San Fu

Chapter 84


"Yes, it's not a big deal," Jiang Kuo said, "then hang up, I haven't finished the festival here."

"Hey hey hey Kuo'er! Kuo'er!" Cannon shouted in a series, "Don't hang up, don't hang up, although it's not a big deal, but it's not very small, right?"

"Why are you detaining you?" Jiang Kuo asked, "It's not over yet, are they not over yet?"

When Duan Feifei heard the previous sentence, he turned his head, hesitated for a while, and leaned over to the phone to listen.

Jiang Kuo turned the phone out so that he could hear it.

"Well, they are very happy," said Cannon. "I still have a pile of food in this house, but I can't get out. They take turns guarding outside."

"What about the person you brought with you, Mr. Hu? What about my first question?" Jiang Kuo asked again.

"The point is this, people, I exchanged them back. They originally deducted the big hair, but now the big hair is guarding the materials," said Cannon. "The land where the materials and machines are placed, Daxin Village says it belongs to them."

"So you are now detained in Daxin Village?" Jiang Kuo frowned.

"I was detained by the mother Daxin in the mother Shang family!" Da Pao said, "The Shang family doesn't care now, which means that if you want to control it, you have to fight."

"What are their demands?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Remove the materials and machines," said Cannon. "Come on someone who can talk. President Jiang came to talk about it well, but now he has changed his mind."

"Didn't you tell them that President Hu has the final say now?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Mr. Hu can't meet their demands, so it doesn't count. President Hu still shaves his beard every day. It's unreliable for a young man without a beard to do things." Cannon said.

Duan Feifei was also frowning at first, but after hearing this, he couldn't hold back, and slanted his head for a while.

Jiang Kuo also wanted to laugh. After all, Cannon's personal safety was not threatened yet, but he still lost his personal freedom. He held back his laughter after a while.

"It's reasonable to ask Mr. Jiang for this matter," Da Pao said. "If it's my father, I'll usually solve it myself, so if I go to him, it seems that I'm useless."

"You ask Da Mao to get some more people to guard the machines and materials," Jiang Kuo thought for a while, "Let them hang out for a few days, let them know that it's useless to find anyone other than you, and you can't find anyone else. Someone's coming."

"Well, okay." There was the sound of eating from the cannon.

"Is it delicious?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"The Shang family's bacon is really good. They are famous in their city. Duan Feifei must know it," said Da Pao. "You will come later, so you must try it."

Jiang Kuo glanced at Duan Feifei.

Duan Feifei nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Keep in touch," Jiang Kuo said. "You eat first, and if it doesn't loosen in a few days, then see what you do."

"Okay, in fact, it shouldn't be a big problem. I'll talk to you, and I'll be more at ease," Da Pao said. "The Shang family's money has been collected..."

"Because of this, Daxin didn't take the money." Jiang Kuo said.

"It's not that money can't make up any more..." Cannon sighed.

"No, don't mention this, you have to let them know what it means, you haven't been able to get out of the room for a month." Jiang Kuo said.

"I know." Cannon continued to sigh.

After chatting a few more words about the bacon in Shangjia Village, Jiang Kuo hung up the phone and sighed.

"Aren't you going to call the police?" Duan Feifei asked.

"This project can't be withdrawn, and I don't know how many years it will take to do this," Jiang Kuo said. "Now that the police force the matter to be resolved, it will be impossible to do it in the future. Don't say anything else, you will always have to raise a villa yourself. Let’s have some chicken and fish, and I will poison you a little every three days, and you will be bored.”

"Yes." Duan Feifei said.

"I can't even find anyone in the town," Jiang Kuo said. "Before President Jiang went there, Xiao Qin asked the town leaders to help him talk. Now I feel like they're losing face."

"Mr. Jiang didn't stop that little Qin?" Duan Feifei said.

"That's his style, he cultivates talents," Jiang Kuo tutted, "I'll let you talk about it."

"Cannon is quite loyal, do you know how to replace the people under your hand?" Duan Feifei said.

"It has to be exchanged for both affection and reason. People get paid to work with you, and there is no hostage in the work content." Jiang Kuo said.

"It's convenient to do things." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"If Mr. Hu is here, you can do it with people, and people say that the person in charge will take the lead. If he is not there, you can do it just as well. After teaching him a lesson, he will come out and pretend to apologize and negotiate the conditions." Duan Feifei said.

"President Hu should take you there." Jiang Kuo said.

