San Fu

Chapter 4


"Fuck me?" Duan Feifei was only shocked when he turned around.

He didn't know if Jiang Kuo had a bad mind or if he was determined to do something. This was the first time in his life that someone had been so persistent and repeatedly provoked him with a bodyguard without uniform within two hours.


After shaking for two seconds, Ding Zhe said, "It's awesome, this sound."

"It's a brain-deficient thing." Duan Feifei scolded his teeth.

Dong Kun looked at him, as if he didn't know for a while whether he was scolding Ding Zhe or Jiang Kuo.

But when he saw Jiang Kuo who was sitting in the car with a calm face and seemed to fall asleep after five seconds of stalemate, Dong Kun could be sure that it was Jiang Kuo who was scolding.

This act of pretending to be complacent is very challenging to Duan Feifei's violent temper.

"Come." Duan Feifei walked to the middle of the road, facing the front of the car, raised his arms and waved to Jiang Kuo, "Come."

"Extraordinary," Ding Zhe quickly followed, "No need."

"Just scolding a few words," Dong Kun also came over, "Forget it if you hit the car, you can't hit it."

"You two go to the side!" Duan Feifei's morale almost let them both let go.

Dong Kun and Ding Zhe didn't speak anymore, and didn't walk away. After all, they were "seniors". In this conflict between freshmen and fake freshmen, they had to ensure the safety of both parties.

"Come on," Duan Feifei looked at Jiang Kuo, "Aren't you in a hurry?"

"Fuck me..." Jiang Kuo sighed, raised his hand and rubbed his forehead, "What the hell is going on here?"

"Come on," said Cannon. "You've taken the initiative to do this. You can't blame others for cooperating."

"Be patient." Jiang Kuo gritted his teeth.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to give Duan Feifei a bow and say sorry, Duan Feifei suddenly shouted, "I can't pass!"

Jiang Kuo's hand that had just been raised to the steering wheel made him so frightened that his voice almost hit Cannon in the face.

He grabbed the steering wheel sharply.

He slammed the accelerator a few times.

Growing up so big, it was the first time that the other party wouldn't allow him to bow his head and admit to being a coward.

"Jiang Kuo." Cannon grabbed his arm.

Jiang Kuo ignored him.

"Didn't I say that day you still have something to read," Cannon said, "I've come up with one now! Do you want to hear it!"

Jiang Kuo slammed the accelerator again.

"You've never done anything illegal!" Cannon shouted, "You've never even run a red light! You are courteous to pedestrians! You are a good citizen who obeys the law, Jiang Kuo! You almost hit a tree to hide from the cat. A kind person, Jiang Kuo!"

Jiang Kuo raised his arm and shook off his hand, and the car rushed forward.

Then there's another kick on the brakes.

The front of the car stopped against Duan Feifei's legs.

"Look at what technology is." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck you, uncle." Cannon scolded in shock as he leaned back in his chair, gnashing his teeth, "This Duan Feifei is also a fucking talent... You don't even know how to hide!"

Although the two people next to Duan Feifei still had their hands on him, they had already pushed back a step, but Duan Feifei stood still and didn't move.

At this moment, he put his hand on the front of the car and looked at Jiang Kuo: "Get down."

Go down.

I don't want to buy this dress today, the big deal is to continue the old man's shirt tomorrow.

Jiang Kuo flicked his arm and opened the door.

Just as he stepped on the ground, he noticed that Duan Feifei's expression suddenly changed, and his gaze shifted downwards.

"The fault light is on." Cannon pointed to the dashboard.

A Porsche 911 was slapped by himself, and the headlights actually fell off.

Duan Feifei looked at the left headlight that slid half an inch forward from the base and suddenly went out, in disbelief.

What kind of inner strength is this

What quality is this!

He stood up straight and looked at Jiang Kuo who got out of the car.

Jiang Kuo walked forward, almost facing him face to face before stopping.

Then he glanced down.

"It's pretty cool." Jiang Kuo said.

"What about touching porcelain?" Duan Feifei said.

"That's not it." Jiang Kuo stared at him, stretched out a finger, pointed it on the headlight, and then pushed it back, the headlight was pushed back to its original position and turned on again.

"Fuck me?" Duan Feifei forgot that he was still angry and exclaimed.

