San Fu

Chapter 46


The arrow is not set up properly, the string is not drawn steadily, let alone aiming, I haven't found where to aim.

The arrow flew out just like that and landed in the middle of the arrow path. Because the bow was not steady, it banged and hit it backwards.

Duan Feifei was still frozen in place, his posture did not change.

Jiang Kuo reacted very quickly, his left arm bent, blocking the bowstring from under his left arm.

"What do you think?" Jiang Kuo glared at him.

You are too close to me.

"I didn't think of anything," Duan Feifei glanced at the coach. Several people turned in the same direction, including the coach. No one noticed this.

Jiang Kuo didn't move, still looking at him from the distance before.

He had to turn his head and look at Jiang Kuo.

Or it doesn't seem right to him.

But turning his head and taking a look won't change the status quo. Jiang Kuo is still standing there, covering his entire body temperature from his arms to his waist to his legs.

"It's very dangerous, you know," Jiang Kuo looked at him, "the arrow is not stuck and the string is not pulled in place, you are equivalent to emptying the bow, and the bow will be seriously destroyed..."

Duan Feifei couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

"Put your eyebrows up," Jiang Kuo said, "the bow will be seriously injured."

"Understood." Duan Feifei replied.

Jiang Kuo took two steps back, stood in front of the arrow path next to him, and took an arrow: "Look at my action."

"Good coach Jiang." Duan Feifei replied.

Jiang Kuo glanced at him, decomposed the movements step by step, and did it slowly. When the bow was finally full, he shook his head at Duan Feifei: "Come and see."

Duan Feifei walked behind him.

"Leave your head a little bit, get close to your hands, touch your fingers to your face, and aim," Jiang Kuo said. "The angle of the bow, the angle of the head and shoulders, all remain fixed."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei tilted his head along with him.

Jiang Kuo shot another arrow, almost side by side with the previous one.

At the same time, an arrow was shot from the side of the arrow, and after half the journey, the runaway mode was activated, and it landed on the target of the arrow before Duan Feifei.

"Who is this?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Me!" Dong Kun replied confidently.

"Get your head right..." Jiang Kuo said.

"Should we switch to a shorter path?" Ding Zhe has been practicing his movements, but he hasn't fired an arrow yet, "I feel like I'm not talking about aiming, I can't see the bull's-eye at this distance."

"Change it for what! It's a standard length! Besides, it doesn't make any sense if you see it. You might be able to shoot at Jiang Kuo's target," Liu Fatty said, "It's up to me."

"Don't look around when you're pulling the bow, it's dangerous!" the coach said. "Be focused!"

Liu Fat immediately lost his voice and focused on aiming.


The arrow didn't go any other way, but it didn't hit the target and landed on the wall one meter below the target.

Then I felt that Ding Zhe, who had been aiming for ten thousand years, finally shot an arrow and hit the target.

"Not bad!" The coach said encouragingly.

A group of people applauded.

In the lively atmosphere, Duan Feifei felt that he was detached from his previous emotions. He glanced at Jiang Kuo and stood back in front of his arrow path.

"Whose is the root on the ground?" Dong Kun asked suddenly.

"Mine." Duan Feifei said.

"Fuck, are you good at throwing?" Dong Kun said.

Several people were happy.

"I didn't expect it. I thought that Duan Feifei would be the best player among our new hands," Liu Fatty said. "I didn't expect it to be better than Ding Zhe."

"Jiang Kuo's teaching level is not good, it seems." Ding Zhe was triumphant.

Duan Feifei didn't speak, and looked at Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo raised his right eyebrow and looked at him.

"Continue." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo walked up to him: "Did I just poke your itch?"

"No." Duan Feifei glanced ahead.

This time, because his posture is relatively standard, Jiang Kuo did not teach one by one, but just stood beside him and raised his bow.

Duan Feifei's attention was half on aiming and half on his fingers hooking the strings.

No more surprises No more surprises.

