Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 37: From March 15th to March 16th


March 15, X


I had a real and strange dream.

According to my usual habit, if I have an appointment with someone or go on a long trip, I usually go out early, sometimes three to five minutes early, sometimes half an hour. But in any case, I will never let myself panic on the road, let alone be late.

But in the dream, Wu Yunfei and I were racing against time to catch the plane, and we were thrown off our feet along the way.

After finally arriving at the destination, the plane was about to take off in three minutes, but I always felt that something was not right.

Isn't this place a train station? why are we here

I asked him what was the situation, and he actually told me that I accidentally went to the wrong place, and then dragged me out again.

Just then, I woke up with a fright.

Even though I realized that what I saw just now was a dream, I still had a lingering feeling of fear.

Wu Yunfei should know where the airport is, right

I straightened up and found myself sleeping on the sofa in the living room.

Thinking about it carefully, it seems that I felt a bit of a headache when I came back, so I closed my eyes and took a rest on the sofa, but unexpectedly fell asleep.

I found myself covered with a blanket, maybe this guy covered me up for fear that I would catch a cold

This is the advantage of having a roommate. If I live here alone, no one will notice even if I catch a cold.

I moved my numb arms, and suddenly wanted to see what this guy was doing, so I got up and tiptoed to the door of the study, and gently pushed the door open a small crack.

Sure enough, he was there, apparently concentrating on making clothes.

I don't know why, but I suddenly feel sweet in my heart.

~ ̄▽ ̄~Fa Xiaozai made clothes for me like a good wife and mother!

It is said that men are the most handsome when they work hard, and there is some basis for this statement.

I pulled out my phone and tried like an idiot to sneak a photo of him at work.

However, I forgot to turn off the flash because I didn't use the camera function of my mobile phone very often.

The guy caught my little trick right away.

"You've woken up. You just lay there without moving. I thought you were dead." He laughed.

It was only then that I realized that he was wearing a pair of glasses, not the black frame that is popular now, but thin gold-rimmed glasses, looking like a very refined scum.

Since when did this guy become short-sighted

Subconsciously, I raised my hand and touched the frame of his eyes.

"How about it, do I look like a cultural person when I wear glasses?" He said, "Your expression is the same as that silly cat now, as if I changed my person when I put on glasses, and you can't recognize it all at once. .”

Of course I recognized him, but after knowing him for so long, it was the first time I saw him wearing glasses.

"The glasses match you well, but why haven't you seen them wearing them before?"

He said that he was farsighted, and his eyesight was so good at a distance of 50 meters that he didn't need to wear glasses at all. Today's work is all about digging out details, and I really can't hold on without glasses, so I let this stuff at the bottom of the box see the light of day again.

"It can be seen that you haven't worked hard for a long time." I joked.

He retorted to me that he usually sells design drafts directly, and he does not need to do this kind of pattern-making work by himself.

"To be honest, I haven't made clothes by myself for many years after I graduated, and yours is my first work." He said.

When I heard him say that, I involuntarily raised the corners of my lips.

In any case, I can be regarded as the number one!

But since this guy is farsighted, could he see the screen clearly when he watched me play games

"It doesn't matter if you can't see clearly, anyway, you can tell the general plot from your reaction."

"Can you see my reaction?"

"I'm just a little farsighted, and I'm not blind!"

Actually, what I said was just to tease him.

Although this guy would smile every time he saw me and force himself to joke with me, but most of the time he looked devastated.

Sure enough, he is still worried about something...

Are you worried about the game? Or is he broken in love

March 16, X


Another sum of money was transferred today. I called and asked about it. The accountant said it was a business trip subsidy. He also asked me to keep the transportation, accommodation and other expenses, and I can reimburse them when I come back.

After hanging up the phone, I saw Wu Yunfei smiling like a fool.

I asked him what he was laughing at, and he said that now even the accountant knows that although I look glamorous, I am the young head of the Feng Group, and everyone praises the boss, but in fact I am just a poor wage earner.

"You actually asked you to keep the penis safe, I laughed so hard!"

I don't know if it's really that funny, but he laughed till tears came out.

"How much can you reimburse? Two thousand or three thousand?" He said, "Are you really treating yourself like your own son? It's too pitiful."

I originally thought it was just a routine financial operation, but hearing what he said, I actually had the illusion that I was pitiful, weak and helpless.

"Actually, our welfare system is still very good for ordinary wage earners." I tried to argue.

"Yes, I understand what you mean, Feng Yao, a wage earner from the working class."

After saying this, he laughed again.

╮(╯_╰)╭ I don’t understand what he’s laughing at. Is this so funny

But having said that, the money transferred this time was for business trip expenses, so what was the 50,000 transferred last time

"Maybe it's the pocket money I've given you as a reward because of your good performance recently." Wu Yunfei said, "It's not much money anyway, so just take it and treat me to ice cream."

"What ice cream do you eat in this weather? Be careful and get sick."

"Then I'll have an espresso with wine."

"That kind of drinking is unhealthy, and even Italians rarely drink it that way."

Hearing what I said, this guy gave me a supercilious look, and said bluntly that I was like an old man, without any vigor that young people should have.

Does youthful vigor mean the courage to die

If that's the case, I'd rather hope that I never have this vigor.

"Okay, I don't expect you to treat me to a big meal. It's okay to have spicy crayfish, right?" he said.

In fact, I think spicy crayfish is not a good choice.

