Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 23: From February 8th to February 11th


February 8, X


Today is the fifth day, which means that the beautiful Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.

Seriously, I get a headache just thinking about all the work that was built up years ago. QAQ Why is the CEO in the novel able to do whatever he wants all day long and flirt with girls everywhere, while I am exhausted like a dog! This unscientific!

I complained to Wu Yunfei a little bit, but I didn't expect this guy to glance at me with a mentally retarded look, and said with a half-smile: "Art is the beautification of life, everyone wants to have money to spend without having to work. But only a fool would take such a thing seriously."

Well, it seems that he is still angry about the thing I proposed to let him move out yesterday, and I started to hate people early in the morning ╮(╯_╰)╭Obviously this is my house, but now I have a feeling of living under the fence .

"Don't you just not have to work and have money to spend?" I muttered in a low voice.

"Why don't I have to work anymore! Do you think that all jobs have to leave early and return late every day like you?" He dissatisfied, "I work in design, which belongs to flexible working hours."

I curled my lips and didn't speak.

It's not that I look down on designers, but that the things he designed for me are really hard to agree with.

Although fashion design and interior design are two different professions, the aesthetics are always connected, right

If he's aesthetically ok, it just proves he's been teasing me for a long time...

February 9, X

cloudy weather

Today I was ordered by my parents to visit Wu Yunfei's house, but I didn't expect this guy to be away.

Aunt Wu told me that Wu Yunfei was not at home all day during this time, and she didn't know what she was busy with, her tone sounded very melancholy.

I really feel sorry for the parents of the world...

I couldn't hold back all of a sudden, and told Aunt Wu about this guy living in my house recently.

I originally thought that this would reassure the other party a little bit, but I didn't expect Aunt Wu to cheer up after hearing this, and began to ask me how this guy Wu Yunfei is doing, whether he secretly married or something.

QAQ Although this guy lives with me, but I am not his nanny, how could I know such details

There was no other way, I had no choice but to bite the bullet and speak out after beautifying what I knew.

I told them that Wu Yunfei has been busy with his career recently, and he seems to be doing well in the fashion industry, and he seems to be planning to set up his own design team recently.

This guy's emotional progress is pretty smooth, and there are many girls who like him around him, but he has his own standards in his heart, and ordinary girls really can't catch his eyes, and it's even more nonsense to marry secretly .

All in all, my set of rhetoric still satisfies the two parents of the Wu family.

However, in the evening, Wu Yunfei suddenly called me angrily and asked me what I had said to his family.

I recalled it and felt that there was nothing wrong with what I said, so I told him exactly what I said in the afternoon.

"Why do you tell them that I have put marriage on the agenda, but I have no suitable partner?" he asked.

I don't understand why he should bother with this.

Isn't this the usual rhetoric for dealing with parents

Moreover, he had clearly told me his criteria for choosing a mate before, and even though the heavenly girl is not very easy to find, it is not impossible to find it.

"You don't have to worry about my relationship in the future!" He hung up the phone after saying this.

I held my mobile phone for a long time but couldn't come back to my senses, and I couldn't tell what it was like.

This is probably a good intention to treat the liver and lungs of a donkey, right

I just wanted to find him a suitable partner, but I didn't expect to annoy him.

But think about it differently, if I was his age, I would probably get bored if someone told me this kind of thing all the time.

In the final analysis, things like feelings are the young couple's own business. What matters is to let nature take its course. It's useless not to worry about it... Maybe we don't mention it, and he finds someone he likes out of nowhere

I tried my best to comfort myself, but I still felt very uncomfortable.

QAQ I didn't take the initiative to make irresponsible remarks about his love life, it was his mother who asked me first!

Do I have to push back when the elders ask questions? This will make people even more suspicious!

February 10, X


Today is the first day of work, but I can't cheer up. According to the assistant's words, I feel like I've lost my love.

I've never been in love, so I don't know what it's like to be out of love.

But it shouldn't be more uncomfortable than the current situation, right

After all, the longest time to fall in love is only a few years, and when you meet the next relationship, the previous wounds will automatically heal.

But Wu Yunfei and I grew up together, and our friendship of more than twenty years is not something to talk about casually.

I've been fighting with him one after another lately, and I'm really worried that it's going to create a gap between the two of us, and then that gap will grow bigger and bigger over time, and we'll end up being strangers to each other.

The more I thought about it, the more uncomfortable I became, and I couldn't concentrate.

It's definitely not going to work like this!

Since the authorities are obsessed with the outside world, I asked the assistant what he would do if he had a quarrel with a good friend.

"That depends on what level of good friend you are. If you need to continue to maintain this good friend relationship, you can take the initiative to show favor, and it doesn't even matter if you suffer a little bit." He said.

I frowned, knowing he had misunderstood me.

The good friend I'm talking about is not a business partner, but a child like Wu Yunfei who has no interests.

