San Fu

Chapter 69


Dad looks a little haggard than last time, and the bags under his eyes are more obvious.

His appearance, in Duan Feifei, habitually stayed ten years ago.

Although I can see it all these years, every time I have the feeling that "he is getting older", but maybe the time is too short, even if it all accumulates, it is only a short moment in the past ten years.

Every time he turned around and left here, the father that Duan Feifei remembered in his mind was still the same as he was when he was in elementary school. No matter how many visits he made, it would not be able to offset the long period from childhood to adulthood.

"You don't have to comfort me," Dad looked at him, "I'm not a poor person, and I'm not in a wrongful prison. You don't have to be so careful."

"I didn't deliberately be careful," Duan Feifei held his cheeks and looked at his father, "To be honest, Luo Guanjiao didn't ask me to enlighten you or anything. It's fine."

"I'll take it for a while," Dad sighed. "Anxiety, do you understand? Ronaldinho and the others didn't know how they found out."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei nodded.

"You know the shit," Dad said, "I also read some psychology books, all of them go to school, do you understand? You passed the exam with ease. Once your uncle came to see me, I had to wear a whip. Put it aside and run in."

Duan Feifei laughed: "The whip is not allowed to come in here, don't talk nonsense."

"But..." Dad thought for a while, "this is a bit absolute, you will be anxious, how can you not be anxious when you grow up like this."

"Why not," Duan Feifei touched his face, "it's all charred."

Dad stared at him twice: "It's dark, what are you playing like this?"

"Skiing," said Duan Feifei, "and took a trip to the intermediate ski run."

"Are you bare-faced?" Dad asked.

"It's not only when you slide," Duan Feifei said. "When you climb back with a bare face, the time is much longer than when you slide down."

Dad smiled: "Did you fall?"

"Falled," Duan Feifei nodded. "Others slipped out and fell for a while. I was standing there and slipped out automatically and fell, stretched straight."

Dad watched him carefully for a long time.

"What's wrong?" Duan Feifei asked, "I'm handsome even if I'm black! I'm the most handsome when I fall."

"It feels like it hasn't been a few days since I last saw you," Dad said. "Why does it seem like I've grown up a bit."

"Really," Duan Feifei responded, "but he's still handsome and suave."

"When I stay here, it's like a year, and it's numb. When I see you, it feels like so many years have passed in a blink of an eye," Dad sighed, "Sometimes I chat with those old guys, their family We have never heard of those new things that people write and say, and the guy next door to me came a few years later than us, and he was so awkward, as if he had used everything."

"It's not difficult to understand the new things now, and the big characters can be clearly written about poking your finger a few times," Duan Feifei said, "You go to him, who wouldn't, Jingdong cat can take a fist. I can understand, what is there to be embarrassed about."

Dad smiled and sighed, but said nothing.

Duan Feifei couldn't find anything to say for a while, and wanted to talk to him about going out to play as Jiang Kuo said, but in the current state of his father, he was not sure whether his father would be happy or aggravate him when he heard this. A sense of alienation from the outside world.

"It's going to be Chinese New Year in a few days," Dad took the initiative to find a topic, "Is the store busy?"

"It's okay," said Duan Feifei, "A few days ago, my uncle asked someone to come over to help. When I get back, I will send the pressed goods, and I can almost be busy."

"Have you bought New Year's goods?" Dad asked.

"No," said Duan Feifei, "It's simple, I'll go back to a trailer market and buy it all, but I have to make a trip to deliver some to my grandmother. My aunt brought her some things, and she returned it. Complain, saying that the second child and the third child didn't give her anything."

"This old lady," my father smiled, "bring her some peanut candy, the old lady and I both love to eat that, and we always bought it for her during Chinese New Year."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei nodded.

The peanut candy store has been closed for several years. The old man who made the candy said he couldn't do anything and would go back to his hometown.

But this Duan Feifei didn't tell his father that he was uncomfortable. In the years he hadn't seen, the familiar things disappeared little by little.

"Is the old man who sells sugar still there?" Dad asked suddenly.

"Yes," Duan Feifei said quickly, "Why do you say they're gone?"

Dad narrowed his eyes and looked at him: "You lied to me."

"Why did I lie to you?" Duan Feifei said.

"At least the old man is no longer in the market," Dad said. "If he is still there, you must tell me about it. It can be considered that you have found a topic."

"...Fuck." Duan Feifei was quite convinced.

"After so many years, he moved away and died," Dad said. "It's not surprising."

