San Fu

Chapter 85


"It's all the way!" After hugging Jiang Kuo, Cannon greeted everyone to go into the yard, "Come, come in and rest!"

"How are you doing here?" Duan Feifei rushed to the group of people who got out of the car and tilted their heads, and everyone followed the cannon to the house.

"It's very good, I live comfortably," said Cannon, and glanced outside the yard. "I don't have to worry about eating and drinking, and there are people who take care of me. They are very thoughtful..."

The people from the market gang are scattered all over the courtyard and on the road outside. This formation is the experience accumulated over the years of rehearsal.

Jiang Kuo doesn't participate in all kinds of fights and disputes, and he doesn't know how to be more deterrent for the powerful people on both sides in this situation.

But when this group of people in the market were in such a mess, and they controlled the yard and the road at the door without any image, Jiang Kuo could still feel that the message they wanted to convey was in place.

The cannon took them into the house with Da Mao and Beard and another guy from Shangjia Village who called Banzhuan.

"You're still pretty neat." Jiang Kuo looked at the room.

"Cleaning up the house is my entertainment these days," Cannon said. "I even gave myself a pedicure."

Beard laughed: "I know that boy Shou you, he raises chickens."

"Soft egg, you really want to go out, he doesn't dare to do anything to you." Brick said.

"I'll be in the village when I go out. I have to do my job," Cannon sighed. "I'll stay there when I go out. They're going to make trouble, and there's nothing to do."

"How do I do it now?" Beard asked Duan Feifei.

Duan Feifei looked at Jiang Kuo.

He didn't know the specific direction after this step, and he had to wait for Jiang Kuo's instructions.

"Let's make an appointment, from Daxin Village," Jiang Kuo said. "Can Da Mao make an appointment? Go to the town and reserve a box."

"Yes, it's hard to say whether they will come or not." Da Mao said.

"Didn't they ask Cannon to call people to come? Now, it's me," Jiang Kuo said. "If you want to go higher, you can call it no more. If you don't want to make money, just stand up. If you want to make money, come here."

"Well, I know how to say it." Da Mao nodded.

"Not here?" Cannon asked.

"I'll ask you later," Jiang Kuo said. "You go to the person in charge of our Shangjia Village, and let's take it easy on your own. After negotiating with there, we'll have a drink together."

Duan Feifei looked at Jiang Kuo, and when he mentioned Shangjia Village, he used the name "we", although the Shang family did not help Cannon to solve the problem this time.

"Understood." Cannon patted him on the shoulder.

"I'll take a look at the picture," Jiang Kuo walked to the table, "I'll go around in a while."

Cannon spread the topographic map of the village on the table. There were already various lines and data drawn by Cannon on the map. He pointed to the middle section: "This is the disputed land."

"How do I feel that this is the picture we are going to draw in class..." Jiang Kuo said.

"You're absent from school now, so don't think about the students." Cannon said.

"Is there a way to get there?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"Yes, all three roads can go through, this one is the closest." Cannon said.

"Okay, I'll go take a look," Jiang Kuo bit his lip, "Is the road easy to walk?"

Cannon looked at him: "The road can only be built after construction starts."

"It's a mountain road, a dirt road," Beard said behind him. "Now that the snow has melted, it's fine. It's not difficult to walk."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

Everyone dispersed in several ways. There were still a few market gangs guarding the courtyard and outside, and there was no need to say hello. Beard said to get some chairs and play cards.

In order not to cause misunderstandings, Cannon did not accompany Jiang Kuo to go out, and went straight to chat with the person in charge of the village.

Banzhuan drove a motorcycle over to Duan Feifei, so that he could take Jiang Kuo to "inspect".

"There are some places where the road is bad and you can't drive, but most of them are fine," Banzhuan said. "How about I take the boss there?"

"You guys are still here, and you can handle anything with familiarity," Duan Feifei said, "I'll just accompany him around, it's not too far."