"Take me to a group fight?" Duan Feifei smiled, "Then don't care now, right?"

"Ignore it for now, just hold it in. Now if you want to fight in groups, you won't be able to fight. At this moment, the preliminary work has not started, and the workers have not entered the field. You can only wait for a few days to see," Jiang Kuo said, "and we will immediately School starts, I'm busy, I'll be free when class is over."

"Are you going?" Duan Feifei looked at him, "You can't deal with the villagers."

"It stands to reason that I can ignore it," Jiang Kuo said. "I don't care if it's someone else, and people won't look for me, but the cannon still has to be in charge..."

Duan Feifei nodded, although Jiang Kuo seemed to be very indifferent to "friends", but if it was always like this, it would be difficult for Cannon to have been with him for more than ten years.

"There are several from Shangjia Village in the market, as well as from Daxin. Anyway, there are a lot of people in the town," Duan Feifei said, "I'll go and find out, although I might not be able to find out anything..."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded, "Don't let the old man know."

"It's okay to know," said Duan Feifei, "he is familiar with those people."

"No," Jiang Kuo frowned, "I don't want them to think that you will be in trouble with me, that you are hurt, that you are trying to get an online store, that you are looking for a thief for a mobile phone, and now you have to go and mix with the villagers. Disputes... Damn, I didn't even know there were so many things."

"What are these things?" Duan Feifei smiled.

Forget it.

Jiang Kuo has always felt that Duan Feifei and his uncle's family should be reluctant to make any changes, which can be seen from the opening of the store.

Especially Duan Feifei, his parents divorced since he was a child, his father was in prison, he first followed his grandmother and then his uncle, all kinds of losses and departures, what he wanted most was "stoicism", and even resisting the current life may be because of this Life has given him too many changes.

Duan Feifei didn't tell the old uncle about this. Although the old uncle was a righteous person, he really didn't want to make the old uncle feel that he was constantly in the situation when the old uncle's family did not agree with him and Jiang Kuonong's online shop. The land was "influenced" by Jiang Kuo.

The old uncle will be worried, the old uncle has always been very close to him, like a son, but he has the kind of caution that "this is my nephew, I have to take care of him".

Only when Dad came out and the old uncle handed him back to Dad in full, might he really relax.

Inquiring about things in the market is not as simple as Jiang Kuo imagined. The relationship must be good in normal times, but at the critical moment, "our village" will be a very solid whole.

Until the start of school, Duan Feifei would go around the market every other day, carrying a cigarette in his pocket every day.

Since Jiang Kuo saw Duan Feifei, a non-smoker, taking out a cigarette from his pocket at the wholesale market that day, he thought he was cute and inexplicable.

There is still no movement on Cannon's side. It's time to eat, sleep, and his face is round again. From time to time, he will send messages to Jiang Kuo to report. Da Pao is a mature person in this respect, as expected of President Hu, although he has no idea about being detained.

The dormitory has changed a bit in the new semester. The air conditioner is really installed, but it is not used yet.

When he saw a few roommates again, Jiang Kuo actually felt a little "long time no see and misses".

Tang Li and Li Zirui both brought back a lot of their family's specialties, and Ma Xiao also brought some fruits.

Everyone gathered around the table eating together.

Jiang Kuo didn't know until now that Ma Xiao came back in the sixth grade and applied for accommodation at the school. He has been guarding the night market in the fruit store for more than ten days now, and the fruit is taken from the store.

"Are you still going to the print shop?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"I went, I was still at the print shop during the day," Ma Xiao said. "The fruit shop is unmanned for a while during the Chinese New Year, and it will be closed next week."

"Oh." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"Zirui, are you getting fat again?" Tang Li looked at Li Zirui.

"It must be fat. As soon as I got home, my grandma cried and said that I was too thin to be human," Li Zirui said. "I was her pig for the whole New Year."

"It's out now." Jiang Kuo said.

"Yeah, I've gained more than ten kilograms, and I don't even dare to go on the scales," Li Zirui sighed, "I heard that this semester is more difficult than last semester, let's see if I can get tired and thinner."

"Is it difficult, you don't learn it." Tang Li said.

Several people laughed.

For a few nights in a row, Lv Ning would walk around the dormitory to see if everyone had any difficulties when they first arrived on campus, and even called Jiang Kuo out to chat.

"It's not that I'm worried about you," Lu Ning said, "I've talked to these people over and over, and you're the last one."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded, "I'm fine."

