San Fu

Chapter 56


Duan Feifei felt a buzzing in his head.

He didn't have too many ideas, just two, the worst, and the one he least dared to imagine.

He didn't dare to think, he really didn't dare to think. He had no expectations and fantasies. He knew very well that most of his expectations would fall through, and all fantasies would dissipate. What he didn't dare to think about was the failure and dissipation.

And Jiang Kuo gave him the answer he didn't dare to think about the most.

Even beyond.

For a moment, the shouts of the market sounded inexplicably in his mind.

"See! The scales are high!"

"Speak." Jiang Kuo looked at him.

say what

How to say this

As a social expert, from childhood to adulthood, without him, I couldn't get hot without him, but I have never encountered such a thing. The most important thing is that people like Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo has been different from the very beginning. Even if he speaks and does things, even if the angle is clear, he can always be full of confidence, as if everything should be taken for granted.

But in Duan Feifei, there are too many things that should not be taken for granted.

It started to snow outside the window, the lights on the trees came on, silver and gold strings of lights, and snowflakes danced in the light and dark night sky.

Jiang Kuo, who was standing by the window, also had a warm light on his face, and there was still a very fine light in his eyes.

"I don't know what to say," Duan Feifei leaned against the glass, "I'm really... I didn't plan to do anything, after all, we've only known each other for a semester, what will happen in the future... "

"That's what it means," Jiang Kuo glanced at his arm leaning against the glass, "Time is too short, you still need to know more about BLABLA, right?"


But he couldn't tell Jiang Kuo, and Jiang Kuo was unlikely to understand, he would only think that he was unreasonable.

"It's not that interesting," Duan Feifei sighed and leaned his head against the glass, "I just… never thought about being together, or even letting you know."

"Then think about it slowly." Jiang Kuo took another look at the position where he was in contact with the glass.

"What's wrong?" Duan Feifei also looked at his arms and shoulders leaning against the glass.

"Aren't you afraid that the glass will suddenly crack and you will fall out?" Jiang Kuo said.

"... This glass is almost half a finger thick to the naked eye," Duan Feifei laughed, and stopped leaning on the glass, "How could it be cracked, it may not crack even if you smash it."

"That's it," Jiang Kuo said, "I don't want to care what you're thinking, I'll do what I want."

"What?" Duan Feifei was stunned.

"You don't want to destroy the relationship, right," Jiang Kuo said, "and never thought about the next step."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei responded in a low voice.

"That's it, we will continue to have such a relationship." Jiang Kuo glanced down at the time on his phone, turned and walked out of the room, "This is my rejection."

Duan Feifei suddenly felt uncomfortable.

He didn't want such a result, he didn't want to see Jiang Kuo depressed.

But Jiang Kuo took a few steps and looked back at him: "Duan Feifei."

"Huh?" Duan Feifei also looked at him.

"Do you think our current relationship is safe for you?" Jiang Kuo said, with an inconspicuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"What?" Duan Feifei felt that his previous judgment on Jiang Kuo's emotions seemed to be wrong.

"If such a relationship is really within the safe range," Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows, "How did I find out?"

Before Duan Feifei could answer, he turned around and walked out of the room.

"Where are you going?" Duan Feifei asked subconsciously.

"Bar." Jiang Kuo replied in the corridor, and then kicked the door of Fatty Liu's room next to him, "Fater! Get up and soak up the soup!"

After walking out of the villa suite, Jiang Kuo did not go to the bar immediately, but went to the garden outside.

Stand for a few minutes.

It snowed, and although the wind wasn't too strong, he was still frozen quickly without a jacket.

But he stood still.

He needs to be calm.

That intense frustration needs to be suppressed.

Although I had already guessed that this matter would not be so smooth, otherwise Duan Feifei would not have been so stubborn before with eight hundred sticks.

But what he thought more about was that Duan Feifei might have thought he would refuse.

As long as he didn't refuse, wouldn't everything be OJBK

Unexpectedly, it was me who was rejected in the end.

He tried hard to sort out Duan Feifei's thoughts. He quickly turned through many possibilities, and even thought about whether Duan Feifei felt "too high", but Duan Feifei gave him the feeling that he was not that kind of person.

In front of Duan Feifei, he is not a young master, but a waste.

And the point of this matter is not here, the point is that Duan Feifei doesn't want to be together.

In no mood!

He did not want!

… So is Duan Feihan suffering from any hidden illness

Jiang Kuo sneezed on the ground.

Realizing that he was so cold that he wanted to shiver a little, he quickly turned around and ran back.

Fuck you don't want to.