It wasn't that far. According to the road indicated by the bricks, Duan Feifei drove Jiang Kuo out of the village on a motorcycle, and drove along the mountain road behind the village to the disputed land.

Jiang Kuo sat at the back. When he was in the village, his hand was only on Duan Feifei's waist. After leaving the village, he immediately hugged him.

"The waist is not bad, a small paragraph." Jiang Kuo put his chin on his shoulder and said with a smile.

"Be careful," Duan Feifei said. "On this hillside, in the woods, there may be a fellow villager somewhere. By then, you will know that this young boss is a rogue."

Jiang Kuo smiled and didn't speak, and put his hand into his clothes and touched his stomach again: "It's quite interesting, it's the first time I ride in the back seat of a motorcycle. past me."

"Keep it for me..." Duan Feifei said, "The road ahead is not good."

"Be steady..." Before Jiang Kuo finished speaking, the car drove on the dirt road. The pits and roads that were pressed by various wheels on the road made the car jolted for a while. His chin was on Duan Feifei's shoulder like a telegram. Knocked a bunch of children.

He was smirked: "Fuck, what kind of road is this."

"There is no such way to go further, so you have to walk," Duan Feifei said, "What are you going to see there?"

"I don't care, I just want to see the actual distance between Daxin Village and the project and the site, what kind of terrain is this land," Jiang Kuo said, "It is definitely impossible to give money to the project according to their ideas. , and they don’t have that much money. To solve the problem, you have to look at their actual state. If there is any way to take it there, it will be easy. If you don’t want to, then I have to look at it. how to do."

"Mr. Jiang should come and see." Duan Feifei said.

"I'm helping the cannon." Jiang Kuo said.

"If you follow President Jiang," Duan Feifei said, "do you do this?"

"No," Jiang Kuo said, "he asked me to stand guard at the property management company."

Duan Feifei was stunned for a while and couldn't stop laughing: "You serious, does he want you to understand the basics a little bit?"

"He just wants to piss me off." Jiang Kuo said.

"Didn't you get mad at him first?" Duan Feifei said.

"Where are you from?" Jiang Kuo said.

"You're here." Duan Feifei released the handlebar and touched his leg.

"Drive well!" Jiang Kuo said, "You still have to move your feet on this road!"

Duan Feifei retracted his hand with a smile.

After a further section of the road, according to the instructions on the map, they went up the slope and arrived at the place.

Duan Feifan parked the car under a tree on the side of the road. The two got out of the car and continued to walk along the path.

There is still some distance from the waterfall inside. It is the front station of the waterfall scenic spot, the tourist reception center, the stream down from the waterfall has become a small river here, and it flows through the mountains. From here, you can start planning the hiking route. , up the creek.

The disputed piece of land is at the section where the river crosses the last hillside, upstream of Daxin Village and downstream of Shangjia Village.

On the way, I met a few villagers and looked up and down with some curiosity about them.

Duan Feifan chatted a few words with every villager he met, most of them from Shangjia Village, but also a few from Daxin. The Daxin ones mainly graze cattle on the slopes, and there are also fish raised by them in the river section. canal.

The people of Shangjia Village have many orchards here.

Duan Feifei accompanied Jiang Kuo to walk along the river slowly while watching, Jiang Kuo would stop from time to time to take a few photos, and then look at the topographic map taken on the phone.

After walking for a while, a few young people appeared across the river. They looked like they came from the village to play, and they had encountered such people before.

But these few people have been following them not far or near.

"This is someone watching." Duan Feifei said.

"We were watched all the way," Jiang Kuo said. "There were always people watching us in the village."

"This place is farther from the city. Although it's not deep in the mountains, there are still few outsiders who usually come here," Duan Feifei said. "But these people are definitely not ordinary villagers."

"It was called from Daxin," Jiang Kuo said. "Da Mao should have already contacted them. Do you think he made an appointment?"

