San Fu

Chapter 58


"Go up," Jiang Kuo said, "eat early and go."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei let go of his hand and jumped towards the ladder by himself.

Originally, I thought Ding Zhe's words would make Duan Feifei a little embarrassed, but Duan Feifei jumped so happily that he even opened his arms and started to jump and paddle.

"If you don't jump into the water twice, you might be able to swim by the way." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei immediately jumped up and kicked his legs while paddling.

Then it sank very quickly.

"Come on." Jiang Kuo hurriedly rushed over to pull people.

Although Duan Feifei is about the same height as him, as long as he stands up straight, he will not be able to drown in the water, but people who are not good at water will generally flutter randomly, and with buoyancy, it is difficult to stand up. When Cannon learned to swim, his thighs were deep. Choked to death in the children's pool.

At this moment, Duan Feifei sank and couldn't stand up immediately.

Jiang Kuo could see that the water was full of chaotic water splashes and bubbles. He reached out and fished for something, but he could only plunge into the water.

When he approached Duan Feihan, he first slapped an arm on his face.

But before he could slap him back, Duan Feifei had already reacted and stretched out his hand.

Yes, the speed of response.

Jiang Kuo grabbed his hand first, then put the other hand around his waist.

Didn't get it.

He had to grab his swimming trunks, pull him to the surface, and then pull his arms to straighten his body.

Duan Feifei grabbed Chi Yan with one hand, let out a long sigh of relief, and turned to look at him: "Fuck me."

"Didn't you choke?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Why should I be choking?" Duan Feifei finished smiling, "Why are you like this?"

"It's usually choked." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm holding my breath, I've been holding my breath since I started to flutter," Duan Feifei wiped the water from his face, "I almost choked me to death. ."

Jiang Kuo laughed: "Because there is air in your stomach, it will float."

"You..." Duan Feifei glanced at him, then looked around, and then quickly reached under the water and tugged at his swimming trunks, "It's too strong."

"Stretched?" Jiang Kuo looked down, the water was shaking so that the picture was fragmented, and he couldn't see clearly.

"Well," Duan Feifei climbed the edge of the pool, "I went straight up, I'm not leaving, I'm afraid to fall again."

Jiang Kuo happily supported the edge next to him with him.

"Go to the VIP locker room." Jiang Kuo said.

"Is there any difference?" Duan Feifei followed him and walked out of the other passage.

"It's just more comfortable," Jiang Kuo said, "and there are no bad kids."

The VIP dressing room does not look like a dressing room. It looks like a very comfortable lounge. It is still a single room with a small sofa and coffee table outside the separate bathroom.

Duan Feifei found that the clothes he had changed had been brought to this side by the waiter in a small cloth bag.

"Drinking water?" Jiang Kuo tore off his swimming goggles and swimming cap, walked to the freezer, and tugged his hand on the waist of his swimming trunks, "Or a drink?"

"Water." Duan Feifei said and turned his head away.

This scene is a bit...

The small water droplets on Jiang Kuo's body flashed finely under the light, and from time to time water droplets would slide down the skin, bringing out a shining trajectory.

"Here." Jiang Kuo threw a bottle of water over.

Duan Feifei saw the bottle in the corner of his eye, and quickly raised his hand to catch it, almost preventing the bottle from hitting his face.

He unscrewed the bottle, poured half the bottle with his head up, got up quickly while Jiang Kuo was drinking water in front of the freezer, and went into the small bathroom next to him: "I'll rush first."

"Yeah!" Jiang Kuo responded, choking on the water he hadn't swallowed.

He coughed against the freezer door for a long time, then grabbed the bathrobe on the sofa next to him, pushed it forward, and walked into the other bathroom.

Turn on the sprinkler, turn the water temperature down, and turn it on to the maximum.

After rushing for five minutes, he turned off the water and let out a long sigh of relief.

When Jiang Kuochong finished changing his clothes and came out, Duan Feifei had just come out and was watching TV in the public hall of the VIP room.

Seeing him come out, Duan Feifei turned around and asked, "Okay?"

"Well." Jiang Kuo cleared his throat, "Let's go."

Although he said that "normal people are that kind of people", he was still a little guilty. Even if he didn't do anything, he still felt that Duan Feifei's "Okay" had another meaning, as if he had just done something shameful. The matter was also discovered by Duan Feifei.

What's up

What are you doing

But if you don't ask that, how else can you ask


Are you done

... that's more like something else.

Early this morning, we had a buffet in the VIP hall of the hotel. When they arrived, a group of people had already finished eating and sat at the table.

