San Fu

Chapter 97


"Do you know each other?" Yang Ke was a little surprised.

"It doesn't count." Jiang Kuo said.

"I've had coffee in my shop, and people come here every day, so my face is familiar," the landlord smiled. "My surname is Fan, just call me Lao Fan."

"Just call me old Duan." Duan Feifei said.

Lao Fan sounds very casual, but this person is only in his twenties, and it is not appropriate for people who are not very familiar to call others Lao Fan, so they can only call themselves old.

"Old Jiang." Jiang Kuo followed.

"Okay, they're all old-fashioned," Yang Ke said. "Brothers, let's take a look at the situation in the store first."

"It's been empty for more than half a year," Lao Fan entered the store and introduced them, "It used to be a restaurant, and there's another floor on the second floor. You can go in and out from the stairs at the back. If you don't rent the top, lock the door. warehouse."

"How big is the area above?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"The bottom half of the size." Lao Fan replied.

"Is it possible?" Duan Feifei asked.

"I don't remember, it wasn't me who was doing it," Lao Fan said. "It depends on the property certificate."

"Can't remember both numbers?" Jiang Kuo was a little suspicious.

"The eight rooms on the left and right are all mine, and the numbers are similar," Lao Fan gestured. "Anyway, it's the whole price, not a flat calculation. You can measure it yourself if you're willing, or look at the real estate certificate when the time comes."

"Oh." Jiang Kuo responded.

Jiang Kuo and Duan Feifei entered the back kitchen. The back kitchen has been renovated, and the stove top and hood are all there. They look good, the space is large, and the aseptic operation room is also suitable.

"Tear down the second generation." Yang Ke followed up and added Lao Fan's background information to the two of them, "Is his coffee shop not far from the market of Niu Sandao?"

"Well, two streets away." Duan Feifei said.

"That's it, the slip over there is also his." Yang Ke said.

"Did you inquire clearly?" Jiang Kuo glanced at him.

"Then you must ask clearly, and you have to ask when you are angry," Yang Ke said.

"Is it possible to ask people about Mao?" Duan Feifei couldn't help but glance at Yang Ke.

"I speak straight." Yang Ke said.

"You are annoying." Jiang Kuo said.

After reading the first floor, the raw and cooked business of doing three knives is enough, but they still went up to the second floor to have a look. The second floor used to be the box area of the hotel, but now the compartments have been demolished, and it is quite a large space .

"It's actually good to be a warehouse," Jiang Kuo said. "It can also live in people."

"What do you think?" Duan Feifei asked.

"It can be rented together," Jiang Kuo said. "Let's talk about the rent. We will pay the rent above and go with the old man. It is suitable for delivery and turnover here."

"Yeah." Duan Feifei replied. Now Niu Sandao has to ship in the back aisle and on the second floor. If the online store sells a lot, it's really not enough to use only the back kitchen, and it doesn't look good when stacked in front.

Jiang Kuo waited for a while and looked at him: "Huh?"

"I'm calculating how much rent we can afford." Duan Feifei said.

"I'll lower the price." Yang Ke said.

"Be steady," Duan Feifei said, "don't let people beat you up."

"No, I feel like he is like Jiang Kuo. He is quite talkative and doesn't care much about money. Originally he wanted to sell, but now he agreed to rent." Yang Ke said.

"Then you go." Jiang Kuo said.

Yang Ke went downstairs, Duan Feifei looked at Jiang Kuo and smiled: "I thought you were a difficult person to talk to in Yang Ke's eyes."

Jiang Kuo snorted: "I'm being polite to him. After all, I've known him since childhood. If you ask Cannon, he must say that I'm a very good person."

"I'll ask if I have a chance." Duan Feifei nodded.

"Do you need to ask?" Jiang Kuo looked at him.

"No need," Duan Feifei glanced at the stairs, approached him and kissed him quickly, "I just want to hear people say that you are very nice."