"We've made an appointment," said Duan Feifei. "I'm here to see what kind of person invited them."

"I don't look very reliable," Jiang Kuo sighed. "There is no big gun like a boss who can do things."

"You can be like the boss of Cannon," Duan Feifei smiled. "What they want to see is someone who can move money."

It’s almost the turn here. When we were going back, Jiang Kuo received a call from Da Mao. The village agreed to a meal appointment. Da Mao’s ability to handle affairs is still very strong. past.

"About half an hour to town," said Big Mao, "I'll send you the location."

"I'll be there in about an hour." Jiang Kuo said.

"Do you want to make a score?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Well," Jiang Kuo nodded, "you have to be sincere, but you also have to have a pretense. We didn't ask them for this. They didn't push it until the night, they were more anxious than us."

Cannon also took the market gang to town, and he ordered two more tables of dishes to serve at the restaurant where Da Mao booked the box.

The best restaurant in town, the boss Jiang Kuo, who talks to people, passed by on the back of Duan Feifei's motorcycle. Da Mao's car was sent to pick up people from Daxin Village. When he came, he drove two cars. The van cannon drove away with the market gang.

Jiang Kuo covered his face with a scarf and blew all the way to the town.

My face was numb when I got out of the car.

"It's too busy." Duan Feifei smiled and parked the car.

"This is at least five degrees lower than in the city." Jiang Kuo rubbed his face and entered the restaurant, and then he gradually became aware of his face.

Da Mao was waiting for them in the lobby, and the people from the market gang over there had already eaten, and it was very lively.

"The village chief is in charge of everything in their village," said Da Mao. "The village chief has a high prestige in the village, so he can say it after nodding his head."

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

Da Mao took them into the innermost box on the second floor.

There were people sitting in the box, and the tables and chairs next to them were full of various tobacco, alcohol, and gift boxes that could not be seen. It was estimated that they were prepared by cannons.

The person sitting in the middle of the table can tell at a glance that it is the village chief, who looks like the village chief. Next to him are three people brought by the village chief. They have the same number of people on their side. beard.

"Come on," Cannon stood up, "Come on, let me introduce to you, this is Jiang Kuo, the director of our company who came here specially for this matter..."

When Cannon introduced, the village chief was expressionless, and a few people next to him nodded.

Jiang Kuo also pulled up the chair with a blank expression and sat down.

"This is the head of our Daxin Village, the head of the village, and the backbone of Daxin, Lu Xiang." Cannon introduced Jiang Kuo.

Da Mao arrogantly asked the waiter to pour the wine, and then went over to pour the wine for the village chief.

"Xiao Jiang is not too old, and he is not too small." Lu Xiang said.

"I'm sorry Uncle Lu," Jiang Kuo said, "I also wanted to hurry up, but I came here on a motorcycle, and the road was not good, so I drove a little slowly."

"Yes, the roads in our villages are not very good." Beard said.

"Mr. Hu's equipment is ready, do the workers have to build the road as soon as they enter the site?" Jiang Kuo asked Cannon.

"Yes, the road behind the village, as well as the road from the village entrance to the main road, and then to the waterfall inside are the first steps," said Cannon. "The road can only develop if the road is repaired."

"You don't need to detour with me," Lu Xiang waved his hand, his voice very loud, "These words don't touch me. We don't need someone else to repair the road in our Daxin Village. It doesn't matter if the Shang family has a road or not."

"Then don't detour," Jiang Kuo blocked Da Mao's hand that was about to pour him wine, "Uncle Lu is willing to cut to the chase, that's the best."

"You didn't come here to treat guests to dinner, but you rushed to the ground as soon as you came," Lu Xiang said, "Then you went to the mountain to watch it today, and you should see that that piece of land has always been used by the people of our Daxin Village. "

"Not all of them," Jiang Kuo said. "There are several orchards in Shangjia Village. Compared with cattle herding and fish farming, it is actually Shangjia Village's land."