"Look at it," Ding Zhe said. "It's really annoying. If I don't want to call, they are still running in the swimming pool. After running, dancing and dancing."

Duan Feifei laughed when he heard it: "Not only that, I've also made a fierce boy."

"Okay, how long does it take?" Dong Kun looked at him, "Then can we also learn."

"Don't praise him, they just called you sick." Ding Zhe said.

"Who are you?" Duan Feifei pointed at Jiang Kuo, "He said it."

"Why, I'm sick." Dong Kun glared.

"I'll take the food." Jiang Kuo turned and left.

"It's useless to run," Dong Kun said, "don't see me if you can!"

After taking the food, he immediately met with Dong Kun again, but Dong Kun had already forgotten what he said ten minutes ago, and was discussing today's project with a group of people.

Jiang Kuo and Duan Feifei just put down the tableware after eating, and a group of people stood up: "Let's go."

Jiang Kuo wanted to say that he was not in such a hurry. He had a whole day, but because they were going to go skiing tomorrow morning, this group of people always had a sense of urgency that "this is the last day".

This day was arranged very tightly. The hotel has an ice amusement park, which is actually for children. There are not many facilities, just a few slides, a few snow slopes, and a small ice rink, but a group of people still play Have fun.

Jiang Kuo has never been too devoted. Every time he sees Duan Feifei, he feels a little embarrassed and turns his eyes away subconsciously, especially when Duan Feifei occasionally avoids his sight, it makes him a little flustered.

Is chasing people like this

Duan Feifei won't let him turn back and run in unison...

The amusement park had enough fun and it was freezing, and a group of people went to the public pool to take a dip one by one.

Jiang Kuo didn't participate in the whole process of this shirtless activity. He went to the bar halfway through the soak, and there were few people in the bar at this time. Just as he asked for wine, before he could drink it, a person sat down beside him.

"What a coincidence, Brother Li." It was a female voice.

Jiang Kuo turned his head and saw that it was the girl who was going to count peach blossoms for him yesterday.

"Don't you remember me?" The girl smiled.

"Yeah." Jiang Kuo sighed in his heart, nothing was clean.

"The male Taohua you said," the girl asked for a glass of wine and looked at him, "is it the one who had breakfast with you today?"

"There are six people who have breakfast with me." Jiang Kuo said.

"The most handsome one," the girl laughed, thought for a while, and looked at him with her chin up, "Is it true? Or is it just to reject me in advance?"

Jiang Kuo turned to look at her.

"All," he said.

"Hey," the girl waved her hand, "embarrassed."

Jiang Kuo raised his head and drank all the wine, put down the glass and turned to leave the bar.

There was nowhere to go, and he didn't want to go back to see the shirtless Duan Feifei. Jiang Kuo went back and forth in the hotel, went around all the public areas, and even found a few areas that should be improved.

To let President Jiang know, he was moved to tears.

The lunch schedule was arranged by Cannon. When Jiang Kuo arrived, a few people didn't pay much attention to his sudden absence. Cannon was used to it, and the model was crazy and didn't care at all.

Only when Duan Feifei sat next to him, he whispered, "Where did you go?"

"Turn around," Jiang Kuo said, "Look at the hotel management."

Duan Feifei looked at him, was silent for a while and smiled.

But no further questions were asked.

In the afternoon and evening, everyone was still full of energy. A group of people went to rock climbing first, and then went to play with the simulated ski machine for a while, saying that it was to prepare for tomorrow's skiing, and then went back to the room to rest together. Ding Zhe took the past two days. photos sorted out.

After having enough soaking, I continued to wave, and even went to watch a movie. After dinner, there was a performance at the hotel. The cannon couldn’t hold back and went back to the house to sleep. The role models went to the VIP seat arranged by Jiang Kuo to watch the performance.

Jiang Kuo's absent-mindedness reached its peak when he was watching the performance.

When several very exciting places were shouting in the audience, he sat on the side and seemed to be taken aback every time.

Duan Feifei thought about going back to his room several times. He felt that Jiang Kuo had been avoiding him for the whole day since he started swimming. The two of them were mixed with a group of people and looked very lively, but they didn't actually communicate much. .

This should have been the situation he wanted, keep it as it was.

But Jiang Kuo's state was too obvious, making him uneasy.

...and it's not like that.

Before flushing in the locker room today, Jiang Kuo had been standing in front of the freezer with his back to him. In theory, it was impossible to notice anything... impolite.


It was very late to go back to the room after watching the performance. A group of people went back to the room in a mess and packed up and washed.

When Duan Feifei entered the room, Jiang Kuo was stuffing clothes into the box, and he didn't speak when he saw him come in.

