Kuoqi was really bored on the side of the car, so he leaned on the side of the car.

He usually drives a sports car out to be watched, but now there are people watching while leaning on the tricycle.

He sighed.

"Jiang Kuo!" Someone called him.

When I looked up, I saw that it was Brother 106 and black shorts. It was estimated that he had just returned from outside with a bunch of things in his hands.

"Change car?" Brother Armor asked.

"Go away." Jiang Kuo said.

"Where did you get it?" Brother Zangzi came over to take a look, "Is this the one in the cafeteria? It's still written."

"Go and drive straight away." Jiang Kuo said.

"Take it down, that's what Duan Feifei can do," Brother Zhangzi saw Duan Feifei who was talking over there, "Damn, you know it's him... It's good to take a break from school. All the freshmen and second-year girls know each other."

Jiang Kuo didn't speak.

"Duan Feifei!" Brother Armor shouted.

Jiang Kuo was startled, and immediately wanted to rush over and give him a beating.

Duan Feifei turned his head, but Brother Xiong didn't say a word, and looked at him with a smile on his face with his black shorts.

Duan Feifei gave them a middle finger, then said a few more words to a few girls, and turned around.

Jiang Kuo quickly left the three rounds, keeping a step away.

"Quick, hurry up," Duan Feifei jumped on the seat and sat down, then moved to the side, "Come up, Uncle Feifan will take you for a ride."

Jiang Kuo was helpless, and sat on the half seat that Duan Feifei gave him.

"You didn't give me my number?" he asked.

"That's what I said," Duan Feifei started the car and drove to the express delivery point, "Am I that kind of person?"

"I thought you weren't," Jiang Kuo said. "In the end, you chatted so happily, and I thought you might be."

"I'm so happy with everyone," Duan Feifei glanced at him with a smile, "They came to ask for your number for another girl in the dormitory."

"I don't add strangers." Jiang Kuo said, "I don't add too many people I know."

"They said that you refused very simply." Duan Feifei said.

"Don't you just make people think that I want to welcome you but also refuse?" Jiang Kuo said, "If you refuse, you have to be straightforward, so that you don't have to think about it when you go back. Is it true that you don't give it? Do you want to try again, it will be more embarrassing next time. ."

"I like an upright guy like you." Duan Feifei patted his shoulder.

"What did you say?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Nothing to say," Duan Feifei said, "I gave them mine."

"...Come on." Jiang Kuo nodded, it's okay, awesome.

Several large boxes were pulled to the door of the dormitory, and Tang Li and the others helped move them in.

"It's not too heavy. There shouldn't be many clothes," Li Zirui said. "Why is it such a big box?"

"I don't know." Jiang Kuo said.

He opened the box and took a look. Jiang Leo had indeed sent him the clothes on his list, but each piece of clothes was fixed to the mouth of the box with a special rack to prevent squeezing.

In addition to the sweaters that can be pressed, there are only four or five pieces in a box.

"It's very particular." Li Zirui sighed.

"Ma Xiao." Duan Feifei patted Ma Xiao's shoulder and walked to the balcony.

Ma Xiao followed.

After Jiang Kuo stuffed the clothes into the closet, the two of them came back from the balcony. Ma Xiao looked in a good mood and smiled at Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo also smiled, not knowing what to smile.

It's been a few days since the holiday ended, and I feel that many people are not in a good mood during class.

Jiang Kuo felt that he had never entered the state. Summer vacation, military training, and the Mid-Autumn Festival after a few days of class, November... Suddenly found that the next vacation would be two months later, and suddenly felt a little desperate. Even more sleepy.

In the afternoon, two high-score classes were over, and Jiang Kuo felt bored when he left the classroom.

What followed was the basics of drawing. Jiang Kuo looked at the pile of tools on the table and felt sleepy even if he didn't do anything.

When I picked a major at the beginning, it was almost like casting lots. I didn’t know what the major was for and what I wanted to learn.

This drawing, all kinds of tools, all kinds of specifications are enough to make him faint, and now he has to draw the floor plan of the bedroom area.

"Why did you just look for Ma Xiao?" He lay on the table, comparing the ruler.

"There is a part-time job at a printing shop, and I asked him if he would go," Duan Feifei said. "At night and on weekends, I just sit there and mess around with computers and printers."

"That's much better than going to clean up the garbage," Jiang Kuo turned his head and whispered, "Is he going?"

"Of course." Duan Feifei said.

"Have you been working part-time recently?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"No," Duan Feifei said, "I'll just do it on vacation... What, do you still want to experience it?"

