San Fu

Chapter 95


The small hot pot is still delicious, but it's a bit rushed to eat. It only takes half an hour from the time of serving to the end of the meal. Sometimes they go to the cafeteria to eat and chat for more than 20 minutes.

But anyway, I got tired of it for half an hour.

"I'll walk with you back to school." Duan Feifei said.

"It's the other way around," Jiang Kuo said, "I will accompany you to the hospital for a walk."

Duan Feifei did not refuse, and the two of them swept a car together and rode to the hospital.

"The class for a while is still the second teaching of A3." Jiang Kuo said.

"Well," Duan Feifei nodded, "Let's go by the door, I guess I'll get it."

"Okay." Jiang Kuo said.

After watching Duan Feifei enter the hospital gate, Jiang Kuo stood on the street for a while.

Then I looked at the small shop next to it. After all, it was a hospital, and there were no shops that looked comfortable and could treat people around.

Finally, he entered a dessert shop and asked for a bowl of small dumplings.

Lunch took a lot longer than Duan Feifei's normal fast food meal. Now that he returns to the hospital, he has to stay for another 20 minutes before going to school. Jiang Kuo plans to wait for him here and go back to school together later.

He originally wanted to talk to Duan Feifei and tell him that he was waiting for him at the door, but for reasons that both of them knew very well, he didn't say it.

Although Duan Feifei was always afraid of him being disappointed and never wanted him to feel a little "wronged", he was very distressed, but after Duan Feifei pointed out that he was almost the same, he noticed that he didn't know when to start, and he would also Think a lot.

The small dumplings are very hot and smell good, but this tableware is a bit miserable.

A very thin and soft disposable plastic bowl, and a small spoon that is a little bigger than your thumb, are not as good as takeout delivery. It was the first time I went to a barbecue with Duan Feifei. I saw that the meat plate was covered with I have a similar feeling when wearing a plastic bag.

He scooped up a small dumpling and put it into his mouth, and before he could bite it down, the tingling on the inside of his lips and on his tongue made him spit out the dumpling again.

In order not to "contaminate" the whole bowl of small glutinous rice balls with the small glutinous rice balls that had already entered his mouth, Jiang Kuo, who was very busy, tried his best to pick it up with a spoon and spit the small glutinous rice balls on the spoon.

Then he covered his mouth, frowned for a while, and waited for the tingling in his mouth to slowly subside.

"Is it hot?" The lady boss came over and looked at him.

"Well." Jiang Kuo responded.

"Slow down," the proprietress said as she cleaned up. "Leave it for two minutes and it won't be so hot."

"Thank you." Jiang Kuo said.

In fact, it wasn't that the dumplings were hot. The dumplings weren't hot to that extent. This should be because the hot pot was too eager to eat before. Once the meat was rinsed and dipped in the ingredients, it was put into the mouth, one bite after another.

He could no longer eat the small dumplings in the spoon. When the proprietress was not paying attention, he wrapped a napkin and put it in his pocket. When the dumplings in the bowl were no longer steaming, he ate the remaining few dumplings. .

He was in a hurry to eat before, and when he came over, his mind was not in his mouth. Only now did he notice that several places in his mouth should have been scalded. The most serious one was the inner side of the lower lip. blisters.

He closed his eyes and sighed.

Duan Feifei really rolled out of the hospital gate like a wind after more than 20 minutes. There were no shared cars nearby that could be swept away, so he actually started running right out of the gate.

If it wasn't for Jiang Kuo's sprint, the ending would be that they both went to school one after the other...

"Duan Feifei!" Jiang Kuo roared when he was still more than ten meters away, and the blisters in his mouth followed with a roar of pain.

Duan Feifei suddenly stopped, and when he turned around and saw it was him, he ran back in shock: "I thought I heard it wrong? Why are you still here?"

"I thought you would have to go to school soon, so I wanted to wait and go," Jiang Kuo said, "what are you running for?"

"I don't know, I want to go to school soon." Duan Feifei smiled.

"Are you really going to run back to school?" Jiang Kuo was speechless.

"No," Duan Feifei smiled and put his arm around his shoulder, "I want to run to the parking spot in front and grab a car."

"Come over," Jiang Kuo said, "I don't want to run."

"It's fine to climb over." Duan Feifei said.

"...then it won't work," Jiang Kuo said.

When they got back to school, it was a little earlier than the estimated time, and it was rare for the two of them to sit in the classroom and wait for several minutes before their classmates came in one after another.

