San Fu

Chapter 41


Duan Feifei wiped the tears from his face and sniffed.

The proprietress immediately handed over two more tissues.

"Thank you, Auntie." Duan Feifei said.

"It's alright, don't hold back, cry if you want," said the proprietress, "who doesn't have a time when they want to cry."

"Thank you," Duan Feifei smiled, "I'm fine, how much are these?"

"I won't charge you any more," the proprietress waved her hand, "I'll give it to you."

"Don't, don't," Duan Feihan quickly pointed out the scan box, "It's not that I don't have money, I just... Thank you, I just got off at this stop to buy Dragon Beard Candy, how can I ask for it for nothing."

The proprietress didn't insist, she put the payment code in front of him with a smile, looked thoughtfully in the direction he came from, and put a small box of mung bean cakes in the bag he was carrying: "Try it, Our new products, if they are delicious, come and buy them next time."

"Okay." Duan Feifei nodded, paid the money and walked out of the store, "Let's go, Auntie, thank you."

"Come again," said the proprietress.

When he came out in the morning, he didn't eat breakfast. He usually wouldn't be very hungry by this time. I don't know if I was crying too hard just now.

He took out the box of mung bean cake from the bag, opened it, lowered his head, picked up the top piece and ate it.

The taste is very good, very delicate and soft, and it melts in the mouth without any grit, and it is not particularly sweet.

good to eat.

He took a photo of the mung bean cake and sent it to Jiang Kuo.

[JK921]What is this? It looks very tasty

[Instructions are as follows] Mung bean cake, never tried it

[JK921]I heard about it, so I bought it

Duan Feifei laughed.

[Instructions are as follows] This box was given by the proprietress

[JK921]Yes, everyone loves little heroes

When I went back to school, the last class was not over yet.

Duan Feifei put a bag of food on the table, leaned back on the reclining chair, and closed his eyes.

All the way back, looking at the passengers on and off the bus, the passengers laughing, the passengers who scold their children, and the constantly changing street scene outside the window, he has gradually calmed down.

Such emotions were just an accident.

But when he sat alone in the dormitory again, the urge to cry that had not dissipated came up again.

He was stunned for a while, then got up to wash his face. After washing, I thought about washing my hair again.

When he came out of the bathroom, he felt like he was fully back to normal.

Someone outside has already started to return to the dormitory.

The phone rang twice.

Duan Feifei wiped his hair while poking it open to take a look.

Liu Fatty summoned all the role models in the group to cook mutton at noon.

[Ding Weiwu] Shabu-shabu mutton at noon

[Liu Xiuchang] Don't go if you don't want to eat

[Sun Zhuanghan] I eat

[Dong Xiaosa] Why eat at noon

[Liu Xiuchang] Because I have to go to class at night!

[Liu Xiuchang] Got it! study! Because we have another class in the evening!

[Duan Yingjun]…

[Ding Weiwu] Is Jiang rich

[Ding Weiwu] If Jiang has money to go or not, someone will feed you

[Sun Zhuanghan] If Jiang has money to go or not, someone will feed you

[Dong Xiaosa] If Jiang has money to go or not, someone will feed you

[Liu Xiuchang] If Jiang has money to go or not, someone will feed you

[Duan Yingjun]…

[Jiang Youqian] I just went to the toilet!

Duan Feifei dropped his phone and laughed for a long time.

After a while, Jiang Kuo entered 107.

"Have you finished using the toilet?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"Have you washed your hands?" Duan Feifei handed the mung bean cake to him.

"I just touched the door." Jiang Kuo turned around and washed his hands again, then came back and reached out to pick up a piece.

Before I picked it up, it shattered in the box.

"Damn it, is it so fluffy?" He was shocked.

"...Do you want to show your dexterity to a mung bean cake?" Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo carefully and gently picked up another piece: "Did your dad look at the photo?"

"Well, I saw it all, and I gave him the photo," Duan Feifei said, "He is very happy."

"There's more in the back," Jiang Kuo put the mung bean cake into his mouth, then stared, "Yeah! It's delicious."

"Buy more of this next time I go." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo looked at him, lowered his head and picked up another piece, glanced at him again, and put it in his mouth.

Duan Feifei quickly turned his head away, Jiang Kuo's state was very similar to when he saw his father in the meeting room before.

"Are you crying?" Jiang Kuo asked.


Duan Feifei really wanted to take a mirror and take a look at it, can he really see it? It feels like there are no traces left!

"Our father and son's emotions are earth-shattering, it's really..." Duan Feifei said, "It's so touching."

Jiang Kuo clapped the mung bean cake residue on his hand, stretched his hand in front of him again, and clapped his hands a few times.

"Are you crying so fiercely?" Jiang Kuo said, "It's really moving."

Duan Feifei couldn't help it, so he went to the toilet and looked in the mirror.

