San Fu

Chapter 77


The newly opened stew pot seems to be doing good business, and the door is full of cars.

"Fortunately, you didn't drive here," said Duan Feifei. "Otherwise, you'll have to turn around and drive back to the market, park your car and come over."

"Just ask the waiter to find a place for me to stop." Jiang Kuo said.

"Stew pot restaurant!" Duan Feifei said, "Look at the waiter ignoring you."

Jiang Kuo snorted.

"How many?" The waiter at the door greeted him.

"Two people," Duan Feifei looked at the environment in the store. After all, the new store is still very beautiful, but there are so many people that it feels full, "Is there still a box?"

The waiter glanced at the two of them: "The box is full, you have to book it in advance."

"Where's the position on the side?" Duan Feifei asked again.

"There are no small tables right now," the waiter said. "Would you mind sharing tables?"

"Mind." Duan Feifei said.

He doesn't actually mind, but Jiang Kuo definitely does.

"Then we'll have to wait," the waiter held the walkie-talkie. "Is there a small table on the second floor, two?"

"About another fifteen minutes, there is a small table for four." The upstairs replied.

Duan Feifei looked at Jiang Kuo: "Can you wait?"

"Wait," Jiang Kuo sniffed, "it seems to smell delicious."

"Our stew pot is absolutely delicious," the waiter immediately introduced. "In our old restaurant, you have to go to the meal time, and it's normal to wait for an hour."

"Then I definitely won't go." Jiang Kuo said.

The service was stunned for a while, and pointed to the chair next to him: "Sit down for a while, tea, drinks, and snacks are free here."

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo sat down.

"Anything to drink?" Duan Feifei asked, "A small cake."

"No," Jiang Kuo said, "wait for dinner, you'll be full from eating and drinking here."

"Well." Duan Feifei smiled, "How did you know?"

"What?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"Liu Fatty and Dong Kun," Duan Feifei sat next to him, "Once we went to dinner, we had to wait for a table, so we ate and drank while we waited, and we were full."

"Then what?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Then they went back to school." Duan Feifei said.

"Damn it," Jiang Kuo laughed, "I found a solution when there is no food to eat."

"Why do you want this plan, but you can't use it." Duan Feifei said.

"No one can use it!" Jiang Kuo said.

"That's possible," Duan Feifei smiled. "It's really just a meal. Last year, a man came here, a big sister, and asked if I could give you something to eat."

"Have you given it?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"I cut some beef for her, and just before the lunch was finished, I filled another bowl of rice," Duan Feifei said, "After she finished eating, she cleaned up the back of the beef, and then helped I left after the stove was also alive."

"Hey, I know this too," Jiang Kuo sighed, "My aunt Liu said that in the noodle shop at the entrance of our community, a grandma went to the shop every day after lunch. The boss gave her a bowl of noodles, and she finished eating. Just help clear the table and go home... Why are we talking about this all of a sudden?"

"I don't know," Duan Feifei thought for a while, "because of Liu Fat and Dong Kun."

"It's Dong Kun again," Jiang Kuo said, "there are Dong Kun everywhere."

"I want to make an appointment with him after school starts." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo laughed: "Dong Kun changed his surname to Dou overnight."

"I'll drink some red dates soup," Duan Feifei stood up with a smile, "I'm really hungry."

Jiang Kuo looked over there. There was a pot of red jujube soup in a hot pot on the induction cooker. It smelled quite fragrant, but everyone waiting for the table could open the lid and scoop a cup. From a hygiene point of view, Jiang Kuo felt that he couldn't drink, although he could eat all kinds of handmade snacks that the next paragraph bought him.

"Duan Feifei!" A roar suddenly came from the other end of the hotel lobby.

This voice was full of energy, with the power to tear the air and all the noisy human voices, and it hit Jiang Kuo's ear.

He turned his head in shock and looked at the source of the sound with the twenty or thirty table people who were eating there.

"Duan Feifei!" At the far end, a tall guy was waving frantically, "Duan Feifei! Why are you here!"

Then the people at the table stood up and shouted, "Duan Feifei! Come here!"

Jiang Kuo turned back with the twenty or thirty table people and looked at Duan Feifei.

Duan Feifei took a cup of red jujube soup and drank it slowly, and waved his hand slowly over there.

"Come here!" The tall man pulled out his chair and walked over while rolling up his sleeves.

The hall is not large, and the tables are tightly placed. When it is full of people, there is basically not much space between the two tables. .

"My high school classmate." Duan Feifei drank the jujube soup from the cup, threw the paper cup into the trash can next to him, and whispered in his ear, "I may have to chat for a while."