It's not that simple.

Back in the hotel room, I sent a message to Cannon, Cannon was already at the bar, and sent him the station number.

Jiang Kuo went to the bar, and when he went in to find the cannon, he found out that it was a big stage. In addition to the cannon, there were three girls.

If this was his appointment with Cannon, he would definitely turn around and leave in this situation.

But now he can only bite the bullet and sit down first.

Fortunately, several girls at least looked very gentle on the surface.

"My buddy," Cannon introduced to the girls, "Big Li."

Jiang Kuo sighed in his heart, every time Dapao made up his name in the style of Xiao X, the surnames of hundreds of families took turns.

"Brother Li." Several girls greeted him.

... Who cares who is called brother!

"Don't worry about me." Jiang Kuo leaned on the sofa, took out his mobile phone, and poked it twice, not knowing what to look at, so he poked into the circle of friends with the following instructions.

"What to drink?" Cannon asked him.

"Bailey ice coffee." Jiang Kuo said.

"Does it taste good?" a girl asked. "If it tastes good, I want to try it too."

"Who will give himself something bad to drink." Jiang Kuo said.

The girl smiled awkwardly.

"Baileys sweetened with rum and iced coffee." Jiang Kuo added, so that she could judge whether it was good or not from the ingredients.

Usually he rarely looks at Moments, and the last time he clicked on Moments was the last time.

Duan Feifei's circle of friends is still as lively as ever, brushing and swiping, except for the regular sauced beef in stock, sauced beef out of stock...

The past few days have been relatively rich.

From the beginning to come to play, there are records all the way, and there can be more than a dozen of them.

Outside the windows of all kinds of trains, eating and drinking, and taking some pictures while playing at his house, Mr. Jiang's koi, Ben Ben, and a group of role models in the entertainment room play billiards...

A lot, but no emotion can be seen from the photos, just a very ordinary record.

Jiang Kuo looked at the text again.

Simply disappointed.

- Take a trip.

-Outside the car window.


- ate again.

- The fish of the classmate's house, the fish that eat the feed are fat.

- Ben Ben.


Jiang Kuo was speechless, but there were nine pictures full of them. He even took nine different pictures of Mr. Jiang's fish and put them up, but from these boring descriptions, he could make out that Duan Feifei was typing on his phone with an expressionless face. Face. What qualifications do people like this have to think that buying ice cream for their girlfriend in the middle of the night and changing a flower is very romantic

The role models are very supportive, like and comment on everything, wow, let's go, cool, I rely on it.

Jiang Kuo sighed.

He pulled back a few times, ready to exit.

He didn't notice the one with only one picture.

The shot is of the passage behind Niu Sandao. From the stove next to it, it can be seen that it was where Shuan Benben used to be.

A very incomprehensible photo, with the words written on it, a little unaccustomed to.


There is a problem with this, and it says Ben Ben! It's actually people!

Although far-fetched.

But because he couldn't believe how boring Duan Feifei's circle of friends was, he forced it to understand that he had to be this dog.

"Does it count?" Cannon asked from the side.

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo looked up at him.

Three girls were found looking at him.

He didn't even listen to what Cannon was talking about with them, and he didn't know what to do at the moment.

"Tarot." A girl looked at him with her chin up.

"I want to do the math for you." Cannon winked at him.

Every time a girl is interested in him but he doesn't notice, the cannon will remind him, just in case he doesn't notice, and he doesn't show face too much.

"Can it be considered a peach blossom?" Jiang Kuo asked.

There was a hint of surprise in Cannon's eyes.

"Yes," the girl looked at him and said with a smile, "if you don't have a girlfriend, let me do the math for you."

"Can you count as a peach blossom?" Jiang Kuo said.

The girl was stunned: "Gong Taohua? What do you mean?"

"Calculate the man I want to chase," Jiang Kuo said, "Can you catch up?"

"...I didn't count...that kind of thing." The surprise and disappointment on the girl's face were clear at a glance.

"Forget it." Jiang Kuo lowered his eyelids and continued to look at the phone.

There is nothing to see in the circle of friends, and he plans to play games if he is really bored.

While scrolling back and forth on the phone, someone in the model group spoke, and he quickly opened it.

[Dong Xiaosa]Does anyone go bowling

[Liu Xiuchang]Not too tired

[Ding Weiwu] You are tired every day from morning to night

Jiang Kuo hesitated for a moment. He couldn't stay in the bar a bit. When he went back to his room to face Duan Feifei, he was afraid that he couldn't help but talk about the previous topic again without saying a word and fighting again.