He was still trying to find something to say, but Jiang Kuo's reaction made him suddenly a little miserable.

"Do you use the bathroom?" Duan Feifei asked.

"You use it." Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

Duan Feifei had to go into the bathroom. After washing, Jiang Kuo had already packed his suitcase and was standing by the window looking out.

"Is it snowing?" Duan Feifei asked.

"No." Jiang Kuo said.

"Then what are you doing there?" Duan Feifei began to pack his things.

"Just look at what you are looking at every time you stand here." Jiang Kuo said.

"I was in a daze over there." Duan Feifei said. "Then me too." Jiang Kuo said.

It was time to go to bed after packing up, Duan Feifei felt that Jiang Kuo had the habit of sticking there all night.

His performance this day, coupled with the fact that Cannon said he was not used to sharing a room with others, Duan Feifei was hesitating whether he should go out and find another room for the night, or...

"If you want to change rooms with Cannon," Duan Feifei said with some difficulty, "Just change, he should go to sleep later."

Jiang Kuo turned his head and glanced at him, then quickly walked out of the room, and when he closed the door, he said, "Good night."

"Good night." Duan Feifei replied quickly, and the door closed at 0:10 a second later.

Cannon hasn't slept yet, he is lying on the bed playing with his mobile phone.

"In the past." Jiang Kuo took out the quilt that was covered last night from the closet.

"He doesn't snore," said Cannon. "What's the matter with you two? Let me know and I'll find some distance."

"What can be wrong." Jiang Kuo threw the quilt on the bed and sat down on the sofa.

"It's fine in the morning," Cannon said.

"It's fine now," Jiang Kuo said.

"Don't say pull it down." Cannon sat up, ready to go.

"Pao'er," Jiang Kuo thought for a while, then stopped him, "Your name is Shanshan with your former girlfriend, right?"

"Well, what's wrong? The points have been divided for two years." Cannon said.

"Are you chasing her?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"I'm not chasing any of my girlfriends," Da Pao said honestly, "All good girls have to be chased. If you don't chase them, they won't look down on you."

"It's because I don't like you, it's not that I don't like me." Jiang Kuo said.

"Why are you grabbing the words, yes, you don't like me," Cannon came over, "what's the matter?"

"How did you chase it?" Jiang Kuo said, "You chase one left and one right, you are quite experienced, right?"

"Fuck," Cannon was stunned, stared at him for a long time, then bent down and stared for a while, "Who are you chasing?"

"Don't worry about it," Jiang Kuo waved his hand, "Just say how to chase."

"Is it yesterday's Tarot?" Cannon asked.


What tarot

Which tarot

"I met her today, and she said that you two met in the bar." Cannon continued, "She doesn't need to chase, I'll add her, and you can make an appointment directly."

Jiang Kuo reacted: "Damn, it's not her."

"Who is that?" Cannon was extremely curious. "If someone wants me to stop asking, I'm sure I won't ask. You, Wannian, who doesn't look right at people, suddenly wants to chase people. You tell me not to ask, is it possible for me?"

"Let's talk about how to chase first, and I'll tell you when I'm done." Jiang Kuo said.

Cannon gritted his teeth and sat next to him: "Okay, let's talk, what's the situation with this person."

"The situation is that he likes me, and then I want to chase him now." Jiang Kuo said.

Cannon was silent again, and after a while he said, "Isn't this still Tarot? She likes you, and then you have to chase her."

"Go away." Jiang Kuo pointed to the door, "Go to sleep."

"Okay, it's not Tarot," Cannon snapped his fingers, "it's someone, now someone likes you, you want to chase someone, may I ask you to chase a fart, can you just promise?"

"He didn't plan to tell me, he didn't need my response, and he wasn't going to be with me," Jiang Kuo looked at him, "now he's starting to keep a distance from me!"

"...Fuck," Cannon continued to be shocked, "what the hell is this!"

"Be careful when you speak." Jiang Kuo said.

"Why are you keeping your distance, is there any reason?" Cannon said, "This is a symptom, how far are you two before ignoring you?"

"We have a good relationship, just... It's good." Jiang Kuo said, "He's avoiding me a little bit now, a little bit cold... I feel like... Maybe I'm in a hurry."

"The relationship is good?" Cannon looked at him, stood up abruptly after a while, walked back and forth in the room twice, turned and pointed at him, "The relationship is good? You..."

"Don't point at me." Jiang Kuo said.

Cannon stopped and looked at him: "The person you are talking about is a man and a woman."

Jiang Kuo didn't speak.

"Men," said Da Pao, "where did you come from with good relationship women, except for Jiang Liao and your mother."

