Sand Sculpture Childhood Friends Are the Most Lethal

Chapter 40: From March 22nd to March 25th


March 22, Year X (21st)


What should come is finally here. I turned on my phone this morning and saw the shopping agent information my mother sent me at a glance.

There are not many things purchased on behalf of others, but they are all women's products such as bags, cosmetics, and jewelry, many of which are new this year.

When I think of the team like a long dragon, I get a headache.

Obviously, the same product can be bought in China in a few days, why do they have to ask me to go all the way to buy it

"Young man, now is the time to show your filial piety." He patted me on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Can the gifts my son brings back from all the way be the same as the ones I bought in the store?"

"What's the difference? Is it produced by domestic distributors?"

I looked at the pictures my mother sent me and sighed melancholy.

To be honest, these things look pretty much the same in my opinion, and they can be played over and over again when put together.

There are a few bags that I even vaguely remember that my mother carried a similar style.

"The fashion elements are different every year. If you still have the fashion items from last autumn and winter this spring, you will be laughed at." The guy said seriously.

Will be laughed at? But winter has just passed...

I shook my head, I couldn't understand the thinking of these fashionable people.

"It's all up to you when the time comes, I just pay for it." I said.

I have lingering fears about the experience I accompanied this guy to visit those brand stores two days ago.

Those shopping guides are so enthusiastic! Enthusiasm is so overwhelming.

In comparison, the owners of those second-hand grocery stores are much more friendly and natural. When they see which product you are interested in, they will kindly introduce you to the story behind the product.

It amazes me that some of the items even date back to the Middle Ages.

If it is in our country, these things must be handed over to the country!

Although Wu Yunfei kept scaring me that there might be ghosts attached to these old things, I still chose a beautiful Baroque style carpet and asked him to buy it for me as a gift.

He ruined a rug for me before, and he should compensate me for a replacement out of reason.

"It says it will save me money, but this thing is not cheap at all."

Of course, he also admitted that the rug was beautiful and that some of the patterns on it were timeless classics.

"Didn't you notice that some of the new products this year use the same elements as the rug you bought?" he asked.

To be honest, I really didn't see OTZ.

Alas... It is better to leave the job of selecting fashion items to a professional like him, and I am only responsible for paying for it.

As a person who is known as a straight male aesthetic, I still have some self-knowledge...

March 23, Year X (22nd)


I'm going back today. Logically speaking, I should be happy that the business trip is over, but when I think that this guy will be recording a show soon, I feel bored.

The show was taped for eight weeks, which meant I didn't see him for two full months.

When he is recording the show, he will definitely meet many like-minded people. Will he forget me as a little friend by then

Although he always laughed at him for making friends who are all wine and meat, but I don't even have wine and meat friends.

Thinking about it carefully, I seem to be more pitiful than him. After he leaves, only Yuan Devourer can accompany me...

"Can you not record the show? I can make money to support you." I said.

"With your little salary, can you support me?" He laughed, "And I have already signed a contract with him, and I have to pay liquidated damages when I return."

"I can help you pay liquidated damages." I whispered, "That kind of reality show is really hard just thinking about it."

It hurts me to see him working so hard!

A person like him should be eating, drinking, having fun and doing nothing all day long. Serious work and so on don't fit his personality at all!

"Are you afraid that after my brother and I go to record the show, you will feel lonely when you come home from get off work and sit alone in an empty room?" He asked with a smile.

I thought about that scene, and suddenly felt so pitiful.

"I can't wait for you to move out quickly! You are so noisy, which seriously affects my work efficiency." I said, "And I have Yuan Devourer with me, how could I feel lonely?"

These words were duplicity to the extreme, and I unnaturally glanced away, not daring to look directly into his eyes.

He nodded when he heard the words, and said with a smile: "I also think that you are fine alone, after all, you have always been a lone ranger."

Have I always been a lone ranger

He obviously ignores me first every time!

Every time he met a new friend, he would leave me aside and come back to me when he had enough fun.

This kind of take-for-granted attitude is really infuriating. How does he know that every time he comes back to look for me, I can ignore the past and continue to be his little friend

I also thought about making some new friends when he went to play with others, at least it would make me not so boring. But I was worried that the timing with him would not match, what if he came to me after breaking up with his new friend

I know what it's like to watch your friends play with other people and put yourself aside.