"Are you stupid," Jiang Kuo laughed, "I don't care what others think of me."

"I can see," Duan Feifei said, "then I want to hear it too."

"Go down and ask Yang Ke right away," Jiang Kuo said. "He is begging me now, and it is estimated that he can give you an hour to call me how good I am."

Duan Feifei walked up the stairs with a smile: "Okay."

Lao Fan is indeed a good talker. When the two of them went downstairs, Lao Fan was sitting on the motorcycle at the door and looked at Yang Ke with a displeased expression. Yang Ke kept talking, and he kept listening. .

Seeing them come out, Lao Fan beckoned: "Okay, let you friends stop talking."

"What should be said should be made clear..." Yang Ke did not give up.

Jiang Kuo patted Yang Ke on the shoulder.

Yang Ke reluctantly stopped talking.

"Five years, paid annually, 120,000 a year," Lao Fan said, "After five years, we will give you priority to renew the lease, but the rent will increase. If you sign the contract, bring your ID card tomorrow, not the power of attorney... That's it, I decided to call me."

"Can the annual payment be lower?" Duan Feifei said, "My old shop is much lower than this."

"Is there a market over there? Which store?" Lao Fan asked.

"Three swords." Duan Feifei said.

"I know Niu San Dao," Lao Fan nodded, "Niu San Dao and Lao Zhang beef, these two are the most famous, but your beef is better than that Lao Zhang beef."

"That's for sure. My old uncle went all the way to find the meat. The same price is absolutely the best," Duan Feifei said, "I..."

"You go to buy meat and I will give you a discount," Jiang Kuo said. "The rent will be lowered a little more."

In fact, the price is not bad. The new market has a large storefront, which is mainly suitable for use. They have traveled almost all the suitable areas in the city. This is the best comprehensive condition in all aspects.

However, Duan Feifei was still preparing to talk in a roundabout way, and then cut a few more favors.

Jiang Kuo said this very straightforwardly, not to mention Lao Fan was stunned, he was stunned for a while, and wanted to laugh a little.

"How much beef can I eat in a year." Lao Fan's answer was also sincere.

"This is not a small number. Now the market is going to be demolished. I don't know if the business will be good if I change the place. The business has not been as good as before, and I haven't made much profit in the past two years." Duan Feifei sighed, "Now the demolition is a mess. You need money everywhere…”

"This way, handsome guy," Lao Fan also sighed, "it can't be reduced. These facades are all at the same price. You are the biggest. You don't need to do water, electricity, floor and wall. It can save a lot. I Seeing that you are all children, it is not easy to find a store, if you need a freezer or something, I have some old ones there, so you can pick them up."

Lao Fan still has two facades on the second floor in the market. One is empty. He uses it as a warehouse and contains some electrical appliances left by the previous tenants.

When Duan Feifei saw these things, his eyes lit up. There were several freezers and refrigerators, all of which were quite new. There were also hoods and stoves. There were also steaming cabinets and sterilizing cabinets in the corners...

Almost all the appliances they need can be picked here.

"It's not worth much if you add these together." Jiang Kuo said, "It's not too much discount..."

"Let him tell me," Lao Fan pointed at Yang Ke, "You are more angry than him."

"Shall we come and move by ourselves?" Duan Feifei smiled and changed the subject.

"Okay," Lao Fan said. "Tell me when you get there, just go to the management office to get the key."

"Thanks, brother." Duan Feifei said.

"Are you still students?" Lao Fan asked.

"Yes." Duan Feifei nodded.

"Fu second generation to start a business?" Lao Fan glanced at Jiang Kuo.

"Are you buying and renting a shop for fun?" Jiang Kuo asked.

"We're different," Lao Fan said with a smile, "I'm not the second-generation rich, I'm the second-generation upstart."

An aunt at the door stuck her head over and looked inside: "Jiabao?"

"Hey, don't call me that..." Lao Fan turned his head, "It's me."