"No," Jiang Kuo's hands trembled as he spoke, the line was crooked, he sighed and wiped for a long time, "I've experienced enough."

"I didn't need to experience this at all." Duan Feifei said with a smile, "You're young, if possible, wouldn't it be better to have a partnership with him than a part-time job?"

"He can study, but don't be funny when starting a business," Jiang Kuo snorted. "He's not as good as a cannon, and it's been almost half a month since the holiday ended. He didn't even look for me. I guess it's already sold."

You can't talk behind your back.

When queuing up in the cafeteria to buy food at night, Yang Ke, who had not yet been sold, called directly.

Jiang Kuo didn't want to pick up the call. Unfamiliar people, can't you send a message? You have to call.

"Don't answer?" Duan Feifei asked behind him.

"No." Jiang Kuo was very straightforward.

The phone disconnected, and then the message alert sounded.

"Can't you just send a message directly at the beginning?" Jiang Kuo tutted, took out his phone and glanced at it, "Your uncle!"

[Yang Keke Keke]Answer the phone

While he was replying, Yang Ke called again, and his typing finger picked up the call reflexively.

"Why?" he just asked.

"Come out for a meal," Yang Ke said, "I'm near your school."

"I have eaten in the cafeteria." Jiang Kuo said.

"Canteen?" Yang Ke sounded surprised.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

Just as he was about to make an appointment next time, Yang Ke chased after him, "Then I'll go look for you."

"Are you sick?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"I'll call you when I arrive." Yang Ke hung up the phone.

"Why does he have to find you to start a business?" Duan Feifei asked.

"I have money." Jiang Kuo said, "I am the one who is stupid and has more money. If you ask others to pay, you may have to persuade. If you ask me to pay, it probably depends on your mood."

Duan Feifei laughed: "Didn't you already tell him that he has no money?"

"Who believes it?" Jiang Kuo said, "I grew up, my dad chased me halfway and beat me, and he never broke my economy."

Yang Ke probably didn't believe it. When he walked into the cafeteria and saw Jiang Kuo who was half-eaten, the shock in his eyes was very real.

"Good evening." Yang Ke sat down opposite Jiang Kuo and looked at Duan Feifei next to him, "Hello, I'm a friend who grew up with Jiang Kuo. My name is Yang Ke."

"Hello." Duan Feifei nodded.

This Yang Ke doesn't look like a very conscientious person. He looks more like a second-minded scholar who is immersed in his studies, but given his behavior of dropping out of school to start a business, he should not be particularly stunned.

"Your surname?" Yang Ke asked.

Duan Feifei was about to answer when Jiang Kuo grabbed a sentence: "Are you looking for him?"

"Looking for you." Yang Ke quickly turned back to look at Jiang Kuo.

"Didn't you just take a month off?" Jiang Kuo said, "Why did you take a break from school?"

"Suddenly I feel boring," Yang Ke said. "I feel like I'm wasting my time. I'm not learning what I like, and I won't do what I like in the future."

Jiang Kuo looked at him and said nothing.

"I want to open a shop." Yang Ke said, "I didn't think about any big projects at first, I opened a milk tea shop first."

Jiang Kuo sighed.

"Don't look down on the milk tea shop," Yang Ke leaned on the table, "you..."

"You want to ask me to borrow money?" Jiang Kuo interrupted him.

"Partnership," Yang Ke said, "it's not borrowing money, you can share."

"Why don't you ask Uncle Yang to vote for you?" Jiang Kuo said.

"I broke with him." Yang Ke said.

Jiang Kuo looked at him, and after a while, he said, "If you still cut off diplomatic relations, you can just say that he will kick you out of the house."

"I was kicked out of the house by him." Yang Ke said.

Jiang Kuo didn't speak, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

"I really want to do something," Yang Ke said. "I'm not impulsive. Last year, I felt very empty at school and didn't know what I was doing."

"How do you want to open this store?" Jiang Kuo stopped his chopsticks. "Join or do it yourself, where is the store located, what is the positioning, a student, or a lady shopping, or an office worker?"

"Are you interested?" Yang Ke asked immediately.

"Do you still have money to live?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yes, my mother still gave me some money." Yang Ke said.

"Okay, select the location, the positioning style and operation of other milk tea shops in the same area, give me a profit budget," Jiang Kuo said, "and operating costs, rent and decoration materials, robotics and technology, and how much reserve is needed..."

Yang Ke looked at him and didn't say anything for a while.

"If you still have money to live, then find a shop to squat, you can go to work, you can sit there and drink, you can go to squat across the street, including the flow of people in this area, both on weekdays and weekends. To clarify these things," Jiang Kuo finished eating the last green vegetable, put down his chopsticks, "consider the next thing."