I don't want him to have a similar experience.

So I have always maintained a friendly and distant relationship with people around me, so that no matter when he comes back to me, I can guarantee that he is my best friend.

Unexpectedly, in his eyes, all of this became evidence that I didn't fit in...

"Can I visit the set while you're recording the show?"

Afraid that he would find this request inexplicable, I paused and added: "I've never been to the recording site of the show, so I'm a little curious."

"What's so curious about this? It must be a mess." He said, "Didn't you visit the back of the show two days ago? It's like a disaster movie."

"The program and the show are still not the same."

"The show will only be more chaotic than the show. After all, the show also needs to consider a live effect, and the show is completely edited in the later stage." He said, "And your old man's popularity in China is no less than some traffic star. Unnecessary commotion, slowing down the filming process."

"But… "

"There's nothing but, don't think I don't know what's going on in your kid's mind. You must want to secretly take a picture of me being embarrassed on the show, and then find a chance to laugh at me, right?"

I just wanted to see him...

But since he has talked about this, I can't continue to insist.

"You have to work hard." I said.

March 24, X


This guy Wu Yunfei is really a sand sculpture.

The two of us had nothing to do yesterday afternoon, so we rented a sports car and went for a drive in the countryside.

At that time, the sun had already set in the west, and for the first time in my life, I saw the sunset on the field.

The sun was shining and fading away bit by bit, and the beauty of the sight took my breath away.

At this moment, this guy suddenly said: "Hey, tomorrow morning, let's get up early and come here to watch the sunrise!"

I subconsciously wanted to say "Okay, let's see", but I always felt that there was something wrong with this sentence.

The sun sets from the field, so shouldn't we go to the opposite woods to watch the sunrise

This guy must be so ignorant that he doesn't even know the sun rises in the east and sets in the west!

"What? Don't you like getting up early?" he asked.

"It's okay to get up early, but the sun doesn't rise from here."


He looked surprised.

"The sun rises in the east and sets in the west, so the place where it rises should be the woods behind." I said, "Even kindergarten children know about this?"

"Isn't it true that the sun rises where it sets?"

"Of course not!"

"That's why you can't watch the sunrise at the place where you watch the sunset!"

"Have you finally figured it out?"

"That's really a pity..." he murmured, "I finally found a good place."

The afterglow of the setting sun shone on his face, making him look like the heroine of an idol drama.

But because of what he said just now without common sense, I just want to laugh now.

Sure enough, God was fair and gave him a good-looking appearance and perfect social skills, so he took his brain out.

"Let's drive to other places to see, what if we can find another good place to watch the sunrise?" I said.

"But it's already this time, even if you find a place with a good location, you still don't know if you can see the perfect sunrise, right?"

"Then what do you want?"

"I still want to watch the sunrise from this location."

"But there is no sunrise here."

"Yes, watch me cast a spell on you." He said as he took out a pocket watch from his pocket and dangled it in front of my eyes. "What you see now is sunrise...sunrise...sunrise...sunrise …”

I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Don't laugh, just follow my words and imagine the scene in front of you as a sunrise." He said, "Now close your eyes and say 'sunrise' silently three times in your heart."

I did as I was told.

sunrise... sunrise... sunrise...

I recited "sunrise" silently three times in my heart, and when I opened my eyes again, the scene in front of me didn't change much, but I still had the illusion that this was the sunrise.

"It's amazing." I said.

"This is the power of psychological suggestion, commonly known as 'whatever you want'." He laughed.

Is what you want come true? So in this case, will making a wish against the sunset also have an effect

"You can try to make a wish by knotting the corner of your clothes," he said.

This is not a shooting star, why tie a knot at the corner of the clothes? Let's string it together!

I was about to complain about him, when I saw this guy solemnly tied a knot at the corner of his clothes, then clasped his hands together, and muttered something.

"What wish did you make?" I asked curiously.

However, this guy shook his finger solemnly and said: "You can't say it, it's not allowed if you say it."

He saw that the corners of my clothes were not knotted, and urged me to make a wish.

I couldn't hold him back, so I had to tie the corner of my clothes in a knot like him.