"Don't talk nonsense! They are not dead!" Duan Feifei glared at him.

"That's the move, right?" Dad refused to give up and insisted on making sure.

"Yes," said Duan Feifei, "it's tiring to make sugar, and I can't work anymore when I'm too old, so I'm going back to my hometown."

"Hey..." Dad stretched his voice and sighed, "Look, just tell the truth and lie to me."

Duan Feifei did not speak.

"Isn't it just that I'm afraid that the outside world has changed too much?" Dad said.

Duan Feifei glanced at him.

"After so many years, can it be a big change," Dad said, "what's the matter." "Yes, it's no big deal." Duan Feifei nodded.

"You don't have to worry about me in the future, and bother to coax me," Dad said, "how should you live, don't think about what will happen after I go out, what will happen then, don't worry about me, don't worry about me, understand? After so many years without me, you are all fine, aren't you? In the future... "

"Duan Yingjie! I haven't had a parent in ten years, and I haven't had a home in ten years!" Duan Feifei couldn't control his emotions, his voice rose a little, "You just leave me like this and walk away one by one, and now you want me to continue without a father, Continue to have no home, right?"

Dad was stunned.

"I've waited for so many years," Duan Feifei suppressed his voice, "Isn't the last sentence right? It's more cruel than growing up by myself, you know? It doesn't matter what I lose, I just want to wait until I want to. Yes, my home! My dad! Do you understand?"

Dad put down the receiver, covered his face with his hands, and didn't move for a long time.

Duan Feifei didn't speak any more, and looked at his hands silently.

Just like the face, my father's hands can tell his age, not as good-looking as when he was young. Grandma said that his hands are very similar to his father's, with long fingers and strong looking.

"The kind that can slap a person's neck with a slap," Grandma said.

Duan Feifei wanted to laugh when he thought of this description for many years, but Dad's hands were no longer as good-looking as they used to be, with some tiny cracks.

"Go back," Dad put down his hand and picked up the receiver, "I checked the weather forecast today. If it's going to snow, go back early."

"Well." Duan Feifei looked at him.

"I didn't cry," the father said. "I just couldn't bear it when my son was reprimanded."

"Who taught you..." Duan Feifei said.

"You don't have to come to see me during the New Year, just make a phone call," Dad said. "You have a good New Year, and tell your grandma that I'm fine."

"Well," Duan Feifei nodded, "By the way, Duan Ling bought you two sets of thermal underwear, and I brought them here."

"This girl," my father laughed, "is more worried than her father."

"Then I'm leaving," Duan Feifei said, "I'll see you later in the year."

"Okay, let's go back." Dad waved his hand.

When he got to the bus stop, the sky started to snow, and the wind was stronger than when he came.

Duan Feifei pulled up the scarf and put on his hat.

There were no passers-by around, and he was the only one at the station, looking especially miserable.

He took out his mobile phone and called Brother Wen.

"Do you remember the old man who sold peanut candy before?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Remember, old man Song," Brother Wen said, "what's the matter?"

"Do you have his phone number or something?" Duan Feifei said, "I want to see if he can still make peanut candy."

"Yes, I'll look for it," Big Brother Wen clicked the mouse, "You can really think that Old Man Song has made a lot of effort to walk and even made peanut candy for you. If you want to eat peanut candy, isn't there another one in Beikou? what?"

"I want to buy some for my dad." Duan Feifei said.

Brother Wen suddenly lost his voice, and after a while, he heard the mouse click again: "A piece of filial piety."

"Why does it sound like a curse." Duan Feifei said.

"I'm moved to praise you!" Brother Wen said, "I want to scold you for turning a corner!"

Duan Feifei smiled: "Thank you, brother."

"Come on, I found it," Brother Wen said, "I'll send it to you."

The whole sun room was filled with the fragrance of the flower and fruit tea boiled by Jiang Liao, and my mother took a piece of cloth to compare it with Benben, and then made a stroke with a stroke.

"Aren't you," Jiang Kuo looked at her, "did you make clothes like this?"

"Three-dimensional tailoring, you know shit." After my mother drew some circles and lines on the cloth, she took the scissors and started cutting.

"Drink?" Jiang Liao poured himself the flower and fruit tea and looked at Jiang Kuo's cup.

"Don't drink this tea, which is at the bottom of the chain of contempt." Jiang Kuo said.

"You are at the bottom of the chain of contempt in this family," Jiang Liao poured tea for him, "and you pay attention to tea."

Jiang Kuo sighed and pulled his phone.

Mom has been free for the past two days and wants to check his account. He plans to give her the running water.