"Bullshit," Lu Xiang said, "whether it's cattle herding or fish farming, it's no different from an orchard, you see who dares to move!"

"He still sells the land to make money, and still wants to use my Daxin land to collect it?" The person brought by the village chief next to him also spoke up, and he spoke very aggressively, "I think beautifully!"

"We didn't quarrel when we made an appointment," Jiang Kuo said. "If we start like this, how will we talk later?"

"What are we talking about?" Lu Xiang said, "Give money for land, don't touch land if you don't give money, what else is there to talk about on such a simple matter, we came here to talk about this, if we don't talk about this, we will leave immediately."

Lu Xiang said and stood up.

Da Mao and Da Cannon immediately got up and went over, tore, tore and pressed with him for a while, and pushed him back to the chair.

"Uncle," Duan Feifei smiled, picked up the wine glass and walked over, "Let's not talk about anything else, let's toast you first, now there are not many people like you who are straightforward and straightforward, talking to people like you is actually a matter of most comfortable."

"We rural people are so down-to-earth, what are you talking about?" Lu Xiang glanced at him and clinked glasses with him, "We don't act like you city folks are open and secretive."

You really dare to say that the good things have been discussed twice.

"Yes, but our director," Duan Feifei pointed at Jiang Kuo after drinking a drink, "you can see that he is different from others, he is just like you. The person that the boss can trust the most, he is here to handle this matter neatly."

"Okay," Lu Xiang looked at Jiang Kuo, "I want to see how neat it is."

"I'm still young and inexperienced," Jiang Kuo said. "If there is any inadequacy in my thinking, Uncle Lu will correct me."

Duan Feifei sat back next to Jiang Kuo and ate a mouthful of food. The food in the town's restaurant was a little different, but the taste was still good.

Although he was the only one at the table who moved the chopsticks, he still turned the leg of lamb on the turntable in front of Lu Xiang, and signaled to the person next to Lu Xiang who seemed to be a follower: "Give Village Chief Lu some to taste. taste."

The man was stunned for a while, then nodded, cut a leg of lamb and put it in Lu Xiang's bowl.

"It's impossible to correct me, but I'll definitely say it if I have something to say. I have to fight for the rights and interests of my village," Lu Xiang said.

Jiang Kuo's new opening is very modest and his posture is low, but the next sentence cuts back to the previous state.

"Two options, one," Jiang Kuo looked at Lu Xiang, "according to the agreement with the Shang family, the land will be developed as planned, the road will be repaired, and it will lead directly to Daxin Village, including the road inside, to connect the two sides..."

"That's impossible!" The person next to Lu Xiang shouted and interrupted Jiang Kuo's words, "It's impossible, it's impossible, it doesn't count if you want our land, and you want to draw our village into it?"

"I haven't finished speaking yet," Jiang Kuo looked at him, "Don't, interrupt me, I'm reporting my thoughts to Village Chief Lu."

Lu Xiang cleared his throat, and even though "impossible" was written all over his face, he still raised his hand to signal the man not to speak.

"The original fish farms and chicken farms in Daxin will not be affected, and the villa will develop corresponding projects," Jiang Kuo said. "As long as the quality of the ingredients used by the hotel is up to the standard, they will be purchased from the village. Delivering to the city requires a lot less money and effort, and the volume is larger. The orchards on the Shangjia side will all have the form of picking in the garden, and Daxin can also…”

Lu Xiang stretched out his hand to indicate, "Plan 2."

Jiang Kuo didn't mind being interrupted, he just smiled with the corners of his mouth hooked: "According to your division, it's no problem for us to give up the Daxin half. Under the same conditions, as long as you speak, Nanan will be waiting."

A few people over Lu Xiang were stunned for a while. Lu Xiang couldn't see any expression on his face, but he didn't make a sound.

"Let me put it this way, we can still get the money for the fence," Jiang Kuo said. "We can fence all the sites within the plan, and we will never move the new land."