It's not a shame to throw another arrow out. As a recognized person with good athletic and physical coordination, it's a bit strange that his arrow has problems again.

"When it's loose, be simple," Jiang Kuo stepped back behind him and took a look with him. "Three fingers at the same time, don't be sloppy."

Duan Feifei controlled his breathing.

As soon as his fingers loosened, the arrow whizzed out.

It landed a dozen centimeters below the target.

He tutted.

"Look up according to the feeling just now." Jiang Kuo said.

"Well," Duan Feifei hesitated, "you stand by my side, I'm a little nervous."

"Are you three years old?" Jiang Kuo said.

"I would be nervous when I was 30," Duan Feifei said.

"Okay." Jiang Kuo retreated and said, "Are you nervous when I look at you?"

"...It's okay." Duan Feifei picked up an arrow.

Jiang Kuo watched his actions.

Duan Feifei learns things very fast, and his posture was quite standard the first time.

Although the arrow was successfully shot this time, Jiang Kuo could feel that something was wrong.

It's just that what's wrong, he's not quite sure.

"A game?" Liu Fat asked over there.

After trying a few arrows, several people suddenly became full of inexplicable confidence in themselves, and they all agreed.

"Okay." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm not counting you," Liu Fatty said. "You can do whatever you want. You can proof it over there."

"Don't play with me." Jiang Kuo clicked his tongue, "I can make you eight arrows in one round of twelve arrows."

"Fuck," Dong Kun said, "does that count as blatant contempt for us?"

"Forget it." Duan Feifei said.

"Then I'll play by myself." Jiang Kuo said with a smile, "If you practice for another half an hour, how will you score if you miss the target in a while."

"Damn!" Several people shouted at the same time.

"Okay, the game will be played after half an hour of practice," Ding Zhe said. "The loser is a treat."

"Should we count Sun Ji and the others?" Duan Feifei said, "Is it almost there?"

"The two of them have come to play extra matches." Dong Kun said, "they will just send a representative. Sun Ji said that his daughter-in-law can shoot arrows. I don't know if it is bragging."

In order not to invite this meal, several people immediately put into serious practice.

Duan Feifei started to hit the target after a few arrows, but it was always in the outer circle.

Jiang Kuo looked at his posture from time to time while playing.

But I don't know if Duan Feifei was too focused or something else, Jiang Kuo's eyes never met his, to be precise, Duan Feifei never looked this way.

Duan Feifei finally stopped and looked at him after practicing for about ten minutes.

"Why?" Jiang Kuo was aiming.

You continue to be like no one else.

"You finished the arrow first." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo didn't speak, and shot out an arrow.

Hit the bullseye.

"Huh!" Jiang Kuo raised his chin happily, then turned to look at Duan Feifei.

"Is there something wrong with me?" Duan Feifei said, "Help me see, why can't I go to the middle?"

Jiang Kuo walked over to him and watched him shoot an arrow.

"Why don't you change your hand," Jiang Kuo said, "hold the bow in your right hand and aim with your left eye. Your left eye may be the dominant eye."

"Then I practiced in vain before?" Duan Feifei said.

"Do you want to try?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Okay." Duan Feifei took off his protective gear and replaced it with a bow in his right hand.

This left and right change, and have to re-adjust the posture.

Jiang Kuo's position did not move. After changing hands, Duan Feifei drew his bow, and the two of them stood face to face.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little weird, and Duan Feifei felt that his eyes didn't know where to look.

Oh, look at the bow, look at the arrow, aim.

"Come here a little bit," Jiang Kuo added immediately after he finished speaking, "Don't loosen the strings!"

"Yeah." Duan Feifei responded.

Aim carefully and fire an arrow.

"Damn it!" he shouted, the arrow firmly anchored in the Nine Rings.

"Okay," Jiang Kuo gave a thumbs up, "continue."

Duan Feifei continued to practice.

Jiang Kuo retreated to the rest area and sat down, and by the way called the waiter to come over and ask for a few bottles of drinks.