"Can he really survive a month at three thousand five?" Mom asked Jiang Liao.

"He doesn't have any expenses if he doesn't go out to school," Jiang Liao said. "People still work part-time."

"Are you still working next semester?" Mom looked at Jiang Kuo again.

"Stop fighting," Jiang Kuo said, "I want to do something else."

"What else?" Mom asked.

"Sauce beef," Jiang Kuo glanced at her, "do you want to vote?"

"Don't you have enough money yourself?" Mom lowered her head and cut the fabric, "Sure enough, three thousand five is still more than..."

"Aunt Liu—" Jiang Kuo shouted, "please help me get what I typed out from the printer—"

"Hey good—" Aunt Liu responded.

"Let you see the results of my hard work," Jiang Kuo said. "Your cafe will be gone soon, why don't you invest in a sauced beef restaurant?"

"Who said my cafe is gone." Mom glanced at him.

"Didn't you two make a bet?" Jiang Kuo sat up straight. "You said I'm sure that three thousand five is not enough. You lost the cafe to President Jiang. Is there such a thing!"

"Yes." Mom said. Aunt Liu came over with the running water he just printed out. He took it and shook it in front of his mother with a stack of paper: "No, your cafe is gone!"

"Mr. Jiang said to send me a cafe." Mom said.

Jiang Liao laughed loudly with a teacup beside him.

"Damn it!" Jiang Kuo was so angry that he stood up abruptly and turned around in the room, "You two really deserve to be husband and wife.

"Is Duan Feifei going to open a sauced beef restaurant?" Mom calmly changed the subject.

"I want to build an online store," Jiang Kuo replied along the way, remembering that his fire had not finished, and shouted again: "Bang together!"

"Didn't he already sell it online?" Jiang Liao asked.

"He ordered an order from an old customer on WeChat, the quantity is not too large, and there is still an off-season," Jiang Kuo sat down, "It may not be so fast to open a physical store, but an online store can be done with a kitchen. It's just that there are still a lot of certificates to do..."

Compared with opening a branch, it is simpler and safer to start a distribution online store. For the old man, this online store is not independent of the current Niu Sandao.

"Why don't you do it at the same time? You have enough money," Mom looked at his running water, "Wow, you have made a lot of money from us over the years, Jiang Xiaokuo."

"Let you see Liu Shui, do you care how much money I have?" Jiang Kuo said.

"The trademark and technology are from Duan Feifei's uncle's house, right?" Mom said, "Has he authorized it? How did the agreement sign? How will you share it?"

"Duan Feifei's father also has a share, and he doesn't know how to divide it," Jiang Kuo said, "They do things like the rules of the rivers and lakes. For online stores, they are not independent of Niu Sandao for the time being. It is better to divide them. If there are any changes, we will discuss the details.”

"So vague?" Mom asked.

"Yeah," Jiang Kuo nodded, "This Duan Feifei has a lot."

"His dad... is also in the store?" Mom said, "I haven't heard much of it from you."

Jiang Kuo was silent.

About Duan Feifei's father, he told Cannon, Cannon can hold on, he won't tell anyone, but he has to tell his mother... Of course, mom won't tell anyone, but he just doesn't know if he can let President Jiang and mom knew about it.

"Killer?" Mom asked, "Spy?"

"If you have a chance in the future, ask him yourself." Jiang Kuo said.

"Okay," Mom didn't ask anymore, "You can do it if you want. Anyway, I think you're going to this school to experience life, but you have to run away for your diploma or something."

"Well, after the New Year, I'll go back to school to get these." Jiang Kuo said. Jiang Liao tutted beside him.

"Let's go back, it just happened that I was busy after the new year, and there was no one at home," Mom shook the cloth that had been cut in her hand and stood up, "Run, let's go, grandma will sew your clothes for you..."

After his mother left, Jiang Kuo put down his phone, took the cup and took two sips. When Jiang was pouring tea, he stretched out the cup and said, "Pour me some more."

Jiang Liao poured tea for him: "Do you two have something wrong?"

"Who are you?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"You, and the three-character man hiding behind your rumored boyfriend." Jiang Liao said.

Jiang Kuo was stunned for a while before he could react. He laughed so hard that he almost couldn't hold the cup, and hurriedly put it on the table.

"If there's nothing wrong," Jiang Liao held the cup and tapped lightly with his fingertips on the cup, "you don't have to hide it from his father, for fear of ruining Duan Feifei's image in front of President Jiang and the others. ."