"I thought it was a burglar." Auntie said.

"Which thief brought eight people in at noon," Lao Fan said, "I'll show people to see if these old appliances can be used."

The aunt nodded and turned away.

The name Fan Jiabao is indeed somewhat unexpected, just as unexpected as Duan Xiaohao's name.

"Fan Jiabao is my name," Lao Fan said, "just call me Lao Fan."

"Okay." Duan Feifei nodded.

Fan Jiabao said that there was something else to do, so he left the key to them, told them to lock the door after they finished the store, give the key to the aunt just now, and then left.

A few people went back to the facade and looked up and down for a few more times. Duan Feifei still went around the market again, and took Jiang Kuo and Yang Ke to ride around the surrounding communities on a shared electric bike.

"It's ok, there are only small supermarkets and three fruit and vegetable supermarkets," Duan Feihan checked the map on his mobile phone again. "The nearest large supermarket is three kilometers away from here. It only runs there on weekends. It's almost always here."

"Okay?" Yang Ke asked.

"I think it's ok," Duan Feifei said. "I'll discuss it with Uncle and the others when I go back. I'll give you an answer before three o'clock, and then you can ask him again."

"Okay." Yang Ke nodded.

"It's hard work." Jiang Kuo said.

Yang Ke looked at him, and after a few seconds he said, "It's okay, it's not too hard."

"Just casually, don't take it too seriously." Jiang Kuo said.

The old man was satisfied with this facade. Duan Feifei wanted to take him to the field to have a look, but he didn't go, just watched the video Duan Feifei took and let Duan Feifei decide.

The next thing is going relatively smoothly. Yang Ke is currently in charge of the running business. He took the old uncle's power of attorney and ID card to sign the contract. When they have finished the general decoration, they can go to the fan. Jiabao's second-hand appliances are removed.

Although Duan Feifei didn't directly say like Jiang Kuo that he wanted to take away all the electrical appliances, he didn't say what he wanted. As a second-generation upstart, Fan Jiabao didn't pay much attention to these old things, and it looked appropriate at that time. The move is.

Jiang Kuo chose a few printing factories and asked Yang Ke to contact people to find out the prices. He planned to compare them with the ones he found online. When the stores are installed, the first batch can be made, and then the online store can start. Trial operation.

Originally thought they would be busy with the sports meeting, but everything went well. Except for school matters, they basically had nothing to deal with in the few days before the sports meeting.

For the past two days, they both rested in the second door on the tenth floor.

Lu Haobo seemed to be busy with the short video business, he didn't come to check the bed, and no one bothered them.

I have to say that it is better to sleep and rest here. Although they have to spend a lot of time in the night to torture the bed, but after the torture, no one snores or grinds their teeth, and they can sleep until dawn.

"Ah..." Jiang Kuo rolled over and hugged Duan Feifei, "I feel so tired."

"Let me pinch you?" Duan Feifei asked.

"Aren't you tired?" Jiang Kuo asked, "You're running back and forth every day these days."

"It's okay." Duan Feifei smiled.

"Are you tired?" Jiang Kuo asked again.

"... a little bit." Duan Feifei had to say.

"I'll pinch you?" Jiang Kuo raised his head and looked at him.

"No need," Duan Feifei laughed and touched his waist, "You lie down."

"Why not?" Jiang Kuo bowed his head and kissed him.

"Aren't you so tired?" Duan Feifei sighed.

"Then you don't have to pinch me," Jiang Kuo lay down and squeezed beside him. "After the sports meeting, we will find a club to pinch it."

"Do you use public funds?" Duan Feifei asked.

"It can be used, remember to invoice." Jiang Kuo said.

Duan Feifei laughed.

Jiang Kuo put his hand on his stomach and followed him up and down.

"Put it up." Duan Feifei said.

Jiang Kuo paused and moved his hand down.