He probably doesn't cry often, and he rarely looks in the mirror after crying, so he learned today that after he finished crying, the redness on the tip of his nose and eyes would not go away for so long.

"What kind of physique do I have," Duan Feifei said, "some people have a physique with scars, am I a physique with tears scars?"

"Don't be nauseous," Jiang Kuo began to eat dragon beard candy again, "Did you say something? Normally, your dad looks at some photos, that is, laughs, and doesn't give any feedback that will make you cry, right? "

"I used to," Duan Feifei walked out and leaned against the table, "I don't think about some things, and my dad won't let me know if he had any ideas in the past."

Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

"Do you remember how many times we've met since we met?" Duan Feifei asked.

"...I don't remember." Jiang Kuo said.

"After my dad was in prison, I could count the number of times I saw him," Duan Feifei said, "I didn't see him in the first three years because he wouldn't let him. Later, my uncle would take me there every year, probably Three or four times, I only go twice a year when I’m young, and when I’m older, I’ll go by myself.”

Jiang Kuo didn't speak.

"I was very close to my dad when I was a child, and later... I missed him a lot," Duan Feifei said, "but when I can't see it, I think, and when I can, it feels strange, and he rarely talks to me like he used to. That feeling…”

"Well," Jiang Kuo nodded, "I can understand."

"It was only two or three times that the two of us started talking about our daily life," Duan Feifei said. "Today he suddenly... told me, I don't know how I've been through all these years."

Jiang Kuo looked at him: "He feels sorry for you."

"I don't need him to feel that way," Duan Feifei sighed, "and I suddenly found out that he... is different from what I remembered, as if his eyes are a little old."

"So you cried." Jiang Kuo said.

"Actually... um," Duan Feifei nodded, "he cried so hard that the proprietress of Longxu Tang thought I couldn't pay me and said she wouldn't charge me."

I actually cried when I saw your news.

Jiang Kuo was silent for a while, then laughed: "Damn."

"But I still gave the money." Duan Feifei said.

"It's alright," Jiang Kuo reached out and patted him on the shoulder, "I will cry to Uncle Kuo in the future. Uncle Kuo knows that you can afford the money and will cry once for five hundred yuan."

"Learning is bad." Duan Feifei laughed.

The phone vibrated on the table and he picked it up.

"What do you two mean! Are you together?" Liu Pang shouted, "Aren't you going to cook the mutton!"

"Go," Duan Feifei pointed to the door, and the two walked out of the dormitory, "Where are you?"

"It's at the school gate." Jiang Kuo looked at his phone.

"At the door! The group has been shouting for a long time, and neither of you farts." Liu Fatty said.

"Come here." Duan Feifei hung up the phone, rubbed his face again, and turned to look at Jiang Kuo, "Can you still tell?"

"What?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"I cried." Duan Feifei said.

"It's not obvious if you don't look at it specifically." Jiang Kuo said.

"Then you just..." Duan Feifei stopped halfway through.

"Well, I just watched it specially," Jiang Kuo said, "I feel that your aura is not right when you enter the door."

"What's wrong with the aura?" Duan Feifei was stunned.

"How do you usually say it?" Jiang Kuo gestured, "You are always in high spirits, high in spirit, yes, in high spirits. When I look at you today, I feel that you are completely collapsed."

"… This can be seen? Where did I collapse?" Duan Feifei said.

"Intention," Jiang Kuo said, "These are all intentions."

"Okay." Duan Feifei said, "Then you understand now, have I been flying?"

"After a while, you will socialize twice, and you will fly." Jiang Kuo said.

"I called." Duan Feifei said after walking out of the dormitory building.

"What?" Jiang Kuo became vigilant.

"Zhao Lu!" Duan Feifei roared at a man walking towards him.

The man was startled, raised his head, and threw the two packets of snacks he was holding in his hand.

Jiang Kuo breathed a sigh of relief, because he was not frightened because of the warning.

"Once." Duan Feifei said.

When he reached the main road to the gate, he still looked around.

Most of the people were in the cafeteria at the moment, and there were not many people to socialize on the road.

When the tricycle in the cafeteria came from behind, he seized the opportunity and waved, "Master Liang!"

"No!" Jiang Kuo said immediately, "No! I won't sit."

"Take us to the door." Duan Feifei said.

"Come on," Master Liang braked immediately and stopped beside them, "Where are you going, don't you drive a sports car?"

"Just at the door," Duan Feifei got into the car, "Fat man, please eat."

"I said why didn't I go to the cafeteria today." Master Liang glanced at Jiang Kuo with a smile.

This kind and friendly smile was irresistible, Jiang Kuo had to bite the bullet and got into the car, sitting face to face with Duan Feifei on the side of the car.

Fortunately, Master Liang is now going out to bring goods back, not from outside.