"You are really idle, and you observe very carefully every day. I never noticed that you care so much about your brother before." Jiang Kuo said.

"You haven't been in love before," Jiang Liao said, "I don't talk about it myself, but I'm still a little interested in gossip about this."

"This doesn't match your cool personality, ah Jiang." Jiang Kuo reminded her.

"I'm happy with my personality," Jiang Liao moved his legs to the chair next to him, "don't worry, I'll keep this a secret."

"What are you keeping secret?" Jiang Kuo said.

"You're all done," Jiang Liao said, "isn't it?"

Jiang Kuo snorted.

"Emotionally, you can make up your own mind," Jiang Liao said. "Opening a store is economical. Don't break up with money in the future."

"Hey?" Jiang Kuo looked at her, "What you said is very unfavorable for brother-sister friendship, do you know that?"

"Hey, you don't care what I say," Jiang Liao said, "it's right to rush."

In the past few days of the Chinese New Year, the shipment of beef in Niu San Dao sauce has basically been completed, and Jiang Kuo witnessed the whole process in the circle of friends.

[Instructions are as follows]

[Instructions are as follows] Finished

[Instructions are as follows] I have done so much without it, and there is no more to scold me

[Instructions are as follows]Last day delivery

[Instructions are as follows] Don't rush, the courier has already been driven away by me three times

"I can relax for a few days," Jiang Kuo sat on the rest chair of the racecourse, "Don't sleep until noon tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow morning, I will go to the countryside." Duan Feifei said.

"Why?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Go to our old man who used to sell peanut candy," Duan Feifei said. "He closed the store and went home, and I went to him to buy some peanut candy."

"What is peanut candy?" Jiang Kuo immediately became interested, "I want to eat it too."

"Let's save some for you. I'll try it when you come back. That candy can be kept for a long time," Duan Feifei smiled, "I'm afraid that you will try this candy after a bunch of relatives will not recognize it during the Chinese New Year. That's all."

"No," Jiang Kuo said, "I like sweets, but isn't peanut candy sold elsewhere? Do you want to go to the countryside to buy it?"

"My dad and my grandmother love to eat from that house, and that day my dad asked me to buy some for my grandmother during the Chinese New Year," Duan Feifei sighed, "As a result, everyone went back to their hometown. My dad is so sad."

"The world is getting stranger, isn't it." Jiang Kuo said.

"Well," Duan Feifei said, "I contacted the old man. He doesn't make candy anymore, but his family makes some for the New Year and eats it by himself. If I want, I will make a few more kilos for me."

"Did you miss me?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"It's okay." Duan Feifei said.

"Okay," Jiang Kuo nodded, "Hang it up a little bit."

"Hey, hey, Xiaojiang, Xiaojiang, Xiaojiang," Duan Feifei said in a series, "Think about it, think about it so much, think about it, I dreamed about it last night."

"What's the dream?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"You." Duan Feifei said.

"What am I, you have to have a plot in your dreams, right?" Jiang Kuo said.

"There's no plot," said Duan Feifei, "what kind of plot can this kind of dream have..."

Jiang Kuo was stunned for a long time before he could react: "Damn."

Duan Feifei laughed: "I'm sorry, but this is mainly out of my control."

"Fuck," Jiang Kuo also smiled, "you have a thick skin."

"It's just the skin that mixes," Duan Feifei cleared his throat and let out a sigh of relief with a smile, "Aren't you home today?"

"They came out with Cannon," Jiang Kuo glanced at Cannon, who was walking slowly over there, "a bunch of people doing nothing."

"What are you playing?" Duan Feifei asked.

What to play

See a movie


Which sounds more natural...

His horse let out a cry from behind, and Jiang Kuo turned his head sharply, pointing his finger at it viciously.

"Are you riding a horse?" Duan Feifei probably heard it.

"... Hmm." Jiang Kuo had to answer.

"We also have a racecourse here, but it's not the kind of awesome club you go to," Duan Feifei said. "Ordinary, let's go play when you come over in the new year."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo immediately slapped his leg.

"But I've never ridden before." Duan Feifei said.

"I'll teach you," Jiang Kuo said. "Normally, the sale starts from ten classes without dismantling. Let's count it at 9,000. I'll give you a discount, and a single trial will cost 1,000 yuan."

"The money in the piggy bank shouldn't be given to you." Duan Feifei said.

"I didn't expect it!" Jiang Kuo was very happy, "Duan Feifei! I didn't expect you to have today!"

"Who would have thought that," Duan Feifei said, "I would never have dreamed of it."