San Fu

Chapter 63


When driving to the barbecue restaurant, Duan Feifei took out the ointment Lu Shi gave him.

He first took it in his hand and carefully looked at the usage, instead of wiping it directly on his mouth, he turned his head and glanced at Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo was also looking at him.

He shook the ointment in his hand.

Jiang Kuo's eyes moved from his face to the ointment and back to his face: "Huh?"

"I used it." Duan Feifei said.

"Who won't let you use it?" Jiang Kuo asked.

Duan Feifei lowered his head and laughed.

"Want to help?" Jiang Kuo asked indifferently.

"No." Duan Feifei said with a smile.

Jiang Kuo snorted and turned to look out the window.

Duan Feifei squeezed a little of the ointment on his hand, and then wiped it on his lips. When he didn't touch it, he felt much better than before, but he realized that it was still quite painful.

"How do you eat with this mouth?" Cannon asked from the front.

"Put it directly in your mouth," Duan Feifei applied the medicine and fanned his hand beside his mouth, "Then pouted and chewed?"

Cannon sighed: "How do you put such a big piece of meat on the grill?"

"Let the waiter get a knife," Jiang Kuo said, "cut into small pieces."

"Give him another fork," said the Cannon. "Do you want black pepper juice, sir, or mushroom juice?"

Duan Feifan fanned while enjoying himself. With a shake of his hand, his fingertips clapped his mouth. He covered his mouth and fell back into the back seat: "Hi—"

"What's wrong?" Jiang Kuo was startled.

Duan Feifei waved his hand to indicate that it was all right.

"It's miserable," said Cannon.

When the car drove to the place, the group of people who arrived in front were all standing in front of the store.

"Why?" Jiang Kuo looked over there.

"Buy something," said Cannon. "I can't see what to buy."

"Candied haws." Duan Feifei said.

"Candied haws?" Jiang Kuo was stunned, "Is there still candied haws sold here?"

"It wasn't when we came before," Cannon stopped the car, "maybe it will be added this year."

As soon as they got out of the car, they saw Liu Fatty holding a bunch of candied haws and beckoning at them, "Do you want to eat!"

"Eat!" Duan Feifei said.

"How about you two?" Dong Kun asked Jiang Kuo and Cannon.

"I eat," said Cannon, "does it well?"

"Not bad," Sun Ji said as he ate, "it tastes good."

"I don't want to." Jiang Kuo said.

"Yes..." Ding Zhe was interrupted by Jiang Kuo as soon as he asked a word.

"It's not that you don't eat candied haws from the store, it's that you don't eat candied haws." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck." Ding Zhe smiled, "What's wrong with you."

"I want stuffing," Duan Feifei said, "bean paste stuffing."

"I want something without filling," said Cannon. "I like something sour."

"Take another one with bean paste stuffing!" Dong Kun shouted, "There is another one without stuffing."

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Kuo looked at Sun Ji who was biting so sweetly.

"You and our childhood are two systems," Sun Ji sighed, "It's delicious, how can it not be delicious!"

"Have you eaten, Brother Pao?" Liu Fat asked Cannon.

"I did," said Cannon. "I'm not as particular as he is."

"Have you tried it?" Duan Feifei took the candied haws handed over by Dong Kun and looked at Jiang Kuo, "The bean paste is sweet, but not so sour."

"I'll try one." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei handed the candied haws across to his mouth, he bit the first one, and then shook his head imaginatively, and he shoved the candied haws down.

But as soon as he clenched his head and tilted his head, he felt a pain in his front teeth.

The saliva almost dripped out in an instant.

He quickly let go, frowning.

"...Is it so bad?" Duan Feifei looked at him in disbelief.

"No," Jiang Kuo was really embarrassed, so he didn't care about hygiene and unsanitary, he reached out and grabbed the one that was bitten just now, and pulled it down, "It's not easy to use your mouth."

