Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 27: From February 19th to February 20th


February 19, X


Today is the Lantern Festival. According to the usual practice, the Lantern Festival should be cooked and eaten, but Wu Yunfei's sand sculpture is so ingenious this year that he actually proposed to fry the Lantern Festival! Why is he not afraid of blowing up my kitchen

Of course I totally disagree, but he swears that fried Yuanxiao will be delicious.

"Ice cream can be deep-fried, so why not Yuanxiao? And this is not a whim on my part, but there really is such a dish." He said confidently.

Thinking of the folk recipe this guy was looking for last time, I suspect that he went to Zhihu to find recipes again.

Why can't he think about eating normally

QAQ Lantern Festival without water is soulless!

However, under his insistence, I still chose to compromise and agreed to let him try fried Yuanxiao.

If it’s not delicious, it will just let this guy have a long memory, don’t think about those weird ways to eat in the future ╮(╯_╰)╭

We divided the bought Lantern Festival into two parts, one for him to spoil, and one for cooking in the normal way.

"Let's shake the Lantern Festival by ourselves next year." He suggested, "In this way, we can DIY the stuffing."

I don't know why, when I heard him say that, I suddenly thought of the Yuanxiao stuffed with five kernels, and couldn't help but shudder.

"It's fine that you ruined the Yuanxiao during the cooking process, but now you want to do something with the stuffing... Does the Yuanxiao have any grudge against you? Why do you do this to it!" I complained.

"You don't understand this, do you? The kitchen needs to be steaming hot to be able to prosper this day. If you don't open fire all day long, what's the difference between this kitchen and a decoration?" Like the old man basking in the sun at the entrance of the alley.

Hehe, should I remind him that he is actually the one who can't cook

Sure enough, although this guy was eloquent when he persuaded me, he was immediately scared when he saw the oil pan, and he was too timid to approach it.

"Ayao, you have rich cooking experience, why don't you come here," he said.

Obviously he said to fry it, why should I do it

Is it not good to boil Lantern Festival with water honestly? QAQ

Although I was reluctant in every possible way, in order to prevent this guy from accidentally burning myself, I switched places with him.

"You look so handsome when you cook! It comes with a soft light filter, you look like an angel!" He may also know that his approach is not authentic, and he flatters me like he doesn't want money.

I took a deep breath, opened the oil pan, and threw the Lantern Festival into it after the oil was about the same temperature.

Anyone who has cooked should know that when fried food is put into the oil pan, it will make a "stinging" sound.

This guy looked like a master who didn't cook, but he was startled by this voice.

"Why is there such a big commotion? Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"I don't know what steps to follow for the frying you proposed." I said without curiosity.

He frightened me just now and almost burned myself.

I made up my mind and threw the other Lantern Festival into the oil pan.

The current progress is relatively smooth, but looking at the Lantern Festival in the oil pan, the two of us fell into deep thought at the same time.

As for things like frying Lantern Festival, both of us are big girls who get on the sedan chair for the first time, and we don't know how to make it fried.

Golden color, slightly burnt skin

But this can only prove that the outside is cooked, what should I do if the filling is still raw

I wanted to take out my phone to check, but just as my hand touched the pocket of my clothes, the skin of Yuan Xiao suddenly exploded for no reason, and hot oil splashed out all at once.

It was too late and then quickly, Wu Yunfei dragged me aside to avoid being scalded by the hot oil, but his own arm was splashed with hot oil.

I quickly turned off the fire and took his arm to check the situation.

The burnt area was a little red, but there were no bubbles or anything. I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Do you think I am a hero saving the beauty?" He said with a smile.

I couldn't help but give him a blank look, and said: "If it wasn't for you arguing about eating fried yuanxiao, what would have happened? Quickly take cold water and I'll help you find medicine."

"You don't need to apply medicine, just put some toothpaste on it." He said nonchalantly, "And it only looks serious, but it's actually not very painful."

"It doesn't hurt because you have rough skin and thick flesh, which doesn't mean it's okay!" I said, "I'll watch you and rinse with cold water for at least half an hour."

"Half an hour! Doesn't your water cost money?" He complained.

"I can afford the water bill." I said.

When QAQ just splashed oil on him, I was really terrified, and even had the illusion of a cardiac arrest.

But this guy acted like a normal person, while flushing his arm with water, he asked me if the Yuanxiao was fried.

"This time I paid a heavy price for frying Yuanxiao. If the finished product doesn't taste good, I will die of disappointment." He said, "Speaking of which, you were so close just now, did you get burned?"