"Finding the fault, is it Boss Jiang?" Duan Feifei looked at him, "I want you to move up."

Jiang Kuo's hand moved down another palm.

"Hey—" Duan Feifei grabbed his wrist, "I'm going to resist."

"Take it off, take it off..." Jiang Kuo sang softly, turned his wrist, broke free from his hand, and grabbed down, "Take off the coat..."

"Your uncle." Duan Feifei jumped up and rolled over and pressed him on top of him.

After the Chinese New Year, there are no holidays, and the spring sports meeting is the largest collective activity of the school in this period of time.

Everyone participated enthusiastically, whether it was for the fun or for the credits.

But I have to say that in Jiang Kuo's view, in addition to everyone's enthusiasm, this school sports meeting is much worse than his high school in terms of scale and creativity.

Most of the teams that entered the field were quite well behaved. The person holding the sign in front was Yan Eyu, Duan Feifei was pulled over and followed behind with the national flag, and then everyone lined up in the shape of an arrow.

In the middle of the arrow, the eight people stepped on the skateboard and moved forward.

The results of last year's military training had all disappeared. Jiang Kuo walked at the back of the team, and at a glance, he could see at least three people who were turning straight.

Although he was separated by a full arrow from Duan Feifei, and there were the jagged undulating heads of the Skateboard Eight in the middle, Jiang Kuo could still accurately find his one in the back of a pile of heads, which was more shaped than others. all look good.

When the leader gave the speech, Jiang Kuo felt that he might be really worried and sleepy. He kept his eyes half-closed. At the end of the speech, he announced that the sports meeting started with thunderous applause. He was so scared that he almost rushed out of the team.

The first competition event is relay, this kind of group competition is the best sub-event, but the only contestant in their class started to have diarrhea early this morning, and by the end of the opening ceremony, his face had turned pale.

"Substitute!" Yang Biaoqing waved.

"Who's the substitute?" someone asked.

"Whose name is the substitute?" Yang Biaoqing asked the sports committee.

"...Damn, I just reported it casually," the sports committee member hurriedly flipped through the list in his hand, "It's written... Duan Feifei and Tang Li."

"Me?" Tang Li stepped back in surprise, "I can't run!"

Everyone turned to look at Duan Feifei again.

"Ah..." Duan Feifei covered his stomach.

"Don't be mad!" The man with the diarrhea squatted on the ground while covering his stomach and pointed at Duan Feifei.

"I'll go." Duan Feifei smiled.

"Quick!" Yang Biaoqing pushed him, "Report."

Jiang Kuo suddenly became excited. He didn't know how excited he was. Duan Feifei had never cooperated with the other three people, so he somehow felt that this person would be the first in their class.

But he wasn't the only one who was excited. The whole class was very excited. They all gathered on both sides of the finish line. Even the players who couldn't play due to illness were dragged over and looked at the track that belonged to them together. It was inhumane.

Duan Feifei was in his position at the last blow. It seemed that the organization still trusted him. Of course, it was also possible that the organization just made up for the lack of it at will.

Standing between the last pole and the finish line, Jiang Kuo could see Duan Feifei starting and crossing the line.

When Duan Feifei looked over to him, Jiang Kuo waved.

Duan Feifei also raised his arm and beckoned, Jiang Kuo heard cheers and whistles all around him, and everyone waved towards there.

Jiang Kuo looked at the people next to him. There were two of their garden classes, and some should be from other participating teams. What are you kidding

The referee at the starting point raised the starting pistol, and the surrounding noisy voices suddenly rose, and then fell silent. Jiang Kuo glanced at Duan Feifei, then turned to the left to look at the first butts who were about to start.

it is good! They're all up! preparation!



Several people rushed out at the same time, and they rushed out together with the wild shouts of everyone. The voices of cheering and cheering followed the players one after another along the stands and the crowd next to the track.