The wound on the old uncle's head is not too serious, but the sprain on the waist is currently immobilized. Duan Feifei is sitting next to him, his head bowed, and typing quickly. Before the old uncle can move, someone in the store will be asked to help.

Taking advantage of his focus on the phone, Jiang Kuo quickly turned his head to open the phone's camera to face himself.

He hadn't eaten hot pot in such a hurry since he was a child, so it was the first time that his mouth was scalded like this. Now he felt that it hurt to move his tongue. He pulled his lips and watched the situation in his mouth with the camera.

"What's wrong with your mouth?" Duan Feifei turned his head.

"No," Jiang Kuo smacked his mouth twice, "bite it."

"No." Duan Feifei suddenly reached out and squeezed his chin.

I don't know if it was because he grew up in the market, Jiang Kuo felt that Duan Feifei was very skilled in this action. He didn't even have time to react, and Duan Feifei squeezed his mouth open.

Then Duan Feifei pulled his lower lip again, took a look and raised his eyebrows in surprise: "It's hot, this is it."

From pinching the chin to letting go after reading it, it takes only two seconds before and after a set of movements.

Jiang Kuo said after a while: "Come on."

"How did it get hot?" Duan Feifei asked, "Is it hot pot?"

"... Hmm." Jiang Kuo sighed.

"Eating too quickly." Duan Feifei also sighed.

"I was scalded when I drank hot water when I was a child." Jiang Kuo said.

"Come on, you usually eat and drink slowly." Duan Feifei said.

"That's right, it's just too hot to eat," Jiang Kuo smiled. "Who told you to eat this meal at noon and don't want to change the time."

"My fault." Duan Feifei frowned.

"This is not a right or wrong question. There is no right or wrong in this kind of thing, and it can't be wrong," Jiang Kuo turned his head to look at him. "It's just that it could have been avoided."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei responded.

"What you did just now," Jiang Kuo thought for a while, "I always think it's like what kind of process you usually do... Kill chickens?"

"... deboning the cow," Duan Feifei stretched out his hand and pinched his chin again, then gestured on his neck and face, "pick it up, cut down the knife, swipe down the bone—one stroke down, and then bring everything..."

Jiang Kuo looked at him.

Duan Feifei let go of his hand and made a meat-hanging gesture: "Just hang up, that's it."

"Come on." Jiang Kuo couldn't help but laugh for a long time, "Nervous."

The pleasure and unhappiness brought by this meal cannot cancel each other out. Eating together, going to the hospital and going back to school together, the pleasant process, even if it is only one minute or ten minutes, is all enjoyment.

But the unseen, intangible, and indescribable pressure that Duan Feihan took on for this enjoyment, which seemed to be light but real, could not be dissolved with this pleasure, but accompanied him like a shadow.

Jiang Kuo wanted to unravel this entanglement. Duan Feifei said at the beginning that he would go all out without reservation. Now looking back and thinking about it, the words that shocked and moved him at the beginning seem to have already became an extraordinary burden.

But after all, he didn't see it as clearly as he thought, and he didn't know how to untie it, and even from some angles, he would be afraid to really untie it.

However, the reality did not give them much time to think about these things. There are several exams in April, they have to study hard, and there are experimental classes and reports...

After Niu Sandao reopened, the business scope of the newly hired uncle was very clear. Some other work that the old uncle did by hand was not within the scope, so Duan Feifei had to return to Niu Sandao almost every day. , did the chores.

One of the advantages of such busy and repetitive days is that it can quickly get people into a state of a little stagnation.

Eating, doing homework, sleeping in class, quite stable.

And the two of them have other things to do in these gaps, which is even more stable.

Yang Ke has been waiting for the call for a long time. After Jiang Kuo arranged the preliminary preparations for him, he sorted out the registration process of the online store, the materials that need to be prepared, and how to handle it in two days.

"Is there any work left?" Yang Ke asked Jiang Kuo on the phone, "You haven't been back to the community for two days, do you want me to go to your school for an interview?"

"No," Jiang Kuo said quickly, "you stay for now."

After hanging up the phone, he looked at Duan Feifei, who was holding Ding Zhe's homework last year and drawing next to him: "Is there anything Niu Sandao has been busy with recently?"

"Huh?" Duan Feifei raised his head, "What?"

"Isn't Duan Ling still running the store? And the chores in the store, what is anyone doing?" Jiang Kuo asked.

Duan Feifei was stunned for two seconds, and after he got out of the idea of copying his homework, he couldn't help laughing: "Aren't you?"