Liu Fatty stood at the gate, and when he saw them coming out, he pointed at them and scolded them: "How can I be so humble when I invite a guest!"

"I can do it too." Jiang Kuo jumped out of the car.

"Not uncommon!" Liu Fatty said.

"What about them?" Duan Feifei said two more words to Master Liang before coming over.

"It's already passed," Liu Fatty said, "the one upstairs from the little chrysanthemum over there."

"...Little chrysanthemum?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"There is a Yingchunhua supermarket over there." Duan Feifei said.

"The spring flower is painted like a chrysanthemum." Liu Fatty said.

"Don't laugh at others." Jiang Kuo sighed.

This semester's sketches made him want to vomit blood, let alone spring flowers, he couldn't even draw a single square.

After this mutton meal, basically this group of people will no longer get together before New Year's Day. The review task of the second year is much heavier than them.

Moreover, Jiang Kuo also felt a big head for this relatively easy review.

After a summer vacation and half a semester, he wandered ignorantly. Now that he is nervous, he feels like a fool.

He was able to make do with regular subjects, but there were a lot of things to memorize, especially plants. Every time he memorized it, it was like his first memorization.

After reviewing for more than half a month, he mustered up the courage to try the paper that Sun Ji brought in at 107.

"Damn it," he flicked the paper. "It's so dangling."

Duan Feifei sat across from him and closed his eyes and endorsed, listening to the music now.

"How can this be good." Jiang Kuo said, "If you accidentally tremble on a big question, you will fail."

"Go ahead." Duan Feifei still closed his eyes.

"Is your state very confident?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"I'm more sure than you, I can at least write a lab report myself," Duan Feifei opened his eyes, "I can make do without making up the test."

Jiang Kuo snorted: "Forget it, let's go to the classroom and read for a while."

I usually feel that the people in the class are doing the same thing about studying, but as the exam week approaches, everyone seems to be a habitual academic bully. of them never existed.

Jiang Kuo could only be sure that Tang Li was really serious, and he worked very hard this semester.

At this moment, he has been lying on the table in front of Jiang Kuo and has not made any major movements for an hour.

"I'm so sleepy." Jiang Kuo whispered.

"Sleep for a while." Duan Feifei said, "I snorted and I woke you up."

"Forget it," Jiang Kuo yawned, "it's not too late."

In the middle of December, a few subjects were completed ahead of schedule, with a few less lessons and a lot more time for review.

If there is no accident, such as sudden loss of memory, sudden break of the pen, and sudden diarrhea in the middle of the test...

There should be no problem.

In the morning, he even got up in full spirits and ran with Duan Feifei early in the morning.

His mother called, and he was still panting.

"What's the matter?" Mom asked, "Asthma?"

"What about running," Jiang Kuo said, "why are you so early?"

"I thought you didn't get up," Mom said.

"Then you still fight?" Jiang Kuo stopped and stood behind the tree next to him, avoiding the wind.

Duan Feifei gestured to him to run another lap.

Jiang Kuo nodded.

"I'm going to help the small courtyard to clean the dogs today," Mom said. "How are you doing? If you don't call, you won't contact the family."

"Very good, there are still a few days for the exam," Jiang Kuo said, "I will go home after the exam in January."

"Are there any classmates coming back with you?" Mom asked, "Mr. Jiang said that there may be classmates coming to play during the winter vacation?"

"Yes, there is no set time," Jiang Kuo looked at Duan Feifei who was running in the distance, "Maybe later, they have some family affairs."

"If you set the time in advance, you can tell the guys in the marketing department, and let them arrange where to play first," Mom said. "Don't be in a hurry when your classmates come over."

"I know." Jiang Kuo smiled, "You still worry about this."

"You have to worry about it," Mom said. "You are so grown up, and none of your classmates have played at home yet."

"After all, popularity is not good." Jiang Kuo said.

"Why is popular now suddenly better?" Mom asked, "Did something change happen?"

"...What are you talking about!" Jiang Kuo shouted.

The mother smiled happily: "Then why is the popularity suddenly better now?"

"Because I met a bunch of social freaks," Jiang Kuo looked again, Duan Feifei had already run half a circle, and was running towards him now, "Mr. Jiang has eaten together, you should know."

"I guess it's the ones he said," Mom said. "Okay, you can go for a run. I have to get busy."

"Can I bring a dog back on vacation?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Is that little dog from your circle of friends?" Mom asked.

"Well, the New Year's cannon has also gone home. I'll bring it back." Jiang Kuo said.

"Okay." Mom was very cheerful.

"Then I'll hang up." Jiang Kuo said.

"Is there any arrangement for New Year's Day?" Mom chased after him, "Now that you don't have sex with her."

"...Isn't it normal that I don't have sex with her," Jiang Kuo said, "she didn't want to have sex with me when I was at home before."