"What happened next?" Yang Ke asked.

"How to advertise, whether there are main products, competitive advantages," Jiang Kuo said, "Give me a report, you Xueba, it should be no problem to write these things."

"Okay." Yang Ke slapped the table.

"Every item has to be implemented, don't fool me." Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"No," Yang Ke stood up and stretched out his hand, "I look forward to a pleasant cooperation."

Jiang Kuo clasped his arms and didn't move: "I haven't reached the stage of cooperation, so don't be happy."

"Your surname?" Yang Ke reached out to Duan Feifei again.

"Dong Kun." Duan Feifei said.

"Nice to meet you." Yang Ke retracted his hand and looked at Jiang Kuo, "Wait for my news."

Yang Ke walked out of the cafeteria quickly.

Duan Feifei was stunned for a while before turning to look at Jiang Kuo: "Are you planning to partner with him?"

"Let's talk about it when he can get rid of all this stuff," Jiang Kuo stood up, "he is just a bookworm, even if he is determined, he has no direction. If he doesn't make a trip, he doesn't know that he might have to go back and beg him. dad."

"Have you ever opened a shop?" Duan Feifei walked to the dormitory with him.

"No." Jiang Kuo said.

"I was stunned when I heard it." Duan Feifei said.

"My mother's cafe," Jiang Kuo stretched, "I followed it for more than a month."

"What if he really ran down?" Duan Feifei asked.

"It's okay to do it, I'll pay for it, and he will manage it," Jiang Kuo said, "and he can do something else."

"Other?" Duan Feifei thought for a while, then laughed, "What else, sauce beef?"

"What are you laughing at, it's not impossible," Jiang Kuo gestured. "Apply for a trademark of Niu San Dao and make some small packaging... You don't need to invest much in the beginning, you don't need to discuss with the old man, just directly He ordered at cost…”

"Jiang Kuo, Jiang Kuo," Duan Feifei grabbed his arm and pressed it down, "I'm joking."

"Anyway, there is a way to do whatever you want," Jiang Kuo said.

"Why do you have to come to school?" Duan Feifei suddenly asked him.

"Because I don't want to work." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei turned to look at him.

"It's as simple as that," Jiang Kuo said, "If I don't come to school, President Jiang will start to arrange for me to go to the construction site, follow any project, and try to give me a project after a few years of study... "

"Is it bad?" Duan Feifei asked.

"No," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm not ready yet, and I don't want to be ready. I'm envious of Jiang, but if I really want to be like her, I can't do it, I just feel uncomfortable. "

Duan Feifei didn't speak anymore, Jiang Kuo was different from the people around him.

In other words, Jiang Kuo is not the same as those around him.

It will surprise people, it will surprise people, when they get along, they will occasionally feel very close, and occasionally they will suddenly remember the fact that he is almost from another world.

This feeling is very indescribable.

"I have to call Cannon." Jiang Kuo dialed Cannon's number, "I have doubts about Yang Ke."

Cannon's call was quickly picked up: "Kuo'er! You finally remembered me!"

"You said that Yang Ke went to Jiutian Waterfall to meet a girlfriend?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yes, I asked him," said Cannon. "What's the matter? Call me and ask him specifically? When did he get this treatment!"

"You're talking about him, just what's going on with this girlfriend." Jiang Kuo said.

"Did he look for you?" Cannon asked.

"Well, find me a partner to open a store." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck him, he's running an egg shop," Cannon said. "Ignore him."

"Go and ask." Jiang Kuo hung up the phone.

"You think carefully enough." Duan Feifei said.

"Occasionally you have to use your brain," Jiang Kuo said, "you..."

Duan Feifei's cell phone rang, he took it out and took a look: "Why did Duan Ling call me at this time?"

"Niu San Dao is about to be shipped." Jiang Kuo snorted.

"What are you saying, you didn't ask you to pack." Duan Feifei put his arm on his shoulder with a smile and answered the phone, "Hello?"

"Extraordinary," Duan Ling said in a low voice, even trembling, "Come back."

"What happened?" Duan Feifei stopped, "Tell me now."

Duan Ling paused for a moment: "Something happened to your dad... But ah! But! It shouldn't be strict..."

Jiang Kuo felt that Duan Feifei's entire body froze.

"What's wrong?" he asked quickly.

"I'll go back to the store." Duan Feifei hung up the phone, his hands were shaking a little, "My dad may... My mother told me last time that he was a little... He may... "

"I'll send you off." Jiang Kuo quickly grabbed his hand and squeezed it twice.