But the waiter said that you can go to the front desk to pay and then go to the freezer to get it.

Only then did he remember that he was not the VIP here, so he got up and went to the front desk to buy a drink and carried them back to their rest area.

When he came back, Duan Feifei was not practicing, but looked over here.

After meeting his gaze, Duan Feifei smiled, drew an arrow and turned to continue.

Something is not right.

Jiang Kuo usually doesn't pay attention to other people's emotions and states, but if there is anything, he can feel it as long as he wants.

Duan Feihan was different from anyone he had ever known before, and he would notice any emotion.

When he was on the mountain yesterday, he was a little strange. After the accident when the string was loosened, it has been wrong until now, and he was also inexplicably embarrassed after changing the archer.

Jiang Kuo put the drink on the table, sat on the chair and drank the drink slowly, looking at Duan Feifei's back.

Sun Ji and his girlfriend finally arrive after an hour.

The girlfriend's name is Liu Mingming, Sun Ji calls her Xiaoming, and everyone calls her Xiaoming together. It sounds like they are making papers together.

Liu Mingming is quite generous, has a good personality, and is always smiling.

"Jiang Kuo," Sun Ji and Liu Mingming changed their protective gear and picked a bow. He pointed at Liu Mingming, "Here comes someone who can defeat you."

Jiang Kuo laughed. "Don't talk nonsense." Liu Mingming quickly waved his hand, "I'm just like that, I'm better than not."

But this is obviously modest, Liu Mingming's first arrow is the nine rings.

"Yes." Jiang Kuo said.

The next few consecutive arrows were very powerful, and only one arrow was in the eight rings.

When Sun Ji gave Jiang Kuo the gauntlet for her, Jiang Kuo did not refuse, and it would be more interesting to play with an opponent.

He got up and took the bow.

"What's the rule?" Dong Kun asked.

"Three arrows in one set, twelve arrows in one round," Jiang Kuo said, "I won't let the girls do it."

"Don't let it go." Liu Mingming said with a smile.

With a girlfriend here, Sun Ji immediately stopped going with them, and pointed at Jiang Kuo: "Don't talk too much, I tell you Jiang Xiaokuo, Xiaoming won't let boys."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo said with a smile.

In order not to waste everyone's scheduled time, the two of them competed in the next two archery paths, and the others watched while practicing.

Jiang Kuo discovered that the path Duan Feifei had used before was replaced by Sun Ji.

He glanced at it, and there was no Duan Feihan in the few paths over there.

When I turned around, I saw Duan Feifei sitting in the rest area, holding a bottle of drink.

Seeing him turn around, Duan Feifei smiled and raised the bottle in his hand to him.

"Stop playing?" Jiang Kuo asked with his mouth.

Duan Feifei stretched out two fingers, pointed at his eyes, and pointed at them both.

"Okay, look." Jiang Kuo nodded.

Liu Mingming's skills are not bad. While chatting during the competition, she knew that her family had a relative who opened an archery hall, and she would go there to play when she was on vacation.

"You must have been playing for many years," Liu Mingming said after the two groups, "I really can't compare."

"I started playing when I was in elementary school, but I didn't insist." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm going to lose." Liu Mingming said with a smile, "I can't catch up with the remaining arrows."

"It's not the end." Jiang Kuo said, "What if I miss the target?"

Sun Ji and Liu Mingming couldn't laugh, and Sun Ji sighed: "You are too irritating."

The Twelve Arrows came to an end soon, and Jiang Kuo had no suspense in winning. Several people sighed that Liu Mingming, even if a girl lost, was still better than their gang of lads.

Jiang Kuo put his bow down and wanted to sit for a while, but found that Duan Feifei was no longer on the chair in the rest area.

No one was seen around.

"Where's Duan Feifei?" he asked Fatty Liu. "I don't know," Liu Fatty turned his head around blankly, "Go to the toilet."

"Oh." Jiang Kuo responded.