"Are you dating someone?" Mom asked again.

"Is there a lot of problems?" Jiang Kuo sighed.

In the past, his mother would not have cared so much about him, nor would he have such clear questions. Now, all this inquiries always give him the illusion that he is hiding something from his family.

"After all, it's the first time I've been out for such a long time, shouldn't I ask about my living conditions?" Mom said, "I'll contact you after all. She even asks three questions, and you're fine."

... Although Jiang Liao usually would not disclose his movements to his parents, but at this moment, this question and three ignorance also inexplicably revealed a sense of concealment.


Jiang Kuo looked at Duan Feifei who had already run over, and smiled: "It's alright, it's alright, don't worry."

"Your mother?" Duan Feifei stopped.

"Well, explore my life." Jiang Kuo said.

"You don't usually call home," Duan Feifei said. "Every time I go to your dormitory, I watch Li Zirui's video with his grandma."

"I want to video with my mother every day, she can block me." Jiang Kuo said.

"Have breakfast?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded, "Do you have any plans for New Year's Day?"

Duan Feifei thought for a while: "I went to see my dad on the 1st and applied for a lunch with the correctional officer."

"Can we eat together?" Jiang Kuo said.

"In the prison restaurant, you can apply in advance," Duan Feifei said. "Then there will be more work in Niu Sandao in those days. I will..."

Halfway through he stopped again and looked at Jiang Kuo: "Do you have any plans?"

"I don't." Jiang Kuo answered truthfully.

"Then what do you arrange now?" Duan Feifei said.

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo was stunned.

"If you have any arrangements, I will cooperate with you to make arrangements." Duan Feifei said.

"Ah?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

There is an indescribable feeling, neither warmth nor touching.

New Year's Day has three days off, but it's stuck in the exam week. After New Year's Day, there are still two exams to continue, and he must read books at the end of the holiday, so he plans to go out to play on New Year's Day. Every day, the dormitory classroom canteen, and the farthest is sports. Going to the playground in class is really uncomfortable.

But this kind of discomfort is not relieved by going to the supermarket with Tang Li, Li Zirui and the others to buy a pot.

"I mean..." Duan Feifei was a little confused by his reaction, and quickly explained, "Well, some of my arrangements are... maneuverable, if you, that..."

"I just want to go out and hang out and play," Jiang Kuo said. "I just suffocate and want to see the tacky world. I want to see any mall that opens and my aunt dances the square."

Duan Feifei was stunned for a while, then laughed: "Your requirements are a little too low."

"Excessive demands cannot be fulfilled," Jiang Kuo said.

"Then... go out for a walk in the afternoon of New Year's Day?" Duan Feifei took out his mobile phone, "I finish my meal at noon, and then go out to see the tacky world?"

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded, thinking about it and adding, "Are the role models in school?"

"I'll ask them." Duan Feifei said.

"What about Niu Sandao's work?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"It's okay," Duan Feifei said, "I want to say that when I go out to play on New Year's Day, my aunt will definitely support it."

[Duan Yingjun] Do you have any plans for New Year's Day

[Ding Weiwu]C! Do you know what time it is now

[Duan Yingjun] Do you have any plans for New Year's Day

[Jiang Youqian]Do you have any arrangements for New Year's Day

[Dong Xiaosa] I really have an arrangement I want to make

[Duan Yingjun] said

Dong Kun sent a link to the group.

Jiang Kuo glanced at it, it was a newly opened indoor archery hall.

"This seems to be more interesting than the tacky world?" Duan Feifei looked at Jiang Kuo.

"It seems to be." Jiang Kuo said.

[Duan Yingjun] Report number one to go

[Ding Weiwu]Three

[Jiang Youqian]four

[Sun Zhuanghan's voice] Damn it! You bastards have endless dididididi in the early morning, go! Treat anyone who doesn't go!

[Duan Yingjun] You can do it in the afternoon and evening, I will take a half-day tour of the prison area in the morning

[Dong Xiaosa] Oh, I'm going to make an appointment

"How's it going?" Duan Feifei smiled, "In the extra time, you can see the tacky world."

"Very good," Jiang Kuo suddenly felt in a good mood, "How about you help me with my staff when I'm wandering around, and buy a gift for Mr. Jiang and his wife? Just use the money I earned on Eleven."

"Okay." Duan Feifei nodded.

Speaking of gifts, Jiang Kuo suddenly remembered, should he give Duan Feifei a New Year's gift

"You want to..." he opened his mouth and found the question very difficult to ask.

He has no experience in giving gifts. When he needs to give it, he usually asks directly what he wants, or he can let Cannon help him buy whatever he wants.

It was impossible for Duan Feifei to say what he wanted, and he couldn't ask.

But after pondering for two seconds, he suddenly regained his senses.

He never gave anyone a New Year's gift.

Do you still need gifts for the new year