"I am." Jiang Kuo said.

"Meet again," Yang Ke walked out of the building and extended his hand to Duan Feifei from a distance, "Dong Kun, once we cooperate in the future, we will have to meet frequently."

"Duan Feifei." Duan Feifei waited for him to come over and shook hands with him.

"My name is Yang Ke, not Duan." Yang Ke smiled.

"My surname is Duan." Duan Feifei said, "Duan Feifei."

Yang Ke held his hand and looked at him.

"Duan Feifei." Duan Feifei pulled out his hand, "I, Duan Feifei."

Jiang Kuo suspected that Duan Feifei did it on purpose. He is a social king, and it is impossible for him to have nothing to say except for his name when facing Yang Ke.

Jiang Kuo has every reason to suspect that he is protesting against Dong Kun's long-term occupation of Jiang Kuo's boyfriend by using this communication method as if teaching elementary school students to memorize words.

"Isn't your name Dong Kun?" Yang Ke finally reacted, "Am I wrong? Didn't you say Dong Kun when we met in the cafeteria?"

"Whatever you say." Duan Feifei said.

"Oh," Yang Ke nodded, "who is Dong Kun then?"

"My classmate," Duan Feifei said, "I will have the opportunity to introduce you to you in the future."

"You can help run the storefront in a while," Jiang Kuo said. "The registration of the online store is very fast, and the product can only be launched when there is a store location and a venue for cooked food processing, so the storefront must be decided immediately."

"Yes," said Yang Ke, "after you told me yesterday, I also asked someone to ask. There are a few suitable places, and we can run together today."

"Who are you looking for?" Jiang Kuo asked immediately.

"Xiao He," Yang Ke didn't hide it, "she's doing real estate now."

Jiang Kuo remembered that Cannon did say that He Zhigan was doing real estate sales now.

"Okay," he nodded, "you'll follow Sister Ling later."

"No," Yang Ke said, "just run separately, it's faster."

Jiang Kuo looked at him, and after a while he said, "There are two reasons for you to follow. First, she knows the specific requirements of this store, and second, you are responsible for the one-stop service of driving and buying water."

"Okay," Yang Ke smiled, "Understood."

Duan Ling quickly drove her little motorcycle, propped her legs to the side of the road, and looked at Yang Ke: "Just him?"

"Well," Duan Feifei introduced her, "this friend of Jiang Kuo, Yang Ke."

"Sister Ling." Yang Ke greeted him.

"This is my sister, Duan Ling." Duan Feifei waved at Yang Ke, "Let's go."

"Come up." Duan Ling tilted his head.

"Or..." Yang Ke hesitated, "I'll drive?"

"Come up!" Duan Ling raised his voice.

Yang Ke didn't speak any more and stepped into the back seat.

Duan Lingsai gave him a helmet and looked at Jiang Kuo again: "Is your friend reliable? Doesn't he look very clever?"

"Sister," Yang Ke said, "I'm right here."

"I'll pick on the faults when I'm looking at it for a while. I'll pick if there are any suitable ones. If there is a match, it's better to bargain," Duan Ling explained to him, "Shut up if you don't know how to speak. ."

"Okay." Yang Ke responded.

As soon as Duan Ling twisted the accelerator, the little motorcycle rushed out with a bang.

Yang Ke helped him back and was not thrown out of the car.

Jiang Kuo looked at the little motorcycle that was leaving Juechen: "Duan Ling didn't even know that he would get rid of him halfway, right?"

"Then who knows?" Duan Feifei said, "Is this your idea?"

"Then someone has to help him run. Duan Ling takes him once. He knows what kind of storefront is suitable, and he can let him run away in the future," Jiang Kuo said. thing."

"It's okay these two days, it's stable, and the old man is better," Duan Feifei said, "I was thinking of asking Ding Zhe to take some pictures."

"Well," Jiang Kuo nodded, "then Yang Ke should run the packaging factory next."

"Can he do it?" Duan Feifei was a little worried. After all, Yang Ke is also a second-generation, and should be similar to Jiang Kuo in many aspects. The packaging factory negotiates the price, especially for their small batch...

"It's okay to talk about a few more companies and then compare," Jiang Kuo said. "Learn about both online and local, and see which method is more convenient for the actual situation."

"Okay." Duan Feifei smiled.

"What are you laughing at?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"You look like President Jiang when you say this seriously." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo snorted: "It's as if you and President Jiang talked about things."