"Don't be particular about it now?" Duan Feifei said, "Aren't your hands dirty? You suddenly gave up when it was time to be particular about it."

"Happy." Jiang Kuo shoved the whole hawthorn directly into his mouth.

The stuffed hawthorn is a little big, and the cheeks are bulging in the mouth, and it can hardly be turned over. The taste is not bad, but it is too laborious to eat.

"Are you still eating?" Duan Feifei asked.

"You eat." Jiang Kuo waved his hand and said vaguely.

"It's hard for me to eat." Duan Feifei opened the stand, raised his arm and brought the candied haws to his mouth, bared his teeth, and bit half of it.

Jiang Kuo couldn't help laughing when he saw it, and the unchewed hawthorn was still stuffed in his mouth, and he almost spit it out.

"I'll take a picture for you," Ding Zhe immediately raised his phone and pointed at Duan Feifei, "The handsome guy can't stand this look... Let's take another bite."

Duan Feifei cooperated, biting the remaining half with his teeth.

"Have you filmed?" Jiang Kuo asked, "In the group."

"Okay." Ding Zhe poked a few times and posted the photo to the group.

Lu Shi stuck his head out from the door of the store: "Are you ready? I'm almost done. Do you have anything else to add?"

"You have a meeting." Duan Feifei said with a smile, "We have nothing to add."

"They have local wine made by fellow villagers here," Lu Shi said. "Want to try it? Otherwise, I'll send wine over there. He doesn't have any good wine here."

"A dirt bar?" Cannon said, "Have a taste of the hometown?"

"I see," Dong Kun said, "I just like this kind of inexplicable."

A group of people took the candied gourd and entered the house. Ding Zhe asked for the only small private room left on the first floor. After everyone sat down, there was no room left.

This is the best time of the year for business. The boss said that if you call ten minutes later, you will have to wait for a table.

"Squeeze a little bit," Dong Kun said. "Lean to the side, Xiao Shi can't move his arms."

"It's okay, it's okay!" Lu Shi said, "don't worry about me."

Jiang Kuo dragged his chair and moved to Duan Feihan on the right.

The cannon on the left looked at him.

"Come here." Jiang Kuo said.

"Oh," Cannon whispered, dragging the chair toward him, "I fucking thought you just wanted to get a little closer."

"I won't!" Jiang Kuo suppressed his voice.

The waiter brought in the home-brewed wine, and the frosted bottle looked quite small and fresh.

Dong Kun opened the wine and smelled it: "It's very fragrant."

Everyone put the cups on the table, and he poured them all.

"This should not be a high degree." Jiang Kuo smelled the wine and glanced at Duan Feifei, "You should be fine with a drink."

"I didn't drink too much when I was tall." Duan Feifei smiled.

"Just your mouth," Jiang Kuo whispered, "Are you afraid of getting angry at this time?"

"Drinking and getting angry?" Duan Feifei asked.

"I don't know," Jiang Kuo said, "Aunt Liu always said it would get hot when I was at home."

Duan Feifei laughed: "It's okay, this wine is the kind of sweet wine made by the fellow, similar to Tangshui'er."

The waiter pushed open the door and shouted, "Watch out for your head—"

With his back to the door, Jiang Kuo was about to stand up at this voice. Fortunately, his reaction speed was fast enough. He leaned towards Duan Feihan and gave up his seat.

When the hand was propped up on Duan Feifei's chair, it was supported on Duan Feifei's leg.

He squeezed easily.

Duan Feifei suddenly turned his head to look at him.

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo also looked at him.

Duan Feifei didn't say a word, and flicked the back of his hand with a smile.

"Hi!" Jiang Kuo took a short breath.

Duan Feifei immediately rubbed the back of his hand twice.

All Lu Shi wanted were the signboards of this restaurant. Although they were all barbecues, they had different methods and materials. The waiters came in in line and put three huge plates on the table.

Duan Feifei asked the waiter for another small meat cleaver.