A little uncomfortable.

After agreeing to watch the battle, he actually ran halfway, why can't he hold his urine for so long


However, he sat in the rest area for five minutes and did not see Duan Feifei come back.

It's time to pull a big one...

For some reason, at this moment, he suddenly felt that he knew why Duan Feifei suddenly left.

Although there is no connection.

He stood up, hesitated and walked out.

"The toilet is on the right side of the door." Liu Fatty said behind him.

… Does he look like someone who wants to go to the toilet but can’t find one these days

Everyone will kindly remind him where the toilet is.

"I don't go to the toilet," he said.

After walking through several archery areas and walking back to the front desk, without encountering Duan Feifei, Jiang Kuo asked the front desk, "Come with us, wear gray..."

"The boy who was always with you just now?" The front desk pointed to a door leading to the back of the museum before he could finish his description, "He went over there, that door leads to the outside."

"...Thank you." Jiang Kuo said.

As soon as he walked out the door, he met Duan Feifei who was returning.

"Where to?" Duan Feifei was surprised to see him.

"Where have you been?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"I'll just go around." Duan Feifei pointed behind him.

Jiang Kuo took a look, this is an outdoor venue, there will be no people in this weather, there is nothing to see, not even the target.

"Is something wrong with you?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"No." Duan Feifei replied.

"Do you have any opinion on me?" Jiang Kuo asked again.

"How is that possible." Duan Feifei raised his voice.

"I'm not the kind of person who likes to go around in circles," Jiang Kuo said. "If you have something to do, just say it. If it's nothing, just be normal."

Duan Feifei looked at him without speaking.

"Did you hear?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Okay." Duan Feifei nodded.

"Let's go," Jiang Kuo waved, "there's still half an hour, don't waste time."

"How does it compare to Xiao Ming?" Duan Feifei asked.

"What do you think?" Jiang Kuo said.

"She can win if you miss the target." Duan Feifei smiled.

"You can win even if I miss the target." Jiang Kuo said.

"That's not necessarily true," Duan Feifei said. "I just shot an arrow more than a meter above the target. Dong Kun was by the side when I took the arrow. I took advantage of it and slammed it down."

"Didn't he see it?" Jiang Kuo couldn't help laughing.

"No," said Duan Feifei, "as long as I move fast enough, no one will know that I'm ashamed, and you didn't find out either."

"I really didn't see it." Jiang Kuo glanced at Duan Feifei.

In just two minutes, Duan Feifei had returned to the "normal" state as promised, and changed back to the Duan Yingjun who was familiar with him, who was always at ease with a smile.

After returning, Jiang Kuo and Duan Feifei didn't go to archery anymore, they sat together in the rest area, leaving their seats to Sun Ji and Liu Mingming.

Although Duan Feifei didn't say anything to Jiang Kuo anymore, Jiang Kuo could feel that the strange state of Duan Feifei before was really gone.

He had to admit that he was a little surprised. Duan Feifei's life experiences from childhood to adulthood would make him hide deeper than the average person. He knew this, but it was beyond his imagination to be able to hide so much.

"You're pretty cool, Duan Yingjun." Jiang Kuo turned to look at Duan Feifei.

"It's a shame." Duan Feifei replied without turning his head.

"You know what I said, you'll take it?" Jiang Kuo said.

"Why don't you praise me?" Duan Feifei smiled.

After the time was up, a group of people who had been playing for two hours and were still not very good actually finished the game and counted the results.

According to everyone's equally appalling results, they awarded Dong Kun, the lowest score winner, the title of "Off-Target King", also known as the Baba King.

Baba King is in charge of dinner at night.

"Let's eat something hot," Dong Kun thought for a while, "Can Jiang Kuo eat spicy food? Where's Xiao Ming?"

"Yes." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm fine." Liu Mingming also said.

I haven't had a big meal since the last time I ate mutton.

Today's hot pot meal, looking at the racks of several people ordering food, is to eat until they close at night.