"No." I said.

The weather is not too warm now, even at home I still wear long-sleeved clothes, and I was not directly burned by the oil.

This is a good thing, but I always feel stuffy in my heart.

In comparison, I seem to hope that the injured person is myself...

February 20, X


This guy seems to have calculated that I will feel guilty because of what happened yesterday, but today his attitude is very arrogant.

Even though his arm was just a little bit burnt, he was lying on the sofa as if he was severely disabled, even asking me to feed him.

"Can you go to the restaurant to eat with your hips high?" I complained, "I can only squat down to feed you in your current position."

"You can also sit, sit on the floor." The guy said with a smile, "Xiaoyaozi, go get yourself a cushion."

"Fuck you." I rolled his eyes at him, "If you are in such a bad manner, I won't serve you anymore!"

Hearing the words, he gave me a resentful look, and sighed: "I raised my brother for a thousand days, and used my brother for a while, but you didn't even want to make me happy... My brother is really sad."

"I didn't say I wouldn't feed you, I just wanted you to change places." I defended in a low voice.

"Forget it, help me up and set up the imperial dining room."

As he spoke, he raised his hand slightly, and I supported him.

"Cha." I said.

Seeing how cooperative I was, this guy smiled very happily, and said: "Speaking of which, your ancestors seem to be bannermen, right? In the past, they could be regarded as relatives of the emperor."

This is true, but he died early in the morning, who cares about this

"Why, you have preferential policies for ethnic minorities here?" I laughed.

"That's not true, but I suddenly had a design inspiration." He smiled, "Do you want to experience the feeling of an ancient dude carrying a cage and a bird?"

Not at all!

I was afraid that he would get me something that looked like a costume, and I reiterated my resistance to fancy costumes.

"If you dare to put me on the hot search, be careful that I will break up with you!" I said.

Hearing this, he immediately put on a bitter face and said: "Your words are too unreasonable! If you want to break up with me, just say so, there is no need to beat around the bush. Your old man is on the hot search every now and then. When did it have anything to do with me? All enthusiastic netizens sent you up there!"

I don’t usually use Weibo very much. Most of the time I leave it to the public relations team to take care of it. I really didn’t notice that I was on the trending search every now and then.

"What are the hot search keywords?" I asked nervously.

Recently, all aspects have been relaxed, and it is inevitable that people will be caught.

QAQ As a glass-hearted person, shouldn’t it be better for me not to ask

"Don't worry, it's all rainbow farts that sing praises, and they praise you so much." Wu Yunfei rolled my eyes at me and said, "Some people predict that you will become the youngest richest man in China."

"Impossible, they think too much." I said firmly.

QAQ As long as my father is still in power for a day, I can only be a poor social animal, earning that little salary every month to barely survive...

Some time ago, I googled the dowry money in various places. According to the most expensive standard, I would spend nearly half of my savings to marry a daughter-in-law. This does not include the expenses during the honeymoon period and the expenses incurred after having children. .

Although if I really get married, my father will give me a symbolic salary increase, so that I won't really be able to expose the blame. But this huge expense still made me have a certain fear of marriage.

"Maybe it's really a good choice to be a bachelor for a lifetime." I murmured.

This guy was taken aback when he heard the words, then gave me a complicated look, and said, "You are the only son, if you die, who will inherit your family property?"

"It can be handed over to the country." I smiled, "Maybe after I die, the country can send me a pennant."

"Awesome!" He gave me a thumbs up. "The private company suddenly became a state-owned company, and everyone became a well-organized person. You also gained a good reputation. It's really a good plan."

"Excellent." I smiled.

What I ate tonight was boiled Yuanxiao. In order not to burn his mouth, I tried my best to play the role of a little eunuch, warming the surface of the Yuanxiao and delivering it to his mouth.

"Ah... open your mouth." I said like coaxing a child.

His face was red, and I asked him if he felt embarrassed to be taken care of as a disabled person like this.

He shook his head and said with a smile: "I suddenly found that you look super good-looking from this angle, so I want to take a photo for the cover."

If you don't have anything to do, you can either rape or steal!

I asked him what the hell he was up to, and he looked at me innocently, saying that she really praised me for being good-looking.

Well... Although I know that I look good, I still feel a little shy to be praised so much by him.

"You look good too." I replied to him.

The guy laughed out loud and kept saying I was cute.

ヽ(≧□≦)ノ He is so cute! His whole family is cute!