"Come on, take a form," Dong Kun raised his cup, "I am very happy today, thank you Xiaoshi for the arrangement."

"You're welcome." Lu Shi said with a smile.

Everyone raised their heads and drank.

"Okay," Cannon said, "this wine is better than I thought, a little sweet, and it doesn't seem to be too strong."

"It's like what girls drink," Ding Zhe said. "Alcohol."

"Don't be so full of words," Lu Shi said, "The boss said that this drink has a lot of stamina."

"Hey," Liu Fatty waved his hand, "How much alcohol have we been drinking? Alcohol with a lot of stamina doesn't taste like this."

"Eat!" Sun Ji shouted.

Jiang Kuo took a huge bunch of meat that was half the size of a fist.

"Let's divide it up." Jiang Kuo used his chopsticks to pick off one piece and put it in Duan Feifei's bowl, then put another piece into his own bowl, and the remaining two pieces were given to Cannon.

"Be bold." Cannon took a bite of the string and shook his head.

Jiang Kuo lowered his head and bit the meat, but he didn't exert much effort, but just pulled it, and the pain he had forgotten on his front teeth struck again.

"Shit." He covered his mouth with his hands, frowned, and waited for the sourness to pass.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fatty, who was opposite, saw him, "Toothache?"

"Toothache?" Ding Zhe was stunned, "Have you two fucked your mouth today? One smashed the mouth, and the other has a toothache?"

"No," Jiang Kuo felt a little guilty. Although he didn't mind that someone knew, he felt that his privacy was almost suddenly exposed. "It got hot."

"Eat slowly, ah, no one is robbing it, it's enough." Ding Zhe waved his hand dashingly.

When everyone's attention returned to the food, Duan Feifei glanced at Jiang Kuo: "Is it a sore tooth?"

Jiang Kuo clicked his tongue and did not speak.

"Is it the suspect tooth that broke my mouth?" Duan Feifei asked, "Does it have any accomplices?"

Jiang Kuo couldn't hold back and smiled at the piece of meat in his bowl.

"Here." Duan Feifei put the knife in his hand.

"I don't need this," Jiang Kuo said in a low voice, "It's embarrassing that we both eat like this."

"Then don't take the big ones," Duan Feifei held a knife in one hand and chopsticks in the other, and cut the meat into small pieces, "Take the small ones."

"You are so elegant." Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"Don't curse." Duan Feifei said.

I have eaten with this group of people many times before, but this time the feeling is the most different.

Jiang Kuo felt that there was a sense of comfort and warmth in the small corner. He occasionally put his hand by his side, and Duan Feihan's hand would hang down in a tacit understanding, touching it, pinching his fingers...

"You have oil on your hands." Duan Feifei looked at his hands.

"Your uncle," Jiang Kuo took the wet towel and rubbed it twice, "broken diplomatic relations."

Duan Feifei smiled and stretched out the cup: "Go one."

Jiang Kuo touched him.

This wine does have stamina.

Jiang Kuo should have been the first to find out. He got up and planned to go to the toilet.

When he stood up, he found that his head was a little dizzy. He was very shocked. He leaned on the back of the chair and calmed down, wondering if the wind was blowing today to catch a cold

When I turned around and walked out again, I felt a little floating under my feet.

Although he has a good alcohol intake and is basically not drunk, he still knows that this is the feeling of drinking too much.

Depend on.

This wine is awesome.

He held the door frame, turned his head and said, "This wine seems to have a bit of stamina."

But no one in the room paid attention to him. Everyone was talking loudly, with red faces and happy smiles.

Sure enough, he had stamina. He drank with this group of people, and he had never been so unrestrained. Obviously, he drank too much.

"What's wrong?" Duan Feifei stood up, walked over to him and asked.

"Fuck," Jiang Kuo looked at his steady pace, "Are you all right?"

"What's the matter with me?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Don't you think you're a little too drunk?" Jiang Kuo glared at him. "...No," Duan Feifei thought for a while, "I haven't reached my height yet. It's alright now, are you tall?"