But what wish should I make

I feel like I don't have any wishes that need God to fulfill for me...

"Hurry up and make a wish! The sun is going down!" he urged anxiously.

Alright, then I'll make a wish for this guy to have his wish come true and realize the wish I just made.

The sky gradually darkened, and the villages in the distance began to light up little lights.

"Didn't you just say that this is the sunrise? Why is it getting darker and darker?" I joked.

"This is called going back in time." He said solemnly, "Congratulations, you have returned to yesterday."

I have always admired this guy's ability to adapt to changing circumstances. If I were to encounter the same question, I would probably be at a loss, right

Today we took the plane at noon, and this guy went to the ice cream shop next to him to eat ice cream again.

But unfortunately, it was not the clerk from last time who was in the store this time, but a lady who seemed to be a little older.

"Do you want to tip more?" I nudged him and asked in a low voice.

"Forget it, it's not the last time." He said.

I looked up and found that the clerk was looking at us with an ambiguous smile, and said "I wish you happiness" when handing over the ice cream.

Wish us... happiness

For the first time, I doubted my listening comprehension ability.

"Thank you." I said.

Leaving the ice cream shop, this guy really asked me what the clerk had said to me just now.

I told him the clerk wished the two of us a long and lasting friendship.

"Then have you..."

"I definitely gave a good tip this time, are you finally at ease?"

"It's a pity that you didn't wear the suit I made today, otherwise you would definitely receive more compliments."

"That's also a compliment for the clothes you made, not me..."

"Are you jealous of your clothes?"

I didn't speak.

Actually I just want someone to say that I match that dress well...

March 25, X

cloudy weather

After more than ten hours of flying, we finally landed!

Although the service on the plane was very good, I was still a little airsick. After getting off the plane, I sat in the lounge for a long time before recovering.

"Is it better?" he asked, handing me a glass of freshly squeezed juice.


I took a sip of the juice and forced the nausea down.

Flying is such a pain, even first class.

It is said that the first-class food is good, but in the case of airsickness, you can't eat anything at all.

I felt tired, hungry and sleepy, leaning on Wu Yunfei's shoulder and drowsy.

At this moment, my cell phone rang suddenly, it was a call from my assistant.

He told me that the airport was surrounded by the media and told me to be mentally prepared when I went out.

I just can't figure it out, I'm not a traffic star, is it interesting for these guys to stare at me every day

It's hard enough to sit on the plane for so long, do you have to cooperate with them in acting even when you go home

"It's your first time to attend such a fashionable occasion, and of course they want to hear their impressions." Wu Yunfei patted me twice and said, "Aren't you the best at speeches? Just say a few words to deal with them. .”

"But I feel so uncomfortable now, I want to vomit..."

"Then you can see who you hate the most, and then spit on him, and see if they dare to come to you."

This guy has a lot of bad ideas!

But thinking about the scene he described, it seems quite amusing.

"You don't have to worry, go out after you've had enough rest, and see who can outsmart who," he said.

"Then what if those guys beat me to death?"

"Anyway, you've had enough rest, and it's good to accept their questions energetically." He smiled, "Isn't this your specialty?"

In a way, this is indeed my specialty.

Although I don't like to be in contact with people, I am very good at speeches. I have served as the official spokesperson of the group more than once, answering various questions from reporters.

To be honest, some people do ask some weird and tricky questions, but as long as they are handled properly, these questions can actually play a role in fueling the group's reputation.

Questions from reporters have never troubled me.

"The mood has improved? Do you want to wear the shirt I made for you?" He asked with a smile.

I know this guy is joking, but I really want to show my face in front of the public in that outfit.

As this guy said before, I dress so formally that it's boring.

Obviously I'm only twenty-five years old, but everyone usually comments on me as if I'm some respected senior.

I really want to know how those guys will react and what kind of articles they will write if I show up at the airport dressed as a second child.

"They will definitely praise your clothes!" Wu Yunfei said.

This guy doesn't think it's a big deal to watch the excitement.

After he knew what I was thinking, he cheerfully helped me turn the clothes out of the suitcase.

"Go and put on your jersey! Warrior!" he said.

I was suddenly glad that I was in the VIP lounge and there was no one else around, otherwise his appearance would definitely be regarded as a psychopath.