"Call his friends here!" Someone shouted in the distance.

"Friend!" The tall man pointed at Jiang Kuo, "Come on!"

The moment Jiang Kuo was pointed by him, his scalp felt a little numb, and he began to wonder if Duan Feifei's social attributes were group-like.

"I don't need to go." Jiang Kuo said.

"You are waiting for me here." Duan Feifei said, "I didn't meet at the party a few years ago, and I won't let me go now."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"Your friend? Classmate?" The tall man had already come over, and Chong Jiang Kuo pointed to himself, "My classmate from Duan Feifei High School, we have been around the table for three years!"

"Ah." Jiang Kuo twitched the corners of his mouth.

"Let's go," Duan Feifei stopped the tall man, "Go over."

"A piece? What table are you waiting for?" said the taller man. "It's enough to eat together."

"A piece of shit." Duan Feifei replied decisively.

"How long has it been since I saw us!" Duan Feifei dragged the tall man back, and he didn't forget to turn around and shout to Jiang Kuo, "My name is Li Shu! Your name is..."

Jiang Kuo looked at him and didn't answer.

Duan Feifei twisted Li Shu's head back: "How much have you been drinking? What kind of wind do you smoke?"

"I haven't started drinking yet!" Li Shu said. "Call him together. It's inappropriate to hang people there."

"Don't worry about it," said Duan Feifei, "let's chat on the second floor for a while, and we'll meet again another day."

After watching Duan Feifei and Li Shu arrive at the table over there, Jiang Kuo breathed a sigh of relief.

Back in the chair.

Duan Feifei's classmates have a completely different aura from those of his former classmates. This scene of "calling friends and calling friends" is something he has never experienced before.

Of course, in terms of his non-existent popularity, such a scene would not occur.

The people at the table over there made another noise because of Duan Feifei's arrival, all shouting and laughing.

Jiang Kuo was embarrassed to keep staring over there, only scanning in the corner of his eye.

Duan Feifei has been pressed to sit down, and someone is pouring wine.

From the very beginning, Jiang Kuo could feel that Duan Feifei is a very popular character, cheerful and righteous, and can get along with everyone easily and freely. thinking about finding him.

Just like when he first arrived at school, even if he had never dealt with Duan Feifei, the first thing he thought of would be Duan Feifei.

But there was one thing that he didn't notice until now.

Duan Feifei actually doesn't have any good friends.

Those in the Model Group are considered very iron friends, the kind who can draw knives, but they are not good friends.

Jiang Kuo has no good friends, and he doesn't know what it's like to get along with good friends, and because of this, he can better feel the feeling that he is not a good friend.

Thinking about it this way, Duan Feifei is the same as him in this respect.

It's also a bit miraculous that Duan Feifei actually has the same side as him who doesn't want to make friends at all.

Duan Feifei's classmate probably hadn't seen him for a long time. When the waiter came over to tell Jiang Kuo that there was a table, he was still surrounded by a group of people talking.

Jiang Kuo followed the waiter to the second floor. The small table that was vacated was in a good position, in the corner of the second floor.

After he sat down, he sent Duan Feifei a message and told him the table number.

The waiter brought the menu and stood at the table looking at him.

"I'll order it later when my friend comes over." Jiang Kuo had never eaten a stew, and didn't know which one was delicious.

The waiter turned and left, Jiang Kuo flipped through the menu, feeling that he wanted to eat every kind of food.

More and more hungry.

"I really have to pass," Duan Feifei pulled his arm from his shoulders and looked over to the waiting area at the door, "My friend... I'm fucked, I have to go."

He stood up, his vision was blocked just now, he didn't see when Jiang Kuo was not there.

"Your friend should have waited until the table." Li Shu said.

"Well, it should be." Duan Feifei patted a few shoulders next to him, "Before fifteen."

"Before fifteen! I don't even drink a sip of wine today!" Several people shouted, "Wait for you to say hello! Don't go to college and forget about us!"

"That's impossible," Duan Feihan pointed at them as he went to the door, "Wait for my order."

"Okay!" a group of people shouted.

Duan Feifei took out his mobile phone, and there was a message from Jiang Kuo on it. He didn't bother to read it, and dialed Jiang Kuo's number directly.

Jiang Kuo wasn't in a good mood last night, and he can't tell if he's recovered today. Now he was pulled away and left to hang there for more than ten minutes...

"Finished?" Jiang Kuo answered the phone.

"Where are you?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Second floor," Jiang Kuo said, "Didn't I send you a message, thirty-nine tables."