"You try." Someone over there also sneered.

"The first plan was originally proposed to avoid conflicts. We are not unrelated in the town, you know, but it is not necessary," Jiang Kuo said, "The Shang family makes money, and Daxin also makes money together, but the second plan, It’s not so pleasant anymore, don’t threaten me, the Shang family is in the upper reaches of Daxin.”

Lu Xiang looked at him for a long time before laughing. After laughing for a while, he turned his head and said to the person next to him, "See, this kid is more ruthless than those before, so he's talking ruthlessly to us."

"Business is actually about making money, and it's important to make more money without the hassle," Jiang Kuo said, "If Uncle Lu thinks it's okay, let's talk about plan one? I hope you can give me some advice. "

Lu Xiang was silent for a while and then patted the table: "Okay, I'll see what flowers you can name."

"If you're not sure, you can go back and discuss it with everyone. We're not going to have a result now..." Jiang Kuo's words were interrupted again.

"I tell you, Daxin Village, I have the final say." Lu Xiang pointed at him.

"Then let's talk about the specifics." Jiang Kuo said.

This sentence can be regarded as the start of the next round of tug-of-war.

Lu Xiang wasn't stupid. The original purpose was to ask for money. Seeing that he couldn't get it, the other party even insisted that if you dare to make trouble, then make trouble. This is already out of his goal.

But even if you don't agree to take a step back, you have to argue about what the step back actually means.

Jiang Kuo's speech was always direct and calm, even with a bit of rudeness and arrogance. This repression made the few people he brought along with the exception of Lu Xiang to shut up, while Da Pao and Da Mao were responsible for translating in a gentle tone next to him. Once again, cooperation is still possible.

Duan Feifei was relatively relaxed. Halfway through the conversation, he had already sat next to Lu Xiang. When they were almost arguing, Lu Xiang would touch Duan Feifei twice.

"You are not from their company." Lu Xiang said.

"Yes," Duan Feifei smiled, "but I am responsible for safety."

"His bodyguard." Lu Xiang pointed at Jiang Kuo.

Lu Xiang really likes pointing people. For Jiang Kuo's character, Duan Feifei was already very shocked that he kept pointing at him without getting angry.

He took Lu Xiang's hand and held it: "It's okay to understand it this way, it sounds pretty cool."

"Don't follow the capitalists like them," Lu Xiang said, "It's unreliable."

"My family also has a small business," said Duan Feifei, "not really..."

"What business?" Lu Xiang immediately asked.

"Beef shop, sauce beef," Duan Feifei said, "I'm from the same market as Lu Laoliu."

"Lu Laoliu?" Lu Xiang turned to look at him, "You are also in Laoliu's market?"

"Well," Duan Feifei nodded, he had been waiting for this opening, and finally he did, "I call him Uncle Six."

Lu Laoliu was considered a "speakable" person in the village, but this time he refused to come forward to help, for fear that he would not be able to stay when he returned to the village.

"That's pretty familiar?" Lu Xiang asked.

"Familiar," said Duan Feifei, "he watched me grow up. I wanted to ask him for help this time, but he didn't do it. Uncle, your village is true... unity."

Duan Feifei gave a thumbs up: "You really have prestige."

Lu Xiang laughed: "Hey! It's not, generally, it's mainly because I have the courage to carry anything! I have the courage, courage, and responsibility! The secretary also listens to me honestly!"

"Yes." Duan Feifei clinked glasses with him, "Uncle, as for the plan that our director said..."

He leaned into Lu Xiang's ear and said, "Several waterfall scenic spots follow this model, and within a few years, all the small buildings in the village are covered, which is really making money, but, you have to have the courage to do everything. The person who can make the decision can do it, you still have to talk to him in detail."

"You still help them." Lu Xiang was still very awake, looking at Duan Feifei.

"I'm a bodyguard," Duan Feifei said, "I've seen a lot of villages that make money. I can't see that you can't make money with money, and you're panicking."