Jiang Kuo didn't even know who the other three were, but only knew that the second one belonged to their garden, and among the four relay runners, he only knew Duan Feifei and the second runner in their class, Li Xiao, because he was watching an outdoor movie that day. At that time, Li Xiao knocked on their car window.

When the first bat was about to hand over the bat, he was in second place, and there was no distance between him and the second bat behind, and they all bit each other very tightly.

When Li Xiao took the stick and rushed out, it was like a spring, which Jiang Kuo didn't expect, so he couldn't help shouting with everyone.


This man looked thin and impatient, and his explosive power was quite amazing.

Then Li Xiao went head-to-head with the first place, a short and stout man, but he was never able to surpass it.

The third rod is very important. If the distance cannot be opened, the pressure of the last rod will be very high. The surrounding shouts have been connected into pieces, and Jiang Kuo is so shocked that he can feel his eardrums beating in a trance.

But he couldn't care about anything else and just stared at Duan Feifei.

Duan Feifei has already started to run slowly, and the third unknown player has slightly surpassed the previous first place, but the advantage is not obvious.

Jiang Kuo's heart beat very fast, afraid that Duan Feifei, who had never cooperated at all, would have a problem when he took over.

The unknown third bat roared when he ran behind Duan Feihan, and then pressed the bat into his palm.

Seeing Duan Feihan clenching the stick in his hand, everyone roared.

"Duan Extraordinary!"

"Duan Fei-"

Jiang Kuo still shouted "Ah-", because everyone was yelling before, maybe it was because Duan Feifei, as a school nursing hero and a social cow, everyone knew him, but now it has suddenly become Duan Feifei's name. , he didn't keep up, ah, it took a few seconds to get the rhythm with everyone.

"Duan Fei-"

Jiang Kuo heard his own broken voice in the crowd of voices.

Duan Fei-

You fucking pay me ten boxes of throat treasures!

Duan Feifei's acceleration was not as spring-like as Li Xiao's, but when he opened his legs to run, Jiang Kuo knew that this must be the first.

Duan Feifei's stride was significantly larger and faster than the one who followed closely behind him, and the smooth movement trajectory was full of power.

After about 20 meters, the distance from the second place began to be pulled away by him. Almost every step he took, the distance from the person behind him increased by one point.

The roars of "Duan Feihan" around him were inaudible, and they became a mess. Tang Li supported Jiang Kuo's shoulders and kept jumping up and roaring: "Come on! Come on!"

If it weren't for Duan Feifei's imminent crossing of the line, it was too late, Jiang Kuo would definitely be racing against time to throw Tang Li over his shoulder and throw him to the ground.

In the last ten meters or so, Jiang Kuo ran to the finish line, stared at Duan Feifei and raised his phone to the finish line to start continuous shooting.

In the camera, Duan Feifei rushed towards him, the whole person was covered with sunlight, the light in the hair was fine, and the light on the arm was continuously drawn into lines.

very nice.

Every step of Duan Feifei's running seemed to coincide with his heartbeat, and he could almost hear the sound.

In the series of pictures when crossing the line, Jiang Kuo could see that Duan Feifei was looking towards him, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

After crossing the line, Duan Feifei didn't stop. He used his inertia to rush to Jiang Kuo. The last picture on his phone was his smile.

Jiang Kuo put down his mobile phone and looked at him. Before he could speak, Yang Biaoqing and the sports committee had already rushed up one by one.

"Brilliant!" Yang Biaoqing shouted, "Let's go! Let's take a photo with the relays in the past!"

Duan Feifei struggled to look back at him, Jiang Kuo smiled and sighed.

"Come on, Jiang Yuqian, look here—" Dong Kun's voice suddenly came from beside him.

Jiang Kuo turned his head and saw that he had the camera facing him.

"What happened?" Jiang Kuo asked with a smile.

"I took some pictures of youth." Dong Kun said.

"Fuck—" Ding Zhe shouted from behind, "What kind of poet are you doing!"