"I bumped it the day before yesterday," Jiang Kuo said, "I can't get stuck, I have to repair it in the afternoon."

"Accident car?" Duan Feifei said.

"Bump, hit," Jiang Kuo said, "you just got into an accident."

Duan Feifei's expression changed again in an instant, looking at him without speaking.

"Trouble, let it go," Jiang Kuo also looked at him and took a deep breath, "Thank you."

"You're welcome." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo returned to the car and found that Cannon had taken out the toolbox.

"Why?" Jiang Kuo glared at him.

"Put it on," Cannon shook the roll of black tape in his hand, "it's already to the point of dropping it with just one tap. I'm afraid that it will fly out halfway and pick it up in the fast lane..."

Jiang Kuo paused for two seconds, grabbed the tape, and got out of the car.

Under the suspicious gazes of Duan Feifei and the others, he tore off a piece of tape and stuck it sideways on the headlights.

Then start tearing.

I don't know what this tape is for, he has torn it twice as long, and he doesn't break it.

Just as he was about to bite his teeth, a hand reached out and took away the tape.

Jiang Kuo turned his head and saw that Duan Feifei tore off the tape he had pasted before that was torn to 800 meters long, then pulled out a new one, and pulled his fingertips upward, and the tape broke.

Then put the tape on the headlights.

When he was about to continue to paste the next one, Jiang Kuo took the tape back again, and just like him, shuh! click! Pulled off a piece of tape and stuck it to the headlights.

Although this skill is not meaningless, it is not very useful, so it still only takes one time from entry to mastery.

After posting, Jiang Kuo glanced at Duan Feifei, hesitating whether to say thank you.

Duan Feifei raised his hand and patted it twice: "Amazing."

Jiang Kuo gritted his teeth and reminded himself repeatedly that if it wasn't for Duan Feifei, he would still be pulling the tape in front of everyone's eyes.

He didn't speak again and turned to get into the car.

Watching the car Juechen go away, Duan Feifei fanned the ashes in front of him.

"I really thought there was going to be a fight." Dong Kun said.

"No." Duan Feifei said, "Let's go."

"Isn't it enough?" Ding Zhe came back to his senses, "I was planning to hit someone just now."

"He won't bump," Duan Feifei looked at him, "Do you two have any brains?"

"No two," Dong Kun reminded, "I also don't think he will bump into each other."

"Then you hide?" Ding Zhe said.

"I'm just in case he doesn't stop." Dong Kun said.

"Did you dodge that half step without stopping?" Duan Feifei said.

"Speaking of which..." Ding Zhe still had lingering fears. "His skill is good. He has such a short distance and is so accurate. I doubt whether he has been driving without a license for many years before taking the book, or else..."

"My old uncle just closed his eyes and threw the knife when he had nothing to do. After three years of playing, he even hit the tenth ring once." Duan Feifei said.

The two turned to look at him together.

"I really want to beat him." Jiang Kuo looked at the red light ahead.

"Forget it, this person doesn't look like an ordinary freshman, so leave some room." Cannon waved his hand, "And you just reported, if you really beat him, maybe he will directly let you go home, and President Jiang will beat you again."

Jiang Kuo frowned and said silently for a while: "Why do you think he can live in a single room? Does he know Lao Sheng?"

Cannon pondered until the next red light before he forcibly gave an answer: "Maybe it's a failed grade."

"...I really asked the right person." Jiang Kuo nodded, "This school is really awesome. It's really refreshing to arrange a single room for those who repeat the grade."

Cannon thought about it and laughed for a long time.

"Forget it, this kind of thing will be known in a few days," Cannon opened his phone to search, and opened the navigation, "Go and buy your stuff."

"Check to see if there is a hotel near the school." Jiang Kuo said, "I'll send you there when I'm done."

"You don't mind me," said Cannon. "I'll just go there in a while. You'll have no car in the afternoon, have you forgotten?"

"I don't know how long it will take to get it done." Jiang Kuo sighed.

"It doesn't matter how long it takes to fix it," said Cannon. "You still drive to military training and drive to class?"

"It's normal to drive," Jiang Kuo frowned, "Calculate how far it is from the dormitory to the teaching building."

"You can't be lazy." Cannon also sighed, "That car can't let you park downstairs in the dormitory!"

Although the journey from home was not smooth, it was not smooth when I got to school, and it was not smooth when I went out, but the shopping was smooth.