Putting on the clothes, my heart was filled with the excitement of mischief, and it seemed that even the feeling of airsickness had been diluted a lot.

"Come on, I'm ready." I said.

Walking out of the lounge, I found that the airport was full of crowds.

Are all these people here to see me

I turned around to look for Wu Yunfei's figure, but found that he was standing far away from me.

This guy... is he trying to pretend he doesn't know me

I bit the bullet and walked out, and the media immediately surrounded me.

But the bodyguards were faster, and suddenly separated a safe distance between me and them.

"Change to another place, it's easy to affect other people's normal access." I said.

After saying this, I walked towards a corner on my own, and those guys followed me in that direction.

For some reason, I suddenly thought of a magnet toy I played with when I was a child.

Wherever the iron block is moved, the iron powder in the container will also be moved there.

I don't know if it's because I've waited too long, but the questions asked by these media are very routine, which makes me feel a little boring.

Just then, a reporter asked a sharp question.

"May I ask if you went to Fashion Week this time by yourself?"

I raised my eyebrows when I heard that.

Is this a personal matter? Even if I refuse to answer it is not considered rude.

But I didn't think there was anything to hide about this matter, so I told them the truth.

"I went with a friend."

I don't know if it's an illusion, but I feel that those media people's eyes lit up, as if they had captured some key information.

This made me feel a little ominous.

Is there anything wrong with me going to the show with my friends? Or is it that in their eyes, I, a lone ranger, don't even deserve to have friends

"Then why didn't your friend come back with you?" Someone asked again.

He came back with me, but he didn't come out together out of trouble.

"Maybe he has something to do, I don't know too much." I said vaguely.

Afterwards, those media people asked a few more painless questions, and I answered them one by one, but after waiting for a long time, they still didn't ask the question I was expecting.

Didn't any of them see that I changed into a super nice outfit? !

Why no one asked me? !

I pretended to inadvertently raised my hand and adjusted the sleeves of my clothes, crazily implying that I changed into something different from usual.

But these guys seem to be blind, completely indifferent to my small movements.

I suddenly felt a deep sense of frustration, and I didn't want to talk to these people anymore.

The assistant saw my tired face, told them that the interview was over, and let me get into the car.

"Where are you going?" the assistant asked.

I asked him to go out for a while first, and then drive back to pick up Wu Yunfei.

"Sorry, there are too many people outside, I'll go out and look around first, and then I'll pick you up."

I sent him this message.

He gave me an "OK" gesture back.

I smiled unconsciously.

The assistant glanced at me in the rearview mirror and asked if I was in a relationship.

I said no, just now I was sending a small message.

"That guy must be sitting on the suitcase like a lost child, waiting for me to pick him up." I laughed.

"You and Fa Xiao have such a good relationship."

"It's okay, after all, we've known each other for so many years."

Along the way, the assistant chatted with me about some recent developments in the company, including the draft I handed over to my father before I went to Fashion Week.

"The board of directors is very interested in this investment and is already negotiating with the other party." The assistant said.

"That would be great," I said.

If the group can become the sponsor of the show, at least I can guarantee that this guy will not suffer from being dumb.

"You seem to be very concerned about this plan."

"Because I think this investment may be a stepping stone for us to break into the fashion and show business worlds." I said.

Wu Yunfei said that now is the era of traffic economy, and people pay more and more attention to spiritual enjoyment.

If this investment can be successful, it will undoubtedly play a role in promoting the transformation of the group.

"By the way, if the filming location of the program group has not been decided yet, why not choose a resort in our suburbs." I said, "I read the report before the Spring Festival. After the renovation of the resort, the passenger flow seems to have not met expectations. You have to think of a way.”

"Originally, the resort took the route of being affordable and friendly to the people. After the renovation, the star was raised, and the price was slightly higher than before, so the passenger flow is not as good as before the renovation." The assistant said.

"If we can set the shooting location there this time, people will definitely go there after the show," I said.

Of course, there is another sentence I didn’t say: If I can set the shooting location at my own venue, it will be more convenient for me to visit Wu Yunfei when I am resting~ ̄▽ ̄~

The author has something to say: I did it! I did it! I did it!

o* ̄▽ ̄*oCome on! Praise me!