This guy is not very good at spicy food, and he is prone to allergic reactions when he eats spicy food, but he still likes it very much.

It's fine on weekdays, the day after tomorrow we're leaving for Fashion Week, isn't he afraid that his face will be swollen like a pig's head and make people laugh

"Oh, it's not good to live under the fence." Wu Yunfei lay on the sofa and said, "When my brother and I wandered alone in the rivers and lakes, no one would dare to make irresponsible remarks about what to eat."

"It's because others are too lazy to take care of you." I said, "If you weren't too young, I wouldn't be too lazy to take care of you."

"Brother Feng has so many things to do every day, how can he have time to take care of us unknown people." He laughed.

No matter how I heard it, I felt that this guy was teasing me.

Usually, I wish I could be busier than the leaders of the country, but when I get paid, I only have the wages of wage earners.

Sigh, I don't know if I'm my father's real son or not. Judging by the current treatment, I'm probably cheap labor he picked up from the trash can, right

"What is a son used for when he is born? Isn't it used as free labor!" He laughed, "Look at me, I have not been able to become free labor, and I am not willing to create new free labor. I got kicked out of the house."

I felt very uncomfortable after hearing this.

Thinking about it differently, if my father finds out that I am actually an otaku and asks me to get rid of everything I do, I will probably be more upset than he appears.

Thinking about it carefully, Wu Yunfei is quite strong.

"Thirteen incense. This is my last compromise." I said.

He agreed to my terms.

"It's all up to the benefactor, as long as I have a stutter," he said.

The crayfish arrived very quickly, and they were still piping hot when they arrived.

He was super happy to see the takeaway, and kept saying that he wanted to eat this for a long time.

I asked him why he didn't usually eat it. Anyway, ordering takeaway is quite convenient.

He said that eating crayfish alone was too lonely, and he wanted to eat it together when I was around, but every time he didn't have time to mention it, I had already decided what to eat.

According to this guy, is it because of me that he didn't eat crayfish

To be honest, I really don't understand what is so delicious about crayfish. Putting such a heavy seasoning makes me feel uncomfortable.

"Eat crayfish!" He said while reaching for the takeaway.

I accidentally saw some small wounds on his hands, and suddenly remembered what he said before.

This guy hasn't made clothes by himself for a long time, and this time the incident is so rushed, he will inevitably hurt himself accidentally.

Although these wounds are not big, if you touch pepper or something, it will definitely hurt, right

Thinking of this, I proposed to help him peel the shrimp shells.

"Eh? Don't you want to eat crayfish?" he asked.

"I really don't want to eat crayfish, but I think it's interesting to peel the shrimp shells." I said.

This reason is really lame to heinous, and I feel that the logic does not make sense after I say this.

What kind of person would enjoy peeling shrimp

Sure enough, Wu Yunfei looked at me like I was mentally retarded, spread his hands and said, "You can do whatever you want, I don't understand the thoughts of rich people like you."

"My family has money, but I don't have money..." I corrected.

"Then let me put it another way. I don't understand what you working-class people think."

Although it sounds like there is nothing wrong with this, I always feel that there is something strange there.

This guy is neither rich nor working class, so what is he

"I'm a bum," he said. "Of course, I'm an entertainer when I join a reality show."

"Isn't it a designer?"

"Entertainer and designer."

In this way, the two of us chatted with each other.

At first I handed him the peeled shrimp in a small plate, but the guy ate them so fast that he knocked on the table before I could finish peeling the next batch.

"Young man, be quicker with your hands and feet, and you won't be paid if you continue like this."

"You didn't even pay me at all!" I said.

Later, I didn't bother to arrange the plate for him, and just threw the peeled shrimp into his mouth.

This guy is like a child who hasn't grown up, pretending to bite my finger every time.

Once I accidentally pulled my hand a little slower, and he actually caught my finger directly.

My fingertips touched his tongue, soft...

He was obviously taken aback, and quickly spit out my fingers.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to."


My cheeks felt terribly hot, and I didn't need to look in the mirror to know that my face must be very red.

I sneaked a look at the guy and he blushed too.

"It's so spicy!" He said, taking a big sip of cold beer.

I looked at his rolling Adam's apple, and I didn't know why my heart was beating like a drum suddenly.

"Why are you so red?" he asked.


"But you didn't eat it..."

"After peeling so many crayfish, my nose is full of spicy taste."

I felt like I was talking serious nonsense, but this guy took it seriously.

"I just don't want to eat that much, or I'll put the rest in the refrigerator first, and take it out when I want to eat."

I nodded in agreement with his proposal.

The guy went back to his study and continued making clothes.

I looked at the shrimp shells I peeled, and unexpectedly put the two fingers he had just sucked on my lips, and licked them lightly.

Not very spicy...

I suddenly remembered that when I ordered the takeaway just now, I specifically noted that I wanted the spicy thirteen-flavored crayfish.

I felt my cheeks burn again.

This guy ate so much just now, he must know that the crayfish he bought this time is not spicy!

In this way, wouldn't my lie just now be exposed all at once? !

Wait, it seems that he said spicy first.

Is this level hot for him

The author has something to say: Look! This is the author's favorite two-way secret love!

Feifei likes Fengfeng so I won’t say much, you must have already seen it~

Feng Feng feels that he likes Feifei a little bit, but he is not sure what he wants, and the slightly ambiguous atmosphere makes him too shy

Shy and at the same time secretly looking forward to it (the two probably share this mentality)