"I'll be looking for a chauffeur for a while. If you can't sit down, take a taxi back." Ding Zhe patted the table, "I want to drink some too, the first cup of the New Year."

"Why don't I drive..." Duan Feifei was suppressed by everyone before he could finish his words.

"You have to give me a drink if you pour it out." Dong Kun pointed at him, "Don't give me the face of King Baba, right?"

"Drink!" Duan Feifei said.

As soon as the soup base was brought out, Dong Kun poured all the wine: "This time, let's make do with some general drinks. After the holiday, let's go to Jiang Yuqian's house to drink good wine."

"Enough." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"Set the time to play before the holiday," Liu Fatty said, "Jiang Kuo, can you pick us up?"

"Just give me the time when you arrive," Jiang Kuo said, "I will definitely pick it up in person."

"In person?" Ding Zhe snorted, "It's different, we are really related. People who are not related will probably only send a driver to pick them up."

A group of people laughed.

"Come! Come pick up for Young Master Jiang in person!" Sun Ji toasted.

"Come and pick it up in person!" a group of people shouted.

"Happy New Year." Jiang Kuo said.

"Happy New Year-"

Jiang Kuo drank the wine in the glass, looked at Duan Feifei, and he actually drank all the wine in the glass very honestly.

When Dong Kun poured wine for everyone, Jiang Kuo turned his head and asked him in a low voice, "When can you set the time?"

"No. 9 is on holiday," Duan Feifei said, "I've probably been busy for four or five days, and I'll have time in the middle of the day."

"What day is the middle?" Jiang Kuo said, "It will be the New Year at the end of the month."

"Probably in the middle of..." Duan Feifei clicked on the phone calendar and looked at it.

"You won't be able to go, will you?" Jiang Kuo was suddenly worried.

"Huh?" Duan Feifei glanced at him, "I can go."

"Don't go and scold me." Jiang Kuo said.

"I won't give you this chance." Duan Feifei smiled, took the cup and touched him.

Jiang Kuo picked up the cup and watched Duan Feifei drink a third of it in one gulp. He couldn't help but snorted: "If you usually drink with them and get drunk, how can you go back?"

"Drag into the car, drag it into the dormitory, and throw it on the ground," Duan Feifei said with a smile, "That's it."

"Okay," Jiang Kuo took a sip of wine, "then you can drink it."

"Jiang Kuo!" Sun Ji called to him, "Is there a hotel in your house?"

"Yes." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"Can we live?" Sun Ji asked.

"Otherwise, where to stay," Jiang Kuo said, "do I still spend money to arrange for you to go to another hotel?"

"Presidential suit?" Liu Fat asked.

"Let's have some face," Jiang Kuo said, "I've never stayed there before, there is a hot spring hotel..."

"It's there!" Dong Kun shouted, "You don't need to arrange anything else, we'll just stay there for a few days."

"You guys are very entertaining." Jiang Kuo smiled. Although there are still two subjects that have not been completed, but the holiday is approaching, everyone is very excited, and they have already started to imagine while asking what is interesting.

"It's good to have time to pass next summer," Jiang Kuo whispered to Duan Feifei, "You can play in the water... Can you swim?"

"No." Duan Feifei said.

"It's okay, I'll teach you." Jiang Kuo said, "You can play around even if you don't know how to swim. It's interesting to live in the mountains for a few days."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei nodded, holding the roll and burning it, he picked up the cup again.

Jiang Kuo was about to reach out and touch him with a glass, but he had already drank all the wine in the glass with his head up.

Jiang Kuo looked at him with a cup.

"...Sorry." Duan Feifei was stunned for a while, then quickly took the wine bottle, poured himself some wine, and touched him.

When he was about to take another sip, Jiang Kuo pressed his hand: "Didn't you already drink that sip?"

Duan Feifei smiled and said nothing.

Jiang Kuo took a sip of wine.

Duan Feifei is also very good for someone who is drunk and goes straight to the ground.