"I think you're pretty good too, but don't be like last semester. You should be careful in class," Lü Ning said. "Your exam was a little off last semester."

Jiang Kuo sighed.

"Come on." Lu Ning patted his arm, "I'm leaving."

"This is the end of the conversation?" Jiang Kuo looked at her.

"Otherwise, I didn't want to talk to you at first, because I was afraid you would feel left out." Lu Ning said with a smile.

"It's very perfunctory now, and it's also said." Jiang Kuo said.

Lu Ning smiled for a long time, then waved at him and left.

There are still people checking the bed at night, although it is not too strict. Many times, Uncle Zhao comes to check, and the bed checking team makes random checks, but this kind of life has to endure for a semester.

However, compared to Cannon's imprisonment life, it can be regarded as a happy life.

"It can't be said that it works well," Duan Feifei sat in the last row of the classroom and whispered to Jiang Kuo, "but mentioning his name can still give some face, people in Shangjia Village are easy to say, just Daxin Village, just like this. It can help to this extent, after all, they think about this... "

Duan Fei glanced at the teacher in front of him, slipped down a little, and Jiang Kuo followed him down.

"I feel that my village is at a disadvantage. If I help outsiders now, I won't be able to stay when I go back to the village." Duan Feifei said.

"Well, okay." Jiang Kuo nodded.

"I still..." Duan Feifei stopped halfway through.

"What else?" Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

"Let's talk later." Duan Feifei said.

I'll talk about this at that time. Jiang Kuo guessed that he was going to talk about it until the day it really passed. If the matter on the Cannon side is solved, there is no need to talk about it.

Maybe it's some unreliable operation in the market.

However, this operation will be revealed soon. On the eleventh day of Cannon's loss of personal freedom, there is news that he may lose his personal safety.

"Did he hit you?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Didn't hit me!" Cannon was a little anxious. "But they were looking for Da Mao and the others. They wanted to smash the machine. Da Mao and the others protected me... I think they were either really smashing it, or they were scaring me."

"I'll go." Jiang Kuo said.

"Why are you here?" Cannon said. "They're unreasonable, they just want money! What's the use of you coming here!"

"I have someone." Jiang Kuo said.

"Who, Duan Feihan," said Da Pao, "he's not a ruthless person either..."

"He can be what he wants." Jiang Kuo said.

"...Really?" Cannon was stunned.

"The key is that we're not going to be ruthless, we're all adults," Jiang Kuo said, "Isn't this problem solved? We have to try it, if you can't say it again, why don't you call Dad? Or should I find President Jiang? ? Have you done this project yet?"

"Fuck." Cannon said, "Is this a partnership between President Jiang and my dad to cheat me? Let me do such a project, how comfortable I was working on the construction site before!"

"There has never been a smooth project... You give me the number of Da Mao," Jiang Kuo said, "I went over and called him and asked him to come outside."

"Okay," said Cannon.

[JK921]I feel nauseous right now, no way

[Your beautiful counselor Lv Ning] Do you have a fever

[JK921]No fever, just pain and nausea

[Your beautiful counselor Lv Ning] Then go to the hospital and ask a classmate to accompany you

[JK921]My name is Duan Feifei

[Your beautiful counselor Lv Ning] OK, call me if you have anything.

"Let's go," Jiang Kuo put away his mobile phone, "Take a good vacation with Lu Ning and go get the car."

"Waiting for the car I called across the road," Duan Feifei said, "How do you drive that car?"

"The road is alright. When we get there, we can ask Da Mao and the others to pick them up," Jiang Kuo said. "They have..."

"Then put your sports car at the entrance of the village, is there one more thing that can be smashed?" Duan Feifei smiled.

"Do you drive the old uncle's truck?" Jiang Kuo asked.

A van stopped in front of them and the driver jumped off.

Jiang Kuo looked at this man a little familiar.

The door of the van opened, and four more people got out.

Jiang Kuo was shocked to find that the seats in the van had been removed, and a bunch of small stools had been placed: "This..."

"They left first and waited for us at the place." The driver showed them the four people who got out of the car. "Have you seen them."

"I've seen it!" Several people nodded together.

Jiang Kuo didn't realize until now that this should be the market gang that Duan Feifei called to help Ma Xiao.

"Go," Duan Feifei tilted his head, "You take the co-pilot."

The driver got into the car with those people, Jiang Kuo got into the car, and looked back, a group of people were just squatting on the small stool.

"The back seat of the truck pulling the goods was dismantled, and it's too late to put the seat back right now," the driver said.