"Expanding the scale is not what I said I want to expand," Lu Xiang turned his head and continued to join in the tearing over there, "I can't say that you are here, and you are going to leave my things at a low price, my original share of money. I won't make any money…”

"We will definitely have someone to discuss this with you in detail," Cannon said. "Today is to determine the direction. You nod your head, and I will have someone special to connect with you tomorrow."

Jiang Kuo has not spoken much, and when Duan Feifei looked over, his face was already a little tired.

After all, he has always been a young master, and he has never eaten such a meal. Jiang Kuo just wanted to start his head and let the cannon move forward, but Lu Xiang kept staring at him, and now he finally turned his head to face the cannon. , Duan Feifei felt that Jiang Kuo could fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

Da Mao's cell phone rang, he went to the side to answer a call, and after a few words, he went over and gave the phone to Da Gun.

"Uncle Lu, I'll take a call." Cannon stood up and walked aside, "Why are you here?"

Jiang Kuo glanced back, and Cannon nodded at him.

The real Mr. Hu is here.

Jiang Kuo glanced at Da Mao again: "Did you call it?"

After all, Da Mao was with President Hu after all.

"Mr. Hu is not at ease, this matter is going to be messed up," Da Mao said in a low voice, "It's not that a cannon can handle it."

Jiang Kuo raised his eyebrows and clicked his tongue: "Did you say I was here?"

"No," said Da Mao, "I only found out today that you are here."

Duan Feifei came over and sat next to him: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Hu's father, Mr. Hu, is here," Jiang Kuo said, "I'm still worried."

"It should be almost the same today, I didn't say death," Duan Feifei said, "but it should be possible to move forward with the follow-up."

"Well, it's too difficult," Jiang Kuo said, "Now these are all plans, they won't have confidence in the income in one year, two years or three years, let the cannon continue to push, there must be something that will make them see the money immediately. things... you had a good chat with the village chief?"

"It's okay, I don't know if I can help you in the future. If there is Lu Laoliu, the relationship can still be everywhere," Duan Feifei said, "But I told him that if I need beef in the future, his cattle farmer will The scale of the farm is not small, and the best quality can be guaranteed…”

"Your uncle," Jiang Kuo turned to look at him and couldn't help laughing, "Are these functions written in your genes?"

"By the way," Duan Feifei said, "I can't drink with him for so long."

I ate this meal for three hours and didn't eat anything in my stomach.

Jiang Kuo watched Da Mao and the others drove Lu Xiang away, and then stepped onto the extraordinary motorcycle.

"My dad should be in the room I rented." Cannon was beside him, waiting for the market gang to come out. "Help me greet him."

"Well," Jiang Kuo responded, "help you brag."

When he went back, Jiang Kuo drove his motorcycle, and Duan Feifei hugged him happily, resting his chin on his shoulder.

"I'm so hungry," Jiang Kuo sighed, "Is there anything to eat in the village?"

"There's a cannon," Duan Feifei said. "I saw it. What kind of bread, cake, chicken legs and duck tongue, there's a bunch of them."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo continued to sigh.

"I'm dying." Duan Feifei said.

"Go away." Jiang Kuo said.

As soon as the car entered the village, Duan Feifei saw the car parked at the entrance of the small courtyard rented by Dapao.

"Isn't that..." He was stunned, "Is it Mr. Jiang's Brabus?"

"Fuck." Jiang Kuo twisted the accelerator, rushed to Brabus, stopped, and looked into the yard.

I only saw Mr. Hu standing in the yard.

"Uncle Hu!" Jiang Kuo got out of the car and shouted, "My dad is here?"

Before waiting for President Hu to answer, Duan Feifei called after him, "Hello, President Jiang."

Jiang Kuo turned his head abruptly and saw Brabus's car window slowly being lowered. President Jiang turned his head and yawned: "Director Jiang, is the negotiation back?"