"I didn't see it," Duan Feifei ran up the second floor, "I thought you were gone."

"Where am I going?" Jiang Kuo asked, "I'm starving to death, can I still have the strength to go?"

Duan Feifei saw Jiang Kuo who was on the phone while looking at the menu in the corner, hung up the phone and ran over.

"Have you ordered?" Duan Feifei sat across from him.

"I want to eat, what should I do?" Jiang Kuo looked up at him.

It can be seen that Jiang Kuo is not angry, and he seems to be in a good mood. He breathed a sigh of relief and took the menu: "Eat the signature first, Duan Ling recommended a few to me, if you want to eat anything else, we can come again, you If you can’t wait, just pack one and go back to eat.”

"It's cold when I go back." Jiang Kuo said.

"It's okay to be hot." Duan Feifei looked at him, "Cannon's kitchen has everything."

"Can you?" Jiang Kuo was very interested.

"...Hot dishes?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Yeah." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"Is it almost as if you asked me if I would install a washing machine?" Duan Feifei said.

"It's just light heating, right? There's no need to process it any more," Jiang Kuo asked. "Then I will."

"It's just you." Duan Feifei raised his hand and called the waiter.

"But I can't cook, so I have to have food, right?" Jiang Kuo said.

"I'll cook." Duan Feifei raised his hand, "I'll cook two more dishes for you."

"The waiter ignores you." Jiang Kuo said.

None of the waiters trotting behind him looked this way.

"I'm going to shout." Duan Feifei said.

"Well." Jiang Kuo quickly leaned back on the chair.

Duan Feifei smiled, raised his breath, and roared, "Waiter—"

"Come here." A waiter boy ran over.

"Calm down," Duan Feifei looked at him, "Order food."

Several dishes recommended by Duan Ling tasted quite good, and Jiang Kuo enjoyed it very much.

"You should rest at home this afternoon," Duan Feifei said, "sleep."

"Huh?" Jiang Kuo looked at him, "What do you mean?"

"In the afternoon, I'm going to help the boss next to me pick up the goods," Duan Feifei said, "I'm going to the wholesale market."

"Are you driving a truck?" Jiang Kuo's eyes lit up.

"Yes." Duan Feifei saw what he meant and added, "It's quite far, almost out of the city."

"I'll go too." Jiang Kuo said.

"It's not fun, it's boring," Duan Feifei said. "Just drive over, and then have to wait, wait for the loading, and then pull it back, and it will be gone in one afternoon."

"Then I'll sleep all afternoon and noon?" Jiang Kuo said, "I'll go with you, at least you can accompany me."

Duan Feifei was reluctant to let Jiang Kuo follow him to pull goods. Although this was not a job for Niu Sandao, it was still quite boring.

In a holiday like this, they should go out to play, go shopping, eat something, watch a movie or something.

But in the past few days after Jiang Kuo came, apart from Niu Sandao and the rental house, the farthest place to go is the bar, and he went with Cannon.

It was a good time to go horseback riding, but the first few days of the market were the busiest. He wanted to make an appointment several times, but he couldn't be sure.

I don't know when the only horse that I have ordered now is to take Jiang Kuo to the wholesale market in a truck.

Depressed anyway.

The only consolation is that Jiang Kuo said "you can accompany me", not "I can accompany you".

"Okay," Duan Feifei gritted his teeth, "let's give you a taste of market life."

"Go." Jiang Kuo snapped his fingers.

"By the way, buy some fireworks," Duan Feifei finally found the highlight of the trip, "There is a big fireworks sales point over there, with many varieties."

"That's to buy fireworks and help people pull the goods." Jiang Kuo said.

The pickup was washed two days ago and is now a clean pickup.

Jiang Kuo circled around the car: "It doesn't look like a used car, it's quite new."

"I took it back and repainted it, and I also changed the seat cover." Duan Feifei opened the passenger's door, "Come on."

Jiang Kuo got into the car and patted the seat: "Why didn't you get a leather?"

"Cover your butt." Duan Feifei went around the front of the car and entered the cab, "How is it?"

"Spacious." Jiang Kuo fastened his seat belt, "Broad vision."

"That's a lot wider than your car." Duan Feifei started the car, "Would you like some music?"

"And music?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Who do you look down on, listen!" Duan Feifei clicked his tongue and turned on the music in the car.

This is made by the old uncle, and the music is also the style of the old uncle.

When two butterflies sounded in the car, Duan Feifei couldn't help but say, "Or turn it off."

"Close it." Jiang Kuo said at the same time as him.