Duan Feifei smiled and said nothing.

Really talked about it.

The role models were still very quick. When Duan Feifei said that he wanted to take a photo, several people immediately expressed their willingness to participate in the creative posing, but they only got the camera from the student union two days later.

"Someone borrowed it before to shoot the footage of that short video," Dong Kun said, "I just got it back today."

"Short videos were shot with a mobile phone," Jiang Kuo couldn't understand.

"Isn't it amazing." Dong Kun said, "We are more logical. We shoot the feature film with a DSLR, and use a mobile phone to shoot the feature."

"Are you still filming?" Ding Zhe asked.

"Shoot," said Sun Ji, "the entrepreneurial process, which will become a big company in the future, will be posted on the exhibition board of Niu Sandao Group's entrepreneurial history."

"Fuck." Duan Feifei listened happily.

The school's short video competition has a high level of participation. Except for all 119 members, except for individual participants, several dormitories next door participate in the form of dormitory groups, and they also have group names.

119 also got a name, called "Four People".

"It's so good," Duan Feifei said, "otherwise no one would know that you are human."

Jiang Kuo laughed so hard that he wanted to cough, and after laughing, he sighed: "I didn't participate very much, and I feel a little sorry. I told Tang Li that I can help with the editing later."

"Then it was handed over to Jiang," Duan Feifei said, "Do you pay her a salary?"

"She doesn't want money," Jiang Kuo said, "she exchanged things from me."

"Is there anything else that can be exchanged?" Duan Feifei laughed, "You don't buy more than two thousand clothes now."

"I still have car models and figures..." Jiang Kuo said, "She won't let go of my saddle, she can always find what she wants."

A few people went to Niu Sandao to take photos in the afternoon when there was no class.

Duan Feifei had already returned to the store at noon. These people didn't come before eating. He was going to cook some beef noodles in advance.

"I'll just do it," the old aunt said. "It's not too much trouble to cook noodles. You go and pick out the beef you want to shoot."

"We've already picked two pieces," Duan Feifei said. "Let's not fish out the last pot first. I'm guessing there will still be some that won't come out of the pot."

"Okay." The old lady nodded.

Duan Feifei sat aside and turned on his phone.

On the phone was a note with a lot of numbers written on it, and he was thinking about counting the money.

The money he had saved, plus the money his uncle gave him, was 80,000 yuan, which seemed like a lot, but the actual costs were estimated to be a lot worse.

If Jiang Kuo spends 100,000 yuan, he will find a little more to get 20, and he should be able to start running.

Looking at the numbers on the note, he felt a little sweat in his palms.

Jiang Kuo came here with the role models, and when he entered the door, he heard Duan Feifei answering the phone.

"Isn't that good?" Duan Feifei waved at him while laughing.

Jiang Kuo walked over, Duan Feifei pressed the speakerphone, and Duan Ling's voice came from there. Today was the second time she and Yang Ke went to see the facade.

"His righteous and arrogant person thought that his inspection team was coming," Duan Ling said, "I just answered the phone, and when I looked back, the intermediary's face turned green, and I didn't know if it was shock or anger. "

Jiang Kuo laughed.

"Can we talk then?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Yes, why not, the agent may be afraid that he won't talk to him about tomorrow. He will bring a red armband to the agency to find trouble." Duan Ling said, "Let him run by himself next time, I don't think he needs me."

"Okay." Duan Feifei hung up the phone with a smile, "I can't tell, Yang Ke can still do things."

"The brain is still easy to use," Jiang Kuo said. "Maybe Sister He gave him some advice. After all, they have been in business for more than ten years."

"It's pretty good too," Duan Feifei breathed a sigh of relief, "As soon as the facade is confirmed, a stone will fall."

The old aunt cooked the noodles, and a few people carried the bowls to go to the front room to eat, and by the way, the old uncle took a rest.

As soon as Jiang Kuo passed by, he saw a few people standing at the door, and a man was talking to the old man: "Our shooting is for a competition, if possible, we would like to take a few shots at the entrance of your store, do not know… "

"No!" Duan Feifei shouted after Jiang Kuo.

Jiang Kuo was not frightened this time, because the blood had already rushed to his head at this moment, and he was so excited that he wanted to roar.

"Disagree!" Dong Kun also roared.

"Hurry up," Duan Feifei walked over, looking at Lu Haobo and a few of his so-called filming teams standing at the back outside the door, "Don't affect my business, I'm afraid I won't be able to pay for your bones if I sell less. "