The school is not good, but the city is good. Cannon also kindly found him the nearest mall where he has a black and gold card.

In less than two hours, Jiang Kuo picked up all the things, and confirmed with the account manager that the shopping mall would send the things over, and his car could not pile up that much.

"Deliver to school?" The account manager wrote down the address.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"Do you want to go to the dormitory building?" the account manager asked.

"Yes, if the guard doesn't allow him to call me," Jiang Kuo said.

"Okay." The account manager asked again, "Do you need to go shopping again? Or if you need a break, I'll take you to the VIP room."

"No need, thank you." Jiang Kuo glanced at the time, "Send it over in an hour."

"Okay." The account manager nodded.

I just had something to eat in an hour, and I was really hungry in the morning. I was forced to eat two sausages at the rest stop by the cannon, and now I have nothing in my stomach.

But if you really want to eat it, it doesn't seem to be very appetizing.

The master took him to eat a bowl of ramen, which tasted surprisingly good.

After returning to school after dinner, just parked the car, I received a call from the account manager, and the car had already driven in.

After Jiang Kuo instructed them to drive the car downstairs, he regretted it a little.

In fact, on the way from the school gate to the dormitory, he had already begun to regret it. At this time, everyone had finished their meals and went to the dormitory one after another. There were many people.

When the account manager got out of the car wearing his badge and started to take out all kinds of shopping bags of various sizes, Jiang Kuo asked Cannon: "Do you think I can ask the security guard at the door to help me get some things?"

"Do you think that is the security guard of your property company?" Cannon said.

Jiang Kuo didn't speak anymore. Originally, he wanted to take it in by himself, but because he didn't bring any luggage, from clothes to daily necessities and bedding, big bags and small bags, he and Cannon were estimated to have to run twice to get into the dormitory. Three times.

"Let's go," Cannon went over and took two bags of clothes and handed them to him. He also took two bags himself, and whispered, "If we run into that Duan Feihan again here, we won't be able to get through without a fight."

"I'm afraid he's a repeater?" Jiang Kuo gave him a sidelong glance, and turned his head toward the account manager, "This way."

Fortunately, the dormitory is on the first floor.

"We're just guessing, he doesn't necessarily have to repeat the class." Cannon said after him.

When he passed 107, Jiang Kuo took a look inside. Duan Feifei, a repeater, actually stayed in the dormitory very honestly, and he and Dong Kun sat on a reclining chair and rushed to the door.

I haven't seen you for a few hours, and there's another reclining chair!

Jiang Kuo suddenly regretted that he had thought about living in the dormitory for two days before moving out. When he was in the mall, he should have moved back with a single sofa or a massage chair!

"Who are those people?" Duan Feifei looked at the door.

After Jiang Kuo walked over, there was a round head and a round brain, followed by a woman in a suit, followed by a man in a uniform, and then another in a shirt.

Everyone has shopping bags in their hands.

"Fuck me," Dong Kun jumped up from his chair, ran to the door and stuck his head out, "Did you ask the errands to help you get something?"

"I heard they say it's from a shopping mall." Ding Zhe just came in with a few bowls of Mala Tang.

"Is there such a service?" Dong Kun was stunned, "I knew I bought a bunch of them that day..."

"You can't even buy Ba Dui," Ding Zhe put Mala Tang on the table, "Is this kind of VVIP, VVVVVIP, service?"

"He doesn't have luggage?" Duan Feifei took a bowl of Mala Tang, "Can these things fit in the dormitory?"

"There is no luggage," Dong Kun said. "I think I bought it all again... I thought you were the only one with no luggage in the new student."

"I lived close by," said Duan Feifei, "Besides, I brought it here from home, not from the mall to the dormitory, which forced him to pretend..."

Jiang Kuo's shopping bags were piled up all over the place, and the other three people in the dormitory were sitting at the table watching silently.

"Excuse me, where is the wardrobe?" Jiang Kuo turned his head and asked the man with a righteous face. He had just introduced himself by his name, but he couldn't remember it anymore.

"There's a row over there, I'll leave the one by the door for you," looked at his shopping bag with a straight face, "but..."

A row of four wooden cabinets, quite new.

The cannon went over and opened the cabinet door.