"It's been two hours." Jiang Kuo said.

"Two hours counts as fart," the other said in a hoarse voice.

Jiang Kuo turned around and looked ahead.

Duan Feifei had already turned into the main road in his car and drove in the direction of the town.

"Don't worry, boss," someone said later. "We know this kind of thing. The beard belongs to the Shang family. At least you can let your friends come out first."

Jiang Kuo looked back, and a strong man who looked like he could draw a knife to fight at any time nodded at him.

Where is the beard, obviously clean-shaven.

"Thank you," Jiang Kuo said, "but... it's better not to do it. If you do it, it won't be easy to solve."

"I won't do it," Beard said. "Don't worry, if you break the law, they won't do it."

"Incarceration is already against the law." Jiang Kuo reminded him.

Beard laughed: "They definitely won't admit to shutting people down, the door is unlocked, there's food and drink, right?"

Jiang Kuo sighed.

The mentality of the people from the Market Gang was very good. After the car drove out of the city, a few people squatted behind and started to play cards.

Jiang Kuo glanced at Duan Feifei. This is probably Duan Feifei's "Let's talk about it later."

"To fill the scene," Duan Feifei said softly, "there is still a carload of people, there are not enough people in the cannons, if you want to talk about things, at least you need to be equal in number, or you will have to be suppressed in terms of momentum."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

He can't say that he doesn't understand the operation of various projects after following President Jiang, but he has no experience in dealing with such things, and President Jiang is not very good at telling him these details, and he has no interest in listening to it.

When facing the villagers, Duan Feifei knew better than him what to do in some respects.

On the way, they encountered another van, Duan Feifan honked a few times, and the car responded a few times.

The two cars were one after the other. Because there were people from Shangjia Village in the car, they didn't need to navigate, and they quickly arrived at the place.

But before reaching the intersection of the village, he saw Da Mao.

This big Mao Jiangkuo didn't know him, but he only knew that he had done a lot of projects with Cannon's dad before.

"Why are you here?" Duan Feifei stopped the car.

"There must be someone guarding the intersection," Beard is very experienced. "We used to fight with the village next to us, and the person who reported the news had to be at the intersection, or it would be too late to find out."

Jiang Kuo got out of the car and said hello to Da Mao.

The news that Da Mao provided was that someone was already at the intersection.

"Don't go back to your car, just park here, you get in my car," the beard arranged, "I'll drive in here, and the boss won't be in the co-pilot. You're not from our place. Let them see that our village can't enter, and the people who entered them have already arrived."

"Well." Jiang Kuo nodded, entering the village to see the cannon is the first.

It's just that this car is not very comfortable to ride. The road is already a dirt road, and they are still sitting on the small bench. Jiang Kuoya nibbled several times.

After turning into the intersection, I saw a simple and honest old man straddling a motorcycle on the side of the road, with a cage full of chicken feathers tied to the car.

Beard lowered the car window, looked at the old man, did not speak, and continued to drive forward into the path.

"Is this for letting go?" Jiang Kuo was a little puzzled.

"What do you think?" Duan Feifei smiled.

There was only one old man. After passing the old man pass, no one else was seen. The two cars drove smoothly one after the other to Cannon's temporary prefab on the side of the village.

There are some scattered sawdust and stones on the ground, and it can be seen that some threatening activities have been carried out here before.

"Go directly to the village." Duan Feifei said.

"Hmm." Beard nodded.

The house where Cannon was detained was right next to the village. He rented a house from a family.

As soon as the two vans parked at the door, someone inside heard the movement and came out. When they saw the person who got out of the car, they immediately reached into their pocket and reached for their mobile phone.

Duan Feifei ignored this man. After getting out of the car, he shouted into the courtyard, "Cannon!"

"Hey!" Cannon responded with a roar.

"What about people!" Duan Feifei shouted again.

"Come on!" A door inside opened and the cannon ran out.

Sure enough, the door is not locked, and there is food and drink.

Jiang Kuo got out of the car, Cannon had already run to him, he stretched his arms to hug Cannon, and patted him behind him.

"Fuck," Cannon looked at the people who got out of the car, "Where the hell did you call this guy?"

"Duan Feifei is in their market." Jiang Kuo said.

"Fuck," Cannon glanced at Duan Feifei, "Yes, brother."

The man guarding the cannon had retreated silently to the next tree.

When Jiang Kuo looked over, the man was looking at him while talking on the phone.