"I feel a little bit," Jiang Kuo said. "It's not tall, just a little bit more than usual."

"Where?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Toilet." Jiang Kuo opened the door and walked out of the private room.

"I'll be with you." Duan Feifei followed.

"...I'm not drunk," Jiang Kuo said, "don't follow, you will fall asleep suddenly in the toilet and I won't be able to drag you down!"

"I'm fine." Duan Feifei said with a smile.

The toilet of this store is the best decorated place in his house. It is clean and tidy, no peculiar smell, and no strange fragrance.

Duan Feifei stood at the door waiting for him, facing the passage leading to the back door of the hotel.

This location is a vent. Although the door is closed, there is still wind. When Jiang Kuo came out, Duan Feifei's hair was blown by the wind.

"Are you stupid?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Blow on Xiaoxiaojiu's strength, if it falls out in a while, I'll be alone." Duan Feifei said.

"Huh," Jiang Kuo laughed, "Can you still stand when these people are down? Let me tell you, Lu Shidu can drink better than you."

"Then maybe." Duan Feifei wanted to twitch the corners of his mouth to smile, but tugging at the wound on his mouth, he didn't succeed.

"Then let me blow it too," Jiang Kuo walked towards the back door. "The boss really didn't brag. Those people are just like that, and they will all be tall in a while."

Duan Feifei also followed him to the back door window and looked out: "Is this a wasteland outside?"

"It's snow, it's not deserted... Did you hear it?" Jiang Kuo suddenly put his ear to the door.

"What?" Duan Feifei also listened against the window, but there was no movement except for the wind.

"There is a cat meowing." Jiang Kuo said.

"Outside?" Duan Feifei was stunned, "How can a cat be outside in such a day..."

That being said, the two of them reached for the doorknob at the same time.

Jiang Kuo opened the back door and walked out: "Close the door."

"Well." Duan Feifei closed the door, took out his phone and turned on the flashlight, "Mimi?"

"Miaomiao-" Jiang Kuo also shouted.

Taking advantage of the temperature that had been burned by the heating in the room, they spent a long time in the back. This place is an open space connected to the parking lot. Except for some old tables and chairs that were replaced in the store, what else? nothing.

"Did you hear it wrong?" Duan Feifei asked.

"My ears are pretty good," Jiang Kuo shrank his neck, "I just heard it." "Maybe I ran into the house," Duan Feifei said, "The kitchen is all outside, go back, don't drink and get drunk for a while, let the wind blow. sick."

"It's so cold." Jiang Kuo jumped twice, jumped in front of him, put his arms around him, buried his face on his shoulders and rubbed hard a few times.

"How about wiping your mouth?" Duan Feifei also hugged him tightly.

Jiang Kuo smiled and said nothing.

"I also have a wound on my mouth and can't rub it." Duan Feifei said with a smile.

The tip of Jiang Kuo's nose touched his neck, and before he could react, he felt a soft touch with a little coolness.

Duan Feifei suddenly felt that his breath wrapped in the wind was a little chaotic.

He lowered his head and kissed Jiang Kuo's neck.

When the hand around Jiang Kuo's waist tightened, it touched a small piece of skin exposed by his raised hand.

Duan Feifei slid into his clothes.

Jiang Kuo froze for a moment and grabbed his hand.

"Huh?" Duan Feifei quickly took his hand away.

"No," Jiang Kuo's arm was still hooked on his shoulder, "it's just... I'm not used to it."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei smiled.

"It's not..." Jiang Kuo said, "Just... I haven't thought about it too much, although I didn't have anyone I liked before, how can I put it..."

"You never thought you would have a boyfriend." Duan Feifei said.

"Also... Let's put it this way," Jiang Kuo nodded, thought for a while and added, "But I'm not used to doing things with you."

Duan Feifei laughed: "If you can move me, I can't."