Jiang Kuo glanced at it and was stunned. The upper three layers of partitions and the lower one were higher, and the width of the cabinet was only 60 to 70 centimeters.

"It's not even the size of a refrigerator, is it?" he said.

"It's a little bigger than the one that goes up and down the door," said Cannon.

"Not enough clothes to hang..." Jiang Kuo walked over and looked, "What are the layers above?"

"Normal is enough. If you have too many clothes, you can't do it. You can also put clothes on the top layers and fold them." There was contempt in his righteous face, "Aren't you good at folding clothes?"

"That's not so," Jiang Kuo didn't care about his tone, "I just think it's convenient to hang it directly."

"Make the bed first, don't you want to sleep?" Cannon said.

"Well." Jiang Kuo thought it made sense, and the two began to make the bed.

Half an hour later, Cannon clapped his hands, and watched the folds on the sheets that were slanted by an unknown number of folds. You won't feel anything when you go up."

Jiang Kuo glanced at the other three beds, except for the one with a righteous face that was perfectly made, the beds of those two were not much better than his, okay, it showed that he was qualified.

As for other things, Jiang Kuo stuffed them into various corners of his own territory.

"Okay, let's do it, I'm sleepy," he fell on the bed. He wanted to take a shower first, but the atmosphere in the dormitory was not very harmonious, so he didn't want to move, and took out a few coins in his wallet. Zhang membership card, "Pao Er, find a hotel to rest first and see which one can be used. In the afternoon, they come to pick up the car. If I don't wake up, you can take it directly to the parking lot."

"It's weird if you can wake up. It's my number. You can call me when you wake up." Cannon took the card, looked around the room, and then slowly walked out of the dormitory, "Let's go!"

"Walk slowly." Jiang Kuo closed his eyes.

Several people in the dormitory were silent for a while before they started to move and spoke in low voices.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but Jiang Kuo expressed his gratitude. Although it was past the lunch break, although he probably felt a little uncomfortable with him, everyone's movements and voices were still lighter.

Jiang Kuo felt that there was basically no process between being confused and falling asleep, and the next second he lost consciousness as if he had lost consciousness.

When he woke up, he was still in the same position, and the right leg hanging by the bed was numb to the right buttocks.

He moved his legs, and his numbness spread all over his body in an instant. Fortunately, it was already dark, and no one saw the hideous expression on his face.

it's dark

Only then did he react, and he quickly took out his phone and glanced at it, it was past eleven o'clock.

There were only a few messages from the cannons on the phone.


-not yet

-See you tomorrow.

Jiang Kuo fell back on the pillow again, wanting to go back to sleep.

But five minutes later he opened his eyes, his back was wet, his forehead was also wet, covered in sweat.

There are only two ceiling fans that swing back and forth in the dormitory, and the wind blowing is also full of wind, there is no coolness at all, and I just slept like this until the night.

After standing for another two minutes, Jiang Kuo sat up, got out of bed lightly, took his mobile phone and wallet, and walked out of the dormitory.

I don't know if it's because I've slept enough or it's hot, but I can't sleep at all. It's impossible to continue sleeping in the dormitory tonight.

He was going to find a cannon, and the hotel opened a room before tonight.

There are still lights in the corridors, several dormitories are still lit, and someone is talking.

As Jiang Kuo walked to the door of the dormitory, he called out Cannon's phone number. When he was about to dial, he suddenly felt a chill under his feet.

Has it changed

But after he stopped, the coolness disappeared again.

Nothing has changed.

He hesitated for a moment, then took two steps back, and the position of his ankle was cold again.

This time, he was sure that this was not a change, it was floating out from the closed dormitory door next to him.

He glanced at the numbers on the door.


Repeated students can not only live in a single room, but also have air conditioning!

Jiang Kuo was quite shocked.

He looked around, but no one was there.

So he leaned over and bent over to get his handle close to the crack of the door below.

This time, I could clearly tell that not only was there light coming out of the crack of the door, but there was also fucking air-conditioning.


When the door was slammed open, Jiang Kuo was still bent over and stretched his hand over the crack of the door, immersed in anger.

Even more indignant in the air-conditioning blowing in the face.

He didn't straighten up until he saw a pair of feet in slippers.

Duan Feifei was shirtless and wearing big pants, and looked at him with inexplicable disgust.

After a while, he said, "What?"