After all, he has also released words to chase after others, so he can't be arrogant all the time.

Better to play ball.

[Jiang Youqian] I will go

[Duan Yingjun] I

Jiang Kuo was stunned, Duan Feifei's reply was sent at the same time as him.

Depend on.

[Jiang Youqian]A little later

[Duan Yingjun] Let's take a moment

... why is this!

[Sun Zhuanghan] Are you two seriously ill

"I'll play for a while." Jiang Kuo approached the cannon and whispered.

"Well," Cannon responded, "go ahead, stay here for a while and I'm afraid you'll say that you actually like aliens."

"Fuck off." Jiang Kuo got up and nodded to a few girls, "You guys play."

As he walked towards the door of the bar, he reached out and waved at the waiter at the bar.

The little brother ran over.

"Is there any Mala Tang?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"...No," the little brother was stunned, "do you want to tell the kitchen to do it?"

"No, it's too much trouble, you can bring me something to eat and drink to the bowling alley," Jiang Kuo said, "Five people, take a look at it."

"Okay." The little brother responded.

"There is one without alcohol." Jiang Kuo confessed again, "It's hard work."

"Understood." The little brother nodded, "You're welcome."

When Duan Feifei went out, Fat Liu was still soaking in the pool, and he went over to take a look.

"What?" Liu Fatty looked at him and opened his arms, "Come here?"

"Don't soak for too long, you've been soaking for more than 40 minutes." Duan Feifei said, "We'll have to hunt you down in a while, it's pretty tiring."

"I can float by myself when I die, don't worry." Liu Fatty said.

Duan Feifei went out the door with a smile.

He didn't know where the bowling alley was. When he was looking around, the lobby manager came over: "Mr. Duan, are you going to the bowling alley?"

"Yes." Duan Feifei was a little surprised, he still remembered his surname.

"Come with me," the manager led him, "Xiaokuo told me to take you there."

"...Oh." Duan Feifei responded, "Thank you."

I don't know if Jiang Kuo planned to do this in the first place, or if he was competing with him.

Now this feeling is very uncertain, and I always feel that Jiang Kuo is unhappy about what he does.

There is no one else in the bowling alley, and most of the guests are in the bar and pool at this time, relaxing and having a good rest.

Only their energetic people have been playing non-stop from noon to the present.

Jiang Kuo was already sitting in the chair, watching Dong Kun posing back and forth with the ball.

"Why don't you play snooker?" Duan Feifei asked.

"It's too difficult," Ding Zhe said. "I'm lying on the stage, I can't see who is who on the other side."

"So play this, right," said Duan Feifei, "this ball is big enough."

Two men in bar uniforms came over with plates and put the snacks on the table, along with wine and drinks.

"Is the service so good?" Sun Ji was surprised. "And food?"

"Is that a question," Dong Kun said. "It seems that Jiang Youqian called it here, right?"

"Well," Jiang Kuo smiled, "snack."

A few people went over to grab a snack and ate it.

Jiang Kuo reached out and took the cup with the orange slices on it, and handed it to Duan Feifei: "Yours."

"What is this?" Duan Feifei took it and sat beside him.

"I don't know. Mix apple juice with lime and add some soda water," Jiang Kuo said. "It's alcohol-free."

"Thank you." Duan Feifei said.

"You're welcome." Jiang Kuo said.

…what an amazing conversation.

Duan Feifei couldn't help but glance at him.

Jiang Kuo was also looking at him: "Look what."

Duan Feifei didn't say a word, just drinking and having fun.

"I thought you weren't coming." Jiang Kuo said.

"You think I'll definitely come," Duan Feifei smiled, "The lobby manager is waiting for Mr. Duan there."

"A game?" Jiang Kuo rubbed his hands together.

"I don't know much," Duan Feifei said, "I just played with Duan Ling once."

"Just throw two." Jiang Kuo stood up.

"Okay." Duan Feifei nodded.

Really just throw it away.

Jiang Kuo didn't play very seriously, and he could see that he was playing very well from his shooting posture, but he was absent-minded at the moment, saying that he would throw two at random, which was really just throwing at random.

I threw it out and didn't even bother to look at a few.

Duan Feifei felt a little uncomfortable, but he didn't know how to comfort him. He felt that it was useless to say anything. After all, he couldn't say what Jiang Kuo wanted to hear.

And he didn't know what Jiang Kuo wanted to hear now, and Jiang Kuo didn't even make eye contact with him.


He took a sip from the glass and stared at the floor in a trance.

After a while, Jiang Kuo's feet appeared in his field of vision and walked over.