Jiang Kuo sighed, indeed.

"Duan Feihan." Cannon said.

Smart, this little one.

As expected of me, I was young.

Jiang Kuo looked at him, but still didn't speak.

"It's awesome," Cannon circled the room again and gave him a thumbs up, "If you say it's Duan Feifei, I'll understand right away, the relationship between the two of you is really good, very good. , I'm really not surprised at all now."

"Stop talking nonsense," Jiang Kuo said, "he ignores me now, what should I do?"

"This is the scoring situation," Cannon frowned. "You're real or fake, do you really want to have sex with him or just want to have fun and have sex..."

"Hey!" Jiang Kuo interrupted him, "I'm not you."

"Every girlfriend of mine takes it seriously," Cannon glared at him and sat back on the sofa, "he doesn't want to be with you, it's easy to understand, his kind of person, his experience Much more, I haven't seen his parents..."

"Divorced, his father is in prison." Jiang Kuo said.

Cannon paused: "That's it, it's normal not to want to be with you."

"Don't say this, I don't care about it," Jiang Kuo said, "you just say, he ignores me, what should I do."

"Leave him dry," said Cannon.

"Dry it?" Jiang Kuo looked at him, "How to dry it?"

"If he ignores you, you ignore him," said Cannon. "Hold him for a while, then go back and find him, it's easy to say."

"Big brother," Jiang Kuo approached him, "what he wants is that I ignore him and go back to the original relationship, isn't this just right?"

"That's when he didn't know that you were interested in him," Cannon snapped, "Now that he knows, he can't go back, even if he thinks he can, he won't be able to go back, understand. "

Jiang Kuo didn't speak, and fell into thinking.

"Hold him for a few days." Cannon leaned back, resting on his arms, with a confident look on his face, "I'm fine with anyone, just ignore him, don't you want to ignore me? Well, I'm just like you. willing."

"Why do I feel like doing this..." Jiang Kuo said, "This is the end of the matter?" "Then do you have any other tricks!" Cannon asked, "If you have other tricks, why don't you come to ask me!"

"No." Jiang Kuo said.

"Then try," Cannon waved, "Isn't it going to the ski resort tomorrow? If you want to go, Lu Shi will definitely go, you just have to talk and laugh with her."

"It's inappropriate," Jiang Kuo frowned, "What should Lu Shi do if he misunderstands."

"Just say a few words and laugh a few times, as long as you don't give her a long face," said Da Pao, "You are usually cold to girls, as long as you laugh, it's not normal. enough."

Jiang Kuo still frowned.

"I'm going to bed," Cannon stood up, "you can act according to the circumstances."

"Call Jiang Youqian, call Jiang Youqian." Dong Kun's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Jiang Kuozhengtuan was sleeping in the co-pilot. Duan Feifei had turned the intercom sound to a minimum, but it still woke him up.

"Why?" Jiang Kuo took the walkie-talkie and asked.

"Is this ski resort also yours? Is it yours too?" Dong Kun asked.

"No," Jiang Kuo rubbed his eyes, "President Jiang's friend."

"I got it, I got it." Dong Kun said, "It's coming soon, don't sleep, don't sleep."

"Shit." Jiang Kuo threw away the walkie-talkie and yawned.

He didn't sleep well all night, and in his dreams he was still thinking about the unreliable plans that Cannon told him. When he got into the car in the morning, he fell asleep without paying attention to Duan Feihan's attitude.

The ski resort was less than two hours away from the hotel, and they were there before lunch.

The parking lot is full of cars, almost no parking spaces.

"Jiang Kuo," came the cannon's voice from the walkie-talkie, "call Lu Shi, go to their own parking lot, there is no space here."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

He took out his phone and flipped through it for a long time before finding Lu Shi's number. When he hesitated, he felt that Duan Feifei was looking at him, so he dialed the number.

"Jiang Kuo? Are you here?" The call was immediately connected, and Lu Shi's crisp voice was laughing.

"In the parking lot," Jiang Kuo said, "there is no space."

"Go to the back," Lu Shi said, "I told them to open the door!"

"Okay." Jiang Kuo said, "See you later."

Lu Shi was still talking, and Jiang Kuo was about to hang up, so he had to put the phone back to his ear.

"...It's all arranged, I'll have dinner later." Lu Shi said.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded. After making sure she didn't speak any more, he hung up the phone and picked up the walkie-talkie, "Pao'er, go to the back door."

Cannon drove the car to the back door, Duan Feifei gave a direction to keep up, and asked casually, "Is that your friend?"

"Yes," Jiang Kuo glanced at him, "Grow up together."