"Fuck," Duan Feihan turned off the music while having fun, "I'll drive this car with you next time, I'll change the track ahead of time."

"Let's go." Jiang Kuo waved his hand.

The parking lot of the market was very crowded, and Jiang Kuo kept staring at Duan Feifei, looking at the rearview mirror from time to time.

Duan Feifan's level of driving a truck is still very high, and two of them were squeezed out of the two rows of cars and drove out of the market.

"It's pretty good." Jiang Kuo said.

"That's right," Duan Feifei raised his eyebrows, "When I was a kid, anyone who wanted to drive out to pick up goods would take me with them. If it wasn't for my feet to reach the accelerator, I would drive it in elementary school."

Jiang Kuo snorted.

The state of Duan Feifei driving this car is different from his previous car. Maybe he is more familiar with the truck. He is very relaxed when driving, and even a simple gesture of pointing the direction is very handsome.

The car seat wasn't very comfortable to sit on, it was hard and a little bumpy, but when he stared at Feifei, Jiang Kuo didn't feel it too much.

After driving for about an hour, he was tired and found that his butt and waist were a little sore.

"I should get a cushion," Jiang Kuo said. "My butt is numb."

"It was there," Duan Feifei said, "I washed it yesterday and didn't put it on, why don't you go up and lie down for a while?"

"No," Jiang Kuo glanced back, "Is it almost there?"

"It's almost half an hour." Duan Feifei said.

Half an hour is quite a long time. Jiang Kuo wanted to sleep for a while, but the angle of the seat back was not adjusted enough for him to lie down, and it was a little bumpy, so he couldn't sleep, so the time seemed even longer.

When he saw the brand in the wholesale market, he suddenly felt less uncomfortable.

"It's here, right?" Jiang Kuo sat up straight.

"Well," Duan Feifei turned a corner, and the gate of the wholesale market finally appeared, "The innermost is the warehouse."

There is a row of warehouses, and various things are stacked in different warehouses.

Duan Feifei parked the car at the door of one of the warehouses, opened the door and got out of the car: "Waiting for me in the car?"

"Well," Jiang Kuo nodded, "don't mind me."

Duan Feifei took Lao Luo's bill of lading. He didn't come to this warehouse very often, but there were people who looked familiar. Anyway, there were always a few familiar.

"Pick up the goods?" The familiar person probably looked familiar to him, so he took the initiative to say hello.

"Those from Lao Luo." Duan Feifei handed over the list.

"Why didn't he come by himself." This man led Duan Feifei inside.

"I've been busy these days," Duan Feifei said, "I'm also on the way."

Jiang Kuo got out of the car and looked around.

Compared with the Niu Sandao market, this wholesale market is completely different. It is large and empty, without a lot of people. It is full of large and small trucks. Whether it is vegetables, fruits or anything else, they all exist in the form of bundles and boxes. .

Jiang Kuo turned around curiously, and found that there was a cold storage next to it, and he could see someone putting boxes of meat on the car.

Some of the beef in Niu San Dao is fresh, some is frozen, and the frozen part may come from here.

Jiang Kuo felt a little novel and a little dazed.

Although he wanted to set up an online store for sauced beef with Duan Feifei, he never thought about the process of sauced beef before it became sauced beef.

The phone rang and Jiang Kuo picked it up.

"Where did you go?" Duan Feifei asked.

"This side of the cold storage," Jiang Kuo said, "finished?"

"No, just find the goods according to the list and wait for them to load the goods," Duan Feifei said, "I thought you were lost, what are you doing in the cold storage?"

"Look." Jiang Kuo said.

"I'm here." Duan Feifei hung up the phone.

Jiang Kuo turned around and saw Duan Feifei coming out from there.

"What's so good about the cold storage?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Is Niu San Dao's beef pulled like this?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Not all. Frozen ones are sold less," Duan Feifei said. "A lot of fresh ones are from Boss Song. The ones he personally delivered are a little more expensive than ordinary ones."

"Is Boss Song a primary source of goods?" Jiang Kuo asked.

Duan Feifei smiled and put his arm around his shoulder: "You don't need to worry about this, I'm familiar with it."

Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

"If you want to worry about it," Duan Feifei twisted his fingers, "operation, promotion, packaging, and taste, these are yours, and those who negotiate prices are mine."

Jiang Kuo glanced at him: "Do you think I don't understand the production process of sauce beef?"

"Then you definitely don't understand someone like me who has been around for more than ten years." Duan Feifei said.

"I can understand slowly." Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows.

"You don't have to understand this." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo turned his head to look at him.