He didn't stop until he was in front of him.

Duan Feifei looked up at him: "What?"

"Are you aggrieved?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"A little bit." Duan Feifei replied.

"I was very aggrieved just now," Jiang Kuo sat next to him, his arms resting on his knees, looking at a few people talking and laughing over there, "It's much better now, I think you're almost over it, I Much more comfortable."

"This matter... It's too sudden," Duan Feifei said softly, looking at his profile, "I don't know what to tell you."

"It's okay," Jiang Kuo said, "I told you to think slowly."

Duan Feifei looked down at the ground and sighed.

"I'm idle anyway," Jiang Kuo said, "I haven't chased anyone yet."

Duan Feifei could only be silent.

"Let's start." Jiang Kuo stood up and clapped his hands.

"Did you bring the prepared ones?" Duan Feifei was shocked.

"Why not," Jiang Kuo looked at him, "Do you have any experience? Give me some lessons."

That really isn't there.

"Come on, Uncle Kuo will teach you how to play bowling." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei wanted to laugh a little, but also a little unspeakable joy, and more of it was unsteady.

He stood up and walked to Jiang Kuo's side.

"Take a ball." Jiang Kuo said.

He went over to get a ball.

"I think you just shot," Jiang Kuo said and tapped on his left arm, "Everything else is fine, pay attention to the balance of the left hand..."

"Okay." Duan Feifei calmed down.

"Don't bend your right hand when you go out." Jiang Kuo tapped his right arm again.

Although wearing a sweater, the touch is still very clear.

Duan Feifei turned to look at Jiang Kuo.

"Look ahead." Jiang Kuo crossed his arms with a serious face.

Duan Feifei looked ahead and took a breath. He didn't take too long to adjust, and it seemed that he was not serious. He moved forward quickly, and then shot.

The ball went out steadily, rolled less than a meter on the fairway, drew a smooth arc, and fell into the ditch next to it.

"You can't teach me well," Duan Feihan turned to look at him, "I was able to hit five or six bottles just now."

"Is it my problem?" Jiang Kuo said.

"It's my problem." Duan Feifei nodded.

Although Jiang Kuo didn't touch him in the next few balls, he was still not able to concentrate. He didn't hit all of them, and it was best to have eight bottles at a time.

He was even laughed at by Dong Kun.

For the first time, Duan Feifei knew that emotions can affect motor cells.

Until the waiter came to remind him that it was closing, he couldn't score a full hit.

When a group of people returned to the villa suite, Ding Zhe was still sighing: "I have always thought that Duan Feifei's motor coordination ability is very good. Today, it seems that it is not very good."

"Go away and stay." Duan Feifei responded briefly.

Liu Fat had already finished soaking and went back to the house. As soon as Sun Ji entered, they started to fight for the bed.

"Put the pillows away!"

"I'm fatter than you, shouldn't I take up more!"

Duan Feifei pushed open their door in shock: "Do you only have one bed?"

"What, do you have two beds in that house?" Sun Ji was also shocked.

"Yes." Duan Feifei said.

"Why do you have two beds?" Liu Fat asked.

"How do I know?" Duan Feifei said, "That's the house you grabbed the rest of."

Back in the innermost room, Jiang Kuo had already gone to take a shower, Duan Feifei looked at the two beds with mixed feelings.

If this room is also a bed, he will not be so embarrassed if he has to soak in the pool outside tonight...

After the two of them washed up, they looked at the time, it was already midnight.

Duan Feifei lay on the bed, stared at the ceiling, and slept in the KTV in the afternoon. In addition to the sudden accident today, he was completely drowsy at the moment.

Jiang Kuo took a bottle of water and put it on the bedside table on his side.

Duan Feifei looked at the water and was a little surprised that this person who didn't even know how to give a glass of water even had a fever, actually brought him a bottle of water before going to bed.

"Don't be too moved," Jiang Kuo said, "I drink water at night, it's easy."

"...Still shocked," Duan Feifei said, "I'll kill you before it reaches the stage of being touched."

Jiang Kuo lay down and laughed.

After the lights were turned off, the room was completely plunged into darkness, with a visual bonus, the surroundings seemed quieter, and there was only the sound of two people breathing in the room.

Duan Feifei didn't even dare to pull the quilt, and he always had a guilty conscience of "why haven't I fallen asleep yet".

Jiang Kuo has always been quiet.

Duan Feifei stood up for some time before his back started to feel sore, and he never made any movement other than breathing.

But Duan Feifei knew from the sound of his breathing that never changed, that he didn't fall asleep either.