"With all due respect, unnecessary emotional investment will only waste time and energy." The assistant said, "But it's a different matter if the other party is a pretty lady in pink."

Well, it seems that the assistant, who has moved around with his parents since he was a child, can't understand the meaning of being a child.

I sighed helplessly and acquiesced to his assumption.

"If the other party is a pink lady, it depends on whether you have a good impression of her, and whether she has a good impression of you." The assistant talked eloquently, looking like a relationship expert.

It gave me a little more confidence that he could make solid advice.

"It can be considered that the two sides have a good impression of each other." I thought about it and said.

Although I've been bickering with this guy lately, it shouldn't be to the point where we hate each other, right

The assistant told me that since the two parties have a good impression of each other, then everything is easy, as long as they buy something that the other party likes and apologize sincerely.

I don't think I need to apologize, but the assistant said that in this situation, someone has to give in first to avoid mutual damage.

Just like that, I sent him a message asking if he wanted to have dinner tonight.

He didn't reply me...

He didn't reply me QAQ till night

Am I going to lose this little friend

February 11, X

cloudy weather

The first thing I did when I woke up this morning was to grab my phone next to my bed to see if this guy texted me back.

He didn't talk to me... I don't know if he didn't see it, or he didn't want to talk to me after seeing it.

Is QAQ really hated

I was in such a bad mood that I didn't want to go to work at all, I just wanted to lie dead on the bed.

"Or just ask for a day off like this willfully." I murmured.

However, as soon as I had such an idea, the assistant called me and reported today's work arrangement.

My whole day is so full that I don't even have the right to ask for leave!

"I'm leaving home now." I said.

"Have you not set off yet? There is an early meeting today, and the first report is the project in your hand..."

The main force seemed to say a lot, but I didn't listen to it at all, and I always felt a little tight in my chest.

"Sorry, I'm not feeling well, and I might be late... Otherwise, you can discuss it with other people and see if you can adjust the order?" I said.

It may be because my workaholic image is too deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. The assistant did not suspect that I was lying at all, but asked me if I needed him to buy some medicine.

I'm not really sick, and of course I don't need to take medicine.

So I declined his kindness, and lay on the bed for a while before getting up.

I'm already late anyway, being three minutes late is no different from being half an hour late ( ╯□╰ )

However, just when I wanted to open the door, the door turned open by itself, and Wu Yunfei appeared in front of me.

He saw that I was obviously stunned, and asked me why I didn't go to work so late.

I told him again the set of rhetoric I had just told my assistant.

"Why do you go to work if you are not feeling well! What if you die from overwork?"

This guy seems determined to take me to the hospital no matter what I say.

"Are so many people in the company working for nothing? I don't believe that a project without you can't operate normally!" He said, "If you are embarrassed to ask for leave, I will tell your father that you are too sick to get up. If he dies if he doesn't go to the hospital, I don't believe he would be so cruel!"

"It's too exaggerated." I laughed, "Do you think I look seriously ill now?"

"Like!" He said categorically, "Your complexion is extremely bad, even if you appear in the ICU like this now, I wouldn't be surprised."

I can't spit out ivory from a dog's mouth (  ̄盘 ̄) This guy is talking nonsense again!

In this way, under his repeated insistence, I successfully asked for a whole day's leave.

Probably because of my discomfort, he drove the car slowly and steadily on the way to the hospital.

The two of us didn't talk much along the way, and he asked me to close my eyes and sleep for a while, and call me after I got to the hospital.

I looked at him as if he wasn't angry with me anymore.

That being the case, why didn't he reply to my message yesterday

"I accidentally left the charger at your house, so I have been out of contact since noon yesterday," he explained.

"There are charging treasures in the mall."

"I don't have a data cable."

"There are also data cables sold in supermarkets."

"In just one afternoon, I thought that no one would contact me by such a coincidence. Who would have expected that you, a busy person, would take the initiative to send me a message for the first time." He paused, then smiled, "Is it true that you didn't contact me yesterday?" Brother and my company, do you feel empty and lonely?"

"You think too much... I'm just afraid that you will be angry with me." I said truthfully.

The guy seemed very surprised by what I said, and asked, "Why am I mad at you?"

"You told me not to care about your love life that day."

After saying this, I suddenly felt a burst of relief.

How can there be any reason to be awkward all the time when you are young? Talk things out and you'll be fine.

"I'm not wrong. You've paid too much attention to my emotional life recently." He sighed and said, "I don't know if my parents have said anything to embarrass you, such as finding me a Girlfriends and stuff, but I hope you don't take whatever they say... some things aren't as easy as you think."

"It doesn't matter if it's complicated, I think I'm pretty smart and witty." I smiled, "We're young, if you keep it from me, who else can you tell?"

"Coincidentally, everyone can know this matter, except you."

"What if I must know?"

"Then you can dig out the truth yourself, you're awesome if you guess it!"