"Why does it sound so scum?" Jiang Kuo was also happy.

It was too cold outside, and the two of them had only been out for five minutes, still hugging each other, and it was completely frozen, so they could only sprint back to the hotel.

As soon as he entered, before Duan Feifei's door was closed, he saw a white long-haired cat strolling in the corridor.

"Damn it." Duan Feifei said, "It's in the house."

"I said my ears are good! I can't hear it wrong!" Jiang Kuo said.

"Mimi." Duan Feifei squatted down and stretched out his hand.

The cat stopped immediately and gave him a slap from more than a meter away.

"Hey!" Duan Feifei was very embarrassed.

Jiang Kuo couldn't stop laughing: "You are a dog, cats don't like you."

Duan Feifei stood up and walked to the private room.

As soon as he turned to the hall, he met Dong Kun head-on.

"Where have you two gone?" Dong Kun looked at him, then looked at Jiang Kuo behind.

"Toilet." Duan Feifei said.

"Fatty just went to the toilet," Dong Kun said, "I didn't see anyone."

"He drank too much." Duan Feifei said.

Dong Kun snorted and turned back: "Hurry up, wait for the two of you to drink."

Duan Feifei looked back at Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo smiled.

As soon as the door of the private room was opened, a heat wave hit the face, and there were a bunch of red-faced guys, plus a pink-faced girl.

"Damn, where have you two been!" Ding Zhe shouted, "I've been drinking with them one by one for a round, so why don't you escape?"

"You're a bit counted," Duan Feifei said, "I have to drag you back in a while."

"Drag you." Ding Zhe said.

"He's alright!" Liu Fatty pointed at Duan Feifei, "I definitely didn't drink a few sips. Usually, it's too early."

Jiang Kuo quietly sat back in his seat.

Cannon glanced at him: "Tomorrow you two have to reveal your stuff."

"Shut up." Jiang Kuo took a sip of wine.

"Jiang has money," Sun Ji raised his glass at him and spilled half a glass of wine, "Let's drink one."

"Don't bring this," Jiang Kuo smiled, "Pour half a glass first."

"Full on top." Liu Fat filled Sun Ji's cup.

Jiang Kuo also filled his own cup and had a drink with Sun Ji.

"It feels like I haven't seen you for a long time," Sun Ji said. "Why does it seem like I can't see you today... Have another drink."

This is high.

Jiang Kuo had another drink with Sun Ji, and looked around at the group of people in the house, all of them were a little bit like a cannonball holding them and going to the sky.

"I have money," Dong Kun brought over the wine, "make up for the one just now."

"Hey good." Jiang Kuo poured himself another glass and slapped him.

"Good boy," Dong Kun raised his glass to him, "If you have difficulty, look for brother."

"... Hmm." Jiang Kuo nodded, not knowing what he was talking about, anyway, he raised his head and killed the cup with him.

Dong Kun patted Jiang Kuo on the shoulder, poured a glass of wine and turned to look for Duan Feifei again.

Duan Feifei had just had a drink with Fatty Liu, and when he saw Dong Kun approaching, he quickly turned around and squeezed between Ding Zhe and Fatty Liu, who were holding their heads to tell their friendship.

"Are you annoying!" Ding Zhe slapped him on the back.

Dong Kun was overjoyed, he raised his cup and hugged Duan Feifei: "Come!"

"I drank a lot today," Duan Feifei said with a smile, "you can't even look at it, you have to point at me."

"If you can't do it, just sleep here," Dong Kun forcibly touched the glass with him, "It's not interesting, isn't it!"

Duan Feifei reluctantly drank the wine from the glass, it was unreasonable for these people to drink to this level.

"It's not interesting." Dong Kun said.

"I've already drank, isn't it interesting?" Duan Feifei said.

"It's not funny," Dong Kun put one hand on his shoulder and pointed at him with the other, "you don't talk to these buddies now if you have something, you're not funny."